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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 2

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@akville Record The to shoulder, pay any price to preserve our free dom, we in Ontario are sowing atic Sa d — es - the political witi on teiait of} Thogelord. At a tima when the luipment and men will be requir Member ( anadean W eekly Newspaper Assoviahon i volume la food shortage threatens —- we | Ontario, at (4ttawa'a behest, a Sar is! cated on to dissipate oar emerge published every Thursday ar 24 Colborne Street, Oakville, Ontaro. | by The Oakville Reeord-iLimiteil | sul-scription per veur in advance. Adiditional) postage on subscriptions mailed to) foremmn nddresses Ceures. Albena, re jin over-inereasing The Oakville Becca - jin petty’ political bickering. , During.the course of the str to destroy confidenre Lal parties, Mr. fely, Nixon, Manager ae ae {the old Hime, but Tong sinee” dis Miice 16;-G. Athina’ residence 901 /eredited, mud slinging — campaign. ™. | He has radorte “al fa ratte spe rer jainuations and inauenders. A. tele As We See It ~ An Election — of @t politicat! are standing shoulder, grimly determined gram, attributed *o Arthur Metghen ing the last wur, + Me. Nixon ithe attempt SOR eript Lon. oar. whose authorship was fain! to introdt\ecr Mr. While ot tren, tie Tioatiens, Sites \ , ¢ Vilifieation ia despicable when resorted to by the tal leader dertaken the shoddy task of testing = nt. -Star = unity is needed — when eq whe price jis $2 vn there will be an increasing tendenes in “WM politic: . nnfortunat- has begun the election with duc was revived hy Ung e st Lat lle King’s aud i! ha political Groip tends to” discredit _ THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR vt | SHAW it) ri WE elf CUARANTEE Prep } 44 : - BROTHERS a Builders and Contractors SOLICIT YOUR WORK AND SATISFACTION P.O. Box 391, bet pa Ey fostering” the weed “or Wiswension | (8e-Ontire. party. It Dehooves a man and politieal strife. jecenpyiig a high office — ne mat By Ottawa decree, Mr. Nixon, |!" how unqualified he may te — Ditcae Minister of Ontario br the)? discharge the responsibilities os grave of MaeKenzie King, hie cat that offices with at—lenst a —sem lance. of dignity, Although no sex. Cd Oem Oh othe people of Ontario Mr. Nixon is none-the-less Prime TMinister of this Provinee, for the time being, and should restrain lis political venom and assume turn over ‘‘the wheel? and many a -will have his ear constantly cock for_instructions from the back son at Ottawa. Our Family "| fidence, leroy has a teudeney to ron reluctant to ride with a driver who! |Phone 16 : =a Fine Printing Personal and business “2 See- ‘| The Oakville Record Limited Oakville During war, when bureau rant} ant i} 5 eae, lery. phase of life, lof the Eoverhmeit and life Widest Liipurt aie, 3 fpresent every ofere Q . ; It is most unfortunate that the|nized polities! group, > tmr ic ° ‘ eng Regulator is peaulie of Ontario have suffered the Brituin has aehieveds a national: DR. CHASE'S ie iss ee sa Ron eet Rs junity Whieh surpasses flat af ane wea pigs for a government whirh/ other: United Nation, The baiis KIDNEY.- PI has adamantly adhered to narrow | ¢))j5 unity rests solidly on the kuow- ) LIV F R Sere otitis ning tine at pire wfented strife. tie lie i ot all | they have, political the [taitves in whom LM iii ehbinet represen: thee have complete Is Still the Keynote ~ N war as in peace, Brantford Roofing’s full facilities are directed towards your security. In peace, Brantford Roofing produces asphalt shingles, roofing and siding to protect and beautify your home. In war, the same high quality products contribute to the nation’s security in training camps, barracks and war industries. Because these products have a petroleum base— and oil is strategic material nowadays—the supply of Brantford Roofing for houses is limited. Every effort is being made to distribute the available production on an equitable basis in all communities. To simplify inventories and increase supplies, all lines have been standard- ized on a minimum range of colours and styles. When Victory is ours and hostilities have ceased, _Brantford Roofing products will again be avail-. able in ample supply for civilian use. Plan now for your home’s renovation when the war is done, with Brantford Roofing products for | security and smartness. Roofs Brantford Roofing Company Limited Brantford Ontario For sale by confidenre, | When tle over in Ontario it might well tikes give Hew Povernnent and regimentation controls: ev-} itself that the! "| Slimmer flowers, ft Tint oak of his statesmanship, much o = ba it mav fil fit «him. Tt is to be heaped that Mr Nixon pwill see the error of this, wis > an — fee to a higher polities! pre ay ne Government's usually repraent I Trew Mito every aspect of Phe wa | offer the provin®e something aman ha mnnority of tle elewters, Thu ib Nothing short of our maximnam wi 1| cOnstrierive’ thin having him atthe majority of the people” have] isure f minimum «casualty HES) the wheel: So far we Know Mr |their tives regulated hy a group of | ‘Let Ontario chart the course by} Nixon has not douse any driving! men in whom they have little-rer |subordinating polities since Mr. Conont was induced ¢ ional wellbeing to the nat | | JESSEMAN - DUNCAN 1 (Continued From Page 1) ‘matching satin bidicee anid shoulder- length veil arranged from a head-| ‘dre ‘<a of his amanizing flowers, She farrint an old-fashioned wosegay of The best oman was MeNichol, RwCLAS.C,, and the ushers: were Driver Johu Iris Sh Hiv Joseph Brown, Toronti. At the reception held the of the bride's jMirenta, 3 Torant a“, ate Gori Mien, ers and att idence an afters: Dunran received wearing noon dress of navy and white prin londershige establishing a similar : ; : a j this ted silk, white hat and aeecessorivs wATilenee in’ the peaple this - Speers AG tea: pprevinee, Ht eentl and. shota set ie rg SSE IS ihe ie Loh j * ‘ the bride or ff hywoe-pieee if ee at laerd for the jalities! ; AES: Avon, 0 tii ha sesh lite of Canada ly calling into the Copenhagen bine printed silk, white alii Titeeai outstanding alilitv bat nud) accessories, wii peretsaequt } Various politiens ‘ + groups, pe FOR QUICK RESULTS Contilenes hi ol l lef | n3 the jmonet af the wor falls more heavily on the individual. — Lives CLASSIFIED ‘ VT. mer Lie mn a «IN THE RECORD-STAR} * i 5 eS i A tla ll ll ll i i kk One, Norway Street Price $12.00 Yearly, Saturday Issue, including Obtainable ac: ee ee ee ee ee ee ee The World’s News Seen Thro ugh THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper Published by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING. SOCIETY + Boston, Massachusetts Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Introductory Offer, 6 seoreragrsirinlis CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOMS undas Street, Oakville or $1.00 a Month. $2.60 a Year. Cenc. rere ee ee —— —— 1 vear (in atwanee) He'll Appreciate The Home-Town Paper | “It’s just like a letter from home” Send It To HIM To-day: “* et tek Lae Dr ADDITIO lf we all cut out only one non-essential | call a day 10% « anatty HALF A mill — aS WAR CALLS War cails must come first which means that we should weduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum. Present facilities cannot be increased: your co- operation is needed if war calls are to go through promptly, € Please remember that the wasteful use of telephone time can hold up war business —and that every second you save counts, \ MB R's WP yyy 1/4 | pe Cid wis “ | SOLDIER of the SOIL HIS year the Canadian Farmer urgently needs help. He needs your help to produce the food so necessary for victory. Many thousands of farm workers are serving in the Forces, so that the farmer —the Soldier of the Soil—is shorthanded, but shorthanded as he is, he is called upon to produce more food than ever before. Food is-one-of-the-monst- powerful weapons of war. Grains, bacon, dairy pro- ducts, eggs, beef, fruit, vegetables—FOOD to feed our armies, our allies and our people we must have, WHAT CAN YOU DO? You may be a school teacher, student, business or professional man, an office or store clerk—no matter what you are, if you have a few hours, days, weeks, or months of free time this summer, you can do your country and the farmer a grea and patriotic . service by helping out on the farm. You may be inexperienced, but you still can help. You will find work on the farm healthy and congenial. It will give you the satisfaction of feeling that you have brought = * Victory nearer. ments in your city Write the D of the Dominion-Provin- cial Farm Labour Program at the Capital of your province; or Get in touch with your nearest ray pace and Selective Service Office. 2.00 The Oakviile | Colhorne St. -. - - - Record- a. _ Oakville, Ont.” DAVIS & DOTY

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