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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 4

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= 7 Ls THE OAKVILLE RECORD.STAR Thursday, July 15, 1948. Piske of Clarkson will.oceupy the their son, Pte, Arthur Lawresee,) pulpit next Sunday. |R.C.A.M.C, has arrive : safely over: | NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBOURS : |" i Sin «wot oa” | : » |was very wolcame, ; FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS i fact that it. suspended haying oper- | ations for awhile. / j : . “ and children of Hamilton are guests,;(, Sargant and Mrs. W. R. Gilliam; <A quief marriage was solemnized | TRAFALGAR | ; thin eg at the home of Mr. and jattended X surprise party given by |in St. Lake's Anglican Church on; : BRONTE wits. Ay E, Pickard. ithe Palermo United Church | ,-| Saturday evening, July 3rd, at 7.30 : : : Pte William Johnston is home . urch in hor | ptm., when Fiorenee Elizabeth { Pent | on furkéajh from Halifax, four of Mroand Mredames-Sergant|!""" Cineon, daughter of Mr. and/PORMER PASTOR RETURNS sane. Sunday guests dat the home of/0m Monday cvening. Mrs. Jolin Gibson of Oakville, be-'vo BIg FIRST CHARGE ‘Locals and Personals Mr. and Mira, W. H. Cudmore were; (came the bride of Mr. Charles Met-; The annual pienie of the Sunday ater — nb ef Fs a ae huen Tearing of Palermo, son of) On Sunday afternoon, July Hth, School of Walton Memorial United * «* Beverley of Toronto, Mr.) the late Mr. and Mrs. Johm Dear-) Rey, fir, W, 'T. eNaniacn, clerk | - Church was held~ “Or the publie tad Mire. Rod. Cudmare. af Terunto, = PALERMO _fling. The couple was attended BY) ie the Gonor Fes pee 3 oad school grounds on Saturday. after- Miss Teresa O'Connor of ‘ape || = Mr. and. Mra. Tlowsld- Gibaon of |<. ut enero! Assembly. 0 the nen Tn attendance ot: nints—and Min _wnd Mrs. W. LL. Taylor — and | Bronte; brother and. sistey-in-law of, Presbyterian Churelr in Canada, re-| ) hdr childiriea was smaller than nes- Mrs, ©. P. Rivaz and daughter Ev: sianate $ tthe -hrnte:—Thev rit reside atthe turied to “Knox Church, Sixteen, | pss —_ Lyden Locals and Personals igroom'’s bhame in Talernio, hiv first charge after his ordinat- wal, bet. the aeons children thor- Beck = A ougliy enjoged a full program of) Foe umerfelt. amd Miss) ‘Phe oongregation of the Palerme Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Watson jp; oS wente 3 davai ; — wh ile ee ' ) of 42 years ago,.to officiate af races and games, followed by a pie- “Toros Southall of “Poronto” were! Viyited Chareh held 2 surprise par: are maving this week. to their_uew the deiliention 6 . : * aoa) WAR SAVINGS STAMPS week-end visitors at the home’ of jtv on Monday evening at the home, bome on the Major Fox farm. on be 3 Bizarre S| ti F , : an table. This table of quarter oak and : ‘during his jasternte were recalled supper. > , Mr. Aubrey Pickerd-of Hamilton | ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. a. Flumerfelt. lof Mr. and Mrs, James Sargant, in the Base Tine. : : : was the guest soloist at the Sun Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Sargant are bonour of their feeent marriage:| Misa Esther Klug of Buffalo is)S@tably imscribed; was a gift T0150 yy) stacNamara, Mts. Keffer day morning service of the U nited | iretelving congratulations on the ar- The presentation of pyrex-ware wasja guest at the home of Mr. and the Chureh by the Sixteen econgre- iasaid been th ist nt th i . ! h ait ft : Ce ee Mt? Orgunist 7 i t b Chnreh.- Gonirunion. was observed. | rival of a-soi, ut Casa Maria, Hau made—by Mra. FE. Darlington on be-| Mrs. Maurice Turner, gation, and placed there in memory! yn. ype = eat Rev. Mis: Bower of the Toranto) lint of the Women’s Association.| Pte Ni W. Joubert spent. th oo — i Miss McKay, who had amoved (to \iltan, lest “Tuesday. ’ — tr sypent €\of Mrs, Guram Keffer, ¢{formeric . . j City Mission atatf will be. the guest | Phe gidress was given by Mr. Het-| week-end at the home of Mr. and a pea: : 4 —* | Qekville, retained her membership speaker for next Sunday’s service. Mr, H. J. Clarke ef Toronto,| bert Tnglehart. | Mrs. Charles Vansiekte. ise Pileateth Porter), ant Stat is,, the church until her death, Fol- —-- itt, Humphrey Brown of Milton formerty sian &. wie a-werk-| -A- communion service was held in| Annie. McKay. Dr. MacNamara alse lowing the —dudiention ceremont was the guest speaker at the “Siw: ‘end guest at the home of MY anette United 4hurch—on plea mir: ;. dedicated a silver baptismal bowl, holy *ommunion was observed, A # M . ' ‘a se “| f 4 day servire of the Church of the EV PREe Meera, yee lning. The annoal W.M.S. service | the” gett at the whitest treme —ot—. Se wnG baShnsNs sie Po Epiphany. Srke eter Twill he “hela” weer Sunday smornt nye it MERTON the-congrogation,.. Mis. Smith. (for il SE SA ed eli edi et cals F Mia h : a +] bet attt 4 fropeilion, .. ALrS. & . LU i sy: Mr. LeRoy Sargeant wis the spen-| Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sargunt are with Rev. Mr. Bower of the Ter-| t meriy Mies Margaret Anni D i 8 ici ell aap ahticeas nero. ker for the Sunday strvite of the visiting at the home of Rey. and | onto City Mission camp, as thet, = i Stet - i rs ; ; Sie i ae Miss M. Ford. Many former mem- fs : ( _ 1 . es ne “ € rl, Whose i “co fat * = : = sh age vtled i sepa Cn a aA Mrs. Andrew Telford, Ottawa. jquest speaker. i hore h 3 te sae ee Cyiteliie bers of the church returned for this 1 = i " ; E « . aro =. stances co net - ; - were: provided by the sta tthe are wud My«. J. Al Clemence, Mr.) —!% Humphrey. Brown_of Milton | Locals and Personals NS dh aie Hstanees connect special service. Torante City Mission. — ts se ~ . et was the guest speaker at. 4 Sui Mr, and Mrs. Russeti Lawrence ed with the lives of the two decern- Locals and Pe } " ie and Mrs, LeRor Sargant, > : , < ; ‘ Ke 5 i Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Pickard =" vk a TWOYy arcanr, Le ‘-;davy service of St. Luke's, Mr. R.i have received a cable stating that sed members and of Mra, Smith . ree t Mrs. Emerson’ Ford = of met hel - aaaciikict sicasiaiein auc Chureh W. M.S, gave a review of - jt The Rohe’, the widely read. book rittea fv Lioevd Donglas, Mount td, tet the dale nes lag oof Muoun'’s f th > [Charch W. AL which-was held at | ! ce ene of Mrs, A. Fo Caumphet the 7th inst. - : * Bennert: Savage fs ine Wine ; : a i MSY a ter Sleter. Mes : eg: "4 : 14 Nise Coreg it er wn hone aT 4 “ wil +y<t? ff othe Wonk a oo ) Sa rat vests rie Nattertn i Williag f lew 1 Misnet iT 1 ; F ; “= AF ind) Mes aoe Z ; . martes fiornrerty {are ral i | i t 7 * ~ they ’ Te IN TI ; E OF ONTARIO wee £ See tite Siler osain —" 5 x aw : Kr ee Mrs. Mirrenter A. Smith 3 u es 21S aly he NSU Mis, 53 H MI | | rPey { yt uf Ih Wik ry echt 4 is. ahen a {Pesition wt Wipwassin, lake FR | ~ ® al ' (rae ~ eon, for the summer a | Be ON July Sri, an all-day -organization-meeting-of ——— ‘The programme. which the Progressive Conscrva- | Mr. and Mrs. |R Progressive Conservative Party ceictens and tive Party in Ontario undertak f have Faneed See arenes : a dertakes to put into effect is inve iv : : officials from all over the Province, held at the Royal based upon the conviction that under a strong gover Peete en ett ace York Hotel, listened with risingenthusiacsm toa highly | ment the vast resources and producing capacity é [ones 2h ALTO AeA Re at Ne eating ei and inepiring address from the Provincial this Province can assure employment and good wages jae arrived in Africa, He has been Leader, George Drew. z. for all who will work and security for those who find poxernean Tor a war, Mr. Drew presented @ series of pledges to the: themselves, unable to work because of sickness, | Chief E.R. A. Pred Harris, of people pe the Prowinee—each one of which was unemployment, physical disability or old age. It is ithe RACLN.VIR eee patie = unanimously applauded. The pledyes, twenty-two in based upon the belief that the spiritual and material lat J is 1 Scar enone Pe a number, constitute the platform upon which the wellare of our people, now and in the future, can be hat ns home, Upper Middle Road, | Progressive onservative Party enters the general best assured under British democratic institutions Sd Pet edb ahide Bh onbin6 SERRE | I ion, - and within the British partnership. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jewitt, Osh- | t was that programme whi ‘acer ced 3 Paes APens Une: Wweek-e vith” to the public im bis ps bic no annowines The Progressive Conseryative Party undertakes to ‘! peptide pao aet iyi 8) dl ened ursday nig ~ the snr programme into effect in the aa failed i : rovince itatto: | Miss Havel Callingwoerth and Mr Drew F lace 4 tne Mise Annie Noble, Toronto, have a heen the guests for a week of Mr : . George Drew : Mr | k hi | At Preston, on Julv 8th, to Rev as now im jand Mre. Hugh Cleghern, (Marv 9. We will maintain Britieh inetitutione and reapon- matancee | Ki : esenatiicn the shige ish partnership by every sy which isie necessary iy og wellare pat rages ey traint ot {heir pareata 17. Al legisiation will be repealed which By George W. James | King), The Manse, Preston, a dau- eager alnMing wit 1 if : the Goversi = ment: of ‘Ont errata. tet sith gk inh lh sank. mth abate t part of the grec he egret ded oretets beers ihe Saare Editer Cenadion Statesmen pehte = work, wo the i : € Tha eating industty all be anmmed fo teal Lee dR nse be Prepared to - Bowmanville, Ontario | Mrs. A. Porter and Miss Marjorie Wei weil ok Ail Giaea teh ie amecttow’ rary way pomibie ond tlaced nop the fouruction Tie Impey ae CLO AGE PENSIONS An Ontario provincial election i , : : <eueperation with the Dominion Govern direction a Minister with practical teachers te at eee pony tal oie 48. There will be un immediate incrense in be held on TAtrpudt tector A Porter, New Toronto, and Mr. and ment and with all other governing bodies in knowledge of mining. The tax buraen will recognized. Phe Ea fully mothers’ allowances and old-age pensiane duty now falle upon the weekly Mre. Delaporte, (Sare MrKay) Canada in all activities SRD will eae is we tttae Gnatietee nd sin ie = moore * in keening with hg Baas cost of a ing. a That ie to make known to iy : eh ; cfc ea fhe - ¥ ko @ succemlt ‘ 2 between 11. Stepe will be taken t wi an immediate repeal of the readers and resident voters the eronto, attended the service at the conchusian. ant ry = Ea iwhithg 4 oe the different taxing bodies. A lurger share child is given thie prenseat end che wppat- shameful provision that ald feopie who hive issues invoived. More than that, Kins : ; cat Be basis of pox wealth i 7 the ‘tues will go to the Provincial and aivalty to face life with a healthy budy and a home of their own, which they hive and equally important-as local Si RPS a I Sa aad puss eee _ipragtign 16 in thet vd are torn at Jey suits which, den De All ie and cae a. Hee cali meamsres will be estab) aed fg years, mu atop ott i. abet editors aah voted Abe hardy, hard Mrs, George H. King ix in Pres i. - vir see a that medical, dental and, other Ith "i "i at hore before working, clear thinking,.war con H E : x mai a Foe coomitationa ats t the neonle series Sproperticn on rg Seek pe DERG WAN Ue avetatRe TO — com which a aid ‘entitied irensres ae toicne seen oieine sme tha "whe ton at the home of her daughter pi of Ontario cericine fi H control af ite every eon will be given to 12. Steps willbe taken imiiMintely to future the ola people who have pared their Trad the parties soon te rete ir : ire Tl Crepe own Provi affai so and proepectore to discover new prepare fier fey great public undertakin part 90 well inm making this great Province E a8 ; ae cS mniveral reas Sarg Seat tial popeeit id opcad whi b will e tate employment itr the tict ena ba it is seentreess be be forced to The farma, octories, the mines, site will. be adopted to maiod this great reatljustment immediately afier the war pitch tear rit! RE Ore SREY Can { and services which com hance industry that it gona offer the wits receive thelr small pensions Sh E b ee eee Scaten masa 4, oem uvono gee perenne ees inthe cre ne inte i ! 1 * . Herlre Electric _ Li ue), mil etter Tada “ic hes oneal) P eaderahin. FP " = fed of Sarinmiet will be removed from political contral: will be amured by elective remnization and history 1 is f fait t test ol pros ective Pein nica will be, enon raged and LONG-TERM FOREST POLICY . Kecomnising that the publicly owne Seiminigtrative coutsnl. - Represntativen if erformance : D rmy ergeant ae ke det by ee mit x tens ued LF Our van forest resources. which under eee resources of thie Province pc public pa py stn nied aa , Let Sather introduce George A. i removing penuicralic Teast oper wilminiesration are creat- ong 10 all our people, there will be an a SGA wie ened os Drew, jeader of the Progressive } > ing employment for hundreds al iheuaenda tmmetinte juetment of the--rates- for boards cealing with these matters. Conservative Party of the Provine i : , 7 new wor will Ie under. the electric energy upon a just apd equitable c i ‘of mtario, —— * sh en ab ladda ee ental Shah oo! & Farming wile ocpnnized in nding gentiol of an Ontario Forest, Kerources bas. The service charg zc arta wil oe Ete, x hoaieeats? oar have pees 8 His politic - opponents have lthe Canndian Women's Army Corps =: ~ aie tr red. cower wil extender “ . obection in r feorge Drew ne t she : : parley pa rotund, mar authority te ad term policies of conservation, reforestation farms with full rrcognition-of the fact that wiht unbiased aa coma he land un ineilation to MWieh were it Production and regulate the processing and = and sail control. Immediately alter its for! production in war is hurdly less cna tb up mateat. § eee tame, formation it weil review all exiting cot esential to our success than the military + During the wat thiove aie are in Hill- ems whieh recently added up to a duce markets, ot math ing urgani- ean and will cunre!l those which ve ort. service will given legal protect om ite’ ee Ted) 4 é “gts ei isposed of great areas of forest resources agnnet the economic consequer 4 tty PRC's “mmbst embarrassing moment ativtes beinthicche oie fearon vad cn without raper consideration. 14. Plans will be made for land reclamation gervice. In all cases where the “aby af of jfor on bewildered (Cy adit 4 , : prodaction. throughoat the Province, so that all arene those in military service and thei: depen- ' ’ ithe nites ince ot AS at WILL ‘TAME OVER STOCK VANDS Sects to toe ors ene nite Se tully developed These’ plane wilt have -been - materiall sie Fe ay matory rarest n: @ great housing program u levelur ie plans will be saterially redue such | Stock yards will be taken over by the harp the whole Province fie the dratted immediately, but the actual ervice, effective legal protection will “be hea eon the fag dai acid Heep ~ Stationed in. Calgary, the erp: ; tind * rated as a publicly pe of creating em t in the development of most af the areas will be given against seizure of property fur those presently i Hf @ened enterprive an that epecitlatien and i spi reacdiusment and athe ease time deferred eo that they can be placed under arrears of taxes. forteiture of instalment hast forced corrective raha ¢eaint made a duty trip te the Ver- Smesephilating ae be stopped and fair ing to on end phe Uriativfactory Mousing Yeterams organizations in the period “af contracts, cancellation of life inearance they fave sought ispmriy ih . Tein . prices assur comiitions in many parts af Ontari feadjustment, This will open wide oppor chao Up to $10,000, judgments or other intieidate kine His owe be oni jmilion, B. C., Training Centre of A conker will be-cotiesd irminertiatety , tumtics for immediate employment whe 1 proceedihys for debts incurred befor lessness and devotion to treth hav the COWlLACC Where 300 pirls are fewding farmers from) the whole Province SCHOOL TAXES TO BE CUT the war ie over and willalso offer to veterans entering military service, and other embur- completely disarmed all opponents ie ccna ess ahaa kal Wo cua ir cult ellectioe sth othacanie arid thete fariilies the chance to settle in rassing financial obligations, These pro- who dare meet him upon legitimate im training. The Centre ts operated nization of food production, wiinin aeons ato ee able our Organized groupe in areas where their vikions, however, wi subject to the and proper grounds. * Ce bok ht = a vention ara oese tia nomic security can be aseured. eel hoor Hrgrumetey eat write able to [uy eeorks ¢ Drew is firet and foremost pentirely by women, the only men ceri: | will not be Tilted to evade their ‘aradian, yet dee j r "y j i 6. ay: ariel pl Bla tay oruring eg i aie sah gye yt Fic hoot ins yg oa 35. Tesating wi will be reduced and efficiency tions by thi¢ device, sess oe jutet peyaeeriees and true pe the Britian Srodeetione being a couple of Engineers who the fal nest , sovernment increased by the elimination will be assured to creditors une He is 49 years of age. His grand- after heating 3 sim- i int relations, teal re pricing 3 hadi direction the. thon. ‘As ap intial step in that of all Provincial departments and services and effective procedure before the ‘Cou father wae ber vet. ol Canada’s BODEN ENEN. CRIN ANY Coney 3m) nailer 72d epi Br sec Sy rset sah tay Min which duplicate these of the Dominion This does hot provide for cancellation of first eabicsihing a ‘ter Conted eration, ilar tasks, of a! seaet ‘s members to be know: as the Taxes now charged sirathae veal aecate ic inp” pedi pecs at Pelamentit’s oe fenttee to all pas co erciciarcte is Month ee: yee ipl phage rane ] Ontario Labor Relations Corimities, upon however, to be clearly understood that thi ving fundamental con- cal . . altery wt 10 y cars of age } .It was a warm day for travelling 3 Ne , te 7" hip stitutional rights. ; s . Sshich then will ur doeel's a fenae bi y © thas 't wu i ut war's Srenreate in 1914, w . ; laber, employers, an the eeaesil pattie. aah eet the authority of the +2: SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN severely wounded in 1916, spent so the Sergeant was wearing shorts: Rarigutt ne UE Cie cortuer thevisis: in coronas : An di 9 jk and permanent civil service 22. A_rebabilitation and focial ity many months in military hospitals, Came luneh-time, and the Sergeant and cidcareatiie laniclation seauidine solic, (ii saalaliceadl aoknes Wil he cons = pct ae speaeintey be ol into effect committee will be appointed in suicatineke seorge Drew entered public life ; ate tet a z remy ter ill apn tin etna Bs aes seh ayy eae cu : om si pa cb wall, prot ect civil servants {rom with Instructions to drait pluns which will in hiv native city, Guelph, as an was invited to haneh in the to examibe the lawe dealing with Province 5 will have an ofpertumity 10 be bi she 4 inayat interference, thus assare social security for all out people, and alderman and at 2 came tmavor hi psi “3 : bee vetetittan top cher coneiriee ant Gralt bind ae fea lark Macnee serif ibe pet = ing pedantic dee scr by py: also provide im the rehabilitation and pa that chy. Hin Aiminieracive C.W.ALC. Sergeant’s Mess which, ; oe caler sense o eniployment of t . arm RDSTIONCe OSEAN CBI y BE As ¢ i art owinrh will ewtal 4a, et Law mais live or what security and pride in their work. fore sie i and tnunition workers suetaeae tinued through to his Paterbt “oe: unknown to him, was governed hy biry ‘ + ops tan . 4 . Partianvere= hte the Biter (a rule forbidding the wearing af = “Oppeeltitin: ~Bor he —har -pone—t — VW tt ine sre Bea Ler VOTE AUGUS] toot teak Hansen de Fania shorts; ay GR eh-diners-svereseated, public life demantls the wideat a feminine Sergeant-Major, eves a i ; sible knowledge, George Drew tal Tne " 1 is or travelled throrighout Cunida; gleam, informed the furtonsty bla- perwrally toured Se Geta toes shing visiter of the taboo, amidst uring the present sceing, gales ohte ‘ ffers f . a: secking aod obtaining vial informar RIGA IE EMU ceainl DEINE OT AM Hon affecting Cama the future. fees of a skirt. binge ech io the the fa t that while f cahausth ave onl ane 1 __.. | The ‘Sergeant, with a uewly re- : © joult PEt: : : : and inten ot Me 1b aaecutiare vised opinion ie women the Ar cits m ‘ * . * . ee this nada tas enuuired my, is still hlushing, for the story ic officials and Cu . i a fr ‘aleaury is qomey heat tis ena mer jbeat him back to Calgary and his or the writings speeches of — ; - pee ; ce re mince a wea from rine vai ss fellow sergenuts. » teuchin esent ; uture 6f Canadian sariculture, He has acqu the “grame-roots” : minis eset, FOR QUICK RESULTS dustry. ‘There is pleasure indeed in | TRY A falling something of this man whose i V'T.

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