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Daily Journal-Record, 16 Jan 1967, p. 8

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@ months old, Telephone 827- | dio, air pags... sas tires. Good cop i tition, Ofers, “Telephone 65-04 a ONE Registered male toy poodle |——__—__ “for gale, beige, weeks —old,-|1960 ioe ORG Minor-1000, -—convert- $125, Telephone 637-0032. ce eye cendition, Best olfer. FOR SALE ibe ‘OLDSNOBILE Star Fire con+ ie. Powe! t, power win- more wer steering trunk Te» = lease, AOUP. radio, power an fenna, revibrator speaker, new = oversize tires owner, Tele- . © Port Credit 278-2997 of bane 966 from € am. - 6 p.m. — Satur of 1 day 9 a.m. to 4 pan, Selling price DEMONSTRATORS |S" aaa top. ‘Bcence GRE 10, Cce Lita . Tutone Adding machines and port- brake tic, (power steering. power able typewriters. rakes, radio, whitewals ry $45 per h (20 months). \LL MAKES 1. at 1058 CADILLAC sedan de ville. LI- cence 604-200. Fully one $0 SELECT and $20 ‘per mon onth. Call B45-4B8h. OFFICE: 1964 ive MERCURY Colony Park sta- UIPMEN Hien S07-8TX. ve EQ T automatic, ee “steering, 45-3 brakes, ratio. sine. s, c 250 Kerr st ro réar window Bala Pn so fat. month (6 port Call 1958 RD Fairlane. fiaeaway, AVAILABLE barat convertiltie. Licence AT . Fully equipy #2 down CUDMORE F. = per an (30 months) Tele- PAGE 8 —— <s ~-ay Journal-Record, Monday, danuury 16, 1967 / Hold A January Sale At Your Home . With A Want Ad Call 845-4937 COMING EVENTS CALENDAR HELP WANTED MALE ’ HELP WANTED FEMALE St. John’s JANUARY uth Ambulance First Aid Course commencing uary Mth, at 8 p.m. To be held at Knox Presbyterian further information Telephone 844-5775 Church Hall. For Jan- at Bruce Lyn School. Mrs Doctor Graham will form a panel discussion on various and medical problems with the re retarded Doctor will be the commentator Zaborowska PET sree CARS FOR SALE — POODLE styling, Pick v Saget aes _ Beeopetery of Bae re | black cm er brakes. rastio seal Traiies. $2,495, Telephone Bi L convertible. yellow with iM, POW ts, 73.000 B44-G607. 1958 CHEV ROLET ME CTD. automatic Trunsmiskion, Ya- _| 1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne, PLANT. SUPERVISION FORD ST. THOMAS ASSEMBLY PLANT — Material Handling Foreman — Production Foreman — Trades Foreman The initial staffing of our new Assembly Plant (now under construction) provides excellent op- portunities, with good. promotional individuals with varying perience who are interested in a career in the Plant Supervisory Field. Successful candidates must have: — Supervisory. experience in one or more of the above functions. OR — Two to five years Industrial experience; prov- en leadership qualities; aptitude and interest in plant supervision; one or more years of post high school education nological institute, university or apprentice- ship course. <7, prospects, for degrees of industrial ex- & unadian Tire Store APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT SECRETARY required by Ford Motor Credit Company. OAKVILLE Experienced and fully competent, Excellent shorthand and ability lo manage a : epariny company benefits, Arrange interview by Athey 45-2511. ent necessary, Top salary and calling } Mr, -Mc- ROOMS FOR RENT CASHIER Full time, experienced, for in Oakville. Permanent posi- tion with fringe benefits. Please apply in. person. obtained through.a tech- ‘Please direct a complete personal resume includ- ing work experience to:- Salaried Personnel Supervisor FORD MOTOR COMPANY of Canada, Ltd. ONE furnished room tional, parking "faelites, Dropedate area. Telephone 827-0 FURNISH for rent — Gentleman preferred. Fourth Line Are For any additional tnforma- Hon telephone 845-0424. EXPE RIENCED hairdresser “want FURNISHED _ room for, “reat in a a ed_for full or rt_ time emoploy- " ment in the Oakville area. Please — Parking faciliies. For addi. call 822-9298 after 6 p.m onal information telephone §44- ast RELIABLE woman “wanted to ba baby = ait with two vear old, one day a BRIGHT comfortable ro for el. Close to bus route, Telephone a locates near ite, "hospital, is 3763 = @ atmosphere. Telephone 845- E AEE RIE NCED waltress rae ts pers oo to the bu Res taligarnt 50 Lakeshore Road. APARTMENTS We + ee ae, FOR RENT EXPERIENCED “voor 7 teaume for licensed dining room ull time enlployment. On_ bus Num THE her 2 Highway. Telephone “pino7e!. . RELIABLE cleaning lady “required DEVONSHIRE for one day weekly. $10 per da <th Line Area, Telephone Bie 200 Queen Mary Drive MT — Convenient Jocation in EMPLOYMENT yee ab pee saeausren eae ial + two ie an WANTED bachelor suites — All hydro and under- a mason and re = a ent mole wanted: Telephone i+ ground parking included 1 Uiie. In rent. — Swimming pool and | WOM AN will bio cleaning. house, of- of- or ica | fire i* eek or iets The. | seoz dy five days a Telephone 845- store Sauna baths All electric heat individua! control. with mei storage warehouse" for 32 by 24 — Located in Bronte: Apply at 44 ged Street or tele« SEE THE CANADIANA- BEFORE YOU LEASE * Burlington's newest lux- ury building with Lake On tario as your playground * All spacious suites with L. Ro 20 x 12° plus dinine room openihg to private haleony * Fabulous First a “‘Ma- ina’ — landscaped for your enjoyment The * Olympie size swimming pool * heated parking magnificent 2 storey ny * Numerous other fea- tures designed for pleas- ant and relaxed Jiving * Model Suite pee daily or by appointmen "Complete SN mail- ed upon request A prestize address 2) Lakeshore Roo East BURLINGTON, ONTARIO Enclusive Agents: LLOYD F. UTTER MORTGAGES FOR SALE — WANTED Ist & 2nd. MORTGAGES * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * INDUSTRIAL Fast, confidential service BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD. Glenn Danzey, Mgr. Lakeshore Rad. EF. 345-28 232 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE SALE Eight room bungalow off Eighth Line and Pinewood 30) ished. Asking $59,000. Tela ne 844-9762 or, 845-6871. EAST OAKVIL \ e bedroom LE rah three , Nrepla Lar ). $12,500 first movi Telephone a0 ‘acant, Privat te, THE WANT AD NUMBER . SS 845-4237 Phone 821.187 finted sndiels eget ST. THOMAS ASSEMBLY PLANT, | ROOMS FOR RENT} = mediate Occupancies REALTY LTD. vin, nada, mus oo Sonse 7 —e en arse sell. Telephone alter 6 p.m. 827 P.O. Box 2005. ; FURNISHED rogin for rent for aie sibetie il sh SORE earl a A OM PLES Sana St. Thomas, Ontario. I eaaruve dae two. gentlemen SUPERINTENDENT 634-77 PRIA TING, TYPEWRITERS 1960 PONTIAC Strato Chief. Auto- = | Kitchen privt eee Located close Apartment 101 = 7 f 3 1 } 4 earns ee ee HELP WANTED al Tolepbane S230 844.9735 Burlington Real Mex: we : Norsuiaa i rlington Realtors nary new model ae aan a ae MALE or FEMALE | BEDROOM ‘for rent oe ™o- Over 40 Years T.M.5 Electric Underw or ercury, one) REQUIRED HALTO} Telephone afier 6 p.m FURNISHED bedsitting room and and I.B.M, Special stu Recnitdh et dead aN ais. power COUNTY JAIL LARGE pom fi liv furnished: 5S ith | LUXURIOUS paeyiengeh pri lene ter ttre es Immediate de : Teeoheie’ Bis. 1580. AKAS, WC: vee Salary range: H.20 — S,- C A R R | F R Se au ‘ant Bron nte Get i BADEN entrance Pr ria ate. "Telephone B44. BAILEY 340.00 saisinervaneeenele TERRACE TEM aoe ed TRUCKS FOR SALE| Potomy pretax | WANTED cas os te Sey ines 30 Lakeshore Rd. W. smlortant -ait: ; iit woke §45-6561 MERCURY, $50. | stake. with rh oe physically fit and . an pekinese rchni corner of Forsyth and selene YS. iio ; is. g foot bow. Fiso0" she ight_of FOR able by the week or-meonth e AP ARTMENT size refrigerator, 3 poe ee Tepaired, | 006: ed between & a.m. ig the rereeiee heres NEWSPAPER ROUTES — TV. telephone, excel Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom pecans $35.00," Telephone #5. tra firm. 3 day service. Eider- WANTED TO BUY Preferably between 27 and Prodiiable resies sale Jent restuarant facilities, apartments from $125, a = = nh jel sho a trict wil! be svailabte’ soect ROCKWAY MOTEL BRETHOUR REALTY Bde EMERSON super quiet : Aperienc refern . + . Banke 38 1 * 2° Se ee Cost _Used Furniture Say rovaiting with For enc raion Lakeshore Rd, — just East nn e HES, St Expert Printing Kuarantee. Make offer to Wanted “good fringe benefits. Airy of Oakville Sass THREE bedroom house jn Falgar. : om suite, and oS Applicant must be prepar- “> J , z to school, Com paked frnce bedroom sulle 848) Cash for household articles | OPO Work shift work. DAILY JOURNAL-RECORD 22-1642 ebaunereahni gs nie Craton ne geome er at Your Dispo sal Eistier good condition. Telephone anugque pieces etc, §1-1617 —_-——______—_ 4 wom apariment jand tront garden. Possession Feb- for information. APPLY: Circulation Dept. NICE tr ight room for rent, located $1 410 on available im- ruary Ist. For further details tele- n om hulidin, | * 2 NEW — Brunswick Pool Table for Oakville Garfield Brown, 297 Randal! St 4 a sy nots Telephone mediates ee For the printing job you a details Furnitu ‘rk = inlstrate 5 eee eee m ent ' : a = re" Cletk > Administrator, Carriers in Campbellville, ate furnished rooms for $167, February Ist occu- FOR RENT | want’. . 3 af the prices 18 cubic feet, up 227 Lakeshore E. 845-0241 Cc Hal ——_——_ — Fight: double continental bed: book, eshore ounty of Halton, : . Milton, Elizabeth Gardens bos avi ailant le af xequired, _ pancy. All ypents include 2 _ case: a, wala Tele-| Gash for household articles ,and Administration Building and Park Royal please call et ergy, ag Telephone heat, hydro and reserved OFFICE SPACE you want... OFFICE : One AB =e. ae eae feta cai day oF Base ee i " pc siietanease Lait PAPI Call _ S850. Approximately 350 aq. feet Dick mimeograph duplicating ma.) might for quick service MILTON, Ontario. WILL share my furnish: ed - apart office space right on Main KEN PATTERSON i Iti- nt J ‘ * Sint ete PERSONAL cox | |QURNAL-RECORD PATTERNS [Score | Sin Tact La ie a. cable = Lilli’ alniss AA A o] — = ches a fejgennendaeed HORSE-SHOE - tay bedroo 1 PRartment Heat andl conveniences, washroom, satiation: ready bd offer Kardex : ; hydro suppl ea. Avapa bruary| clothes closet. Park i t ‘i Fecord, cabinet drawers with 1.000 NOTICE ~ Sais ; peau Avapable February | _ ee King you prompt service, .... : S443. I, MURRAY BOVAIR of e you dream = year lease. Call Michael | _ FIREPLACE wood for sale Tele-| 174 Felan Ave. Apt. 5. looking for you! ONE bedroom spartment@tiove. re-| — Makos and Co, &45-2801. evenings a pm. . =} ange vA . Ga" Calaiie: Fa longer be If—you are a senior of isha eras nt vINS eee ar “a Bem junwor executive, an at eas in aati oe aoruary No} OFFICE SPACE ally s ‘ = at.) CARS FOR SALE te ater tile tute Jurkacy countant, salesman, engin~ Telepbane serareens z In> heart “of Oakville. 2400 Ti, 197 eet, of specialis, We can FORSTER Maver — Two tegromn | square fee: available. or | Toumnal _ B REPOSSESSIONS help. you to find It. vu f til ed bath rope ad ave for pear doc- Ould "3 ecord = refrigerator, aundry equ S, insurance, Lnance ol- es local, finance com PERSONAL W. B. Harrison Telephone -bsb-5300.- rial. Adults only.) — fices. For information call Cc ial has just consigned to us a RIDE wanted from Hopedaie Piaza | & Associates FURNISHED bedsitting roomy. and Peter al i inges oF apply OTRINCE CIS __ number of for {oda to, Leave PERSONN is tor eitinie oe save menties at “TIS Lakeshore Rd. E. + 4s P immediate sale, All cars fn Oakville 7 a.m. Atenas any ¥ n CES Pri Convenient location. Oakville. Printing to. be sold for best of- time Biter 4 pm. Telephone, ‘BDT. PLACEMENTS ‘SERVE Reasonatie rele phone 844-9161 awe tee rene 7 fer January 16th. - |} 25, Chureh St. Oakville T+ bedroom apartment. L-sh aped | b hydro and heat included. A ply at Dept. TRANSPORT TATION wanted from | $44-9895 Hving-dint ng room, stove and re wit Tintin Terentiax Lid, Reait 4 4 CHEV. V- ic. ror to Toronto, | frigerator. No children. Telephone | Lakeshore Went, Oakville. DET eR UE A we So Ee. : . . ease afte \ | 1980 FORD 2 door. Lic. (2% CLASSIFIED 690-507. WILL ive day care in my home to bell ced “age Sounvew Root = ADVERTISING 1960 FORD station wagon. for additional information je. aSS| lv phone” 845-6910, 584-04X. RATES METEOR, 2 door *" BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING — hardtop. Lic. 622-731. SERVICES cash rates — Minimum number of 4 | - words 24; 5's cents per word per # PONTIAC convertible. rtion «for one or two days. | \ ¥ q Lic i . BE Three consecutive insertions 5 ) ; 7 e. ts word insertion. & = = - 189 PLYMOUTH 2 door GOOD Sonsecttve “inertiong™ tin cent aes etl * 62088. MORNING Seema CK ; ¥ ENGAGEMENTS $2.00 per BBO (tor ue | simepy Heaps (BRETAGNE Directory - ; Oakville early morning : LAKELAND wake up- service < aoe BIRTHS, COMING EVENTS, MOTORS 815-1763 MONTHLY RATES _ VHENTS 5 $190 fier, 90, words: | ————s © © PHONE*#27-3901 ee Sen betagaotii ns -S | CONTRACTORS ester ast GENERAL SERVICES BUSINESS De ORIAMS. — $150. plus 12 S : | resem und _alteratio TRUCKING MOONEY ss cents per count Une of verse, if il CONTRUCTION REPAIRS - | Ls a alterations. CKIN : OPPORTUNITIES _ | reauired. }] and maintenance, alterations, || Sarto’ Choose gisaiea, | MOVING — furniture appl : - } tions, I iture appliances, | Leen MOTORS .- 4736 sy ALICE BROOKS pore oar Pasi altera | polatmient telephone 45-3262, Pick de seca ; = r ia e impovements, ick up. and delivery ce. = DEADLINE SIZES / oo, $5343, after Always a good selection of | Rui equipment. located on’ err 12-24% Knit fashion’s favorite top —|] carpentry, cemént and ™ma\ 1/"" ELECTRICAL SERVICES Bair ald : wad used cars, xive YORTE | Siosts | Cakvites "08 cue pece 5 p.m. day previous to pub- F fac gg bin long siceve, to paint me ‘t ny ey coniil 4 of dealing. 8 a.m. to 9 . ull price. | 1) nations: : go with everything! | m | p.m, Te) fler 6 p oo Wein ai 12 noon on Satur By ANNE ADAM. School, sport success! Knit a Cutsch $5591 or 522-5320 NEAL ELECTRIC Bathrooms tiled, plastered, floor “8 RUG and Furvitare cleaning ane y: Soft as candlelight, the cawl-| “Poor boy’’ top — a beginner can | evenings 2774446 or Satur- repair, also new installations, Speers Rd. at Morden rinerahi effect tie fi face in flgt-| do it! Just knit, purl ribbing, Use | days. i ‘ceramic tile, mosiac, slate, tile, par p.| Cancellations on repeat word ads rames your face in flat. | © Electrical Contracting OAKVILLE established hentele West Toronto will be accepted from 8:30 am.| tery, Below — simple, slimming port 3 sizes | : aa aes | marble. Oakville Tile and Mosa- 844-3787 Onkville Telephone 822- to 9 am, day of lication. 9 ~— Gack aor ae ale | 23h 36-38. incl. : | Ee eae lie -3' to-2:30 am. Saturday. Thirty-five cents (coins) tor|| PETER NEUERT || | 7 ei $000CWC LV EV R HELP. WANTED PHO : Prine ea hag ee Sis each pattern {no air please) |} CARPENTRY and GENERAL |) Mead Btn MLE bei PAINTING AND DECORATING -A MOST- DEPENDABLE MALE NE: fly. Size 1615 requires 3% yards | to Alice Daily CONTRACTOR { | req ay - Journal-Record, Neddlecratt Dept. i PAINTING and DECORATING CAR DEALER FOR ine 845.4237 35-inch, ay Front st ‘West Torento. On,jpeHome Remodelling ot all ||" GENERAL SERVICES SES ein Qaaaae FIFTY CENTS (507 10 coins, g add Se gales tax. || oPee: Sacitons, (chen | reliable service. Reasonable Shell oil products OPPORTUNITY eee ae Paepescniy (no stamps, pigonar ata for each} Print many PATTERN NUM- ee pen 827-3677 W ae sa guaranteed. Leet rl N me C Ex The Journal-Record Office post tax. Print plain! a ae tee al cree Perse + meee sa TE ING | References. Free . estimates, atio orporation = iy I JO | 4512. Tesrend meen. Kas Sales Force in ced trend wedge: NAME, 1 AIDRESS, STYLE) GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Catalog P ae [Aa Te one oY eee arraaiee of ex, | Odile Area, Starting Sab Stee tee so Sager decent # te S NIELSEN EXCAVATING | ary $6,000 2456 Lakeshore Road, Bronte igs order to ANNE ADAMS raft designs. 3 free pat- : TAILORING 2 LAKESHORE ED... Salary growth "\terns printed in catalog HOME IMPROVEMENTS |) AND “TREN ~$5-5291 35-57) 2 grow: fo $10,000 in_ ‘The Journal‘Record fnew al Dafly Journal-Record, vil de sau z Call Milton ire years. Complete Group | jnety publishes roisending trad: Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. West, E itions terattons RTR-9587 TAILORING and DRESS. SACRIFICE — 1964 Comet 44 2a9| Coverage. Excellent. Pen- * | ulent or bait advertising. All’ ad-| Toronto. NEW! 12 Collectors’ Quilt Pa Kitchen — Rec. Room MAKING, Eapert altera- four barrel four speed. Telephone) sion, Ages 25 to 45. - vertisements are & ‘Te ie sallectors’ t- Financing Arranged i to all la- ‘845-1608. - % lication on the premise that the| Spring's Fashions are a JOY) rns for you in color, with quilt- t Class Workmanship tions and repairs i963 COMET, =|_ necessary, Our stat! knows | product, ‘the service, or the oljer} FOR ALL SIZES! See 315 styles, ing motifs, Finest patterns ever : dies’ mert's clothing. two door sedan. Out.) of this ad, Reply in confid- rly and honestly, described, 6a ONE * 827-1637 FURNITURE MOVING; _ tree condition, used as ce. Full details: byP al worded: ox (gesimned to 2 free hat patterns, fabrics ,ac-| collected from famous museums. ie 4 4 she D SOLOMON - f Fost: Guo, owner... Transferred to] ce, tails by Phone | Tiisiesd the readers cessories in new Spring-Summer|Sen 60c for new Muesum Quilt cutting; ement and y 103 Gabes St. 45-0712 9 or best offer. . . PAS136. Pattern Catalog. Gift Coupon for| Book N- 2 Deluxe Quilt Book CES, Garage, additions, | leans. etna. Pm oe SEMAINE for Ia wislah Theale? ia | AAvartidhe~.pocepled -| free patternin Catalog. ics 50|No. 1 — sixteen ete pat- stone ” | Jobs. Free es: Phone 82¢-| ——————— ne Ua. tree ign wiles. RP sag dy 2 ee tion raust not Pestana ae ate a oan 60c, . compleie_pat-| al mei, See and work: | 7495 DON ROY UPHOLSTERING | 1 conditon, Must Telephone "gs Dept. Avil7-1109, ae Tie Oaren 827.3091 - Saas? from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, wistion Gt St. Mentys Ma potest” Seater Seaate a idana’do (bok bikgl Sorted for patterns to the Daily Journal- Li a - General and private refuse pick} Lawson Tucker je ypennppleme a, 0 na oat hy: | Sets eater waned. | Siuadtias decribed con: Record business office. The proper address for those . VANKESTEREN AND BANIS —j|up. Tree cutting, also available roger claeeeienie rs << slephone Bis ia Sent me to purchase-patterns-may be-found in ody copy af pattern = bint * NIGHT janitor required. For ap- tt. Just write er call the| material. The Journal-Record does not handle these re- tchen remodelling. Additions. preasonable rates. Pat wits ane, Dy

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