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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 3

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a } = s : t 3 + q - mad Thursday, July 15, 1943. THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Pass 3 T ] | conditions, I sponsored the increane | . * . | x 5 * | - _-_ - . 6 ré in Mothers” Alldwattees wid the Kiddi B F The C ty 1~pe her Wy New Machine . ‘al eranting of these allowances to ' es rom i | CPi. caves fiub ith . Of Halton ; 7 ; Widows with obe child. These allow- F: . , | rarer wes . 5 os forces should be paid after the 1 N ed y th In C tr H 1. ‘ . ; ; Serpents jyour age limit, where the child re e aca ons oun y omes| Dear Frienda;— [bright and wishes to continue with! * SUSI te ee : ee A jite education, I ye abwaye tried | net lee ob ‘ : Once again I am asking for your! i, help poesia “appealed. to | utd township in the County, Halton a is Reson s opening af thie Support as the Literal Candidate in ie f6¥ axsistauce without regard to} County has been paid over a mil- Neivhboriood Workers Associat long ind Npngsin sclera ae poniax thee polities! affiliations, and if sy = hel oy cl tne, ‘tM Country Homes Department, Toren ay is just three weeks. away it | lected again will eoutiine. to Hosen] SXes and to help the electors. The 6, hie revenlel He fart that sinee tray he intporsible for me to see you) following are the figures: ; : ; : covrsomuls, end Parish to inke this) Tait proud of the record of your : sais phbe juiueurat ic HHL of: thas oppertinity- of thanking you for! Lihers’ Governmént since jit took) 1 mill wubsidy on taxes, PIAS ASAT pla: yet rt hwidavs for Your help and. support in previous offies in 134, Space does nat per OWL Ave Pensions , .,. O80 18.0 loves tuniate «] Children, 12.718) flertions and to ask for your com mit me ta cover all of its achieve-| Pensions for the biimd 1,026,005 |. Fe am ena ORE Rep ence confidence, If | had. been ments, Hut’) would like te remind’) Mothers” Allowances = 317807 . = : oor " : 7 ‘ | idali - slp he Marth Mit bdr eee rr ahh te fatto me awh foetingtione S484 ome of thas ; = jALospitilizit ion -anid_other rime he ae ‘ : ; [weld not bea candidate an this FINANCES i te Indigent yuithents, au, te ad ~ ties | Patel een yg i i =a: = )Provigeial, County and Mi Stiplefeirids yp tut 3 occasion. White To have served this Wiwn we took offier there wis Township Road Grant pate . ae ‘ ee ren tao . ata Tree teaye Paae orients, eres ee +] satsge j fer is fae continiousty sinee 1420, and fo money iu the tevasury ind wt. Fynpeqave dr eheee vee Te Tea : Pte Bahai enjoyed the work, yet on afl were faced -with a huge deferit, flagt aufeidy * a7 itenlt wdhidjeeien neta cha He a rh o Sain ae Lora! municipalities were strageling Jakes? 4 “hil “While ir is true the ma ane ie) Shachce Tron inane Of nider ai nubearable loud of tuxat-! -,. Say Oe ey oes ti ; - . : aa : " ; : nate 0 £36060 ote of fumiles are hetter off. aloe | J my hom tn. the wrmy nnd nephew it on and 1p nueipalities were in | gabe wink eben oc herr Se tit Sata Rae 1K the Hea NS I Have: fous uf mont jdefwult. It was taking 42 per cent In addition the Jower part of the! . ae iy fa Rie bes mmpessible to centinue tn prlitios a0 the \annuk! provincint revenue, County has been reliéved OG? all dias)? Tne ee : well as Jotk “after my business af. nearly half, te pay the gnterest “on bility under their Hvdre Radia) des )the* tre still having quite a strug fairs: To have’ teon trped, however, the parblie debt, We promised 10 bentures, In addition also we hive |gle, -There«ure exses where the uy aid Lender aud many friends eorreet -this, and we finve done it. increased grate ta Education by i father is kick, or ineapaciated, or The Conny” “te offer my setviees (ppp onlv itecrense du taxes is the aver four million Gollan ra, We Tel ohare ise webennee bests thd ai EN AT Vee consented fa eorperition tix and the tneome Tax. ize. that still further help stiould | aE z ; Mie Meee pia east 15. 80.050 war duty, Jalsa have) By this increase Ht Taxes and by! be given to loea! municipalities, [°° AAP spear gba eerie in mind that the diffieult pont war earefal and businesslike adiminis- The assistance already given has | Tan Wisi Sis picaeat wai’ ig riod wilt . ~ Lration we hittwe. thet onli ha baticodd gap maw mie eff ceveevone’s texidlanesswhere—the father is inthe! Rta hae: OF Ot the most erit-\ our provincial accounts, and new bill, This polies will be steadily!armed forees-and the mother ie un. tral eras our country will ever ex. show a substantial sirplus, but we extemded from vear to vear until / Seer — 7 em et bili 1a 1 CORDS stirnnmier | Perenet. WT TT Wie Wine experiener heer mxtented — iho nerded ret the burden of unfair ren! eatate halite « rat Pia eS | pe ae for omemivr will be of wiv hen. h¢ Heral mitutripalities. Alloot these taxagios is full under eontral, |) "°"' a ru 1 ; la ed i Ms nr to omy Cnultt and Prayvines J 20 wow out of the defagt «oly The tah redtpetion in ies yee Pune at ai oxi i ntte a! willis ry Fhe not aie aol? Of perancipiet fies | iet ued in iftterest rat Mt Savy dreas at Tu shh | eee teen Tist Yo ah dtu holder, b¢ jvir eenit, Wit th ret we elt iN . Sd fersenal peoard vont mem eae ik i tfive haere fea ot Mery’ Lew he nhl} i hy it +) at zi bee eee hacks, dace alpen ead if Sete er cont when we téok ley, ‘yt ra riper any ttt , - 4 ‘ i t i wv Peta pane it ad i] EURAL HYDRO . t Aerk r am Eth rural ee ee oT ce "i qt H 16- i LE A cameo i eT ! i " 2 4 ( , t ee. 4 ot i Foggy Eyes Make : " : a ee . a af} u , Butterfinger Workers : iia ; r i ay oe Beciehude tact that S0Ts ot { aN ity F z aad j be Yr Fes, ie lark syir g 1. ie = { rik =e Pyet i. re eve i + iy se i 1 i“ ' ag ss 3 t 13 ms shiBs : ie at ater j iss ts : Pa to be put be pe ee ] ‘ i i sigi t ' rake tia eM 1 Me On : | food Sections © th lecom . p oa fda sine i Fy aie ' e ‘- dy “oO milk os BPR CAT ens : as: ids ae se Sate ] only i titra) fcowt_rurilainiavaniing: - eee : P malleable iron d in th otal, We are prepared to render a truly scientific service and . aa 4 One 2s aM ee a help you keep clear-eyed and efficient for your patriotic job. t Sacer tune ee ; i = Tineqit e d rt suiher ¢ i . ig Lis SUy ileal Inediens Tit or ‘Leith 1 i ise ; i wo pre fega ‘ John R. Byers, Phm. B. {- : th 7 . Baba Ay “i SeteA av SOCIAL SERVICE! led. ef coures, wit remiuneraticn transportat ii OPTOMETRIST OAKVILLE, ONT. | wperute ‘ the Pederml Govern Ii achlition ta the nabove Hest to she Howivanen: 7 Siiohbort aj tely Ts : = —— & anes oi hom bale headth: t8urs | Goryines ie ier Mier’ Old Ai ; 2. ay | r hi etladgh lepers Slee ly = me 8: a i oak et, vast aati ta Workers Asseclition roves iu re é 534 = my : See oe ae eed a ss 5 : Pensiviix by To per eent. amd Moth a . ; 9: : # ; sini pet “Fy | en ers Allowgnices by 20 per -eent, 1 TENS POrLATIOn onte ] has hit ( Will discuss the 22 point Drew pro. children mediv examined before; |. am ernie m wry next” lettey, but they leave tlie City Tnvitelien ; would like to sav right now thet must come trom: hemes thin 14 A Good Opportunity ptppas ea Pramising . MECKRE Tile radius of ‘Toronto and should| Good textbooks, goed teachers pipes nat knaw that these increases : ‘ Petia eas | ; be accompanied by a letter of tet get goed results that prepare for ire Wready in effect. His statement “ i 3 that Ol Ape Pensioners must -mort.| '¢"*® from the clergyman or some | goed positiens at good salaries. I graze their home before getting the | Well-known resident. Enter at any time the }peusion i just a vieiuous falsehood. Mee nue ie zs addressed LAKESHORE ' je ate of eome eTore you witl hy AS Cuny Ty Mn es department, | - E. Me : i e 4 ed ¥ . with Naa r ; ae in be BUSINESS COLLEGE | any St minute death bed) promises)? EIR TOT EGE OTHOTS SLsSct hie : . pbut we do say. that we hiave fulty ios, eR Th eae : vit Lakeshore Road, New Toron- ; jaiion, 22 Wellesley Stree Perdn i . ; enrried at our pledges and re te, TLE. W riget, Principal. : ta and sehoukt ™ leg he tlheted ow wl -continue. t give = ae - ve a lenretul, «nu wad tt net ——- ae Sipetatligemastsio SSE TS ai - like administratio: ———— —-—__—__ 3 Yours faithfnily, . Shh n . : SA E MONEY! fice A. cTtchkeluel Living Protection ‘ é ee Investors Syndicate @ Canada ‘THIS NEWSPAPER THIS NEWSPAPER Pree pens coat (1 YEAR) and Enjoy the finest magazines (1 YEAR) and F tned of creating “tomorrows” ; while saving tires and gas. * Reserve f “todays” Res- THREE GREAT Only through this news- ANY MAGAZINES Et BSE A plan ae v0 r oe OD (e PEC. (CAl20ons, . COM- MAGAZINES pope cis you Get such INVESTORS Mining Safew with Freaiuitiey ad g = shpppsaes LISTED Both for . A “Time-tested Plan For Both — _.Pick your favorites and. Price Shown iy 0hLrtrti‘“‘CSCsCSCCS@S which.._has-_a gv. henefited Newspaper $ 50 mail coupon tous TODAY. All Magazines Are For | Year ey thousands o7 Canadians LJ , + ~~ and Magazines {] Maclean's (24 issues) .... 2.50 SYNDICATE ENQUIRE TODAY! Group “A*—seiect one ~ | THIS NEWSPAPER [i ticenscian Home Journs!. 250 ESS Susiness Reserve [] Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr (1 Year) and Your Choice i] Chatelaine vw 2.50 OF CANADA Educational Fund {] True Story Magazine V¥r {] National Heme Monthly 2.50 Retiremen? Income cna aegs Mirror 1 ¥r THREE POPULAR {] Family Herald & ewe] J 3 BRUM ‘ —_@ ti Woman's Home Comp...1¥r Bo : Weekly Siar 2.50 hapa ee aerate cc K I eL i ® = & in - - Afield sever LYE MAGAZINES feNew World (tilustrated) — 2.50 LIMITED Tar Pea ee ] Magazine Digest s U} “Farmer's Magazine VAYeres bow DD Fact Digest For Both os a me OS ga og deeb “8 ial Weccsines $ .00 [} Click (Picture Monthly) 2.50 WAR SAVINGS 10D Adelaide W. Foronto, Ont. [] Parent’s Magazine ..........6 Mos {] Canadian Horticulture CERTIFICATES Bu joa Ee da See ; [] Open Road for Boys ...1¥r , Th 1a Yr - . : a “i a ee a _ fi e Woman 1 {) Maclean’s (24 issues) Tyr 1] Canadian Poultry Review 2.50 [] Science & Discovery....., 1¥r ne 3 ary {} Rod & Gun in Canada..... 2.50 : : ‘ () Liberty (Weekly) ........1¥r aSenedien Home Journals ¥t- Story Magazine ...... 2.75 EV Silver Screen ccs TYP 1} Chatelaine Uh {] Woman's Home Comp... 2.75 CV Sereentand pec cence DYE 1] National Home Monthly 1 Yr {] Sports Afield IS 1) @ [} Flower Grower 0.0.00 1Yr {) Family Heraid & [] Liberty (Weekly) : — z {] American Girl Yr Weekly Star. 1Yr. 1] Magazine Digest .... 3.75 ; ——— ne € Group “B"— Select Two (] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr () Silver Screen Now you can be sure ie {] Maciean's (24 issues) _ 1¥r ff (1 *Farmer’s Magazine — 2 Yrs Ue a your family gets good nutrition. Follow sy [] Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr {] Canadian Horticulture * i! ; e : . . yy = (} Chatelaine 1Yr & Home .. r 1] American Home anaes be me és verled menus in nie ree booklet. 3 a / bi ‘i * . i ) al , oa 8m 7 Lai F {]) National Home Monthly Yr [| Click (Picture Monthly) 1¥r ] Parent's Magazine 0. 3.10 Here's the book you have been waiting for... the practical way { a f (] Family Herald & fy Americanceryit: Grower .L¥r i} Christign Herald oc... 3.10 to 00d nutrition. No need to be a student of dietétics! You ; EAP A Weekly Star SrimipecdaNe c fi itey ve '] Open Road for Boys ...... 2.59 simply follow the menus plamned for you, confident that vou { Hoel, | {] New World (illustrated) 3 ¥r Bla eCIAn Aaa stiy Rey: sa |] American Girt ; are serving meals as healthful as they are appealing. : Serene ae ay soy er -— Wl} Rod-& Gun-in-Cenade r ey P iar —— . - oY {]) *Farmer's Magazine sagt Vise. cliskiintabttend ‘ gg ') Red Book — vo el — This is an-important-part of your-war : _ =» {}-Canadian Horticulture (] American Girl .......... 6 Mos 1} American Magazine ..eu. 3.75 effort! For proper food is vital to health : j . ome ae eo || Coifier's Weekt ; . sill t Vo u fi : [} Click (Picture Mthly) 1 ¥r einidic, y and therefor to all-out productio¥. Yet he ab © FS [{] Canadian Poultry Rev. 1Yr *Farmer’s Magazine sent only Se ite Government surveys show that 60 per im _Authoritative y {] Rod & Gun in Canada. 1Yr to farm addresses in Eastern ‘} Canadian Woman cenrofCanadians fall short cf good nu- * ; {] American Fruit Grower 1 Yr ‘Canada. 1] Flower Grower ..... trition, even though sectmingly well-fed. 1 : i Pe Se Jearn the way Is idee A EMEA SS SISO SS LS Bees ; y-te-meals-that-are—as COUPON {Fs cuisoann se PO nares PAPER TOD a ‘tizino! Send fF. ; i Mp weet SEND'FOR YOUR COPY Topay ..» Check magazines desired and enclose with coupon. y copy of "Eat-to-Work- Just send y dd Thr -Win'* , stalin ouUrnome ond address * wairité i Gentlemen: | enclose $ sos Please send me the to-Win"* now! clearly p 6 on Bas fs iu "Bate fl . for Victory to= Work - to Wry **- offer SHOCK eG; with a year’s subscription to your paper al Arb wcceptabis-sé NAME td F ee Hey —— x * ‘hartmrat of Pre. ee aeeine Sponsored by : sioms hyena FFIC «fe = Tiguan ra See mefoens” | 1 Hutrition es ananidto le < . me. STREET OR RR. PROV. coeresnsoneae Pe

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