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Oakville Record, 22 Apr 1926, p. 5

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Ly _ was decided to have the next meet- fm The Floral. Committee of the Women’s Institute is putting on an old-time Euchre party in the- Com- munity hall on Friday evening, the Jady patronesses being: Mrs, C. Diltz, Mrs: F. Rivaz, Mrs. H, M. Mullen, Mrs. L. M. Bray, Mrs. J. Lucas and = (Prom Our Own rin Noten Ae peace i One of. the. most 2 successful con- vem held” a Ls Mrs. John Skilling, To- L. Wilton, a Younes studént pastor, | read the Scripture lesson, ——— Rey. E. P. Coish, of Smithville, a a former pastor on this circuit, will orlats here next Sunday evening in | Skilling, i whicas erase 1 Place next wee Miss Skilling has visited in*town and is known to a# fow friends (From Our Own Correspondent) gregational meetings to be Heldtin the United-Church took place on Monday evening, the pastor, Rev, .G. W. Moore, presiding. Repnrts of - the work for the past year, financial and otherwise, of the different de- Church B dies’ Aid, Miss E. Bray (treas.); W. M.S., Mrs. A. Patterson; Sunday School, A. Pickard and J. A. Cle- mence (treas.); Adult Bible Class, A, 0. Flumerfelt; Melvins, N. Gil- e, R. MeDonald; Jonior League, just recently organ- ized, Mrs. A. Patterson (superinten- dent); Mission Band, Miss Eileen Flumerfelt. J. S. Flumerfelt, super- intendent -of the Sunday School, made a plea for a larger attendance, especially in the Bible Class, and al- so fora more general use of the church envelopes, so that the givings would be spread more evenly over the year. Votes of thanks and ap- preciation were tendered Rev. G. Ww. Moore, for his untiring efforts and splendid work; to the choir for its never-failing service of song and to J. Forfar for his constant endcav- ors to make the church and sthool- room pleasant and comfortable for all. The most gratifying success has attended the efforts of Rev. G. W. Moore to bring about an inter-church softball league in this district and in sending out invitations for a eneral meeting he was assisted by Mre. E. Darlington, of Palermo. Nine churches responded, namely: Trinity United and St. Luke's Anglican, asin St. Jolin’s United, Knox Presbyterian and St. Jude’s Anglican of Oakville; Appleby United; Pal- ermo United and St. Luke's Angli- can, Palermo, and Walton Memorial at Bronte, sent de 6 to the meeting held on Tuesday ning in the United Church in Bronte. Rev. G. W. Moore and Mr. Cornwall, of Oakville, were appointed chasrman and secretary respectively, pro tem, and it was decided to form a league, to be known as the Lakeshore Inter- church Softball League. This, iater was arranged to be composed of two leagues, one te boys’ teams and one for mixed teams——boys and girls. “There will be no age limit and all are seelisthla who are members of the School, Young People’s So- elety or Church. A working man- agement committ g was appointed: Hon. Pres., . G. W. Moore; pres, W. N. Gilbert, Bronte; vice.-pres., E, ‘Darlington, Palermo; sec.-tr H. Merry, Oakville, and the directors or executive to be one representative from each. Among those who were named were: J. Page, Trinity Unit- ed; Mr. Sheppard, St. Luke's, Bur-|; lington; Mr. Litchfield, St. John's United: J. Atkinson, Appleby Unit- ed; G. S. Wood, Palermo United; others to be chosen later. The pre- sident called a meeting for next Tuesday evening to be held in the Walton Memorial, for the purpose of making rules and regulations, draw- ‘ing up a achedule, ete. It is expect- ed that there will be a trophy pro- vided for cach league. —~- The April meeting of the Home and School Club was held in the schon! assembly room on Friday af- ternoon. Among the business items, the treasurer’s report was received and it showed that all accounts jn- cluding payment in full for the mov- picture machine, choral class ecurse and pupils’ vocu! trainin, ete. were all straightened up. The com- mittee appointed at a former meet- ing to arrange for the srocuring of plants, shrubs.and seeds tor the school grounds, retired at 4 o’clock to consult with the trustees and a committee from the Horticultural Society, and reported later. It is expected that the trustee board “will haye the grounds beautified this year, by the planting of shrubs, etc:, possibly following plans ubtamed through the local Horticultural] So- ciety from H. J. Moore of the Pro- vincial Department of Horticulture. Mrs. tterson gave a splendid report of the O.E.A. convention, H, ‘and S. section, which she attended on Wednesday of Easter week, as delegate for the local club. Mies Crosby's. room provided choruses which were much appreciated. It ing in the evening, May 7th, when a short business on will be held at 7.30, followed a Patriotic Tro- Sram, including moving pictures, to There will W. Beasley, Walton Memorial;!; the United Church. During the ser- vice the rite of Baptism will Le per- forméd and new members received. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and rs, Stunden, of town, whose niece, Miss Mary Mildred Stunden, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stunden, died at her home in Hamil- ton on Saturday at the age of six- teen. Miss Stunden, whose death oc- curred quite suddenly, although she had been ill with inflammatory rheu- matism for about a year, had visited quite frequently in town with her uncle and aunt. - The public. library. of town can be truly said to be well patronized by the very young as well as the adults, especially since Saturday eve- ning, when the latest member to join was little four-year-old Roy Griffin. The library is well worth the loyal patronage it has _receiyed since its organization, fourteen months. ago, it contains material to suit every ste, whether for juvenile stories, history, travel ,biography or fiction, ai! of which comes from well-known and famous authors. The choral class had a good re- hearsal on Friday night for the con- cert to be repeated in Palermo on Wednesday evening next. Another one was held on Tuesday evening. Owing to the fact that the local baseball club is very uncertain as to this year’s activities, and also that no annual business meeting hus been held yet, there were no representa- tives sent to the Halton County Baseball League annual business meeting which was held Tuesday night in Burlington. As Palertao was the only club to send delegates out- side.of Burlington, the meeting was postponed to some other date within a couple of weeks. Athletic Association was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday night. The report of the year's work caused some discussion as also did the ques- tion of disposing of or holding the Athletic Grounds. The debate be- came quite animated at times, but no definite decision was arrived at and the meeting was adjourned until ‘Wednesday the 28th. +The president, Mr. H. C. Breckon, conducted the meeting. Although the weather cool, the calendar indicates that the time is near when local booths will soon be thinking of renovating their stands and adding whutever conveniences are desired. -M. E. Skelton, of town, who operates a booth on the corner of Trafalgar street and the Highway, is installing a device that eliminates the use of ice and much work as well. This is the Frigidaire, which provides elec- tric refrigeration for ice-cream cab- ets. Mrs. James Bond, of Oxkville, with her three children is spending a few days this-~vweek with Mrs, K. Os- borne of town, prior to the formcr's leaving for England. Mrs. Bond cx- pects also to visit for 1 few days in Woodstock with relatives of ner late eee and will sail from Moutreal n-the 28th for the Old Land, where with her small family, she will take up her residence. Mrs. Bond dis- posed of her household effects on Monday and is renting her house with t= expectation of selling it lat- r. c.ich sympathy was felt for Mrs. Bond in her Inte sad hereave- ment Ynd the good wishes of many friends in Oakville and Brante will follow her and her small children to her new home. Miss Minnie Dorland was taken afternoon, suffering from sappendi- citis. Dr. Bremner, of Palermo, ac- commpanied Miss Dorland and after an €xamination of the patient, it was decided that an operation would be performed at 11 o'clock on Wednes- day. Her many friends hop= for a speedy recovery. Mr. L. P, Kelly, of St. Catharines urrived in town on Monday to fiil the position in the Bank of Montreal, which was recently held by Mr. A. Leng. Mr. Leng was transferred to Brantford and left town early in the month. Mr. Husband, of Oakvilie, has been relieving here for a couple of weeks. The manager, Mr. Nairn, war ill for a few days recently. The fire brigade had a short run on Thursday. afternoon to the north- east section of town, where burning grass in a field adjoining Mrs. M. cena property, threatened her vited, including children. be no admission fee, Rev. W. S. Daniels,-of Hamilton, secretary of the Wentworth and South Halton Presbytery, occupied the Ete of the United Church on iif] God", Mark unusua’ text, “Have Faith in 11:22. re was - an eure congregation, includiny zeveral from Palermo and Oakville. Mr. E. E .Hooper, in the Baptist a) , on Surfiday evening dcliver- ed the last sermon in a series on vis Me ing und préached from ~~ house. ere was a high wind piow- ing at the time, and had the brigade not responded so promptly, serious damage night have: resulted. low- ever the men soon got the blaxe un- der eentrol. “Fermer friends and puptis nM town} The annual meeting of the Bronte} to the Hamilton Hospital on Tuesday’ Mias Flossie Dent, nurse-in-train- ing in the General Hospital, Hamil- ton, spent the week-end at her home in this district. Mrs. W. H. Fell has heen’ eonlined to her home for over two weeks" through illness and was unable to take her part in the choral class con- cert which the locals put on at Pal- ermo” on Wednesday night. Mrs. j Fell is recovering and able to be about the house and her many friends are hoping to have her alnong them again soon. Mrs, F. W. Beas-|t ley acted as “Mrs. Glum” in the musical comedy in place of Mrs. Fell. : Mr, J. P, Hunter has come to town again to work his land here as usual every spring after spending the win- ter in the city. This winter Mr. dunter spent several weeks with re- latives in Erie and Buffalo, At pre- sent Mr. Hunter is residing in the} roa of Mr. and Mrs, M. Dawson, Mr, d. M. Denyes, P.S.1., ard an official vinit to the public school on Monday. Mrs. A. 0. Flumerfelt ‘of town spent the first part of the week, at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. Joyce of Port Credit, who, as well as Mr. Joyce, was laid up with a second ‘at- tack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Speers of Mount Charles visited with their daughter, Mrs. M. Dawson, on Sun- day and were accompanied by their son John, who was about to leave for the west, to spend a year with his. brother James. MERTON “(From” Our Own Correspondent) The April Home and School Club meeting, which was held on Friday afternoon at the home of MY¥s. H, Inglehart was well attended, there being about 20 ladies present. «The! chief feature of the meeting was the address of the School Nurse, Miss Alexander, who gave a, aplendid health talk to mothers. Another feat- ure, much enjoyed was the report of the club’s first delegate to a-Fed- eration convention, Mrs. J. Fair- brother, who gave a comprehensive account of the various sessions, ®hich © a great extent brought home to the year-old club, the significance of the Home and School work that is being carried on throughout the Province. Miss Barbara Me?Pherson contributed a solo, responding also to an encore, and was accompanied by Miss Kate MacPherson on the piano and by Mrs J. Patterson on the violin. Mrs. wrence fave a piano solo, and the president, Miss E, Sheridan read a letter of greet- ing from Miss Jean Inglehart, who is now nursing in T town } , The next meeting will be held in the evening at the School, on Friday, | 14th of May. It will/be the annual | business meeting, imcluding clection of officers. Mrs. J. Patterson, Miss MacPherson and Miss MeCleary will) have- the program -in hand, end re) freshments will be served. .Marshal Riges, of Hamilton, was a gest over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. As higgs:. Messrs, Kenneth Raynor and | Hector Marling, of Barrie ure visit- ing for the week, at the home of the! latter’s aunt, Mrs, W. Yake. Miss Edith Lawrence of Toronto. Was visiting over the week-end in} the neighborhood with relatives and) friends, including her paréncs, Mr. | Patterson. ia The Base, _congregational meet- ing of the United church avas held in the school-room on* Friday even- ing, when reports of the work ac- complished during the past year by the various departments, were given. The pastor, Rev. G. W. It was found that, from all sided. oore pre- sources, the sum of $2336.00 was raised to carry on the work of the church last year. Following the bus- iness session, refreshments were served and a socia) hour, enjoyed. The the theme of sermon, in the Sunday morning. t Rev, Uni ‘Marks of Discipleship” was G . W. Moore's ted Church on In the study of e subject, Mr. Moore found that cértain qualities characterized the disciple of Christ among whien are. following the commands of Christ: being brotherhood. a learner of Christ; being a witnesser for Christ and lover of Christ and of the Christian | The text was ‘If ye abide in My word then are Ye My} disciples”, John 8:80. being a / rapidly | ness. Miss ifer. The members of the Women’ 8 | Auxiinry are expecting a good turn-| ont on this Wednesday evening, the occasion being a concert under their pease put on by the SHronte Choral C TRAFALGAR (From Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Raby, of Salmon Arm, B.C., who is staying in Oakville with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Ste- phens, visited with old friends in thts |' neighborhood for a couple of days last week. She finds many arcat changes since her last visit here fif- teen years ago. The Highway es- pecially roused her admiration, be- ing such a great improvement on tne mud ronds of former years. Mr. and Miss Quinn, and Mr. Wal- er Conover, of Toronto, spent Sun- aie with Miss Sara Conover who, we are glad to hear, is convalescing from her recent severe ill- Mr. and Mrs, Harkness*entertain- ed a number of their neighbors on Thursday evening. The splendid ra- Dear Edivor:—There air"t rfuch use of you printing this, because everybody in town knows all-about already. _W. os low have to get news first hand when our new society, known as the Ris- ing Sisters, now has three members. I know you have been sending ycur feithful reporter down to the meét- ings, s0 as ‘to get the news for your paper, but it has got so that jus: the minute the meeting is over all three of them start in different di- rections and by the time Mr Re porter gets back-to the office, every body in town knows all about it. What happened at the Inst mest- ing day before yesterday was some- thing like this, Before it adjourned in disorder: One of the women likes to sew; and another one likez to sing, and Mrs. Crabapple, the new mémber, likes to recite, and as near as Mr, Reporter can make out they ure going to have three societies from now on. I'm not sending this in as news, but just to help fill up your paper. And as I said once before, a lot of people sre smoking it but not near as many as there are peddling it, unti! it gets so you dcn"t know now- udays just what ts and what ain‘t. ve had to listen to so much of it myself that 1 am getting go I don’t Mr. MeLennat of Toronto, éon-}dio provided music for the evening | believe nobody anymore-—and some- ducted service in St. Luke's Church, jam a most enjoyable time wag had.|timex I get to looking at the frog as usual, on Sunday afternoon. A large number from this district|"nd wondering maybe if he ain't Miss Marion Inglehart, vice-presi-| attended the concert given by the]part bull too, And sometimes when dent of the League, conducted the | Baseball Minstrels at Oakville on I see too much paint o1 some girls meeting in the School room of she Briday- evening and speak most ap- | faces, it makes me think -of the United Church on Sunday evening. | preciatively of the fine entertain- ipretty red inbel on a can of spoiled The April meeting of the Women's! ment provided. somatoes. Institute will be held on Thursday ! The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.+ EZRA. 29th, at the home of Mrs. It will be the annual meet-: ing, when a report of the year will! ronte, be given-and election of officers held. Miss V. Easton, who represented the Institute at the Trustee's Section of convention lington. the O.E.A. in Toronto, will probably give a report of the Session, If 4inie permits, the program | outlined in the yearly booklet will) be followed as far as possible. A very happy event occured on Monday evening when the members Aid and others in the of the Ladies’ village gathered at the home of Mrs. | H. I birthday. brightly Hallie VanSickle, who left ‘own last fall to spend the winter in The Lawrence in honor of her 82nd Women’s presented flowers and the Aid, a very pretty fern. rence was quite pleased and replied to the many felicitations offered. A short program, over which Mr. H. Inglehart presided ‘and re- fredhments ended a evening. Mrs. Lawrence moved into her own home about a week ago, after having spent the winter at the Side Tn Institute Ladies’ Mrs. Law- very pleasant | 5av E. Dari-| ‘the Sick Children's Hospital at To- ; Miss Gladys Howel) visited | Harris, |end. John Bentley has been removed to to undergo an operation, Mrs. Fy week- or Toronto, for the | IN MEMORIAM: In loving memory. of es Os- iberne who died April 22, 1915, Beside a Greening Mound — Beside a greening mound I stood jn thought, Where, in the earth's embrace, sleéps a boy These. ten years, lightsome joy there Ah, Death, what its balm has brought To heal that wound; and though to me were nought revealed, who could deny) A tear, for Grdrl knew was some- where hi And there but late her tender hand had wrought. Detroit, is expected home at the end of the week. rs. Popplewell returned home on Monday from St. Catharines where she had spentsa week with her daughter, Mrs. O. L. Sweetland. Miss A. Wettlaufer visited a Se As though ie days last week and over eek-end with friends in Milind And while ey Bis mates are to man- eaiping to town on Monday. Mrs H. Lawrence ‘few callers on Sunday, antertained a including |Mr. and Mrs. S. Mills of Hamilton, jand Dr. family of Oakville. treson, of Toronto, same home, over the week- end, Deering, of Toronto; | Pussywillows now are mewing, Mr. W. 7A. former resident of town, was x Sun-} and Mrs. Wilkinson and Mat- ut the} Miss May visited Dear little lad! Some home's bright) light went out That sweet May day they ictt thee! there alone; And empty hands still deck thy bed| about at night thy smoothed arain: they i hood gro | The same Aber bey thou ever dost | remain. MOTHER. PUSSYWILLOWS. Coming into view- day guest with his brother; Mr. J. | Looking out upon the : sunshine, Deering, and family. Wondering what to do. Miss Lyle Hager, of Hamilton | visited on Saturday at ner home in | ‘Gainst the early springtime breezes town. oats of grey are worn- Mr. and Mrs. Grosse and Samnily af | Soft and shiny, fluffy jackets— ‘Toronto visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Inglehart. The first meeting of the Women's Mewonsry Society, since discontinu- ng joint meetings with the Ladies’ evening, the 28th. and Mrs. J. A. Riggs and Mrs. J. | Add, will be held next Wednesday gr et a of Mise Grace Dyer will ‘be inter- lly ested to learn of her engagement tu Mr. Clarence J. Beattie, Oakville, which was announced last week, Miss Dyer taught the primary room here for u couple of years, since — time she has been teaching a Credit. Miss Dorothy. Fihbask. of town, | attended on. Reni: troussehu Z- command. the “Mauretania ~*~ founde nal ton the stage ugar mode] of that famous ship. WO Coltineits when, whdér his”) raced to the rescue of the freighter “Laleham” ¢ SH miles Gast of New York, On that “Mauretania excelled her best speed maintat _ knots an hour for an hour, beating her own world’s record by two knots, Rostra raven Teured: it its ee Sea and Stage Meet eetein A. H, Rostron, of the Cunard Se and persuades screen, to take ning mn Centuries from now some scientist! construct ‘the: great Serpent that made it. ar HE The only thing a ddctor knows a week, sigs fie find a petrified tire track und re-! for certain about = they are good ta ane three visits |Z. “nerves” is that Pussies, newly born! With each mew we hear them saying Spring is surely here-— Out we come so bravely marching— What have we to fear? Crows and robins are the heralds With their first spring songs— So each pussy takes on courage, Whispering come along! Dear wee pussies on the hillside, Basking in the sun, Give fresh hope to souls that Ho, Spring! every net “tarry. One worry a poor mun never has! jis about which suit to avenur. of Aiming high is fine unless you are! setting prices. Was quenched that day.+ No Spring | TG: ] Mortgage Sale |of Valuable Residential Property in - the Town of Oakville. 1 } | Under and by virtue of the Power ‘ Sule contained in a vertain Mort- age, which will be produced ut the rime of sale, there will be offered |for sale by PUBLIC, AUCTION on | SATURDAY, MAY 8th, 1926, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the : ifternoon at the GIBSON HOUSE, Colborne ,St. ‘Oakville, by W. A. Shook, Auc- tioneer, the following property int the Town of Oakville, in the County of Halton, being composed of Lots L numiberan One, Two, Three, Four, ‘ive and Six, forming the entire | Block numbered Sixty-two as shown on Wegistered plan of the Town of | Oakvil le. The property. has a frontexce on Colborne Street (Toronto '& Ham- | ilton Highway) of 313 feet, on For- sythe Street of 210 feet and 10 inches, on John Street of 283 feet and on Chisholm street of 208 feet jurid 8 inches. Upon the said property is erected ja beautiful modern residence of two pang one-half storeys with hardwood | floors and al! conveniences. This | a very spacious and attractive pre- perty. TERMS: Ten per. cen. the purchase money is to be puid act the time of sale, and the balance in ac- cordance with the Conditions of Sele, which will be produced -at the time of sale. The Sale will be sub- ject to a reserve bid. For further particulars ditions of sale, apply to DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS AND OBINSON no? und con- Davis Building, Oakville, Ont. Solicitors for the Mortgagee. Dated at Oakville the 22né day of April, 1926 The Quality “Meat Shop, Limited, of Burlington, capitalized at $410,000 and the Virtue Motors, Limited, with a capital of $75,000, also fo Burling- ton, have. heen. granted Ontario | charters. The former will carry on la butchering and retail store husi- }ness, and the Virtue Motors may carry on A general garare, motor, ‘electrical and ninchine shop besiness. —~Milton Reformer. } | | MONEY TO LOAN |] On improved property First and Second Mortgages E. S. GLASSCO OAKVILLE \ { Is Your Car Insured? Accidents are Expensive and Numerous ! Special Rates On Farm Trucks ~ cee rune = ied Callasa Ina sie ae

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