| Before op.m. To Place Your Journal- Bécord Want-Ad. 9 AM 70 12NOON : 5 — FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE SCOTT’ S SCRAP BOOK 10 STO! , . ‘ 7 B nd Prof | PATIO STONE ‘FARLEY'S USED CARS sd] SC 2 usiness and Pro essiona SIDEWALK SLABS ees oe DIRECTORY ae 19 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE equipped with , CURBING wall: tices. ‘A beautfol cer finished: in cream with « match ’ ' owner car MAR-VEL TILE | Ok Wang.” Oe , Oakville MANUFACTURER 1961 ‘VALIANT V.200 sedan, here ix the pertect car for the perc Services NEAL bea ee 2F TA 2-1501 jc E adie an a kc ee Sane aan cobseutten tale 7 EVENTS, HWY. 12 Sectional $4.00; Wall-te-Wall Carpet masaaie: Repairs _ GAGEMENTS, CARD OF | sans GIT = 198) OLDSMOBILE SUPER #8 2 DOOR HARDTOP, equipped ranges send tecaiug Hagend Aestinana Mactieh <td | THANES, 1 MEMORIAMS, AN. ig ‘ oe Tao kal excelenk wale well ree ; ek ae sen nd VI 6-4878 153 STEWART 8. - rate : : + F100. 159 CHEVR' YNE 4 Door Sedan. € cylinder sated ge || DEATH NOTICES — $1.50. Armee ar MBN Ee er roller — landsca siding,| TRACTOR -WORK — Plowing, Bees? ' 1958 FORD 2 DOOR "WA with deluxe radio. If you're seeding, planting. Free estima ce — DEADLINE — ROOMS OF vacation and want a really dependable Sateen aneta Sar ne. blade’ work, Promgt, sev * * ‘ FURNITURE unit with plenty of room be sure to see this one owner wa- vice. Call David T. Pipes, VI & O'pm. day Previous to publica) sorciey — BEDROOM —:| gon wa. * tion. 12 noon on Saturday, aa TRE RQRS ee 55 AN, make us an offer and Your Local Handyman by 9:30 am, day of tion. , you'll probably drive it away. Painting, House Repairs, THORNE ELECTRIC aS | NED FARLEY AND SON Od Jobs, Exe ance Smetana | = — Maintenance @ The Journal-Record ottice | OW soe week ried cl aber trans ra t Saet f tice sai bated FREE ESTIMATES , 297. Randall Street Kerr & Sheppard Sts." Oakville VI 4-3276 Phone 845-0207 @ McCausland’s Book Store FEDERAL - a. wappesptltel ence nee - any Or & Small ap- - @ Allan's Drug Store oe LURE IMMACULATE | it HELP WANTED HELP WANTED [fat iovchat Avo iol] OAKVILLE GLASS A nem Foot of Forsythe St. VI 50381)” : FEMALE MALE 9506. & MIRROR a OPEN EVENINGS 2 Phone MAN MIRRORS ‘ABLE TOPS: 3 VI 54617 HORSE manure, imam! | 9 6 2 CHEVROLET-409 STENOGRAPHER YOUNG se are SHOWER & FRENCH DOORS south of No. 5 Highway on the FOR LIGHT FACTORY WORK ched Manure eee’ . Eighth Line, Call Mr. Hughes. | .. }Sales Administration Department. $15 per 6 yd. load St. VA 1-2051 Cs : This car is equipped with a tachometer, power aerial, post. .| | Must be proficient typist. Interest. ew, modern, fully air-conditioned | ——RNCH BLACK LOAM nC ENGAGEMENTS. (> on vol av coodtkan ‘ LAA peoina amano 9 gg Pesing Ad estar shit} ms URSERY sop ||HANDYMAN — wil repair your ‘ ant cable, Cheap, Telephone 845- traction rear-end, dual exhausts and a heavy duty, 3 speed * oR eaess ce rst 10 education or tse) Pickup, mavered ae toa _ ]] sidewalks, paint your house inside > LAN — Mr. Jo. ; z | WATERDOWN _||* de. Build « sarage or gp on the floor. This 409 cubic inch, 409 horse- MALLORY BATTE gardening. Telephone VI 52682 , Bebe Joyce, to Mr. chesterfield and chair for power, performance motor, been Required for Port Credit office of ; ; CALL MU 9es7s - ~ Douglas Ross Liptrot of Oakville.|cotiage $12.00; antique red mahog- a RH ee Ty ee rine CC Cee] 2003 North. Shida. Way The wedding to take place at Stany, double, sleigh bed, $5.00.| ebuit and the 3 speed transmission ls mks keeping an asset but not essen Clarkson, Ontario FOR CUSTOM SEAT COVERS John's United Church on Saturday, | v1 5.1738, eee ees Phone 274-2361 GOOD QUALITY TOP s0IL,|| avy CONVERTIBLE TOPS Pee ne Coe, ENGAGEMENT and® wedding} m a beautiful metallic gold with spotless matching interior. For appointment pbone Gand fl antl canatana vege ak for = . ring, mat lamonds on| CR, 42358 or VI 53008 FINANCE MEN driveways, For prompt delivery, AUTO TRIM | , oaue ba ee an bel Complete with an all transistor, push-button radio. Independent Finance [International manufacturing com- pre A nees Caetacae 2, _» €OMING EVENTS (Niny new. $00 value for $375. j Corp. Ltd. pr gotch am ts own Accep. oe ee ee sore — aaEARi Prone A Se —}--- -¥OU'LL HAVE-TO SEE IT-TO BELIEVE Ir agg oe —f fanee company — = SUMP PURS —- —— rep \N-|GENDRON baby Carriage, green . it years age) TV. “Rabie Gata Se saimiiny Ge hiding @ Getieclenl site, he ry eet pais COME IN TO-DAY FOR A TEST-DRIVE required for Managers and other : r BE aa " Full Bazaar and Membership Tea,|Asking $25.00, Telephone VI 5 positions. Usual company’ bene] Repaired — Rebuilt Opta & NordMende Wednesday May 15th in the Manor |0738. EMPLOYMENT fits. Reply to Bor 218, The Jour. |] | New and Used For Sale stereos at Sunningdale Radio aed * ton), 2 t0 4 and 7 to 9 Home. |CHORD organ, 2 rocking chairs, R Lavalle Electric 5-762. "baking, eandy, handicrafts and|1 grey, 1 brown; bed-chesterfield, NATIONAL f : sale. Conducted tours of the brown; desk; small chesterfield, EMPLOYMENT SERVICE HELP WANTED i Caech: eS erie ee es oe UNEMPLOYMENT: MALE or FEMALE | cement work — sidewalls, HENRY'S tions welcomed. | READY to go — 12 foot McGinnis CHRYSLER - DODGE CO.. LTD. 4. INSURANCE COMMISSION =f and iporebes: Phone My. DRIVING SCHOOL + MAY'S MILDRED LEACH, |trailer.— ice box, sink, built-in OAKVILLE, ONTARIO ~ Capanelli, VI 5.5373. Qualified “La - AT.CM,;°P.G, Annual Recital| cupboards and hydro outlets, Full 114 Dundas St. Oakville VI 4.3237 Salary: $4410 — $460 TELEGRAPH EDITOR | *. é fom el ge be sang a the) price $300.00. score 72438, asap rm us For Daily Newspaper D == Se “ Mhird Line, on Friday, Documen nce av nod rvice t WELL rotted manure $3.00 Halt days, ideal position for mar-! ey , pee ee aime MU: $4238 collect. : soverel of experi oar wri experience re-| a _* Eaach the Hopedale Presiyteran| SPS ee condition New ‘gine and can| facts ‘pa et? No panic, [ines © the dus of the positon ued, some rewriting. Day be) na inte : 5 Quastet, . baritone Swedish walnut. ars as to resid- id.” Rye rete Np renee AMEM. SW, 1 and 2. Will sell aos ae ap a em THE EDITOR “OAKVILLE PORT eT CREDIT and @ancers Wendy Whit-| {°° $0.0). Telephone 845-7904. STATION Wagon — Need a wagon household furnishings|on display at the ‘National Em- VI 5-4237 = Ve Ayling, Tickets athulte S06" chal icy ages, Ribbon Freezer-lwith a large carrying capacity? |—beds, stove, ia etc,| ployment Service and Post Of- Position now open, | | : dren Zc. All proceeds to be don- radio, 2 new tres, new battery -|Apply before MAY 11, 1963 to the HIROPODIST ated to the Hopedale Presbyterian |B.S-A. motorcycle for sale. Tele nt “vaive job, running gear Civil Service Commission oe “ie ' PEDICURE ~ Guureh: Phone 62-3100 afterS pm. excellent. 20 miles per gallon. P . % St. Clair Ave. East, | EMPLOYMENT | | Foor TREATMENTS t : GOOD used appliances — wash- Chevrolet, green. Telephone ERSONAL Toronto 7, Ontario, WANTED } in a ees, dryers, anges, refrigerators, |VA. 71560 Competition umber 63-T-496 ae porn 1 ph woplvardnan ge hi oor samp of EXIF ED tor should PET STOCK hestoefieite at Norman Earle Ap-|1961 FORD 4door 6 cylinder) small’ children Bll pon Re se LABELS and ical 827-3857 St. N,|Ranch Wagon. 6 passenger, PoW-iferences. Morden School district. WAITRESS, experienced, from 2|home. issn Wh Will pe ea = WIRE. haired weeks | VI 54552. Sod aehite oats 1s-OOt” maze Telephone VI_ 55344, to 6:50 pm. 3 days a week, and|and deliver If desired, Telephone ‘ROSS & DE LUCA PAINTERS old “from : st 1 be Cash $2100, VA 12335 FOOT sore summer resident will)? days at 12:00 to 9:30 p.m, 8c 827-0440. —Interior and exterior. The best _ CANADIAN VETERANS— part * female, 5 males. Call VA. 7.1829. | pay for week-day ride trom Oak-|an hour, Uniforms supplied. Ap-|NURSING assistant available. ipainting “at a price you can af-/time work. Lawns, rototilling, 1955 PONTIAC Convertible. New| ville to vicinity Queensway and/| Ply Oakdale Restaurant, Oak-| woud live in if desired or part ford. See our 150 new designs —} painting, rubbish —— CARS FOR SALE [ motor, good body. Best offer. Mall. |looks like wallpaper, VI 5-3120—|odd jobs. Have truck. Bondaiihe AFGHAN puppies for sale. Mat- , Algie, Toronto, Contact Don/ Queen time, References. Telephone VI 4 chett breeding. Telephone &21- Phone VI 46715, Creath, CL 98451 before 5 p.m.|/DAY care ted for two school) 6945. TR §-6169, ane Es ~ 15M. “ 1962 VOLSWAGEN Deluxe. Bed 1855 PONTIAC 4 donx. Good mo. age boys in your home. 5 days a) ACTIVE retired man desires light. : ~ 2 s ; and|tor, 2 new tires. Best offer takes ® week in area of Centriller School, | COLLIE Puppies, registered,|leather, interior, seat belts and it Tel VES 7415, Bronte a77-3100 aterm employment, Telephone $45-5384.|] For Floors Of Distinction It CARPENTRY Champion sired, 3% months vid, radio, Like new. $1,385. nA seo Sioa eae ms HELP WANTED 5 pan. a wild. do bookkeeping and rs McLEOD TILE aes ture collie) sable and white, one |1990 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, red) matic etc. Private. Any} > FEMALE | |DOES an AVON Representative|g7rosii ater pam - _ & LINOLEUM porgpeth gy ionorng nea year old, registered, inocuiated,|!¢ather interior, radio, one Owner! easshable offer Tele- call on you? We may need some- First Class Workmanship trained. VI 54081. car $960. phone VI 5-3704. EXPERIENCED mints gnc ae a gern, No AN eu eal i are run aes e | - NEWFOUNDLAND pups = 8 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, new| 96] AUSTIN Cambridge ASS, 4 4! part time. Telephone V ligation. Write Miss Ziegler, Box VI 5 ois homes, Telephone vis hate Af htt Fim B27. } 5s 7 weeks old, purebred, black. Tele-'paint and tires. Conditioned by |qoor sedan, excellent condi 141, Guelph, Ontario, : hone, 871-4322. Volkgvengen expert, $060. $0000, Owner now has co compar CLERK-TYPIST - YOUNG man, 19 years, desires TORING AND DRESSMAK. aA coal car. Apply 651 Tratford Cr, oA aN erin ites pnd BE ROTOTILLING—Ross C, Clark. . 1956 VOLKSWAGEN with radio, Required by LP WANTED cinta licence, experienced.|ING — Expert alterations and Cc “ new tires, mechanically A-1, $375 aye: PARI LARITED HE MAGH Walegtions SU-EiOh evenings” lccouics doen tochab” ant maursl tive Tostinndad pai «FOR SALE 1957 OLDS. Super 88 Sedan. All BOATS AND No, 5 Highway, Oakville clothing. Sidney Solomon, 103] Phone 844-9087. . ee QUINT | Destine cere me coe BUSINESS SERVICES |S % 86072. & oie est “eh paigcyct male ae eam _ Apply Directly nen available to: ent) WORK SS aus FIREPLACES — Brick, biock,|| LAWN MOWING PI ng — St ~ Market. Lakeshore Highway West! = DARK ROYAL FAMILY BOAT : Ronewor, Sawer boxes, pais GARDENING New — Repair Bronte, VA 7-1872. One 15% foot moulded plywood,| Hays Farms Limited, PAK LTD. Free estimates, Tele- nis “sma ; 7 BP SERVICE ccavertible top family boat} _ Box 490, Oakville, Ont. SCOTT A. phone VA 7-387, Reeltype & Rotary ‘Type Mow- Oakville eee, earemanes. Beau equipped with a completely recon-| Attention: Mrs, E, Domanski South Sheridan Way ers. Yards cleaned & rubbish Con _fitlly framed ol paintings, mar Clarkson pi cele lt Sie aero aaa : REFUSE collected — piles or in Basements Plastering Contractors, eee ee come tate at tetngl | Evinrude motor. Complete with emer emis pails, stones, earth, branches. Alsoj] & windows 7 — - gap-secs- -—-T _ tables. “Hand cut pieces of lead or phone renicte: contréls “and: trailer, Rea- WANTED This new in Canada -wit!| Stewood delivered. VI 5.0289. AL JOHNSTON Vi 6-31 : - eens Corete tall cecoe fnd|* _dim Wilchuk TA 29572 | sonable, Telephone VA 7-185 or be in operation in a new plant in|INCOME tax service. Personal, (Answering Service) sy gcrgicaL WHOLESALE — “and wail mirrors, Everything iii DODGE convertible, Must Matte 9 SEWING NS Rattle reapers 845-6710 for ae eae Fixture showroom, Gerrie Electrie | Beasonably priced. Telephone Vi| be" scen $500.00, ‘Telephone. VI FIBERGLAS BOATS == | MACHINE OPERATORS )|trained in the parent American| mation. FOr Lat, Se ee : 5208. \ 5-1959, CATAMARANS company for the position of Work-| SprcomAKING alerations and| BUILDING |) Street. VI 52355. * Mince Hoar? Ale, rasta ‘ents [200, STUDEBAKER sedan, ove] Deimenetrare tradeing | Negron A Bm wnt] mid ling Foreman. repairs Fast and ecient Tele] CONTRACTOR . one | drive, radio tnteridr.” Mech- = . This is : offices, . gar driveways. Telephone Geleusiy word ein an cae Motors — Trailers piece work, APpIY in person only |ity- for the forward looking indlv| OO" V1 SS Sr ABpeAMEDeTK, pees built, repaired, J. B. RADIO oc cera ei Stor-Aid af Canada Lt, = rene So the sutebal do tee et sRecaealie Sees Allert c. F. GUIRY erie er taetie Forsythe St. 8. : Hie. ‘The dates otis poltion| ons also de Telephone #5- Sales of Admiral TV, Radios | (Across the river the‘light- | EXPERIENCED bank teller for - For Prompt Service Call Nase facing the lace) permanent position. Usual fringel {ye "he hired. at a later date),| Toe waned: Tough finish carpen- 87-251 149 Jones St N. VI 4-3381 benefits. Apply in person to Thel working to production schedules, | Painting, ‘Telephone &is $80 after | = 7] RENT-A-CRUISER [suet Bn % Cott C¥P%M| mantaning“qualy,, eoctroling| pm” AC. ii oan at foe, Rapeciencd Geuired bor tot saethenun tasks as foained: fining, gaeectag: ing ‘Gn vi eass. sis Sil oles Sater ais alee tect ; Sgt A tte thaltne eoveaanl sptnast wal worl Gta ot ae meee | Ga tea CA APARTMENTS Ist w nierid |Royal Bank of Canada, Colborne|a technical background including! ing and alterations. 12 years ex- tor and Kerr St. FOR RENT week. Reserve insure : refrigera' drapes. favailability for your holidays. | Street East [Ecce and be Sasnilins with sinaguel Rr: Call at Dew area, Telephone VI 5-4019, gis AREO MARINE smactilnes:. Drive ONE-bedroom apartment on Kerr ss PERMA-TIME Wentiy tenaportation and: Siving woe St. Close to stores at $90.00 per | BASEMENT apartment — 1 bes LS eet expenses will be paid for the dura-/COUD wave perm $5.00 to S108) | cronth. Available on the 15th ot ae a eae suitable 1982 — 16 foot run- Jobs in tion of the six week training pro-|Expert and professional hairdrst) May or sooner, Telephone &45- | eneile Parking oS about with 40 HP Lark; / ‘Oakville and gram at the parent company's) Ser. Telephone VI 55670 for ap- gris eer en Telephone VI 45 Tee-Nee trailer, Less than plant tn Lancaster, New York! SMALL apartment, — hale: 10 hours running. Must sell. Best Getteral Sten .ssscvcccscseses $00 suburb), Salary commen. no children, 58 Third Line, Two ‘bedroom, Mditchen, cash offer VI 49400. Secretary Bookkeeper ...... $60|#urate with experience. LOANS avs room. Telephone VI 5394. > {Dictaphone Typist Pe | bgeenes og sated gear eg ONE bedroom apartment : BELT ort ci hint te a complete stating salary E able with kitchen, parking facil- Typist $57) requirements to: oe ities, Telephane VI 55614, FOR RENT WANTED TO BUY No Fee To Applicants R. A. Kreager, Personnel FINAN ONE bedroom apartment. Central. ; — VI 5-0861, ea a ned Pecooee Grol courte, Wit comaider handy| Boat, Unit. $5500 per s0.00 typlance Lenk, soclins and = 4% DUNDAS ST. *. eet) opie Tecan Lo cee tap sinais tod eves ead Summer. Vi $0 j r rent. | * 1823. : OAKVILLF Clarkson, Ontario- 361 Kerr St. VI 5-2888 lings wast Oakville Harbour Marine.