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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 6

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Page 6 ~ THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR m Tey v7) FEEL 4/ Classified Advertisements All Classified Advt’s. are cash with order. Advt’s. taken bp tele- phone will not appear — if not paid for by 5.30 Wednesday prev- fous to publication. ~~ WANTED | 7 All Kinds of 1ive poultry. lsolutely highest prices paid. We | call for them. . Goose and duck fenthers scanted, also old feather ticks. Phone das. Turner, Oakville “#0. or phone Stan. Wood, Bronte 'hr2, or write Moses Zener, 402 ; Dovercourt Rd:, Toronto, 38-42 - Please Report Promptly : LOST OR FOUND : ANIMALS Oakville aie Society ° Phorie 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated | “FOR SALE LOST — Windbreaker oat ball [Ram in Mieteria Park cet Friday. sone TT howe” TAT; aipus FOR SALE —_ 60-evele MoTOT, | = -- suftable for washer, almost new. F. FOR RENT Sehouley, “Broadview Ave, Fe 20 | FOR RENT = Rooms close to Gredit. =... OME factories at north end of town, FOR SALE — One ball rack, EG Rox No. 209° Record-Star. Lopes New Williams sewing -machine,-18--—EOR TENT — Rooms —und- gar good condition; one large upholster- age, Applv S0 Rotinsun St, pos-a0 od arm. chair; platform rocker andl couch to mateh; small table; wash- ing michine. Pijee reasonable. Phone — 487 or call at 26 stil ie Ave. ; WANTED Ww AN TED --- Doll cartiipe, ren 127-98 laos lew Apply Box 210 Re cord Lape: Star, ~opes he] FOR SALE — Cocker spaniel | — WANTED — Two-or three fur and Seotel colic puppies, pure bred, 1 registered female collie, 2 yenrs. Cudmore'’s —Froit——Murket, Bronte, nished reams for housekeeping, Two adults, Apply d. Marvote, 149 ; ampos tarnesdale St., N. Hamilton aipos | filrone fd. a T WANTED—2 unturiishel rooms FOR -SALE—4-barncr gas stove. ¢,, housekeeping, Apply PD. Carr, low oven, Reasouabte, Phone 208W..18 Frances St. Hamilton. spas | : 25opes | “WANTED Gin P for the em! FOR SALE — Solid walnut an- try, Tight housework. “AID modern] eonvemences, On Plone} fique Colonial sidebourd, #6000; : x bus line. E , oval dining room talile with two Oakville 5&8 collet, SiMe | large leaves; £50.00; dropleaf dining WOULD THE BOY who found room table, $50.00; walnut chairs, the money in the refreshment tent | $15.00 each: qt sents newly covered, all perfect condition, Walnut rock: telephone 210, evless rocker, #10. Phone O48. | ACCOUNTANT Book-kesper dex LO0ES EB Ti reus of part time employment. Oak FOR SALE = English -trle—2- ville POL box_b42__ ipod, high wheeled white wicker ¢arriage.'~ WANTED — Roard awh entre for! Excellent condition. Telephone 171 jnvalid for three weeks. Oakville. after 7 p.m. 27p28'Lorne Park, Clarkson preferred. POR SALE Reyistered Seoteh | Write H. let lal 55 Sele collie puppies. Great” prandsins ot Toronto. : International champion ‘Belhaven, WANTED — Furnished be draam. | Blick Lucasen.’ Beautifully marked. | Apply Box 212 Oakville Record-| Onkyille Inn, Oakville. HOp2B-30 crore. Sap2e. | pte par = | / POR SALE — Double bed, used;| “WANTED TO PURCHASE — 2! 4 s sagiess spring; Marshall spring, ferrets, Wilton Farm, RR. 2. Phone | 'Feltenham*® mattress; dresser with LETH. SES mirror to match: all in excellent | WANTED — Clean bed! apring| sondition, Mra. Clark, Phone 248,| "lnuit mattress, Apply Bex p11, Oak-| - Oakville. Be uals vile Record-Star. Lip? pe 7" ha Th H e | 2 fia | t ’ MUST BE SAVED — Farm Commando HELP Urgently Needed 1. Those on the first line of defense can’t fight without food. 2. Canada is falling down on her food commit- ments to Britain. 8. Grain Crop Prospects are poor. 4, The Hay is heavy and must be saved. URBAN DWELLERS If you can lend a hand a half day a week— the odd day or even a few hours in the evening register at the local Commando Headquarters. ‘hone now and leave your name, telephone ‘number and when available. “ ‘ -FARMERS If you want help, make known your requi- rements at least by noon the day previous to the need. Commando workers are getting a min- imum of 25¢ an hour and, if worth it, up to 40c per hour and. transportation. If you are wanting help for janie periods make application to the Selective Service Of- fice, 31 Walnut Street, Hamilton. Application forms available ultural Office, Milton. FARM COMMANDO HEADQUARTERS J. M. ‘Campbell, Oakville, Phone 61 at the Agric- iveived inti! 3.00 p.m. Eastern day light saving time), Friday, July Mifieation en be seen ifendet Ate Thursday, July 15, 1948. BIG CLOTH BAVING BY CUFLESS PANTS Fimination of the land torpedo boata cannet i without ‘ nw! pleats” | ‘SAVE IEATHERS FARMEES ASKED “rdat ‘“‘etuff cotta” fram mens SHDAPE TENDERS to the undetstgned, find endorsed |of thousands of yards of eleth aad “Tender for Reeonsttuction of East Pier, ‘Oakville, Ont."’,. will be. re- wna “the uddressed {| Lleusera hee eed nose hdl pede. thos—miade pveilable omny sults Dominion are bow 1m aeke Prices Heurd to save all iwhich could not otherwise have 93, | bee mahufactured. This. news wie and Torms of effier of + = +1 i } mated : . jhe helieted the changes ond elim. ; : Olstiuel atta No.7 3 Higa L iwtioos hed —resaltid) au the —crent.lond downy “the Cher Engineer, Deparment vit rhe ‘Public Works, CQitawa, at the of-) est gool-for the grentest number off forces ht construction fice af the Thistrict Coginoer, (men : ; = ; 7 4 un hh he er laws. « 0. tH Adelaile St. ok. 'Perunte, nn 1_hedding, pillows, Ontarié and at the Post offices at (thus ordered that if Hamilton, OF, nad Oakville, Mit. | TOOTH PASTE TUBES Tenders will wet te considered; YIELD 18 TONS TIN . unless made on printed forms sup- aie plied BY the Department and Tn ae: | dieor gets more than _.... -ieathers from his poultry, iaving than - 13 tons «of «& to -destroy. it Cordavee with eonditinn« we forth ream and tooth paste tubes were without permiseioy | therein. pshipped Te —Cammtian—emetters tar {irom Pris proper Board authority. | BKach tender must. =e secotingan- jing: Mz iv for a total yield of 3,06) |All) 6P€it must be eave, bioedeame ied by a certified, cheque on aj pounds of tin, it is announced tiv) iw b uty needed, Chartered bauk in Canada, peyable the Wartime Prices and 2 TLE ye geerelenel ih ica Mn Sis Ee tty aT te the—order—of the—Lonourebhe—the | Hoard: The Heoard-—urged strict nd 7 Minister -of Public Works, equrl—te ; 10 per cent. of the amount cof the | he ranee to its regulations requ tender, or Benrer Bonds of the Do-! surrender of a used tnhe for ever minion of Canada or af the Can-| purchase of a new one, Corvettes adiun Nationa): Hallway | Company jm ite eeonstinent eompandes, an ——— conditionally HuGrantecd gs. to t rin The ie posi it) itl be ctolessed on the that 2000 The of feat a poultry be rane | tim, itr was pointed out. Poultry producers throtghout thi it-bry the} b the fekth- 11942, for the reconstruction of por- | given to the yetall clothing trade’ ¢rs -and..dlown. trom) ehivks tis a: tions of the East Pier at Oakville, by Horace Ro Cohen, administ rates KEV . 1 duckea i ] ‘Halton Courty,. Ontario, hit fine clothing, W.PT.B. ats wed) ee Piats,.formh of routract and Spee” leont: meeting in Toorntc, He «aid wid to available supplivs. Tt is est nooded hy the —srmadd chimps Ter! te, Tt ine 2h pros ns 4 t ne 38. iim Boa * Milkers' and eipail ane anterest DY Mie Taminton return of the “tue: rhite And Bye i Canida, or the aforementioned ifieation wit ' ith Cream Jide sil a ee seems cheque if re eater ur: recepti “quired to mike up an odd amount., returned wit! hit pee | the ale NOTE: The Dep ieeteie ut will Say posit will be forfeited, iv hilne-prints nnd specifications By arde safe alg WOE wks escath ct ca: alias of | J. M. SOMERVILI Phone 44R15 1 PO.00 in the farm of o certified Srerwtary Bex 88, BRONTE, neoot Putikhe Wa Ottiwa, duly 9, 1943, Sales and Serv hank cheque pavable to t of the Mimister of Pablik emer Dy perrime Works. crs ee eect iene ol ——o Vietorin Park on July Ist please | 4 Moa Good Sign... Youre i Protection of property to-day is conservation for tomorrow. So when you paint, go to your Martin-Senour dealer. © " He is the man who can’tell you best about “winning” colour combinations; He is-the man who really knows paint and the most economical and practical ways of applying it. His advice is sincere and helpful—the paints he sells are made with the enduring qualities that stand the ‘“‘test: of time’. When you paint, go to your Martin-Senour dealer. ARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT: VARNISHES - ENAMELS ONT. | ice FOR USED CARS N Ee = siti \ hers pres | | } ' Business i Directory / {HE OAKVILLE RECORD b: LIMITED | GEorGE ATKINS, Mangge: + Office 16;-G.- Atkins; res. 901 | OAKVILLE | MONUMENT WORKS Work Carefully Executed by | Superior Craftsmen W. R. EDWARDS | 39 Ce Colborne St. W. Oakville | INSURANCE Separators — -HARRY S. THORNTON | General Insurance | Telephone 874 - Oakville GEORGE CAIRNS B.V.Se. M.R.C.V.S. Veterinary Surgeon | Morrison Road, Oakville. ____ Telephone 466W ANGUS McMILLAN BARRISTER — SOLICITOR. | __ NOTARY PUBLIC | Office — 19 Melinda St., Toronto - Phone Ad. 3644 | Reside nee 126 Douglas cor. Spruce ; nes — Phone Oakville 837 D feb27-44 DR. D. M. TURNER” DENTIST $1 William St. Office Hours: 9.00 - 5,00 Evenings by Appointment PHONE-25 T. S. H. GILES Rea] Estate and Insurance AD. Bunn Gairailes - 712 W. S. DAVIS & SONS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE DAVIS BUILDING CAKVILLE Telephone 41 H. W. BOORER AT YOUR SERVICE Oakville Window Cleaning Co, Hardwood floors cleaned and pelished DR.MAURICE E. LUNAU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: Afternoon—2.30-4.00 Evenings—7.00-8.30 or by appointment PHONE 500 178 COLBORNE ST. E. F.E. TAYLOR Painter and Decorator Wallpaper Samples Estimates Given Phone 210 tent te ;W. N. ROBINSON, K.C. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY. PUBLIC OFFICE—DAVIS BLDG. over Canadian Bank of Commerce Telephone: Office 15; Res. 275 Money to loan on mortgage security -DUNBAR M. HEDDLE BARRISTER SOLICITOR Y NO | Gi ee St. Telephones: Office 65 Residence 701 ALBERT C. FALL PIANO TUNER Formerly of Nordheimer firm, Toronto, has open dates for piano tuning in Oakville. Arrangements will be paling, Mone tk anid she at The Record Office. 69 Westminster Avenue, Toronto one Toronto LL. 3577 Reconditioned Pianos for Sale A Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers “BO King Street W—Toronto ay ia pa “EL S874"

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