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Daily Journal-Record, 16 Jan 1967, p. 9

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Classifieds . Continued OTTAWA (CP)—A new and REAL ESTATE delicate political problem rn Pearson the cabinet are also cool to-the idea. Ever since Mr. Favreau. be- dians form a troublesome mi- cerned about Mr, Marchand's endency to threaten to resign every time a mma‘or. policy dis-~ . The resignation of Prime Minister Is Faced With New Problem Over Liberal Guy Favreau's Resignation Another factor in the eevee caucus discussions is that Mr. Prime irtl = of Guy Favreau’s reg : cane embroiled nthe La government's policy is to make pute isters Quebec — ee fede cal pfiaiengme ha Rivard ball. attair and ee riba 7 ae feel like Sorina “oe over a question Minister Maurice e, En i sulting Dorion judicial inquiry, ‘equal’ partgers, era- of principle would have an ex- , ergy Minister Jean-Luc Cards of Thanks y a large majority | Mr. Pearson is known to have tion. Plosive impact on the party, and J , raged with- WOALTT SauvicEs be a ofe the 56 Liberal MPs irom formed the view that the ap- uebec back - benchers reply Liberal informants say Mr. out portfolio—all reported In Memoriam Quebec favors the a t archi of a Quebec lieuten- thal the party needs an influen- ~ Mare built his a repute: to ‘have jeadership. a ambitions, ‘8 Kerr St, Oakville Funeral Homes Sere eens aire sete a a ashe. Canadian "wih oicmn. Quotes t~ Nae ‘octchard union D669 wil stay’ on for several year =e ? : as ‘ vreaus =~ ability Aan assc w w / or before entering Loren in i : Florists succe have been persistent voters can identify more easily 1963, esign « at giving them more o build Pe AN . — But informants close to the s that the title of Quebec — than with a prime minister who _ least six times in his first year: “thet “politica followings. Three bedroom bun- ‘ pri ister say he ~ has pin will disappear. speaks little French. — in the cabinet. ee ee fear | galow. lovely treed lot, mo- doubts sibether the position of Informants say most cabinet The issue is being debated in +: Rn CRY am untais dern kitchen, near schools DEATHS : bec leader aaa lever, be nitnigtare: and oor. Pearson feel the Liberal recat bod and no early aniatey aipteads a on plone tise per ben ingen? aie BENALLICK, hibald — At the nh trea Rh foacbcbake Hos- again. And Mr. Man chand's Quebec colleagues in the post has become obsolete, that it atte French - Cana- decision is Mr. Poston is said to be con- ise in somatimeshitier conte pei! tations. email v=] atid on ‘y 16, 1967. rehibald Bensilick of of "hs Maple ; Avenue. Oakville, (formerly of Fen: _SaFTies to. sult your, pocket | wich) “beloved husband. at the late - im- Violet ‘k, dear father of the Steel Strike Settled/Suddenly Federal Conservatives Seek + Rate pasesion Act Br eee Rca BlaatSeth Prod |i res. Exel. dna SE < Islington, ci goma ant t r uction =| oo eee eee eae ee es To Take Firmer Policy Grip i Bi na ly quetph and) (CP) — Steel mills and Ses Dec. neral of strike by members of Local many to an. Resting at the fw home ovens at the giant Algoma Steel - . from, all detached homes a Russell and’ Son Dunn Street, Corp. Ltd. plant were Lear reat international Association of . OTTAWA (CP) —~ Federal| convention was’ largely oe But some firm directions did | to the year 21 with or without garage, 3. | (, mt St Jude's Taragtiesin Charen: for production tOday af =| Biickiayers, Masons and Plas. Conservative MPs have taken a/-vented from doing the job by a/ emerge, informants said, in-| There was a cai for a federal and 4 ~. Buy now Hh lernoot ai | surprise settlement Rariay, ahs a| terers: firmer grip on policy making nappies wrangle that divided cluding a Canada- policy on| board to oversee water use and and: save. To view these | 1:30 Interment wi mena netery, | strike by 8) bricklayers Algion ofticie 1 gaut the with a plan to throw task forces} the caucus into pro- and anti-| water export. No sale commit-| conduct such esp ieian us de- exclusive Listings. Call S ewet icice of the inte} Bul threat af a new strike by ant was closed Becalise ie into the field to exchange policy | Dielenbaker factions. ments would be made to the | veloping plans to divert Charles Smith $45-148 res, | Violet Benallick which was to have | members of Local P sy xlens: at’ grass * roots. public U.S. until a comprehensive in-| rivers such as the Athabasca to held on Monday afternoon has | hood of Railroad ‘Trainmen und | P28 bers of the railway unions Te-) meetings. Spokesmen also disclosed eae ventory provided assurance that| provide wat fo pos! to place, fused to cross bricklayers’} lodie weekend — conferences Canrin’s ahi bee CAar or fie ie cultural REBECCA GARDENS date and time as above Loca! ey leat peket lines. The unions claimed | The move was disclosed Sun-| policy would become a perma- ei a needs would be met! and” indus $235,200 full price, three 7 =< oa | Motive men ngine’ | the company locked them out. day at the end of the second | nent fixture, further confirming year old split level home, | qenay Japuary 15 Ais og pee men continues to plague Al Sattt d ken caucus policy confer-| the caucus intention to keep its # _ 3 twin size bedrooms, spa- tet 400 Tratalgar iy! Onk- ttlement was annotinced IN anee since the party associa-| fingers firmly in the policy- . - cous living dining room, of Patricia (Mis. W acre company is negotiating | a statement by Algoma and ‘the ton's big November Conven- | mali ‘. Daily Journal-Rec rd + finished family room, at- re McFarland) a state “upon-| With the two unions over a new bricklayers es negotiation, | ng ple, J “tached garage. Close to [125°C a and Doug-| contract and the members could tions opened Friday night and) Robert C. Coates, the Nova shopping and ry | 1a8 ol Oakville. Resting at the Fur-! be in position to go on strike| continued all day Suturday.| Party spokesmen made {t | Scotia. MP who promoted the best financing. Call Mr. St. (at the Lake). Oakville. in a month If talks are unsuc- Members of the bricklayers’ clear that caucus policy is sub-|jdea of weeke Jepson 845-6983 res._Excl. pera eestiee jon Jude's Angii- | ceasful. ratified the seltiement. jeet to final ratification by the | ferences, suid they have proved tr ae , . day vad a ; seyrors * "ay | The two ratlway brotherhoods § Sunday morning, axsiciation in convention. But the Conservative party —is - BLAKELOCK ' t St. Jude's Cemetery, M 5 heise ; ‘thet could be as much as hwo | : a ng ’ f Pepe Six tal Roeiioven Canadian’ Can-| : Baie awily. : og: ieadlership divisions: te | svi Stones de Sees PAGE 9 down. room fi . a - . . i brick bungalow, large me sreaates "| Controversial CBC Interview wiih ‘ote ‘Sinpicca ‘tut| , Sat we, have proven 3 @ sted but j ing and room, nice FUNERAL line yet to be complet we're very much alive,” he tol Synopsis: A Prairie blizzard) Tuesday, followed iy clearing location schools the plan is for groups of. four ; [is be! a seat eee interes re ET DIRECTORS UH: h ite P Ha five MPs. to discuss, policy |g ee iat t itl teres meil casieiiy ‘wicvie ct. Som tocat nitacet “oa be : 500. Call Mr. Winther &44- ] e own espite rotes co a a sada aap developing policies for people.” | 5 50 miles an hour combined coming northerly Tuesday af bi . 9086 res. Excl. SINCE 192? pect Sua te welcome. ‘he prass-roots policy discus-| With snow and blowing snow noon. ta : arties wo ll spread ‘snow rapidly across Northe: Lak H ith- - TORONTO (CPi—Daryl Duke,| tional Democratic Party, which pe os sions to produce “‘a continuing | will sp p cross; Northern e Huron, sow : ERINDALE WOODLANDS S. S. RUSSELL pralucer of the CBC telev ision| denies charges that it is a neo- Seis “Ape gies chiara liaison between the party and| the upper lakes today. A lighter | ern Variable Asking $25,900 for these am Sunday an inter-| Nazi organization. espaol seas _QVEr. Ee the people” are not entirely “29 of snow will occur late | cloudiness ‘with snowflurries to- spacious new three bed- & SON view with Adolph a thadden ae ek ‘are < to. salt, -~ pathern corey, new. ay, tonight and early Tues-|day. Snow tonight and early i *) Mr. said Sunday on ment. aml other § cis oO Ae room bungalows, double at- Funeral Directors ontroversial West German pol} youd sok an Gataiie ot ni particular interest to the nor-| Party spokesmen were ress | 2 a Cancend ore on eget cok Wind increas tached almost 1400 45 Dunn St, at the lake fician, will appear on the pro-| Thadd inter. thern Alberta region, The nudi- | on policy decisions taken ‘at evihins SP eptel rct ne f aq. ft. of space. Im- 8443 gram despite a —- not to | Viewed, rbeie ntoe vi Nia tert ence verte fire questions at a| two weekend conferences we province behind this) ing to southwest 3 t 200 cash to coe’ mort = Mic President 3. ose Teg al appear on the pro- panel of MPs |eause the caucus as a whole “Tate st. chair, southern Lake| ees 1" * Very conveniently lo- CBC ih aie SE gram ay, a week next Sya- © The caus Rot {nto forma}| must ratify them later this’ yuron, western Lake Erie,|magami, Algoma, southern gage. Very Ouimet eu in Ottawt fur. " moiliey-making at » weekend! week. About 60 MPs showed up, | : } cated. Call Mr. Foster to day that the CBC had with. Caf: 7an %- Hak the Roveriber (auc last aeekend's nesting. +| Nena. pce, Samy with| White River, Sudbury, N : see these immaculate TOWN Setar bit tvtintican’ sha’ vee Ni Giltine® sald in hls: state- conferences after the November | for weeke son spats pool gees A’ Bay, Sault. Ste. Marie: Occa- ' i re Sek tty 1D ap ctor ew snowflurries early. Tuesday | casional snow, today, Snow be- : homes, Excl, i Thadden to come to Canada ment that “mounting threats : | clearing and tuning, cold in the coming heavier and continuous --g Le i ryi “mal ? t ( The CBC was trying to ‘make of violence invelving — jubhe | afternoon. Southw winds 25 tonight. but tapering off again NDPers Not Expelled * - OFF LEES LANE other arrangements to inter-| safety" had forced the CBC to $2400 D Solid brick and view Mr. von Thadden for tele withdraw the Invitation. The Fog Sarat pothery Lak cet ee er three room bungalow in cast in a way which will not in- Corporation had reluctantly con- Ee ionique: L shaped COUNTY -| volve “bringing him to Caneda,”,| cluded * “that it can’t bring Mr. TORONTO (CP)— Five New| opposing the activities of the| Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali-| afternoon. Winds light, becom- *- : dining combination, he said. : ‘Yon Thacklen to Canada without apsttice pe frony Ottawa . who! United States _in_ the Vietnam “burton, Killaloe, Toxgnto, Ham-! ing southerly 20 to 30 bee \*- __living yciind Selon a ‘e Wan’ TVinditen “la: “iseatiale | tundas risk to bis salety @ ‘and that believed they had been expelled | war were told Sunday they have | iets Sunny, clouding over 3 at Shifting to northeast Tues- ; {sled For appointment call MILTON—Town Council meets) man of the West German Na-| of others.” ‘from the. provincial] party for | not_been expelled: ne aca rate Mrs. Ch £27-0567 tonight to discuss the contro- —_— = The NDP provincial council | a pra pag aa versia) issue of installing wal x said a_mecting the five | | encenda: Exc versal issue of Snsaling wate thought they ‘were expelled be | Deaths Of The Day ee SEES = ROUNDING OUT THE NEWS [222255 ee day to Come up with some facts : eations were Kit properly fied |" Walieax—Chiet Justice James] aging “director of “his — al ; ; ; out. ime Tisley, of the Nova | chocolate and 7 and soe Syren slr HUNTSVILLE, _ Ont. (CP)—, and Whitehall Sunday as a rally, wards the east = i: eas John Harney, party provincial Scotia Supreme Court, Canada's, at his home. nee Somes 5 BEDROOMS The scheme would cost the town Loki areshay 4 Mingarsdt fo Rotaeli hare sli eviuunte i a military buildup agains’ operas said applications fil- bebo as minister of finance: of New York—Nicholas Kallay, in a fire .which ¢ ferry of Rhodesia brob ! # | led out in the proper manner, cardiac complications. {79, premier of H before a. around $60,000, But first counci struyedd their frame home just} up in a fight. hey be considered by the! St. Adolphe aH joward, Que.— } the Nae Second Wor si tick bungal has to set a rate for the use Seecat north Their mother and| Trouble started when banner- . | Andre Ouimet: ss feat forld ye Aski: This Mes i: * et, 47, cencral man-| invasion o coun! (T s a beau living it was ee si 1 reas | HE five yarn escaped in- Irene young sores sts 4 Pills Fail Pethe five are Jeff White, editor} ager of French-language fot| long é BA kik berals moved into the squ of the Canada-Vietnam newslet-| station CKAC in Montreal: of| Easton, Pa.—Charles Gel- and dining room a large hhc ded “abusing” the use of water: | eave Rown, 10, Joanne, where about 5,000 pe one ve “e TORONTO (CP)—Ida Wella-| ter; Gary Porter and Brenda) an apparent heart attack. | bert, 60, former pine La he eich : league and Edwin, 3, children of Mr. | Histening to Duncan Sandys and; coot, 2s, gave birth Thursday {6/ Dineen, chairman of the Carle-| Bristol, England—Sir Egbert | basebal hosp and Mrs. Delmer Rown, were | other Conservative supporters a healthy pair } b | dria ital of ‘an of twins—con-| ton University committee to em | Cadbury, 73, a former man-| apparent heart atta killed in the fire which followed }of Premier Jan Smith's Rho- four months Pr atlack, fy celyad after she | the war in Vietnam; Kate Skidoo Stolen be explosion in a space heater |desian regime. Police said 11 = Today In History began taking birth control -pills.| Porter, chairman of the Ottawa persons were arresied, _-~ Mrs, Wollacott said she began | Young NDP Club; and Kenneth Close to shopping and as Mrs. Rown tried to light it. = pital. For more informa- MILTON — Police investigating lyrtle Rown, threw her | forthe the pills 13 months ago,! Warren, an editor of the Can- : | brother Barry, & out of tk believing they took effect al- | ada- Vietnam ne newsletter. tion call Adriano Ferreira | the theft Friday of a f end< siete wind | inmost immediately: She: xald she dan. 16, 1967... reg ee Star i coildnt imigine having. misse Find Leaflets a day because the pill container Ww hiskey Stolen s the day each pill is 19066 — The British army vacated poses and Esqui- , its last forts in The Japanese army in- jumped out ane nim | ti vaded Burma 2% years ago p, | snow w and *|A sixth child, John, 3, was nex e — \ 4 ; LEVEL. oor at the time of the fire. ) bpecfie > SPLIT crime at mee eenarnd ect oP Huntsville is 30° miles north off yore CHUA, .South - Victnam | pe rake OAKVILLE — Crooks spirited! togayoin 192-— only five nialt, eS Katt ince taken 8 uters)—United States infans She said the manufacturer | away $85 worth Of,achiskey and ry pg Canada. ie. cen rer tion, | of photographs of tire marks ts |trymen returned from» jungle | blamed other pills she was tak-| mix from the Bronte Harbor) eeks after capturing the ¢ _ First World War | three tal — may oe a clue. patrol Leaiotend to find Vielling for an epileptic aconsiton | Yace Club early Sunday morn- north of Malaya Simultane- Fifty years ago today—in ee. a ee tv ning $795 sh Bogie T Killed Dre ge ropaganda leaflets in for the failure of th They got in by kicking out/ ously they were successfully 1917—British guns pounded [= «00m, living between midnig a.m. wo their foxholes, planted under trol pills. i Be iceseaat window, landing on American German lines near Arras; oe family kitchen, 14 piece Friday. the noses of sentries in broad Fe Dutch islands in Southeast Lioyd George and British and 1-3 piece bath, at- ‘| BOLTON, Ont. (CP)—Robert | daylight. | : Asia, The Burma campaign and French generals in Lon- tached garage, par * ‘ Edwin Creer, 31, of Bolton and| Officers said the Icaflets TT ISN'T ART ‘First Baby —lasted barely three months drive on fenced lot. Asking $26,700. his five-year-old son Michael| might have been distributed by Sh ls si fore the British and In- the Western t Try your offer by calling County Council were killed Saturday. when the | women or children living in this NEW- YORK (AP)I—It may P’xyTON — A seven pound,| dian armies were driven ‘Twenty-five years ago to- Mr, Bennett at 45-7561. car in which they were riding | bomb-pocked hamlet on the De be a crime for giristo-serve |i. ounce boy was the first] back “Into India and the day—in 1$2—the Japanese MLS. eo Peel Coun slid into a CPR train at a level/edge of the jungle, about 30 drinks in the half-nude, but it baby. born jn Milton in 197. Ter- ‘hack d" to China ca gets down to business ‘os crossing just west of here. miles northwest of Saigon. isn't art either. and it must 80. \ 1. “Emest Moore, son ofMr.| tured. The first check to the into Burma; U.S. ships sank ji OFF 196T with the patio The train, which consisted of | Mayor Jobn Lindsay said Fri-) ng a4 s luam Moore of 20} Japanese came in the naval five Japanese in F MORDEIN RD. [sec tor tnatrow. ‘The frst ait], single ening and & caboose EA rae ae see SOON Charlee war torso | DUmASof foe oe) Seek 28 ad te Sa L - . Milton District Hos ital Janu idway, in May une, PS 3: Asking: $22,900.00 for this et the fog council mat be ter of a mile before coming to Soviet Troo S charges against aed | \4 at 10 Sa P meee 942, when U.S, Navy forces attacking Halfaya Pass, three bedroom brick bunga--~ |i the-Council Chambers, at the). p29 ho iced their fleets Libya: fo of Bis Mies larwe ty in poo i tia PEKING (AP) Dees nr wets the walste up, ex] | detached garage, erence cep! for what is known in the ALL PUT TOGETHER H paved diveyay. Extras in- Vice - Premier Marshall Yeh buriesque world as “pasties.” | About 200,000 people in Israel | clude and awnings. = R Chien-ying indicated Saturday ES live in kibbutzim or co-operat- | : ecover Funds that the Soviet Union is build- ; NTENCE : 7 « fils immactlate tome cali | Thieves Hit | om, fee sect RANE, Om, scPl—ttel oS ‘| the bigges Adriano Ferreira at &5- EDMONTON (CP) — The Al- inese r, the New China HRANE, Ont, (CP)—Ro- ND berta division of the Canadian |News agency reported Sunday.| doipn Lambert, 65; of nearb i h t t a Tal. Excl. Suiae “3 | OAKVILLE.— Thieves broke /Cancer-.Society has—recovered |. Addressing meeting in| Timmins, was sentenced to five 22 SEMI-ANNUAL 0 wa er WEST into Metro Marine, in Bronte over| nearly all funds misappropri- honor of a visifing’ Albatifan years in Kingston penitentiary oe . the weekend, stealing a $7 pilot| ated by a former official, T. military delegation, Marshal’ Friday on a charge of arson. bar ain in , OAKVILLE seat from a. cabin cruiser belong-|D. Baker of Edmonton, division | Yeh stated that “the Soviet re- He pleaded guilty to setting & - LOT. _| ing to David Russell of 1267 Cam- President, reported Saturday. | Visiohist ending clique now is fire that damaged a rooming! ario: bridge Stes ‘Baker's report to oe, an<} aiming —its—military—strategy—to—house—in-which-one-person-died._——4 —+-+— Ont IBSEcTa Spel eeeaeeeamerepre es a = 239 x 149 zoned commer- nual convention said $209,482 eee ess) g, i } 3 property now ented. Ex ete uastablished loss” of | | eeent area, access to QE rpass $713.983. i eg Asking $45,000.00. Call Mr. Hits Unde Text of the president’ : sinh 4 5 E Y 9 was released in advanc Bs James Martin, of to, veer-|victed two years ago or pai : * RIVERSIDE the Queen Eilzabeth at|propriation of funds and sen- DRESS PUMPS pw the Ninth Line underpass Sunday | tenced to eight years. ! 900 causing an estimated i This 3 bedroom split level | $250 damage. : Reg. 10 '$19.95 “i home in one of Oakville's thon ‘ pe eer ee Rhodesia Riot =“ $12.95 electric water heater: dining combination L, fam- | Citizens’ Band : hell at rec pd ne tice — Police The 40 has loom, pleasant laundry tizens’ | ¢ with thousands of dem- Cascade a forty-gallon tank room onstrators in Trafalgar Square MEN'S DRESS two powerful heating elements that ants SHOES abundant hot water quickly and economically. DACK, NUNN BUSH _ = hehe _ i GEYESH et eaey “VELLE . Gikeoon less; it needs no flue. This means it is clean, SCOR CHEVY i safe and can be installed snywhere. Ask your ected dg Driving 20% off | 5 Hydro for 1 ae geen Specia Rates H Leasing Saves Tax Dollars REED-REDF ER RN N HOUGE WOOLAND lak Public lies Commission 2350 Trafalgar Koad (formerly 7th Hwy. 25, Oakville _ FINE FOOTWEAR : RD. E. OAKVILLE — 845-3461 845-3552 el J 7 = J * . ; : fe = 1

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