12 — The Oakville Journal | Record, Friday, sicie rte! 19, Bhs ow —r bi sas ra SETA Se Se ee ee ee ee A ey < a Sa =" eee Me ? o.0y tg ee f 5 ’ . - =f 4 eo ig o Sa \ ; - i * . a 1. t : / eh we =i aad 3 =| ? . is 4 y an 1 Pemecm : . 3 Ji 7 m § : ; i m z i Duet to adn recent postal ffeerruption. we have extended the deadline for entries to midnight Thursday Septem ber 25,1980. - a GOURMET MEAL FOR TWO ) (ADRS D‘OEUVRES CATEGORY’ { DESSERTS CATEGORY + 7 MEN ONLY CATEGORY Kitchen Copper ff aah ~/ Beautiful - | | Men's CookingSet “ee . Re dental | | DIGITAL Bis. : Sport ree CLOCK | sat . Li Lt approximate value $80 valued +190 | | at s20 | ae “+The Pool @ approximate value $200. _ ARCADE “GREENINGS 71 | . SOUND SYSTEMS : PPE at | CUSTOM FRAMING Casual Aftai: 282 Kerr St., Oakville 219 Church St. 224 Lakeshore Rd., E. bas Lgbbepederce ROAD. OAKVILLE, ONT Hy Lae < 845- 7616 : " 845-3868 a i Oakville 845-6262 oa {RUNNER UP = aa UP ) ( RUNNER UP ~) (RUNNER UP é Dinner for Two at OMEGA ‘| | DinnerforTwo . Dinner for Two at Dinner for Two at ‘| (excluding beverages) ‘(excluding beverages) excluding beverages (excluding beverages) ‘STEAK & SEAFOOD HOUSE } (_ at GLEN ABBEY J (HARROP HOUSE ) \NEUCHATEL RESTAURANT j A (> MAINDISHCATEGORY ) ( “noon creat | é SALADS CATEGORY ~) ( MICRO-WAVE CATEGORY | PINE BLANKET BOX $250 GIFT CERTIFICATE $75 Gift $75 BOOK CRIENTATIONS zat Certificate entitled fine oriental antiques & furnishings 4 fron ‘Oakville on the Sixteen’ SPECIAL OF THE WEEK ) SPECIAL OF THE WEEK ) 18 PINE BEDS MANDARIN’ COFFEETABLE 1] | Afode by Hazel Mathews F Reg. $655, ’ «$999 gee _ WHITE'S BOOK = a) | “See 595 Fashions for Women 315 Lakeshore Rd. E. o vy) seat ce ia yt ee eee Rd. E. fe (In the Coach House, re = : akville wh ae At Reynolds St.) — — = een ay *, (RUNNER UP ~\ ( RUNNER UP \ “( RUNNER UP ) (RUNNER UP ee Dinner for Two at Dinner for Two at , Dinner for Two Dinner for Two at (excluding beverages) (excluding beverages) (excluding beverages) (excluding beverages) ; aie ‘ \ ALFREDO’S RESTAURANT , | DUKE OF BEDFORD eS = MOTHER'S PIZZA y | MURRAY HOUSE | 1. One recipe per category may be submitted, but each entry must be accompanied by a separate 5. No cwloness of the Oakville Journal Record and Metrospan Community Newspapers or their entry form. immediate families, nor the families of the judges are eligible. 2. Recipes must be submitted in the following order: . z 6. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality and the general‘eppeal. Print or Type (1) Name of recipe ~ 7..All recipes become the property of the Oakville Journal Record. We will endeavor to publish all (2) Ingredients and accurate measurements recipes received, but publication Is not guaranteed. Original photographs of dish which accompany (3) Temperature and cooking time entries may be published. _ (4) Directions for serving as 8. No person may receive more than 1 prize. . 49. ENTRIES CLOSE MIDNIGHT, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980. ENTRIES AFTER THIS DATE WILL NOT BE JUDGED. 9. Prizes must be accepted as designated. No substitutions. 4. Entrants must be residents of Oakville. SS ee SD oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e @ DELIVER your Recipe and Entry Form Today. -§ MEET. THE JUDGES CHECK THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY f > GOURMET MEAL FOR TWO oman pisues Ff ' PO —) CANNING AND PRESERVING © —) MICRO-WAVE E f — HORS D'OWLVRES ©) MEN ONLY i a SALADS DESSERTS E & rr Name ° i Address Hhease UY ig mut \our E Phone Number ye si Sosa fa gs E JANE WESSTES B. Keone Naw rete ip i Resident Home Economist LEN KANARIS E 4 Ingredients awa ith ji at Dominion Stores in the Head Chef of the Omega SHEILA PECK Deliver your recipe to: 28 hela vale abe Petal Steak & Seafood House, ie esate for ren E Cookbook Contest Oakville Journal Record ibies Beles anfoaking E entre. and a graduate o j axkville ourna the University of Guelph apliitoals chet a igre Record since 1972. + ia ogee sare par ica tina cash | sal sUynE ee aac I : =) ee eS ee: 7 eS 6 a es SE Ge Se ee ee ee