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Daily Journal-Record, 2 May 1963, p. 11

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67 Waleed Sia a : ¥ EES : : : Fas ae | i rus , { 2 So “yi - , | - wd r Y — i Fe ramon hh 4 By HOWARD SCHENKEN _, his guarded king and claimed that oa 10:39 3—Play Your Bunch and RICHARD L. FREY pas jwas down, one, cape oe be (3s Lucy Difficulties often arise because| But South insisted. to t In players have insuficient know- of _ East-West, on es canis = jedge or understanding of the | WeTe exposed _ t he could 10:85 1—News laws. More rarely a player who/Tequire the king to be 1 oO Qe "/| 11:08 The Price Is Right © | does know the lawx may try to/ Under the ace, This was techni-) | KT oe ara 4—The Real McCoys take an unfair advantage of his| Cally right but ethically wrong FQ Peet = say eA age | JeJane Wyman knowledge. This deal shows how | Under the old laws: Se Re Ae a eahataemman $—Free And Easy” this was possible under the old| Procedure was for East to show a ¥= ort aye Py ti : his cards to declarer only, Under 11—Destination -— Hawe 7 Be the new laws, effective May Ist. 11:39 2—Coencentration — > hit “ig: West's cards, not .Past’s + Pemy'ent Gintys which are treated as penalty 4 * t_feven Heys . Vu: : NORTH cards in such 4 $— Our House Eos. K4 = | South has no opportunity for le} Pp f ‘To Beaver : Wen $ 8642 . q eather — ‘FRIDAY 08672 val Gecanery. = : " '€-Political” wer ©4287 SPAM RUM cpetcssasseuctasssnps _4—Falr AFTERNOON as rae With both sides vulnerable’ South S *6—On' The Scene 9A97S3 990310 _| deals and bids one no trump. West “Adventures Of Oslo | 12:99 3—Your First Impression | O11094 OAKS3 (holds: S:KQI1063 H:KQ! O& and Harriet News 4193 #X 1062 (J 1063 D: — C: 7 What Me ‘S-The Rifleman Emic Ford | em should he bid? Answer here to-| 4] : ) %—Documentary Special — Reports | SARs 8762 Ba 1 = = @—Perry Manca l—Story Time 006 — 12:15 4—Speaker of the Home | 5 ate! g nli ht Us ful , 3 } —— i ne odding: “Ti—Bennessey 4—Search For Tomorrow | a & All Pon North Bost g tJ > %—Dr, Kildare iihone eeipeegmang 9) " 1i—Call Te Freedom 7—Father Knows Best - | Opening lead: Diomond jock To Detect ICBMs? = | F—Leave It To Beaver 9—Kidde . ; p ' 4—The Twilight Zone 12:45 4—Guiding Light | A player who is non-vulnerable OTTAWA (CP)-—The use of an] RE etm weet pees in a el ce gas f : 1:00 M position” for preemptive action, | sige nat , — ‘ rang Ae Millers | end th had no hesitation ral Rieter eget ba ee eee i ie 7—Generall Hospital bidding four spades, With a-sure /aunched from Mussia is being) j TM, La s-Serms BiAley © seven trick in his bar! and « Poe tment olicials. ald Tue | yet | eae A okor wen To oaaae Ne TTL, ; 11—Midday sible eighth, this wou “Ei Sonlh . ; = MAY, “ic GVE LN r] ack Paar 1:30 .4—As The World Turns } right bid at any score except! nee Wp al a CHAE =S NORMAL - F Andy Williams 7—Movie perhaps vulnerable against non-| They indicated there has been = . SPEECH! rz | i : 4—The Nurses In Conflict vulnerable. some measure of success with} fay ‘ 7 He: ee | _ &—Hitehcock Roki , the experiments, which were to | €5-- J | hah 6 : 2:23 7—News As the cards He East-West can 4 ‘ i 7—Premicre 0 ' ihave been dropped if no sur- KG t's / ; PM 2:00 2—Ben Gerrod make tricks in. a heart Seen co was achieved in the first A WP as [ ‘, } ®—News, Sports | 4—Password but this requires consi erable | chase The experiments, called Es c ; ii af § %—Sports = ‘ 6—Chee Henene luck. i fst persian Blind. Twinkler, now fy i, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11—News, Against four spades, West are their third stage, Bo » weather, %:15 @—Nursery School the diamond jack and. East took iar baa ts being con-| © Te? \ i ccc Ui—Larry Henderson 2:30 2—Doctors two diamond tricks. He shifted) ducted by a team of Defence ‘T1] — eae Li : jet : $—Pierre Berton f 4—Art Linkietter jto the heart queen, and South) Research Board scientists and wa "aa cs ) 6—Sing Ring Around ruffed the second round of hearts.}24 RCAF personnel fiving two = = = eT , Seven Keys The contract ci y depends) CF-100 jet planes out of Thule, Show 1i—Its A Great Life upon the club . and South! Greenland, SSE Gari 3) PRESSE EL Pe SSP RSs Waecaee To Face RS eens wae eee ee Over the North Pole there fs Fi OH, WHAT A LOVELY e NO,T REALLY SHOULDNT--|-] BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, WHENEVER SHE HAS THESE I ' : , 6—Lotetia : ” aie tsuntight-— the -¥ ound abov a 2 AT-i'Ve JUST : ; ; FORD Un'T SEE S 2GUMENTS fice | 0 Set Namg eh a on he wl Sn or agains | PAAR NUS] | ee aarron | | ea te oe newni)| [Cene weccnins W ' 7—Queen For A Day be down one. _ |cials said a “good ‘portion” of hd — HAVE IT) %y v | -——— aad 4 a ty 1l—Bugs Bunny ‘ * However. South run all his | intercontinental ballistic mis-| €D | ¢ ; ‘ , = fF FRIDAY : teumps with @ome half-formed) sites fired from Russia at North; [> “J i ; * sti ee oe jidea of a squeeze. When he led a) America would be illuminated | (Cy i “MORNING 6—Take. Thirty elub at the 12th trick towards) by sunlight in mid-course over " Bs - hisinsaia 1 =—-Who Do You Trust? dummy's ace<queen East showed] the polar regions Q Set i 9—Hert’s Looking At You | on Tl=Ranty Durty earenimeraeenenetcie nner ‘ ti = | &College of the Air 4:00 2—Match Game A Ee Pe tocketship 6—Seariet Hill | eae Kangaroo 7—American Bandstand i r 1 Japtain Andy i 9—Professor’ ACROSS DOWN | $—B'Wana Don 1 as BN ee 1, Ditches 1. Mother: | &—-Popeye’s Playhouse ge News ae aurround- ‘ colloq [—Jack LaLane 2—Captain ing castles Ahead SS ——— /$—Riddo by Of Night 6. Let it Bi l—Rousper Room stand; as a ARE 5 / 2—Operation Alphabet 7—Jungle Jay | sprint, class J RAVE AN MOEA. te -4—You And Your. Family Ui—Huckleberry 10. bance 4, Slope SUMMER VACAT iON 7 ‘ th’'s 5, Cunning WILL SOON BE HERE =A Eis tte Mae sai Te sone Aa ween _ block C.Bibliea! — 19. Wing Soene E J ‘ 11, Particles mount Girls i 3—Say When | Dazzle 13, Cathedral 7. Back nick- Vesterday's Auswer E- Sgtapenal a oR: sagfbinysed iE A city: En al Foret 35, 1n a Ka Talk J Qu 2uth's (a) nk,, mi a | Ii—Albert Steed Bhow | Car Mother-in- (3 wa) tropical 36. Roman i ; #—News 7—Early Show | law: Bib, 8. English “bird emperor | - he 15, Form, as boy's 4. Mandate 37. Spinning Ee - in a mold jacket 2h. Articles = jenney Ee ! . Ni 26. Elfiik . Hideo } THE STARS SAY =" beaker es 2 aa ested 40. Gane oe ‘ am see ; 2B 12. Knight's Pers. Mii». friend | title 28, Not ne 43, Close to 19. Dry 15.About, ta peo egres old : Sie astitadalicctns cout ‘ear your sue: oe | a jectives warp your . cards 1 Ia is f+ |¢ @ |7 |S {2 A) Byori | ent eee) om pl 23. Toss, an & | | | es solve them more easily forth needed € t i] a your eyes to| make the most of these really! 9$7,'To work i in} good periods, together fF) i+ hw ings with others July, November and Decem-| 39. ml ons cloak Un-| ber will be fine for travel; also ox 3 [te 7 a * SHE. BIRTHDAY. May is Auger aad mide oe ie | 9 fs t » late August ie ' tomorrow is birthday,| cember will be extraordinarily ee Eictaeepe inficates tail benign where romance Ix con: 23, Music note f20 mm 22 font fot fat Edt bee = ont and enterprise Sovanine should mark of capital: Fr) id x ] en most your part to advance job/ the year, but do try to avoid) ) PL ee eI : 8 year, mon’ " Dprbant periods’ slong toect | “AchSld born ou! this On Oo a ea ZA = ur A on will Eat nie Se -Wthjuss:| be ectiowes wit o recemionie 41, Funeral % [35 [Be a? [38 Ss late November and} memory and an inexorable will: 42.Soctha ro a Ye a, & - - t arri = ea +> be 48, One of — re Islands - Sh DAILY CRYPTOQUOTE — Here's how to work it: . RS AXYDLBAAXRE -f LONGFELLOW One letter simply stands for another. In this sample A is used A the three L's, X for the two O's, etc. Single letters, apoa- for o Single 1 trophies, the length and formation of the words are all hints = . Eath day the code letters are different. Last Time Tonite Showtime 8 p.m : ee ee | CESS SY SERS Seams at P Ws WO PBAD MVYUJ WO XPPO | ‘Hell Is For Heroes Ws QUB svus MUOJKO UBO : sn cd : MWIVEYO JVEYTE-MWACE a= : jteve McQueen, Bob Newhart, Bobby Darin eae: . we ecakianin A and Fess Parker . THOSE FACULTIES WILL BEB STRONG WHICH akg by CHATTER // ae Pee 5‘ . UBED—EMERSON i : : a (© 1062, King Features Syndicate, Inc.) : BS, \\ CHATTER Sy bf ee SE a Pleasure Of His Company | LaANtreg Fred Astaire and Debbie Reynolds “Ie ___ STARTS TOMORROW NITE WAY 3, 4 & 5 gone : Come And Dance With Me es: in colour — restricted + Bridgit Bardot and Henry Vidal” Carthage In Flames esr “ =, aot tet bey "om Vs Fy boo) ined OLS ANS cas ENA OS sae Se hee en | Su Rue ra) ae lhe a eal Mockingbir d = | | \GREGORY PECK‘ DAKVILLE DRIVE-IN |] jcuce| evguins biciset™ vi 5.6661 | = ODEOW,.\ 4 3 “sf + - ™ : * .

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