BRYAN'S REVIEW OF OAKVILLE 19 WAR MONUMENT In St. George's Square there stands a monument (in the words inscribed thereon)- TO THE GLORIOUS MEMORY OF THOSE WHO PAID THE SUPREME SACRIFICE-FROM THIS DISTRICT, IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918. When one looks upon this silent reminder of other days, it brings back to our minds vivid memories of the many boys whom we knew, respected and loved. A repetition of the names of those inscribed on this Monument will perhaps be appreciated by many former residents of Oak ville who have not as yet seen it. "Their Name Liveth For Evermore" Capt. Ernest Francis Appelbe - Pte. Ray mond Boocock-Pte . Alex Burnett - P t e . John H. Burton Capt. E. Osler Bath Lieut. Robt. Elliot Brown --Pte . Ernest Bowerbank Pte. John Bowerbank Pte. James Baird Pte. Sidney Black - Pilot C. P. L. Black- Pte. William Joseph Condor-Pte. Charles Cornwall - Lieut. W. Aston Crawley---Flt. Lieut. Richard Cal verley. Pte. Stewart McKin non-Capt. Allen Mc Giffin -- F l t . - Lieut. Roy McGiffi--Pte. Geo. Alvin Mers- Maj. F. Murphy Lieut. Eustace McGee - Pte. Herbert Norman-Sgt. W. T. OuthwaitePte. Stephen Pollard-Maj. V. H. DeButts-Powell-Pte. Walter Raybold Cpl. George Edward Savage-Pte. Robert Smailes-Pte. Luke Smailes--Pte. John Smith-Capt. W. S. Tuck-Pte. Herbert Clegg-Pte. John Cramp--Pte. F. Coote-Pte. John Dowdle Pte. Ernest A. Davis-Pte. James S. Dick-Sgt. George Durrant-Lieut. Erie Maxwell Davis--Pte. Alex. Erskine Pte. Basil EmsleySap. James W. M. Frost-Cpl. J. Reg. Fussell-Cpl. W. J. Fitzsimmons--Gr. George Gray---Pte. Donald Gibson---L. Cpl. Howard M. Gorman-Pte. Norman Hough-Pte. Louis Haddlesey-Pte. J. W. H. Houghton Cpl. Alf. Hughes--Pte. John Innes-Pte. Donald James Pte. Harry Kenney--Pte. Wm. Knight-Pte. William Lister Pte. Edward Leaver-Pte. Robert Lyon--Cpl. Hugh Gordon Munro -- Pte. Alex. Murray Capt. Donald McKay -- Ft. Lieut. Aler. McKay. Lest We Forget" YPRES-SANCTUARY WOOD THE SOMME VIMY RIDGE-HILL 70 PASSCHENDALE-AMIENS CAMBRIA MONS BOULON WOOD.