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Oakville Record-Star, 15 Jul 1943, p. 1

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pee cewhs AN Medea, Ketail Trade Con) —gultant of the Management Service “Points Out Danger Of Selling Selves Out Of Busin ness Oakville, Ontario, ‘Thursday, July 15, 1943. Vol. Bi. MS. Se 98. ‘Ration Sales, WPT. Official Ltr ae fi sone a rat Lorne Scots lprecaie Paved | And Cigarettes F rom Auxiliary i ' Lt. Col. Ri W. Lunt _ Jesseman Duncan +. Thanks. Citizens - For Support Jteger Sues Po tiengir Fraanright-ke-to know how delighted we -atlare ta fer” nf S“Oniyile Recordsstar ” Beever pers bre pe preciated or poew through so miny | hands. Ww Items or retadiere] E : | Mrs, Fish sends it to me, — after artime tig : i tation jehe has read every line, to where- nine ny ot it: ever 1 may be in the United King: don. Te then puesta tomy. vist) smerthente.THuseiey sia sun, Sergeant Jeffery Biel Boe se) regularly. | i . Knox Presbyterian chureir was’ The secne of a summer wedding Sat~. 1 an:-ME-TD. Lorne Seats; urday, when Helen Efizabeth Duon-' Sune With. 194s én, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John ; Duncan, beeame the bride of Ed.) See. Oak. Branch Lorne Scots r , Auxiliary, ward Aldin Jesseman, son of Mr, and Mra. Stinley Jesseman, Toron 5 | Dear Madame: Serre fury: a, iene, letayed nn Oakville reamion **some Division, Wartime Vrives and Trade : ne { : ha eareuts oT thrnmere-- Pat ae i ice Jt G MelininidofGeatal + Mgv 1 express to you aad the Board: : ; | t ae. F Tuck, Uifrokd Byers, Hubert Wright! 1 peilesh eee eT Shieaiagemsa Ape ae - fask af varity. and nortatinient aa ce ae eee oe eet ea ool find Wilham Aviameon payed the ladies of the Oakville Branch of ; f ae RE * zt AoA AN ANE i hen Sin i the F ‘ Bent | peeled) 2 the aie of Saree ee ee, ithe RCAALG, may be interested to} eg ca ea cr See © wis Swe eee ; F wturally f : : : sing. through y | the citize i on iagastid i a = are 7 9 lknow thet, with omer son and quite E posal ; : onKE you to the citizens of Oak brought pert harilelipe gu } = : } be areddents they met recentiv nue The church was decorated with | ville and surrounding district the FS Se Cty te as, summer Tlowers in pastel shades, |Sinerre appreciation of all ranks of taifere as wel) ne consumers, Mr, MrLeod stated. The Wivision whieh te ted wae formed, he sid, h prices hourd realized what lurd- A D Det HF : i Bcc : We were tremondeonsely pleased 10) conervise the ships the ctirtaihment of convamer’” 4 - , eo r ‘ rend athe that Jlownid Riehirde iw ote setively ind production weold bring, and ar a r Given in marriage by her father,|the Lorne Scots overseas’ for, vour Wher da Enghind.” Th same seu} E etl | The Pebeutors cof the WLS. Davis tie bride wore 2 gown oof white splendid and continning work belnie tiny were val) at welds tod, ; ee t : = Paint le eeonicent the apanint brecaded satin, The tigtt-fitting our behalf, aed tier, = * é = “ - frev TE. Pratt te leadice was fashioned witli eweet- Your — rigtretie shipments ates affairs wil dente neekline, The fall skirt ex-/Chrietmas puredls “ire more the business 61 1 tenied into a slight train, Stie were Welcome and the tremendous effort sufe, theugh in eoomy hands, This Woo Davy ; ‘ i her mother’s ved! of beds) net, be: ex peuded beewnn in organizing fetes, rewlt LuVcRt gations ie made las. news we are immediately posting Me. Oe een rae / tween the retail field and + hoard T. A. BLAKELOCK. MLA. pn de letferv whe will dietdeliphtad: ving seen Hiived Trem on slroet Wegidreas OMA tae inwec ete. ctor this gl Oltawe. ond the consumer field T. A. Biuikijock, MA] fer Val te knew Wie cold «choo! pal de well ef det sear aod have alrente meade i u Wh elwsters wr preryprste demonstrates — real Lert in Bn MEOMPT Fo ANTIEHATE RIV Cee whee elected May 7 please thank M + Jones aa many friends in ihe Pown gid from hoy erahd= Met Sse ye problens whieh niight eecur i eniin Sor cage Eon tata yn (@ihore: fow there Adal letthrerenty-peprcaaniie. Ma, Jtratt ting sie cin mother’s: ‘veil. Sie earrhikd ane ate f gaderstam! yew fuadoa vert aun sanieEpenuntion 1. Connds. : LE a Mae been eeturoedl i del ine te nie im the “*Recerd-Star )saendec and) thistis fal ax pei iene, ba dented erent resend benver cessful eauvass aud drive for funds After oxplatning hea Manape- salen ma " (loetie wie the unin sulseqni wt in mv et hie serious hiavidw hen fer the past fifteen winitaets ae ROLES jae eerte ket Oe rune abe areal StH, responded t mont Bervies Division is organized jyous chelee @f the L Con- wend, vente Braneh Nisin iru eer gre =a sta FECES PUES Te TIT OSTA TE very Hiheral!) fey all the vitivens. of ae faeist the oretauk trae, Mr Me coosson held ty Milten-on Saturday, The Toregeing *will indieate how Actin irr Groups successively gt Path as junier Hridesinaid. Oakville, Leod pointed out the reason WHY to nein ebitest the riddag valushle, vour family journa) has Culgary, ve in rigoerse eae: Vaneduver, aoe teet were’ poiwn of powder bhi Will vou please thank vour. lady * the *"short supply’? situation Nees ©. SS arertias a pene or _ ener wee Coup th ATOM ECT We ony an ‘ ; t War tatfeta, fashioned ae CRY RRSETS Sid Tre fers for us und caavinteas cautions maiapetient: Las — wae pater eOndE TA akealp to. -whom,.and "ThE He 2 management, the Ee “ ut ih reeian dines, with fall hodiee aud through them all vour generous “Although the first function of te : Bena Rs Sadie ck abe asl MEME Y om eoufirm ait” Mr Philip Wo full skirt. Her shoulder-tength veil Sapperters, short supply stecks and see that htt) sory Chambres will continue as Superin of matehing net was arranged fron Wishing v SRE TC | i : ; he oRrrane al) Isto VOU eonlinied SOCbeds, the “prides benrd in combating im- merchandise ia sold only in Greetings at this decisive stage In p H é tendent, following this resrgauient- a headdrése of harmon fiation in Caniida was to contrel tition Gn keeping with tein al te conflict hgninet Faseism. son. ‘Mx. Chis Sain i 6th Ci : ; prices, they found -hefore long a lotment, In this wav all their Our thoughts over here Yuri te pas Peete fam bres association with w junior bridestnaid was in tur os q ae gil teak cast 1 ' t te) 7 a . : ri Ch meh n the Davis offiee for upwards of quoisée hloe Wer over tatteta; with RR. W. Lent actond problem in distribution of id abaae Tie of a fair tlie fitanie and gatiant struggle be : : : zs i twenty veurs aud wellaeservied (Contmued on Page 7) Lt. Col. the Lorne Scots. Sincerely, omers will be vious dia ‘ 4, _merehants, appreciating this respen- te a point where sales will meet are set forth by the order whieh ettes 4, Quilts sibility, will set un a definite-al- there —extenditures,” Mr. MeLeod gtutes that the maximum price persis, Versonal bags for wanien in uli- ger of a shortage of food supplies, Off To C mp consumer goods hod arisen,** ing waged by the Seviet Union any tay i ; : aT = a oneal es Mop rit ¥ i 1 vo u vy Ww MeLeod declared: “Control of the icyou have tie om Gv tiie “of din. Praspect of a Mila etraggete 4 a BS aes “ a - thi vies arn Sees k ake certs 4 1 bt Moe Se rary Eo Ga Gas ts supply has now become the most | reeiaging eustemers who you know Europe now our lads have done so Tn 1 ertain that this new inipestant objective." are Peacticaee: It is your respon- iwett in the Middle East. Brmaiiy sada iuis asa Mame Commando Labor From Toronto a! * ‘ ie | Selling consumer goods is a big sibility not only to your ther enue.) There wae never greater aaiaoe re osenethility for merehants .1oday tomers, but to your country and to fasm in the Old Country in the V Hel @) t In Mil Di ited. effort to destroy -Fascism a «| Monthly Meeting ps u ton istrict av thes play a tremendousiv im yourself. Such a yoliey will serve pe tint vele in the final allocation to spread your merchandise over a weld together the unity of all peo : of mevehondise, he snid. ‘You must longer peried, through whieh von ples in building a new way of Tift (Red Cross Society Having has becn in. full xwing city of Toronto were placed in- the aceept this responsibility.” eaid Mr. can place your sales effert behind where war and poverty are i} (in practically all sections of the Milton district on satanics la . 1 MeLrod, “ond see to it that YOUr items in more plentiful supply and known and where all Hive in peace | Thy xi iebigular. monthly meeting of County during the past two weeks. |Fann workers trom Saskatchewa: t share of available goods ie papery this dome closer to maibtaining a #4 freedom. ithe Spanville and Distriet Hed Cross The hay crop, generally, is heavy to the number of 18 have aso becn reallocated to the customer.’ | eonulatent sales volume. The retail.) Some of us who predicted only | Nociety was held in Masonic Hall and where labour is tvattable good placed by Mr, Whitelock with Merelinnts should be extremely er, as well-as the consumer, can help tee clearly the present conflict ag: ! oy Monday, July Sth, with Lady progress has been made aha a lot miny Halton tivaeis during the enveful vet to begin selling them: the prices board in evading further ainst those who wonld stamp back | pojitie presnting. of excellent hay has been saved.’ past 2 or 3 weeks This isciever selves out of business,” Mr. MeLeod rationing of civilinn goods by tak--to death the life struggle of human After reports from the outside On a large percentage or Halter’ is only a mere sitidnee wish pes warned. “Generally speaking, the ing this respensibility§ to heart.” ity ~ Faseiam rand it’s -eounterpirt | sroups were read, Lady Baillie re farms, the farmers are without help! pared with the demand profit picture for retailers was bet- Mr. McLeod declared. Nazism ssehstajes now see the pervect: | sorted that parcels bad been seut and needless te add, ander these| Farmers in this district who are ter during 1942, despite the many | It is also ‘false economy’ for re, tve of YASRONY: to the three Oakville mei whe are conditions progress is slow, This is in need of emergency labour should wartime restrictions,” continued ‘Mr. tatters to reduce — their -edvertising.; All good wishes, prisoners-of-war. She also spoke of most unfortunate at any time ana if they already ‘havent ge sf MeLeod. ‘Lower operational costs costs, he declared, advising merch- Aol cereiy the recreation room for the soldier under present conditions, with poor make known their needs to Racve aided jn_bringing about higher pro-jants to analyse these expenditures | ie ‘ |from the Convalescent Hospital, prospects for grain it isa calamity J. M. Campbell, phone Oakville 61 fits and comprised chiefly eurtall: carefully so a8 fo get the beet vet F,-M.. Fish, Maj. AD.RDE..) This room will be opened us soon as if the hay erop is not saved, Ple nty eh everyone knows the laboar sit- ments in‘lighting, deliveries, shorter|turns from the most efficient ad- ‘Little Gables,"’ possible, but the committee is hel Of good hay next Winter is the bas. Mnation is bad wid, while Canina hours, and also by curtailment of| vertising media. “It is essential that Walkford, Hants. ' - |up owing.to the diffieulty iu get- is of milk preduction. Canada js Labour from urban centres ia not certain serviees nod through elim-|retailers keep their names before England. : ting delivery of the furniture. The falling dawn badly inher als ‘A solution to the situation it se aitit ination of waste programé.’’ ithe publie,’? he emphasized. “Avoid committee hopes to have i epencd agreement with Britain, This is jar. help out in may, it tight corner. 11 eannet be, however, overlooked } juitoeeersary expense for donations HONEY PRICES SET in the near future, rely due to increased milk consum: | Urban Acealiese Schte pia ieepatbel - that every retailer has a2 responsib-) banal confine your advertising to 2 BY W.P.T.B. ORDER Ad appeal was made for more ption in Canadien towns and ejt- to po out should also haa their lity, aduty not only to himself, recognized medium,’* the spenker Primary prodneers of hancy come dood donors, The last cclinie was ies, a reduétion in milk productijy names with: Ake sume official, in- hut te his customer with Tegard to. suggested. under. the regulations of the new very satisfaetory, the fumber of in fluid milk areas and a Housequ- | dieating thei: whine ada: sa Wiis werchondise, Sales are eney these ‘In the finn! anatvsis, survival Wartime Prices and Trade Board donors Wing Sl ent drain of mk from the cheese available, ete. Fellow vitize a: the days, Most merchants, could if they of business is contingent on eutting order governing prices. Maximum, Reports For June fdetory nreas, to the larger erutres need is great, will you help? desired, dispose of their stock oneiating expenses to an absolute wholesale priecs of extracted honey | WORK ROOM. — Hospital sje toe be used for fluid consumption. { quotas in very short order, but most minimum avd then regulating sales pnd pasteurized granulated honey plies 119, British Civilian 386, Lay- There are still a few people in ‘Th Bo ee ear 4 eat ole 16, Senmen’s vests Conada who state thev see no dau- location or ratoning scheme, not} concluded, | pound ut whieh the: primary prod: ‘form 17, sewhip hags 15, MiseeHiie True, Canada is producing ample} , ucer may sell these products at re- eous urticles 6. food for her own needs but it should: — tail shall consist of the maximum! WOOL ROOM—Socks ‘4, sleeves be unthinkable to all Canadians,) The largest sumber of | Lorne maintain our own Scots to leave for eamp in many a C) « . . District's Contribution To the wholesale price plus a mark-up not less sweaters 10, turtleneck Swett: that we are to j i mn Se ate iia i anv << : exceeding 25 percent, A further ers 4, Hurricane mitts §, plain mitt’ rations at the expense of those on| year will fall-in at the ‘aba en ak R li f T Lereelaton ig: Sat others RORY 1875 Minesweepers mitts $, Gloves 14, the first line of defense in Britnin at 21 aa. Sunday tainted sree é 1e une ota S jnold in bulk or packed in a contal- Tuckins 11, Seamen's socks 73, Tot o44 Russia. ea m | Belweon 20 ia aw nts bers at ‘ at > r eo 26, Afg —. abiw’s veay< - : bs “ ete ner other than glass of more than ra} Me od ont ti tiny Rol be This situation is definitely not “B*!. Company will leave by bus < . * Platform: Annownced| Campaign Finis ishall not exeeed three conte per eee 1, Baby's caps 1,- Pollovers 4. eer a Pace bane <hKG aL EAE will proceed by buats-t Expresses Commit- —_— pouna. - WOMEN’S AUXILIARY — Pull- ssohaiee : : var Rodkeee mes Gloven a8. Tuk: dene an outstanding job with the Niagara ve « . + hey et ' alt ” me i hl s 5 8 re uae toals and labour whieh have been - Between then and July 3ist, - imum price set at 40c¢ per section. kins 2, 4 July 12th, 1945. : Shines Stele ian pets , : x | ‘ — = Ts ave epee ye ' r * ' Tu 1° C, WH. Byers, Esq. i pos qual re aes 4 ve! bah : ' re i pe ee of were ee * ® the formers an stemp to ft, lat ing. (hood meais, regular hours fie Trensvrer, Oakville & Distrret, Annual Lions-Rotary Carnival crops do not waste in the field. good fellowship will bring them Gieck War Relief Pond, M . S - Of C . Towa Clerk's Office, Onkville. erits upport ommunity have been going out from Halton lek Po tee : urban centres, the response is far’ Dear Mr. Byers: * eSeS aS eS E d : : Right this way, Folks! Right worth of conl; 6th, a 67- piece Eng- out of line with the need and far) oe n 4 > . by" iS falv"s lmot- : ene pound capacity, Nu mark-up 17, Baby's jackets 1. Baby's ; the fault of the Canadian farmers for Toronto at 12 neon, Prem Ter tee’s Appreciation | Standard comb honey bas a max-.. z at 2 Total 317, ~ r * i left at their disposal. Urban dwe! |when they return, they will go While a few Commando Workers back fit and healthy. Mr. Gerald F. Pearson, our Tora apis way — ‘One for ao nickle, three jish ehina dinner set; 7th, Thermo’ short of what was expected. Tn eer: S ; ci way Of i Fawn’s uffering yonto Campaign Chairmen hes told. gop —-ten:—the women ean ring "em tunecheot sets Sth. a $2-plece Eng: tain other urban centres me of the splendid manner in which ge well as the men’! Step right up! lish china dinner sec, Sth, Cory” province, it wonld appear as if they : ‘ie “Oakville; yadddnte) wbder’ the . eloetrie coffee maker and 10th, ag are taking the matter a little more While mowing hay on Mr Din seriously. For example, in the Town Wilson’s farm, about one and one. of Brampton, one firm is letting a half miles west of town, the driver of their employees go of the mower felt a dump. , The ‘oaet ‘j “tr to the big leadership of yourself and your ss- x“ Epinigae tid oe Sauce ti . i ‘ : ry nv sociates took hold of this. Cam- DBPL deel electric tonster. aie oprizes are wow on display ithe © Scho: rrounds, on Sut- aie Seeite) Senoele Oukville Hardware window pcreentage peign immediately nod enthusing-— Th hay bho iu Hiciliv, and of the, aple: ndid _Té saults turdavy Oily 33st. The sede abi ie ‘a senor are obtainulile there and out daily to the fields. Their wages hotses shied and the driver invest- Piet. you have achieved. i aA GAR ane embersof-the Lions aud Ro- are still paid by the firm ond mre sleet You are indeed to be ¢ongratul- by disp) amas fauriane, with many kiddies selling addition the” Workers ares sereiving,__In_a neatly made ne st he found ated on the outeome of your cam- tempting prizes on display, 4 them fron dtoMt o- doar, £9.50 to $3.00 per day and their that a fawn had heen badly hurt paign in collecting $1,343.51 from ‘that goes in making au enterthin: Everyone in Oakville is nequain: ‘meals, from the farmer, Tt is not Picking it up he deposited it in a : ne ’ Onkvilie~aenl -Mistrict. Kindly ac-|'8E Cventns wae epeln autorn the ‘tol with the werk these two serv: suggested that such an artangement fenee corner. GEORGE DREW }eept my Wrest thanks for this sehoot -cammone, live clubs carry on in the eomman-,could be put into effect by all the| He had hardly turned away Co, Coerge Drew's 22-point pro-, splendid work, The Grand Draw this vear offers-ity aud this is their main money: ‘firme but it does fndieate at Teast when a doe leaped the fenee from yf fem filis a. Jong felt__need in} You will be pleased to hear thet}ten prizes to the Ineky ticket hold- raising event of the yedr which en- that the management of that part no adjacent woods, The mother the life of the people and ‘commits our National Campaign total is)ors The first “two names to be ables them to eatry-on, They ask, jeular firm appreciates the: serious-' ran frantically up and down, then iis party to fane progressive legis-|uov in exeess of $730,000, Qnwn will win #50,00 worth of you to get behind them by purchas: ness of the situation. | renliziug that the fawn was critic- : We understand from Agricultur-. aly injured, ii reared and its sMrp lution aud will appeal strongly to Yeurs very sincerely, ~ ieonl each, The third prize i¢ a ing draw tickets and attending sat the electors ree Frovinee: of On- . Jackson Dodds,/C.0.M. bieyele; 4th, a Rawtex carnival on Saturday, July Slst at’ al Representative J. BE, Whitelock loovesy severed the fawn’. throat National Compaen: Chatrman.| Thermos Pienie Set; Sth, $25.00 the Central School grounds. that 16 Commando workers from rie ‘and nite ite Fan tfertng. teagr Ree ee ses vo

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