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Daily Journal-Record, 2 May 1963, p. 2

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~ » NOON MARKETS . | Town ane Cyarnty. News 5s : The following noon stock 3 = Oakville “Joursal «Resor, ‘Thursday, May 2 ised tations are supplied by J. 1. eee Soe ae Crang and Co., gore a rei, PIPELINES : ‘a = Oakville. Phone Alta Gas Trunk 2% 2% Blame Slip Of Foot] Hockey, Football Stars Assist puss [Amnon 35 ¥ ; ‘ ? 4 p vid Nia i 11% j | For 3-Car Pile-Up Hor School Sc A Abitibi Mo MMIC ee” one ae —yaur0N four girls andj tion to test the kndwiege the 2 SEE ae eee ony er 00 rts Awards Feats ee pac | Gain Husky Ol 6G | 28 boys from Halton County the have gained. cm ved ol eee Argus Corp. 10% 10% | Cass Asbestos u 11% - ptudy of and the operation} “Identification of trees in win-]- peta nn seinen en slight in-} OAKVILLE — More than 50; Mary Drummond, captains, Jean | Bk of -Mont 68% —6R% | Cent Del Rio” 8.15 8.20 = at They ere al members Mr, Brown said a oneat the ey 5 aire, L 1, ook a ia Hore wards rithispaesy bears Start Bic of NS, We Wh Dome Mines “= am are : .* { part a sports a Juni - m a ry { the Halton 4H Forestry Club.| leaves and fruits.” Bush, 4 Peodrith Ave. Toronto, presentation at the school Tues- Dew geckos, ee chic as retin Faloonbridge 6% 2%» | _ ach month Jack Brown and} FOURTH YEAR < received a bump to the head. day night. Varcoe Elsie Gouldborne, Dianne | Can. Cement ae 3% | Geco 27%, "With the department of lands nad| club bas been Ja operation. dome Sid Sandmere Place, "waa, driv: | p,cu*ville hockey var. ae Gare Can, Pack “B” 504, GO| oun ae ee _- olae. operation a Morden Rond shortly. | Heid of the New York Rangers, Cdn, Brew, 1” yyx¢| Holl ip as Si a, 4 a edna Bed ped elgg taggrersinr: Dag {before midnight when he braked | 224 foctballer Zubrey Line, of BASKETBALL, LEAGUE: ri as 62.625 | Hot Bay dt rete Fe Reet officer for the three| divided into fundermental and to stop for the intersection with| tne Wecematneon” OO Part it!) Junior Boy's ‘Team — Sabre | Cin. Imp. Bot C G8, mp. Oil “an oe oo ie este ae ee tae G he lk Severe orcas. Lanery clined They irae Salepiaiad “by: Gael Sacha se pier suka Pa oe 2% 20h; | Intl Nickel 70 : group. course starts te 2 j from - a 6 yim * ithe , ‘ r - As with all 4H activity the| fall and goes on until June, his Tcot slipped trom the bral | don Ross and Douglas Desmond. | John Willis, Richard Klerstead’ | Cous. Paper 1% (080. eee oc nee ie _— Gub's merece has a definite| when it is officially closed with WINNER bound éar. already waiting at the | Students participating included: | Stephen Wilkinson. einer Gas ae a Labrador a% 3 | Practical aim. Tre identification | a banquet. intersection SOOCER LEAGUE Senior Boys’ Team — Argus: | pot Sone: | McIntyre takes a large Each pupils D "i **|Dam_ St 2 52% but the or be agpg Prego geo in the ovtes coeinete tee Ordinary -Seaman Ian Ford, The.ge car was driven by | Girls’ Team —Stampeders: Janet esky pig i Dom. Tar. & Chem 13 19% doeiisey 35% ' to build up|ionsl competition at Guelph, in| sow of itr. and'Bive, JS Fora, | Nelson Thomas Bradd, 1166 Sher-| Drummond, captain, Elizabeth ewan * | Dupont 42%. 42h | Dorihente Ny on Zrwood lots er to er| this competition the two mem-| 205 Jarvis St, Erindale, hay |¥O0!.COUt. The irepact forced] Ferriér, Marilyn Johnston, Sand. | Jack Westwood. Ford MotorCo 525% | pa pete Toner ietente sels varieties from ex-| bers work as a team, being} won the “Best Kit" award on | '%,car into a third vehicle im-| ra Northwood, Nancy Smith. Gitte Team — Roses: Liz Fer-| Ford of Can. 198.139 | Rio Algom 1% = 14s - mediately in front, driven by Mre. *. . | Mier, captain, Jean Betz. Sandra! Gat . Shell Oil “A 17% =—-1TM isting lots. given points for proper identifi-| graduation from a 15-week new Marjorie Cath 120 Suffolle J Boys"-'Team —Cougars: f Dicenna Jarkers . Power We SB ly Rock Frese te etree oe cms pnt | Say care AS |S” OU AI aeoe ae, pa, Se |g Nee RE OB AB, | each year, near Digby, N.S. E Ha n ‘ ; es Paper 19) ans. rats, or alternately mark 300 trees in| Age limit for the members is 12 enlisted Daynage to the Bradd car is| Johnston, Gene Holdri Ind. Acce By ;| Trans Min. Pipe 14% 14% woodlots, either for el-| to 1 1" fea Conk Navy a we hee estimated at $525, to the Landry | Bartz. ; i Ror vicikindtantay LEAGUE Int. Ua site th United Keno 6.90 6.95 oe as Yacleik oF fox Ye. ‘_| vehicle at $550 and to Mrs. Cath- ; ; sepa Girls’ Team — Chicka-| Iny, Synd. 82! ; 05 Senior Boy's Team —Venus: dees: Ferrier, captain a 82% Char M ss ‘Sipiauen erates a “Nimther ranrend crash cused |Past’ getter Marie| Gero, Overman, Gheny Mitel tates row. ew “Wal Pogo os ay r rear-end crash caus tin, Jan : atet ‘3 ee eens ae Week Remand For 4 Charged $I damage mbes 3 car dxiven Winger, Brian Gilmore. rn, Joan Varcor, Sandie North- ae AS Bs wa In ‘Garage Theft - i i of fhe. jnstriction 1s done Ip B : . Br C “ Fj h James Irwin, 1162 Meriseld Come FOOTBALL LEAGUE sim re cee 5 ma se ray. 5 13% 14 naga) 4 pre pal ig Road, Rob theore basis, Mr, Brown cent, Clarkson, wai struck by one| Senior Boy's Team — Rough- Truax, I +| Molson “B" 30% | arrested i ice said, but the group takes two rampton @€a GUN 1g. t driven by Earle K, Smith, 53 [riders: Gordon Ross: captain, | 20h" Smith, Don Ford, Gordon | Mon. Fine Foods 8% 9% |nesday on caead Lory Seb field trips a year under his direc- Weir Avenue, The accident occur- [Dave Desmond, Pete Sweetman, | 288, Don Mooney, N. Ont. Nai, Gas 19 19% jing, entry and theft at McDer- COOKSVILLE—Four men charg-; followed two of them were hit| red at the intersection with Elm- Michael Goulborne. . Bob Foster, | _ Junior Boys’ Team — Falcons: | Ont. Stee! 19%% 19'3| mott's garage, 75 Colborne Street ove ed with attempted murder after’) by police gunfire, hurst Avenue. Marzio Piasentin, Bill Woodcock, | Danny Desmond, captain Nor- | Power Codp. 9% 9% | West, during the previous night. Initiated Into Thursd Pcclaaey Sastleuaiterg aig tagirgg whe ered ant DODGEBALL LEAGUE Bets, rae kan: Renee faa Bank ma ty Paces patrols’ Tuedday _Jound f - . ' am ‘ 4 j glass ; 4 Chi iety ded until May sg asked that reasonable bail / CHIMNEY FIRE Senior Girl's Team—Termites: ' Kierstead, Bernie Bartz. a 2 she 18% 19 z cht rods a aod wake cite? Psi Soci They have also been charged set, Magistrate Andrews de-| Oakville firemen were called to Salada Foods 1035 103 | east side of the garage. build- | with conspiracy to break into and | nied bail at the request of Crownja chimney fire at the home of Shawn, W & Pow 23% 30 |ing at that time ner gior been Philip Reidford | enter a dwelling house while arm-| Attorfiey Herbet Metcalf but agre-| J. L. Basson, 409 Riverside Drive In bili T U T ] h Simpsons “S3%% 3344 entered. The following morning of Oakville, a student at Wash-| e&, breaking and-entering a dwel-|¢d to review the Bill of Rights/at 9.15 a.m. Thursday. They re a jl ty 0 se e ep one Steel of Canada 21 --213s|the garage was found to have ington and Lee University, Lex-| ling house while armed and hav-| 4nd a@ case cited by Mr, Hum-|mained at the scene for half an For-Dom BK 64" 65 [been entered, after the police ington, Virginia, has been initiat-| ing an offensive weapon danger-| Phrey in his request for bail hour, There was no damage. H ] . Co ict I . . LMicsol tens “A' by 14 |check, and. $3 stolen from ed into the University: Lous to the public peace. dD Inion Gas 21% 2115 |cash register. Robi wipes eae ade hig sedges erates P writttaim ff : e ps nvl Mpalr e river Walon 420 & Des zr or] oy comet or ae vail ‘et the ilies a . eston Geo “A 19% 19% “tabitry Sunes 6: Reto il ene: tary Rows. Naw:| Randy Dandy Day Big Event | uze,,-, Ary ,cume {mice ete tove Cantos SEES —SS_=—_ ” Eighth N. ville Ave:, York Township; and - w m car home after his arrest. 5 fined $100 yesterday for im-; ‘One or two drinks will give | : In order to be eligible for mem> | David Read, 34, of Islington Ave., F ¢ Shen DR. R IPE ‘ paired’ driving. He also Jost his| a man a smell of alcohol but it | ° ‘ . : [ nigra Kerem rang 2 ty ahs ran, aT. yess Or eorgetown Saturday licence for three months. | doesn't make him impaired,"’ the ’ K FEDERCHUK Paychology, must be in the upper| Paul Jean Rodrigue, 23, no fixed Defence counsel argued that | 8tseant stated, Wishes To Announce third class in psycholegy, and| address, was remanded by aj, GEORGETOWN — Randy, the success of the program, the| Crawford should not be convicted | , Crawford's companion said both aa sas ; aaa eee x that | justice of the peace at South Peel |D@"dy Day will be, held in the| committee has _ pre plans! because a similar charge wasn't| ad three glasses of beer the} THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE, bg places him in the top half of his| Hospital where he is recuperating | Peeing Re ene an inmner, activities. A base-| laid against his companion who| Heh Criwiond was idlarlbe| FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY academic class. The purpose of | from gunshot wounds. rage A Seren A : te pe 4 tennis court) .,id he had the same amount to| or impai Ive} : oa pala gi gang Seng Ei howe gram in the Delrex subdivision areas ae = sh PIAY} drink ax Crawford. Police ob- sat Morea) ‘said Craw rat HOPEDALE PLAZA 4 Tuulafe feasarch ani scholarship| Brampton captured for men who | Popular television performer ferns Poe ctv mk Ut sade Ve staggered. coda dulve tele. MAY 6, 1963 SUITE 2, among Its members in all fields.| broke into the house. The men |*% # keen supporter of child- oie R M id or ‘hang up the receiver, | VA 7-12 “Philip Reidford is an honor roli| ignored police orders to drop |e activities, Randy Dandy is Found Sittin papas Beet wCesanonb tion Magistrate Kenneth Langdon | ! - 1201 ard LINE & REBECCA student and a member of Kappa| their guns and opened fire donating his time for per he didn’c charge said he found the-@vidence of | “Sigma social fraternity In the barrage of shots which formance. He will be supported In S panion because he fell he had} Crawford's inability to use .the CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT Fe Cabot pogo ‘e ‘Golden tolen Car faa to drink. He was followed by |:telephone as ‘‘most impressive.” | 's, wi ril Dawne, Mi- Fin Seas 2 ‘ OAKVILLE — Judgment was re- _HALTON FARM NOTES Sent cae oleae ce, Seay | SPRCIAL WEEKLY | 9m omens fale terete tha atte, are Sly Smeltzer, of Pleasant View Cab- " MESSAGE j ins, Burlington, was tried for pos- Willy the clown, -Michiel To Members: 4H Enrolment Sets R sand age La. gg ee | en ecor The Delrex Subdivision Recrea-|'“tne car war reported mia ‘CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB tion Committee was formed last eine ah ih pematd = October by 2. group of about 30 erat from Oakville Motors! AR rh Lad eer Sh | 10 Clubs Now Active In County] cs wie arived,'wolnen Saye pr ae] GIs me outdoor skating rinks were built, |iocks away and mar the ot | | 8 — % 208 — 68 J. ALLEN FRANOIS © | 4 with Nghting for night skating. |station, ’= nn") “Mt Be Police] 64 1x2 a3 — a8 By 7. evelopment of Citizenship in| The project was supported by Wiisaltese wan eitti in th rhe 7 — 58 i Walton Agricultural Canada. The organization must|/Delrex Developments Limited. lon the afternoon it wax found | io Nar ae | Eepresentative have cared ut of wa \ out programs that | Owners the vacant land, and jt. didn om Soeur at wepecded gets tre are national in organization or| the Georgetown Hydro Commis- ial oui ie wodd be maied. rs it — 82 7 30 Halton County farms enrotied in| fluence and have operated at|sion assisted in the lighting ar ini, | we 44 Agricultural Clubs for 1963.|!©85t ten years. The Canadian| rangements, --He claimed he bought the car) The 4H movement in the county| Council on 441 Clubs is one of/ |The winter program was cli-|from a man in the Brant Inn bev.\| JEAN & JIM FINDLAY ° is now at a record high. twenty-four organizations that|/maxed by a skating party, at-jerage room in Burlington. “He! Tie 441 movement in Halton have been recognized since the| tended by more than 600 child- ey ey Ae anomh 845.8977 is tinder the direction of the awards were established in 1957.'ren and parents, Encouraged by cut,” said Smeltzer Extension Granch, Ontario De- : ee tee nee : ESTE - partment of Agriculture, at Mil- ° ton, Sop caPhgemars poral et unteer leaders. ar Progam inchder tomemaice NCW OPEN AT. clubs for girls, and Agriculture : : ‘Clubs for both boys and girls. : . The members taking part in = Agricultural groups are enrolled in ten clubs. They are organized : mM a project basis and include Seta two Sorestry, az one Es : : two Forestry, one * ectrical club, ' '-- Recoghition was given to 4H Club work in Canada recently. The Canadian Council on 4H dubs was awarded the 1963 National Citizenship Award spon- OA KV Bored by the Canadian Citizen- ship Council. The award was pre- sented to J. R. Racine of Bramp- fon, president of the Canadian | Council on 4-H. clubs, at the 2rd ennual dinner of the Canadian Citizenship Council in Montreal. Pe et Senuine Beaver | Pelt suitably ‘inscribed and is | presented to organizations for _ outstanding efforts towards the "STORE OPERATED BY LIPPANCE »- CARR: ~ AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR” ELECTROHOME } = —f-—t- your wane be Deer Built-in life-Insisrance: Low monthly payments: Applies to new or used cars: .. e First find the car of your hoice—then talk over a Family Finance Plan Loan - (Bank OF MonTRreAt ) ‘¢ your eaahboutheed branch of the EMERSON “a 1, “a PRODUCTS Fam Finance n FOR SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE TO ALL MAKES CALL 827-1580

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