2 bd 3 HERB GARBUTT hgarbutt@metroland.com wer | Thursday, December 8, 2022 | 2: -FOOD BANK SEEING does the number of people SHARP RISE IN DEMAND The Oakville ‘are Share Food Bank recently created an Instagram ac- count, @oak- ville_fare_share_food- _bank, where you can see what items are currently needed as well as other in- ie akville come monthly client visits has formation about whatis go- jy Shar are Food Bank is gone from 583 to 651 in the ing on at the food bank. 2 an unprecedented demand past Joan And last month, The Christmas food for its service as it prepares it number rose to 706. drive rul 2 its annual Christmas food = drive. O° "Before the pandemic, we would see 40 to 45 people (a day) when we were open,” said longtime volun- teer Stephen Rowe. “INOW the average is about 90 fam- ilies. It's a staggering num- ber." Whether or not you think the pandemic is over, “the backlash of it is not,” Rowe said. "Some people have re- turned to work, but their hours have been cut, so they're not making as much," Rowe said. Couple that rising prices, and community has always been incredibly generous," we said. One recent example was the Oakville Haunted Fare share director more people are having House Solingate Manor, Averil Wiley said that in trouble making ends meet. which celebrated its 30th the last few nonths alone, The time between Hal- year. Once again, Todd the food bank has seena30 loween and Christmas is Wirtz ‘and his team of vol- Oakville Fare Share Food Bank photo per cent increase in the usually a key time to stock the opportu- number of families it as- the shelves with staple The Oakville Haunted House Solingate Manor raised $22,500 and collected 11,500 pounds of nity to support the Oak- sists. foods for much of the fol- _ food for the Oakville Fare Share Food bank. The local food bank's Christmas food drive begins on ville Fare Share Food “That i increase isin ad- lowing year. With the in- Dec.11. Bank, collecting a record dition to the surge in de- creased demand at the food 11,500 pounds of food and mand resulting from the bank, Rowe said the possi- "It hasn't happened yet," Monetary donationsare chase fresh fruit, vegeta- donations totalling $22,500 pandemic," she said. "As __ bility of shortages doesex- hesaid,"andIhopeitwon't, also vital to the food bank _ bles, cheese,eggsandmeat during the two weeks lead- the cost of food rises, so ist. but it is a possibility." is they are used to pur- for clients. ing up to Halloween. SCothip please email Fio Ew outtelelcsucaje-tusst-iune) etetebeet—ce bt: com or call 2 DIRECTORY, u'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature 9-293-0691 akville Pentecostal OAKVILLE ADVENTIST COMPANY Virtual Worship Services on Zoom: GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY DECEMBER 11TH REV. TED VANCE Apostolic Centre Zoom ID : 867 6764 2331 Third S of. worship at 10AM - Carol Sing OAKVILLE anes va . oe after the service! PENTECOSTAL Inesdays 7: Plan now for Family Friendly APOSTOLIC CENTRE ‘Thursdays 6:30 PM a7, Pastoral Services Available for Community - pm! (St. Paul's United Church) It’s your choice: kville, ON In-person worship resumes July Sth, 2022. WORSHIP L LIVE AT 10AM! inday Service w optional [As of July 9°, 2022 - choose between In-person (1250 McCraney Street East) OR VIEW ONLINE SERVICE and virtual zoom services. Services may be accessed virtually and in person ON YOUTUBE LATER www.glenabbeyt “« +) ‘We Press Onl To help your Chis minister to so many, Tel: 289-830-671: please send e-transters to: kc Ewen (Senlor Pastor) donatonsegiunobey naar com Pastor Carl Cunni (Aasociate Pastor) ‘Thank you and God Bless you! Pastor Dean Lashington (Lead Ede ‘Twitter: @Oakvillesda 12:30 - 3PM Worship Service Sunday Evening: 7:30-9PM (Via Zoom Virtual Platform) “Covid-19 Safety Protocols Strictly followed.* ‘Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett 1469 Notting Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD Email: oakvillechurchsda@gmail.com [fq insidehalton.com