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Daily Journal-Record, 2 May 1963, p. 1

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department as far ‘and facilities allow., KNOW THE TOWN? Oakville’s new “in” game, Know The Town, on Page 3. Daily Journal- Record $1,000 cash prizes. Name the town and share "The Home Wewieeper For Halton County” OAKVILLE, im THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1963 14 PAGES BR men en eee VOL, 1, No. 209 3 | ALL EXNED UP and eager to. churches across Canada are at- Toronto; Mrs, Martha Stewart, Jeremiah Richards, trustee, enter Turner. Chapel. Colborne tending the three-day confer. St. Philip's AME Church, Saint Turner Chapel; Rev, Arctie 5. Street, for their first district “ ence which opened yesterday John, N.B.; Mrs. ice Da- —-Harris, Toronto; presiding ¢l- conference are these members and will follow the theme vis, Grant AME Church, To der; Rev. Myles Estabrooks, of the African Methodist Epis. “Christ In Me.” Left to right ronto; Mrs, Harris; Mrs, Al- pastor, Turner AME Chapel. copal Church fn Oakville. Pas- are: Mrs. Rachel Hackley, berta Thomas, Turner Chapel; tors and laymen from 10 deaconess, Grant AME Church, (Photo by Belford) ; on i | “indoor-outdoor"” will go in the drawing boards as | 200 Attend Firsi Conference cam. tinig Capel, and Mrs. Edna} manic v the Ree- Sh to seorge Ape \eapital expenditure by the Ree ollow Paisilecih tar garente sragred her girlhood days a Grayner. Reports are being pre-| reation Committee. urder whose age of 15, and had lived here | Mrs. Johnson's ‘husband, Jobn sented by ministers, Steward del-| guidance the pool will be built. | Mrs. D, E. Martin, secretary- pe church was later burned, the funeral chapel of S$. 3 Tae | A C treasurer, said it cost $1.100 to and Mr. Roberts was instrumen-| sell and Sonto-St. Jude's Ce-| cton entre run three sectional festivals held/ tal in having the present build-! metery. Lieut. Clifford Williams | Church, Toronfo, and the invita- tion to members was issued by Rev. Isaac Kindred of Central eit A. M. E. Church, Inkster, Mich. Choral Selections were by | D. | her home Wednesday night after Sh an fliness of three months was in her 93rd year. reget Ca was daughter of Rev. Junius Roberts ever since. Her father was pas- or of Turner A. M, E. Church of Wilson and John Streets. It was | the ceremony. Ciucch, Windsor gave an address | entitled Christ In Me, An Oak-| ville minister; Rev. Roy Grosz, pastor of Grace Lattheran Church spoke on Christ and the Ministry. Former Midwife, Ida Johnson | Was Daughter Of A.WLE. Pastor | Mrs. Johnson was a sea nurse and midwife, and over | years delivered a great number | | of children, She was well known to the older residents of Oak- Ie the town as she’ knew i | (Mundy) Johnson, died in 1938. P. W. THOMPSON Jenkins, Nazery A. M. E. Church, Ss. Ef «\Becord Church Editor | Windsor, and Rev. Cyret A. Git-| To onto. 'Philip’s A. M. E. Church, a2 ~~ OARVILLE = “Deieeates rom | 20" St. Philllip's ALE. Church,| Rey. Earl Samuels conducted | John, in fact 7 — Delegates ja, | Saint John, N.B. jthe conference worship Thursday | the Laymen’ 10 ee Eastern Ca *| The message was read by Rev. | morning, » G. Alger| played by adversity in helping to Soin Se a4 og nbhornid as J, F. McMillan, of First. Baptist | Coates, of Tanner A..M. E./ form the Christian character, | plex 5U FFERIN “Why ad we are saved, must iB ORAL FRE FOR MILTO Of Canadian A.MLE. Churches the choir of First Baptist Church; | Mrs. Martha Stewart IN TRAFALGAR PARK ‘Indoor Pool’ For Oakville OAKVILLE — The town’s first soon as an architect is hired to design the glass-walled, project. It will be located in Trafalgar | Park, adjacent to the Lions Club community centre and pool. Recreation director Jack Ross sh: esbesens us night five locations dered for the new pool He ear the Trafalgar site was her talk on “Christ and | selected because It is central and aresel “the part beeatise Trafalgar—park.is_being developed as a “recreation com- Ross also noted that by locating the pool in Trafalgar park, it we live on in this world af| will be possible to use the water suffering? “The answer is that God is ian character is something thal ae cannot create instantly. only by rience. | ge ears strengthens | (makes you imo the kind of per | son God wants you to be. We have| lto be tried in the fire of ane | OAKVILLE — Fah Spy sph ome d years previous to eS edo and temptatian oldest: residents, Mrs. Ida L.| death, however, she had beet @/ye can! come out get! ‘Margaret Drive, died at) member of the Salvation Army, Géd can-nsé ws, That -ie why are not taken immediately to our; reward. That is why God chastens | Geerscte He loves.” Speakers at Thursday after-) |noon’s session are Mrs. Bernice} Mrs. Inez Parris, legates, evangelists, and to His| Girisy) able saving.”” he said Dr.|° repre- | * asked Mrs, Stewart. poesg installed at the Lions Oris will ‘reore gent a consider. The Trafalgar park site was | alsterecommendcd by planning | director Edwarnl Cumming, In a report to the recrestion .committee, Mr Crniming sh‘rl of all canital works being consider- ed the indoor . outdoor poo! fs fe saeres “to be of the highest | aes ‘ilse seid thd nest fo Sitch , @ fac'lity fs refleted by the tre- mendous increase of interest shown in competitive and recrea- : tional swimming over recent years. _The town has allowed for the 3 present Liop Rees soid | She is survived by a son, Ira, | sentatives of Sunday schools and pool will he used to teach young and a daughter, Florence t when it was located at the corner! 6 Oxtville, She also leaves eat — be held at 2 p.m. Saturda in Halton this year. The 1 erected, about 72 years ago. of the Salvation Army will offi. | ; Halton music festival in ee: ee Johnson was’a soloist in the | ciate, a’sisted by Rev. Myles id 4 oo eee Milton is al- first county festiva in Ontario, aha! there, and, often sang at|Estabrooks, pastor of ~Turner | ee tte a4 Senta cost $33.65, she said. lo her places with the choir, For Chapel, A.M-E. Church, fain wil) be direct a trois : sah | ondurm® headquarters ss Acton. This, was announced ‘by James ns , EMO welfare eae er this) ‘Step Up Traffic Check : _ InBid To Cut Fatalities — The fatalities on , of putting more emphasis on traf- / ed OAKVILLE Sakville’s roads and highways that are worrying the town's Sa- fety Council are also worrying | the chief constable. REE. THIS VEAR | down Ds - j He intends stepping up preven- ' whe ice-chalrman of the Sa-| “There has been criticism that | raeii cite’ s Chief Constable Fred | tive traffic Se aap by his fety Council, William schon Oakville no longer receives | Oliver is already transportation | as manpower aeiwe feel we are doing all we fic preventive work without de- | tracting from our other duties,” acs Chief Fred Oliver said. ; brought up the question of roa fatalities following the death oon | day, of Gerald Pickering of Tor- ‘can, but are investigating ways onto on- Highway 25. This follow- | population of Oakville to Campbellville Farmer Pushes days the death of a Tor-| | onto. aces teacher from Milton | in. a crash on Highway 5. The other seatity was a child knocked | awards for being fatality-free as in the past,” Chief Oliver said. | son “But amalgamation brought th missions. Senall | | grandchildren, 14 gre ree in that sarong ag ioe eoooct | children, and 10 be the North al | ho Pas brant nites MCE | erandchildren, The — “sil ets p MILTON — If a serious emer- “Bi Sit y EMO is at present a complete plan for ntti in case of salva Pee wil be ready by July 1, Emergency routes from Oak- Moral = rsd follow Second and Bh pani ‘proposal to. make ‘érgus the alternate county headquarters Spe aia ot ro cause ~y a clash with those of Hamil! officer, and Fire Chief Doug Wil- co-ordinator of fire services, imes its former size and incind- je three Heavily travelled high- rays and many miles of roads in its new boundaries, Skuce, Atkins Retire This Year crmer recreation “committee swimming pool | $200,000 | ‘lv a splash pool suited) | for beginners.” he sai Fr iconferen ; Margaret Roberts ques stioned | construction of the poo] in Tra-| falgar “Why build pools back to — when there are none in el the southeast or southw est? she wondered Chairman R.C.A, Cumberland said there is some indication fur. seer high schools in the south | east and southwest would have} indoor swimming pools to service the areas, The chairman noted the indoor- outdoor pool planned for Trafal- | gar Park would be one of the first-of -its-kind~ in Ontnrio,-An other is located in Windsor, He urged his committee to get | on with the job and was Instru-! inental in_pushing along a re- quest to Council for permission to hire architects. Cumberland named Bruce Coulter, Don Monroe, Ross and | himself as a special aA SRO Pool Project Committee The :recreation committee also plans an outdoor artificial ice | pad, sports stadjum and com-' munity centre in its five-year capital ‘works program. n Daley Resigns After 20 Years TORONTO... (CP) Robarts today resignation of | Veteran _ Premier |! announced the | Charles Daley, member of the Ontario | \legisiature and former provin-} cial labor minister. Mr. Daley, 72; will remain as | chairman of the Niagara Parks | Commission and member of the | International Bridge Commis-| sion and the Parks Integration | Board, = oe told a press | WRI os 4 @ delay in the ma | Park Hoyal Community | to install the boxes as soon 9 Gauthier Is Speaker For Public Meeting MILTON — A movement ; have oral French taught in this town's public schools is to be headed by the Milton University Women‘s-,Clab. The club will sponsor a pub-) | ic gathering at Knox Presbyter- fee Church tonight, with Ontar- o's director of French Education | Dr. Robert Gauthier the speaker. | It was Dr. Gauthier who is credited with setting up an an Oral | French ao in Oakville pub- | lic schoo The program, which began as an experimental under nch eee ctor Rafmond Duplantie, has hailed as the most success- | ful in Ontario, It began in 1958 with Grades/| 6, 7 and 8 participating, cient into the -old Tral public school system. It was Dr. Gauthier who scout- el feng chairman Jack Bedford, ‘set the © ral. French withou, the help of government "The Oakville program was pat- terned after a similar effort be- ing conducted in Cleveland, io. More than 2,400 Oakville pupils in 24 schools are participating the Oral French teaching. When speaking in Milton to- night, Dr. Gauthier will also ex- plain the Tan Gau method of in- struction, the 8 on which Oakville's p rogram was started. There are three public schools in Milton The meeting tonight begins at 8:30 p.m. and members of the University Women's Club said expect an overflow crowd, “There is considerable interest and eth in Oral French for this area,” algar) said one club executive. She said it is hoped enough | support will be shown tonight to ed Duplantie for the Oakville} back a submission to the Milton Public School Board, which um- Public §chool Delay In Mail Box Installation Prevents Clarkson Deliveries CLARKSON — on houses in Clarkson are not go-| ing up fast enough and this is tion of home mail delivery ation has urged all its rect possible and also to see that the house nimbers are visible from the street. “Do you want that mail. de- livery or don't you?" a circular from the association asks. “It is essentiat to make sure that the | mailman can see the number of your house and whe gets there has somewhere to put the } mail.” Post _office officials said the house-t to-house delivery, announc- The mail boxes ; ed by the Postmaster General over a month ago, will be arrang- ed as soon as the boxps are in- stalled. The community association is al present conducting a ship penn Its next peat is to organize a firew display May 20 in Hillside are Canvassers for m will also ask anseipiiers 4 rea vay would like to see in the proposed community cen The United Lands to su ‘MAURY’ AND ‘PIRATE’ RUB NOSES BEFORE LEAVING SCHOOL : DRIVER- ERROR OAKVILLE — Four jafitors. Sales Of Ontario-Grown Wheat) i's sol sconisent| @Ubiicun aie doe 6 rere ; road safety to conside ucation are due to retire Education is looked after by the) this yeir under a new ruling KENNEL CLUB SPONSORS CLASSES _ CHATHAM — Roy Coulter of by the board since last special safety division, prevention | which sets the compulsory retire- TCampbelivilie, chairman of thelfall. Almost. all of the is-achieved-through~the-reguier | ment age at 65; They-have been’ Wheat Produ v | } traffic enforcement, and the ques-| asked to continue through to Se eT sae |e ae’ pa | teehee eee | Here's School That's For The Dogs manag gotten,” he added. All will retire without pension, | g sate Ll 5 Bd ta weet is pre policy of the marketing | ~ «when we have an accident we | one of them reo 33 years ser-| with several Overseas betes dew “eae old crop wheat) aiways consider if road conditions | vice with the boa | phan iy cheer wevuonagglagty tr gaarye movement be-| haq any bearing, particularly in} Also retiring tbe year are| BY MIKE POPOVICH | Purpose of the course {s fo| given to the dogs with the Jhigh- ing a conference in Ottawa gins, that he is pleased with | black spots where accidents occur | La Lorne Skuce, superintendent of Journal-Record Staff } eer owners to train their own | est marks. F the most recent sale in that) pequently. | public schools for five years and | dogs. As Chief Instructor Hank/ An eight-month-old They will be looking for markets |recently world markets have not|~ ‘ratalities on such good roads | formerly inspector of schools in} OAKVILLE —A record num-| Bennink said, “It's not only the | Shepherd pup owned by R pos = = sr so wheak er oe As Highway Bare lari ns Halton Coan George Avitn 7 ber of 49 trainees and their dogs | dogs who have to learn.” Brodie on sete te ine wheat. rehases| tion of the drivers, ville “is iness administrator, wit . Classes are held Wednesday | rent classes becatise the dog's ea agen =o and sales of 1992 erp wheat to} not alone in finding that well-en-| years service; and two teachers. BNE oe rea ee ye evenings in the. south parking | mother made such good er water wheal owned) date, he said that in addition to| gineered roads do not prevent ac-| One teacher is a year short of week annusl dog (raiding cour: area of the Oak-Queen Mall. As-| last year, The pup’s nae by the board to - exports about 710,000 bushels/ cidents altogether. The same pro-| the 10 years sd for Di se sponsored by the Oakville and) stant instructors are Georgesbylotie. United Kingdom was announced | were sold to demestic millers and| blem exists all along the Queen | sion, Her request to serve out District Kennel Club yesterday. | 5°, Broeders, andi Robin said she enrolled Pylotte — Many. paid the gale would that the board presently owns| Elizabeth Way and Highway 401,"| that year has been turned down.| ‘There were dogs representing | Mrs, Sheila Norman. in the course because the mother Bo om par srchased’” ty opproximately 65,000 bushels lo-| When Mr. Maybank brought up E, Perdue, chairman of | many common breeds and some’ Instruction is patterned upon| was “tremen Geinard net taX-and held over cated at Sarnia and the auéstion before the safety|the board, said the pension| uncommon. There were boxers, ; the exercises and tests used at Pylotte, it Was stated, is making the winter in Montreal and King- Last year the pial Was re| council he said: "We have had|scheme went into effect this} daschtinds, collies, St. Bernards, sew obedience trials. Diplo-| “excellent progress.” ot: quired to purchase a total of| more accidents than ever before | spring and since the janitors had| poodles, terriers, spaniels, and vill be given the graduates| . Those entering. dogs in the Ho said that to date, the 1,600,000 bushels of 154! and Iam wondering if the Sa-| not contributed were not entitled airodeks and ‘obermen and sa- ind he ene of Seth Soe 5 Pagel are: Mrs. L. Wensley, hes sated e|* wheat which was all exported. fety Council is slackening up.” to benefits. oveds. trophies and one cup — Will be . Stot, Mrs. E. D, Starr, bushels the 1982. crop which|- zt o were offered by dealers at the Bn Shop Tonight — M St Will Be O Until 9. glee Fae J Op ion an ores W1 pen Unt

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