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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 5

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(SEL SSR NOT 0 SMITE fee RRA a eee seeraeer Faas Sue Nesobaae > ri re vty tare dr Sean : : rath AREER Ay = dU OE hh + — Thursday, July 15, 1943. THE OAKVILLE 2 RECORD-STAR Page 5 BAND CONCERT a Misses Moarilyoue and Donna =a a! — taney are halidaying with relat - . a ¥ ere es d Social (1GREGORY THEATRE aaeerwe eam | Hamlin, ' Local, Personal and Social #G jt poe eed ee a ner ae . - Sunday, July 18% he Dia Were ne, ; Geiieiatons hc he kolvmdine apersciied” Pune 10. AIR-CONDITIONED | -_ font on feave from + aratroop 7 iTratiog Selool, Bhili, Manitoba. © : 550 pm f= PVC. Chavis MM, C. Pullen, off Mrao Novl Wwmingtas 4 Thursday, Friday & Saturdav, July 15, 16, 17 : . ae ae 1 Mea Hy Beers-in visiting with " nt Air Fi pete tics ¢: area tf if : - vel as ; he Soe ters ry i bFre, At 6 Hendy fy Pare ite : * Pte tohn AL Hyer was: tomer ae frente tn itnteent: aret- Ottawa: MP aie y nares ns ‘ ae “CALLING DR. GILLESPIE” woeketil leave, | v _- “ Lhd halen {Pati pies wivh, who i . ; i" Vv amy tT Gaile. haseiiden received hy her stationed at Chanute Field, HL doesn SG creeds ye Lionel Barrymore, Donna Reed. tea Pate Ohvis wad Mr ~toirtox fam. i aera. cree Wi ts Paet Hit. mes chief ing at Toronto, Inft on Friday for} “TORPEDO BOAT™ : Sheppard spent the weekoud at A : bet = ptt: . eis ALS. Surnal Sehool ar St. Hya--4 4 ; ol St Mary's with Mr Davie? futher, + eon Bids a hint Diao Seas artic t aT RE Richard Arlen, Jean. Parker. pots = Mr. sed Mra William Callingham, Quebeer station ia home on four = eis ms ee il ae ares ; ES pve ia méd ni aie wiedihe “Eile wank: Weshe' | lone Pee, Nee Disney — “T-Bone For Two. Fox News. pl Tae Keinieh, of the Lorne 0% Klogston 6 guys thie wee ke ave. Her miny ftridnds will ha glad tel ENS, nn Pears ee Reota Reserve, haw enlisted with Wothie Tokeer’s mother, Mrs. ~ James , Se EP i Kearse tiiat Minette P, Herumeali..4 Chap. 5— Kine Of The Maunties. Sat. Matinee the B.C.AP. : Hunter, Thomas Street. Miss Josephine L. Hugill died at j, Pproghessing satisfuctority RST SIS te gO a eae ; Bie ct the home of her eousin, Mrs. Mary seeeicoes Monday, Tuesday & Wednes., July 19, 20, 21. Surgeon, Lio Commauler 4. WwW, ANDORFER. —oMr. 4nd Mes, [rwin, on Monday. Constuhie Peter Devenish laa re : Caswell, EN. fas been appointed Authonuy Andorter (new Mary Wallis turned fram two we¢ks-at Niagara | | “THE MALE ANIMAL” to the staff of the Commander-is Veurg) are happy to ttre Ties Mix. and Mra, P.O. Kang, Mrs.) Camp with rhe Toronta Seartiah tear as = = ‘| Chief of the Mediterranean fleat alaurtt of their panic Marilyn Jack Priestman and sob, and Mrs. We . Henry Fonda, Olivia de Havilland. j aad in charge of the Royal Navy's Elaine, on Thursday morning, July Garvie. all of Torouta, spent the Mrs. aoe Doty ae ag eee Canada Carries On—‘New Soldiers Are Touch’ | medical services in the Mediterran- 4:), 1943, at the Women’s College weekend with Mr. and Mra. H. S§. Joan were visitors with, Mrs. “Herb y : ‘ oes ; hi ie a ett on — ( ol yw, an. f 7a Osea ~Heapital,.Poranta, s Thornton, Lakeshore, West. Chisholm al Muskoka beat, se Cartoon . “The Mouse Of Tor ch ph ‘i eal ¥ : ree Feb abe Sazoin Miniature — “Here At Homie: Brigaiioy and «Mrs, Brock Che S00n — ‘Random Harvest,’ Ronald Colman, | holm and tamily “are holidaying ! Greer Garson., | Muskoks ae = a ! yy ‘ ek ete t Mr. aed) Mra, J. KO Brumell and Shows at ~.30 and 9.30 Mondays to Fridays Saturdays family sre aperding a frw weeks i} and holidays 15 minates earlier. Saturday matinee at 2.30 suos 44mm a T= Nag | BORN 7 - Mr. and Mr Ba buy Budser Tickets in 3's 6's and 9’s-—Adults. a) CUSTOMER-CONFIDENCE) 8°".00°2." : eoOh vt ‘le P¥fivate Hospital, mm "| iWednesiuay merniing, July 14th & - FU (i) B 1 ‘AW. ci F. - deol Ms Alix Duhean oat G A L A D A N C . | Suan ‘i ll WHITE OAK SOCIAL CLUB Deets re ae Warne, Pa, VICTORIA HALL CALIFORNIA - LARGE SIZE 300°s | er . Oe ee DANCE TO THE RHYTHM RASCALS | Juicy Lemons 39° | M4 etek ee Admission 50c Dancing 9 to 1 } | NEW CROP CALIFORNIA | photase ie A ee Pep en aaa ntact ee VALENCIA ORANGES | ferim tints Bor Willinn, A Selection of at least 3 Sizes to Choose From aly a ono ces ~, .x-,<.... | Home and Farm is NEW SEASON'S Celery Hearts ak inet Sf ¢ +t Shi §$—et-ta eae errttat Bay — — 7 - ae ——_"--— jar vil ae wi Mr J.-A. M. Bell wners 2 in b r Wate ee talks . “2 a 19°" oe Sh L 70 Milli Giisloupes “sez erarms A JOHN'S UNITED are these Hilons | Rev ‘Eddy, B.A.; B.D a= , , | Ontario Fruits aric | Mr, >=. B Fell. Choit Leoder Between April 1, 1935. and March 31. 1943, ; ot: Ont —_ > Vegetables = eae Sa Webs as Votes 7e-Ma— direct financial benefits te municipal tax- RED CURRANTS \ HEAD RS pests / SPINACH * RADISH | ........ ealsginds Hines payers from the Ontario Libe ral Gove ‘ronment BLUE BERRIES * BUNCH CARROTS and BEETS * CABBAGE fo) iy si. murs eta totalled $70.543,033.05. Black EATING CHERRIES * TOMATOES © CUCUMBERS * CAULIFLOWER i yee tiey ite GREEN ONIONS © GREEN PEAS * GREEN | ————— Montmorency CHERRIES AND WAX BEANS F _ ——— Fe « RT oa eee a RATION ‘ COUPONS VALID Tea, Coffee, — Sugar—Nos. 1-10. Canning ‘Sugar— Corpons marked June and July Butter--Nos. 16-19 . INGERSOLL BABY ee Poe ie a a es HORSERADISH - "= * © CIDER #® WHITE ¢ 33-en. LARGK BorTLk “21 33 rae, et 25° JOLLY GOOD MUST.) wm 186 HEINZ VINEGAR - - PRESERVE WITHOUT SUCAR IT KEPE FRUIT K ae | MAPLE LEAF |! “JUNKET” | i CAKE FLOUR i Rennet Tablets j i Pe 27+ jj Zre 230, ; he =tgeenn * nicah eae’ i airy Horne’s iT DOMESTIC or 7 CUSTARD jj! EASIFIRST i POWDER {| SHORTENING | { 2 te Pigs. _3 oe [ee ie, & 19¢ j CLEANSER i OLD DUTCH - - - 2 Tine 19° A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY ‘ OXYDOL -... Large Package 23° 4 TOILET SOAP PALMOLIVE - - - .3 fun 23° TOILET SOAP _ MANYFLOWERS - - - . SUPER SUDS - - - fine 2OC IVORY SOAP - - yf Gt All Prices Effective Until Sat: Night, July 17th 2 cue QS "SUMMER CEREALS SHAEDDED WHEAT 2 23¢ SLENDIES - - 2ex4 9: CON FLAKES - 25x 15 Quix Wheat Flakes 2 =. 25. Wilk “ATHEARTS - w 10c PUFFED WHEAT - tx: 17 HEALTH BRAN - 3 1Q: — oe ee ee Oe eee, DEHYDRATED QUICK COOKING AYLM ER BEANS { { “With Tomate Sauce i Right on the Beans” i oo 2 i Pigs. 19°. See ee a eT eee ery ery arr 7 now. t { { l O’CEDAR No Rubbi | Cream Polish — ite BBE Brown. Label Tea by oeidn 18¢ Soom’ 33} ® LOBLAW'S x Blue Label Tea DOsupoc 19; +. ee 35¢ * LOBLAW'S LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO., LIMITED I ! | | | : | DENTAL CREAM | t (Milk of Magnesia’ Whitens the Teeth Refreshes the Mouth. Neutralizes Acidity of Gums 43c tube SQUIBB ANGLE TOOTH BRUSH Por Perfect Brushing DUNN’S DRUG STORE | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | (2nd and ath Wednesdays) LO. ts Lontaws TEAS Lets PER CUP IS REQUIRED wf Red Label Orange Pekoe Tea aires eanied oor cok en ite A2e Ser Qe hm rae | ature may be read, borrowed . 5 or pu and periodicals <ubseribed for. Phone 650 Society of Onkville UUNDAS & RANDAL STs, sunday Morning Service and Sunday School at 11 o'clock. ath eae Sunday, July 18, 1943 “LIFE” Wednesday Méetti, 4 p.m. including Testimonies of ~-Healing-through Chris lence. You are cordially invited to attend the \services and to © use of the Free Public Reading Roam (pen Tuesdays 3.30 to 5 pm 1 | DAVIS and DOTY Here are the Savings for Taxpayers of | SQUIBB’ ' Halton County Municipal Subsidy ...................... $148,483.47 King’s Highways. ............ .. 764,626.38 » Township and County Roads-— 45,058.00-—.- Mothers’ Allowances .......... 51,789.00 Old Age Pensions and ; Pensions for Blind ........ 57,104.00 Indigents in Sanatoria .............. 19,980.00 Total $1,087,040.85 Every Elector in this riding has a direct and vital interest in maintaining the Nixon Administration's policy of ever-increasing relief for municipalities from tax burdens. for Progress and Unity vot LIBERAL auc. au. ISSUED BY THE. ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Elect Biakelock For Halton i LUMBER and PLANING MILL Sole Agents. fur Brantford Roofing _ Canada Cement Johns-Mansville Insulation Frost Steel and Wife Fencing ) Bruce Hardwood Flooring Dundas St. North, Oakville, North of -C, N.R. PHONE 76 — Nights 53 Keep Nixon at the Wheel |“ ee ee ae Bee

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