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Daily Journal-Record, 2 May 1963, p. 10

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ae Gitte Sour = Resort; Tareas, May 1, 1068 Blakelock’s field meet. due tp inclement weather Tuesday. Ron Ziegel, tion it close out around 4 aoe followitg tase e alii for * the Blakelock mee 100 YARD DASH OAKVILLE — Over three hund- enirants will take part in| annual ie ae Was postponed /y es | ears id for E Dlakelock Track Schedule Yours To Clip And Keer Becker, B Donnelly, John, Ives, Fifn Gunnar Mathieson. Hor, STEP & JUMP nior — Pele Swiryon, Don y{ ret, Ted Parkinson, Keith Stain- ton. sh, Stephen Armstrong, a papers teat Terry Herron, Neil ' Dennis, Bob Kelley, Peter Martin, | Dan MacLeod Senior — Frank Becker, Gun- nar Kraag, Falk Becker. HIGH JUMP Junior — Paul Nesbitt ™ Osborne. Doug Calder, Pete Arm- man, Steve Wilson, Ken Dowie. iermediate — John Inglehard, | Al Vrancart, Bill Honey, du | Osborne, Nigel Coyens, Chris Gar- | | Charles VanSickle, Alfred Kirk-| nished the —— in 11 minute _intecmediaie — Glenn McTav-| FIRST HIGH - SCHOOL MEETING OAK Mike Collins! Howard, Martin Salegs-Paul Con- | breezed to an easy victory over noly, John How, Jack Parker, | a field of five two-milers at G.E.! Intermediate — Dick Bruin, A Glen Chartrand. (Green) — Greg | Perdue High School Jesterday 10 | arkari, Jack Lee, Paul McKoight, | Smith, Doug Calder, Larry Scul- | j stab the prized two-mile event. | Brian Bresolin, Rick Bluet, Gary | | ly, Dick Hornsburg Collins covered the course in| 1i}) Len Googenboom. Interniediaté — “(Red) Terry | 1] minutes and 6.5 seconds, near- | Bro Herron, Peter Martin, Keith | ly thirty seconds better than Noel) 5 Jeni na Phi M a 4 pret Smith, » Ted (Green) | Southwick’s time. Southwick a | caine 5 Sea Chalmers, Mike. Collins, ham, Paul Eyman, Larry Robert.| and 36 secon t 40 YARD RUN Senior — (Red) Brian Donnelly,| Brian Bresolin nosed out Mat) junior — Ken Koyama, Fin An- | Frank Beiber, Gunnar Kraag, J. / tin Sailes for the show spot. Bre- | derson, Gord Jesseman, Robert Ives. (Black) Jim Broughton, | solin hawt Sani fought to nai Thaker, Jack Parker.’ * ‘ Scott Martin, Terry Gibbons, John | Wire but Bresolin's ume was ae ee Rines. (White) Glenn Hargreaves, of a second better than Sailes. Sagar kbc Urs Al Taylor, (Green,) Bob Clarke, | Ted. Brown ran fifth John McNiryer, Bob Davidson, | Bob Shab, Jim Kennedy, Timms. / Perdue held the finals of their Hise Windsor “f anaes strong, Don’ McCreesh, Dale Har- | | first’ track meet today. Early : . Necro St dy not available by | Senior — None Listed. press time, “ “ BASEBALL Finalists are ‘listed under tee . gees hoe aun Epes | re: tive events ~ below, un =x y Cobel, Ken | ee Wilson, ‘Martin Sailes, Brian) American League 220 YARD RCN | Dicke, Jack Parker, John How. | Entrants In Perdue Track Meet | court, Pete Hyde, Bob Davidson, | Brennan, Tom Smaliman, Al Tan- | Griffiths, | Brockie, —< Thompson, Den- Rick | WL Pet.GBL| Junior — Glen Cauperman,| Intermediate — John McWhir- nis Medland, Glenn Chartrand, / Campbell: Larry Midleton, Ter- Ranges City 13 7.60 — | John How, Gord Jheisimen, Don | ter, Bob Pickering, Drew Harvey, Jim Colberry, Don Borne, Paul] ry Herron, Tony ston 10 6 635 1 | Salen, Rod Thauanier, Bruce’! Jim Brown. Nesbitt, Doug Calder and Doug) Senior — John Rhines, Toward Ghicens T 3 2 Bussel, Ray Medland. Senlor — Ted Brawn, Frank Je- | =) P Johnson, Dave Daikens, Brian Los Angeles 1 3 M5 2 ‘| Intermediate — Tom Windsor, | me eteric, Noel Southwick, Rich te — Rick Campbell, Donnelly, John Ives. |New York O33. 2's 4 Dave Windsor, Steve Hindmarsh, | Bacon, Miké Collins. ee McFeeters, Ron Breckon, POLE VAULT | Baltimore 10 00 3 | Chris Brennan, John McWhirter, | Medland, Ken Bowering. ar Riad: Lawrtoce: Ron Minnesota 911.450 4 | Gary Vallencourt, Frank Mar- 100 YARD DASH Sanderson; Andre Lamothe! _ dunior — map La Detroit 811 an 415 | lat. J ’ Feero, Alan Ives, Greg Smith, ¢- ; i Junior Jolin How, Don Culham, and Charles Van Sickle. Cleveland 5 9. 5 Senior — Al Fraser, Paul Cor- Rod Thallmar, Dave Richardson, Don-| Des Halls, Vie Lesnicki, Steve sates ae ‘ ‘ Gongch al Tl, Bran Do. eaiee: Ww ashington 913 "350 6 \ dingly, Ron Allison, John Holmes. i Ken Koyama, Jean Poulin. — Nel ReSults Wedn® stay | : | Intermediate — Dave Windsor Lines: Intermediate Neil Dennis, \ THE MILE j : ‘ f =x am sa Dan MacLeod. Al Kirkham, Ste-; Baston 14 Minnesota 5 | Junior — Paul Casteliani, Jim Sars pocerimatis TOs. Veneers | me ead Armstrong, John Lapraik, |} Washington 4 Detroit 1 Dumanscy, Don Jenkins ‘ Ken Gary Vallincourt, Steve Hind- snr Glen McTavish, Doug ange seit Chicago 7-6 Baltimore a 2 — _ marsh, Frank Marlatt. Nesbitt, Glenn yh eee Chris Senior Woody Weller, Gun- | Kansas City Clevelan@ 5 Senlor — Bob Brichl, Noel) Taylor, Trompest, Doug | nar Kinsig, Dave Daikens. |Los Angeles 5 New York 3 Los Angeles at Pittsburgh (N) Southwick, John Holmes, Reg | Calder, eye SHOT-PUT * Games Friday St. “Louis at Cincinnatt (N) Spb coy iebgh arene ln ingen Intermediate — Ralph McF cet- Pea he tecresah, ‘Tim New. York at- Minnesota (N) Chicago at Milwaukee (N) aon. — rps esh, 7M | Cleveland at Los Angeles (N) ers, Rick Campbell. Peier Mar-| erson | d, Steve fin, Ted Midland, Bob Sand _| Gabriel, Dennis Medlan Boston at Kansas City (N) Ren Bowering, Bob Syabo and) an ca Lieve JOHN Washington at Chicago (N) jowatt, nna Baltimore at Setroit CN) Ron Breckon. j eee af. roug’ Bob| Intermediate — Neil Haywood, | eg soa John Mason, Terry Herron, Keith | Clarke, Al Taylor, Glenn Hough- | Natio"al League International League HURDLE RACES Junior — Jean St. Pierre, Brian Northern Divisio" 7 WL Pct. ‘GBL | Dickie, Ray Medland, Dave Ri- Buffalo 9 3.70 — chardson, Jean Poulin. Syracuse 7 8 .46T at Intermediate — Frank Marlatt, Rochester 6 7 462 31, | Broce Rankin, Tom Smallman, *) Richmond 5 9.575 Don “Jahsopia Greg McCauley, | Toronto $ 9.25% S Jim Brow Southern Division Senlor — Noe! Southwick, Rick Atlanta 95.60 — a Don Brockie, Dave Shep- | Arkansas 9 6 600 . Don Jerricke. | Indianapolis 9 7 5 1 | | Jacksonville : 2 467 2"5 SHOT. PUT | |.Columbus 47) 4 Junior — Ray Medland, Jack L Parker, Rick Thoms, Bill Carter, —Reaulte Sestconaay Brian Cummings, Mike Stamark, Allanta 4 Columbus 0 Terry Seminuk \Litthe Rock 2 Indianapolis 3 Jacksonville at Buffalo ppd, cold | Rochester at Richmond ppd, nid lores at Toronto ppd, cold ofay's Games j Rock at Indianapolis (N) | } Atlanta at Columbus (N) | Jacksonville at Buffalo ( | Rochester at: Richmond (N) Syracuse at Toronto iN} Garwood and John Ives. | Smith, Bill Haney, Charlie Ven-| — WL Pct. GBL se eet Ge jrickle, Bernie Captstick, Rolf cr Louis 14 7 61 — 440 YARDS Smith. Pittsburgh 11 6 4&7 1 Junior — Chris: Taylor, Jim) Senior Pat Donnplty, Fred) san Francisco 12 9 Sil 2 Calberry, Jim Hanenberg, Brad | Reeve. Falk Becker, Jim Car-! Miwaukee 12.10 M5 2s ; Peter Swiryon, Jim) roll, Say, tee cn e, Chicago 10.10 500 35 ee Rick Heggie, Larry Scul- rett. Tan «Rankin, Tom Orth, iPox Angeles 10:11 476 4 Phil Garwood. | Philadelphia 810 44 45 pasate Aubrey Sr Smith, pisces TreRow. | Cincinnati 710 4122 5 33 ——— New-York ——~-~—F-42-168 6 aay Jonior — Sn gh OS = Houston 73 30 6's ote | Halls Don Melbourne, Gary beret, Gem ic is, Kes 'derson, Dennis Midland, Bot | Wednesday's Resuit® Es reheat Rod Lawrence, Tim Houston at New York ppd, rain Rhines a oho cielo | Gabrie \. len Francisco 5 ihr telan 1 ' icago-13 St. Louis 8 Trine, ermediate — Keith Smith, | 5 Keith Pooley, Ralph McFeeter, Milwaukee 3 Cinc innati 4 880 YARDS Bill Haney, G. Zeidle, Terry Mel-| ex Sich ieir at Philadelphia ppd |b ittie Junior — i hh | bourne, Walter Maruyyo. Thompson. aioe i ave) Senior — Phil Garwood, = Sd Games - Friday _ Schaemer, Rick Hegzie, Jim | North. Frank Becker, Falk Bec- San Francisco at"New York (N) 5 Hanenburg. Greg Smith, Ron. ker, Pat Donnelly. | Houston at Philadelphia (N} e. JAVELIN THROW street, Rick aa aj Bet sate Seis ae ee + ry, ige “ozens ob bern, sans Sa praia eT , Steve Leaver, Alan} | Ives, Gary Anderson.Tim Gabriel, ton and | Don Melbourne, Des Halls, May | Schoemer, Doug Cargill, Greg Smith, Dale Harman. Intermediate — Bernie Cap- stick, Neil Haywood, Bill Rennie, ‘Senior — Glenn Hough Jim Broughton, MILE RACE Outdoor Living and HOME IMPROVEMENTS Junior — Don McCreesh, Doug Cargill, Rod Lawrence, Peter | Glenn McTavish, Walter Maruz- Swiryon, Jim Griffin, Glenn Lar-t rand, Jim Honenburg Schoe- | ao, Larry Roberts, Dan MacLeod, Peter Martin, » Senior — Pat Donnelly, Fred Howard Gary @ FENCES @ PATIOS , Max E. .mner. Intermediate — Ted Mecland, Foribas Roger Timms, Dave Bradstreet, Aubrey Smith, Johnson. Dave Daikens, Brian Hunter, John Lapraik, Al Gilchrist, Pete Ovens. * Smith, Larry Roberts, zhn Ken- NIGH HURDLES nior — Keith Stainton, Glenn Senior — Ji " 7 —_— m. ans Chart nd, G t Pete Snesb" At TavR Care| Gent tay ran, Jo rwood, mms Evans, John eo Hpeet Mowat, John Maddock. t TWO-MILE Inter iate — Bob Sanderson, ; OPEN Saath abrey Smith, Rick Campbell, . THE burg. EVENT — Jim Hanen-| pie Haney; Terry Herron, Brian Burgers, RO¢T) Campbell, R. Syabo, Don Kil- ; ean Since eray Hones Ti igi ‘Pie Cam nk Lock-| ite ; wood and Wayne Chartrand. ss, a Brian Donnelly and BROAD JUMP RELAY RACES Junior — (Red) Keith Stuinton, |} - | Roger Tipple, Ted Parkinson, | 579 KERR ST. N. @ CAR PORTS PORCHES =~ | @ SCREENS DO IT YOURSELF OR WE CAN DO 40B FOR YOU EASY BUDGET TERMS CALL IN OR PHONE FOR AN ESTIMATE OAKVILLE LUMBER VI 5-4284 | , nis Medland. | Lawrence, Keith Stainton, "Doug | “a= eee —— : ——— Cresaman, ° Jim Griffin, Chrish | THE SHOPPING EVENT THAT Grassett. Intermediate — Neil Dennis, ‘Ted Mediand, Paul Eyman, Mike Alexander, Rolt Smith, Rick West- : Mpesler — Terry Gibbons, sired | WAITS FOR EACH SPRING Sat TORONTO Thursday, May 2 to FROM SIMPSON’S GREAT Sheer .... , 22 covers ond wbGtlshes Women’s Cotton Cambric Pyjamas nee ae i 5,000 sq. ft. You carry it : fike o Hs Rah it's | bree mare mare | =" — may “°° Men’s Wash ’N Wear Sport Shirts ........... Men’s Ankle Hose ... Men's, Women’s Swiss’ Watches. DIRECT DIAL TO SIMPSON’S MAY SALE HERE ARE 12 EXCITING. Save 20% .... ‘Tex-Made’ Sheets. Regular 9.98 Quality. Pair 7.98 ‘Caldwell’ Bath Towels .... Regular 3.98 Quality 00.0... ¥2 Price! Shower Sets .... Regular 17.98 Quality ..... “White Cross’ Shoes. Regular 12.95 and 13.95 Qualities. Plainstitch Nylons. 9 to 11 ...........00:.. . Sizes 32 to 40 Batiste Sleepwear, Matching or Separates ............ Boys’ ‘Ban-Lon’ Sweatershirts, Regular 4.95 Quality ssasatts Men’s White Shirts .... Regular $6 Quality. ........ Each 3.98, 2 for 7.75 : Regular 1.50 to 2.50 Pair Qualities, 3 Pairs 2.85 $45-2811 ALL ONTARIO Saturday, May 11 Intermediate — Jim Thompson, r Frank Delfino, Dan Terry. Dale Neilson, Bob Carter, Ken Bafiey, Bruce Rankin, John Spurgeon \- Senior — Frank Gemetric, Phil Chambers, Mike Lush, Don Lind- kay, Don Allison; Bob Harrine- ton, Ted Criffiths, Graig Bud- real, 2 DISCUS i ord am — Ted Gopsil, Dan Mur- j-— Terry Semenuk, Terry Col- This 1s a true Hammond : Hine. Jim O'Brien, Barry Robin- board, twin speakers, pl gre be ah ee | gon, Rick ‘Thoms, Ray Medlin. | clusive features until now‘available only on more ex- Intermediate — Bob Davidsot; pensive Hammond models: Gary Valliricourt, Jim Thompson, Drawbars .. , Reverberation . . . Touch - R yee Tanner, Brian Percussion Permanent Pitch — to name a 6 AT CITIES SERVICE’ O FREE |. SAFETY ‘ COUNTDOWN. Just as the ‘‘Countdown" represents one of the most vital moments in an Astronaut's life, so does Cities Service ‘SAFETY COUNTDOWN” represent a matter of vital importance to you and your car. — D. Scott, I Holmes, | P. Bienes D. Jerricke, R. Green, D. e. | POLE VAULT 2: “Junior — Brian LaWaise, Gord Jessiman, Bill Allan, Bob Tro® tier, Paul Connolly, a, Bree Intermediate — | Rod Me’ Taggart, n Spurgeon, | Frank Delfino, Bob Pickering, ey Vallin- | John Watson, Paul Bedford, Chris Frank Delfino, Len Collins. ner, Greg McCauley, Jeff Ellis. Senior — Bob Worts, Don Ter- Senior — Bob Briehl, Bernie ricke, Don Windmill, Bernie Card, | Card. Rick Bacon, Al F Craig Burdeal, Bernie Rynsover, | Dave pil ere Dan ‘Jerrick, Don Izatt, Bob Harrington, Ted) Reg Gree Tom McPhie. HOP, STEP & JUMP unior — Ken Koyama, dato JUMP Junior —-Rick. Purdy, Ken _Ko- yama, Glen Cautermein, Renzo Bill Il Roberts, B i Bo ie > Pier Faile Glenn Humphreys, -Don Perey Bob Glazen, Dan Jen-| Bernidini, Bob Thacker, Andrew | D. Paiment, Stan kin, Martin Sailes, Andrew Car-| Carroll, Rick Thoms, Peter Mc-} Howlett, Fraser Gordon, Al Da- roll, Rick Thoms, Doug Savin,| Arthur,.Ai Terpstra xon, t, Gary Golman.® Ken Elphick, Pete McArthur. Intermediate — “Brian Peddle, Intermediate — Greg McCauley | | Zenoti “Lesiuczok, Paul Bedford, Tom Smaliman, Senon Lesiuczok, | | Reg Butcher, Crish Brennan, Don Paul Bedford, Frank Marlatt, | | McLeod, Greg McCauley. John Kemp, Jim Brown Senior — John Holmes, Don Phil Chambers, Do Lindsay. Rog Green, lan Foster, Paul Zercher. | JAVELIN Junior ‘Renzo Berardinl, Tom Bryson, Terry Seminek, Ken Thilson, Terry Collins, Mike Seamark, Dennis Thaller, Don Culham, Bill Carter, John Doulin. Card, Rick Bacon, Al’ Frazer, Dave Shepherd, Don Terrick, Reg Green. lege i 2 Eg Bg q Jim Brown, AL Thompson. Uwe Soeder, Rod Me- | Taggart, Dave Ewing. Senior — Frank Gemetric, Phil Come in today and see this new easy- -to-play fanart Spi- net, With our PlayTime Plan you can have the new Spinet in your home for 30 days, with 6 lessons —= Only $35.00, Or phone today for a free home Serntnetra tion: Chambers, Mike Lush, Don Lind- sav, Don Allison, Boh Harring- ion. Ted Griffiths, Grai¢ Bud- real. ¥ HIGH JUMP APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE Junior — Kim Wells, Peter sic- Open Ev Night Till 8: Arthur, Dan Murphy, Tom Hos- vet “Tat ba ng noseyel Saturday Til € p.m. Ringuet, Al Terpetra, Ken tphirk; ephone 279-5431 Collect fice cain! OE Intermediate — Brian Peddle, * 6 “LET ME KEEP YOUR CAR . 2 - CONDITION ; : | SPACE- AGE p> SAFETY SERVICES. @ ALL SYSTEMS-GO ~ CHECK « How long Is it since your car has had a COMPLETE check up and report on these vital safety features? 8) TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL, AUTOMATIC DRIVE @ AIR CLEANER and OIL FILTER ? © susPENSION system cae This is part of a new service offered WHEELS and TIRES FEATURES at our pump islands, There is no A } ,AY SALE! charge, of course, A few minutes 4) BRAKING SYSTEM . spent today on a Cities Service &} MUFFLERS and TAIL PIPES a. “SAFETY COUNTDOWN" can ‘LiGHTING ae ‘ . coe save you money—save future wear ‘ (2) (Interior and Exterior) . Pair _and tear on your car—saye you ve oe ee SCC RAT from major repair bills... it could oO COOLING SYSTEM ane 5 feiioag Pair 8.88 even save your life! Remember it dfs shart bdo ere ae ‘ 5 takes but a few minutes and it's free! oil ch rT i Pair 49c, 3 Pairs 1.42 , : Tee tate Suit 2.99 Each 2.99 and 3.99 , i T i ES | Each 3.95 | 2 Each 2.39, 3 for 6.50 a OAKVILLE BURLINGTON 17 Jewel, 13.99. 21 Jewel, 18.99 Ciikck mocks Oi Pale hee ae , \ & . : : - Clution’s Garage, Emerson's Cities Service, Rivwaki's Garage, Company Limited, Triller & Mississauga © 1012 Sonth Service Road, 2002 Lakeshore Road S., 623 Plains Road ale 1459 North Service Rd ---Streets, ~~ ~gorner 8t Line, . 4 Burlington, Ontario. Corners, _ Corner 3rd Line Bronte, Ontario. Oakville, Ontario. i — Burlington, Ontario. Oakville, Ontario, i ? : Kea's"Gities Service Station, Superior Garage, Brokenshire's . Ted's Cities Service Station, 574 Second Line 2500 Triller St., Service Station, eyes cain Bacio 350 Speers Road at Morden, Speers M Hwy. #2, 433 Guelph Line at New St., “Hwy, 5,

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