Thursday, August 23, 1951 BOY, AM | PLEASED WITH | | THESE GOODVEAR DELUXE TIRES! WHYAREYQU | S0 SATISFIED? [WELL THE MAIN REASON |S THE LONG TROUBLE FREE | MORE PEOPLE RIDE MILEAGE THEY VE BUILT UP | = S | GUESS THATS WHY ON GOODYEARS. YEAH! AND THEIR NON-SKID TREAD STOPS MY ] CAR ON A DIME, TOO. FROM MY EXPERIENCE, DELUXE IS THE BEST CONVENTIONAL TIRE THERES, See us for GOODFYEAR Deze Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SATE Chesterfield sulte, good condition. Phone 1172-W. 35¢39 HOUSE or apartment urgentl wanted to rent by ily of four. Phone 1468R. WANTED--Two rooms, furnish- English fam- SHELTER NEWS If you are in the market for a y | fine rabbit dog, there is just such a critter available at the Humane Society shelter, At least, keeper Bill Corcoran maintains this part that, since le took over, the ani- mals are no longer taken out on leash. They just go for a stroll with Bill. There is a part terrier male up there ready for adoption, as well FOR... INSULATION --SEE-- Mem Pub = SE TOR SALE Attractive house, 4 ll | = IN MEMORIAM _ bedroor living room, kitchen, |ed or unfurnished, central, by police, part hound male is all of |as five male kittens. And there'll CHAS F ho nm Moving tiled bathroom. $10,500 with $2,600 | business woman. Box 518, Journal. | that. 'And Bill should know, be- [be more kittens shortly, as Bill x lm my son, Arnold Fr down. Phone 1538- 35p39 90p39-41 | cause he and the shelter's in-|has just discovered that the shel- A om Growned)) Anguy SR SATE Double bed, red | URGENTLY required, 3 or #| mates get along so well together ter's own cat is infanticipating. ND SON Ha 3 | maple finish, with good spring and | rooms or apartment, unfurnished. Dundas St. N. © The blow vas great, the shock | mattress Phone 1501. 45039 | Quiet couple, daughter 2 years.| _ [Phone] 76 We litt oug end so| FOR SALE _Hemtzman upright Good references. Oakville 831-J. we little thought the end sof SORT 35039 41p39 A But only those who have lost|" FOR SALE Monitor apartment ONE or TWO furnished rooms can tell, size washer, in fine condition, $75. | for light housekeeping, suitable The pain of parting without |Phone 467. 45030 | for business lady, is desired by farewell; Sept. 1st, or before. Apply Box More and more each day I miss 599 Journal 899 Journal 4 TT YOUNG business woman wishes accommodation in private home; bed-sitting room and 2 meals. Will pay up to $16 per week. Referen- im | Friends may think the wound | is heale They little MODERN HOME on beautifully landscaped lot. Living dining room now the sorrow | 24x13 with fireplace, modern Kit- { They lies within my heart con-| chen with breakfast mook, den (ces. Box 600, Journal 2 led 12x12 and 4-piece bath. Upstairs -- Ever remembered and sadly nice bedrooms and 2-piece wash FOR RENT missed by his mother. room, Breezeway and garage, hot air with oll, decorated playroom | LARGE furnished private room 0 be a a for one girl; radio; breakfast, oth- 4 h Tadlon reas It vou need mew slip covers or | oil paints. This home has a strong or drapes contact Mrs. V. Hinton, |appeal. Possession Sept. 15th. | Phone 1580-J ' 57e39 Nelson Street, Bronte. Phone 229w | Price $11,500.00. in = 450391 , TOR RENT=--Fedroom, suitable Winners fo Oddfellows Softball J) . & R H OE Da ware: Pater Court, 260 Kerr| J@FVIS yri@ |2eey 200 Queen Max Drive i Si >, y: h A ee a Sn SA) Tal Estate Brokers | --ror mm ee Hw nd Ne Wirrey D. Scotf; hone Oakville 490 Tomy centrally located. Phone i 15 Bond Street, wish to announce 8-7. i I BO thelr daughter, Dey| FOR SALE--$10,50000. Down| FOR RENT--Lovely basement ero erst 10% 1051, at| pavment $260000. 3 bedrooms, | apartment, $50 per month, inclu- Oa Tae oaoriny. Lios, [full basement, hot air heating. [ding electric or gas, Seporats en oy fi pital, $15,000.00. Brand new, ranch style, | trance. Knapman, No. 2 highway, do 2 bearooms, living room 133405, | north side 0 houses east of Ap. as | A $5,000.00 down. $16,800.00--31, | Pleby Line. p b CARD OF THANKS acres of sandy loam, brick bung. | FOR RBNT--2-car brick garage ] Dee Dea Lander wishes tol thank alow. on Queen Elizabeth, suitable for 3 the nursing staff and nurses aids : Oe Tn, ait ar 4 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memor- L H CORNWALL ornwall, 930-W; 'Ress' M.-Gib- 2 i ial Hospital and the many friends [=u KH= EERE SALESPRICE beg i who helped make her recent stay Realtor EE Te hosbtiat a iaseant one. Tors bi, LOST AND FOUND $59.% { FOR SALE OR TRADE ROSS M. GIBSON LOST--Ladies ring last week at | PHONE 883-W Bronte intersection. Reward, Box i FOR SALE--Quebec heater, gas We Have Many Others 12, Bronte. F5pEY LE { stove, 2 dressers, radio, dining- SPECIAL NOTICES { room suite, wooden ice refrigera- | tor, kitchen cabinet, walnut cup- LP WANTED--MEN } i we he 50. 55639 | HT CLLEANER, for Towne TENDERS WANTED > E--Choice building Iot. / General Tenders for the Construc- i Phot Tom. Oa Se Bron uae 1821 4be39 Eo This good looking armless sofabed is quickly and easily transformed in- ¥ FOR SALE--Top soil. Phone|,jearn ey OAKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ed into a comfortable double bed; has full inner-spring construction and 1870. 35039 | opportunities for gy General tenders only will be re- is upholstered in durable woven tapestry. This is an outstanding bargain | oT SET ERE | aie ee Cel by. the undenieny ae § : gilearg } 100-1b. capacity, nearly new, $35. i 8 nm September Gi, 1951, fon | Henig a 308 | orunton, Apply) Brown Blectrie, | tho 'construction of a one-storey, TTT Tone oS 39 | fourteen room public school. Plans CONITNENTAL | SIMMON'S i a specifications, tender forms and SPECI | BT Ba mn MEE LAM Em 1), di] |imformation may be had on appli- BEDS AL i e wi i | i a wee i, wa No Sof Sep me on ay. ae Fine quality MATTRESS ii only one week. Phone Oakville ae 1871. owne Coffee Bol: | quired to procure plans and spec: spring-filled mat- Sysiniged i 1901W after 6 pm. (591036) 2 ifications. Lowest or any tender tress, and dur- | PTINS ni FOR SALES, now © toon not necessarily accepted. able box spring | SOVSTe! wl LE bungalow, large double garage, SITUATIONS WANTED Sa 0 rege: eb H SE " a ¥ | 4 mile east of Palermo, 200 ft.| puoi work, block work, stone Toronto, Ontario. able woven tick- Hn on Dundas Highway, immediate | orl coment work; fireplaces a SALE PRICE | jg" All sizes. pale 4 possession. Mr. Beach. (1.03638) |ispecialty. Phone 1817. Estimates| oakvILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL $49.95 ] ! i BLUE COAL: "The world's fin: | iree. 40p39 ee : SALE ERICH ca i est anthracite," from Frank Sul-| PLOWING, disciug, curdvaing, Single Size $36.66 livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue [mowing Phone 764-J. ToT] re are tonderinalos thisibuld Regular o/950 = tn Coal Dealer. 2 " Seen 2 i OE . 1th) EE Eh) ing. Bids are requested on mech- fri i a a ee on anical, electrical and architectural it. ; 3 Enamel bathtub, Both in good con-| WANTED all kinds of live trades, to reach us by August 31, JENNY ver | dition. Phone 399-W. 45089 | poultry: also old feather ticks | 1%! BUNK BEDS LIND | i TOR SALD Thor Automatic |and feed bags. Absolutely high-| F. S$. MILLIGAN & CO. LTD. Walnut or maple : ho washing machine, completely re-| est prices paid. We call --Phone Engineers and Construction + finish, complete BEDS o { Built, like mew. $199. Dhome 467. (Oakville 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2| 388 YONGE ST, TORONTO with guard rail | Comes in all siz- In 1 45¢39 | or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- EMPIRE 4-7107 and ladder. es In walnut fin- Oa i FOR SADE -- Easy Standard | court Rd, Toronto. (pjun24-52) 60 John St, Oakville ; ish hardwood. ey washing machine, §89.50. Phone| --GRAPES--T will buy your entire PHONE 1704 5 ve { CTH TT 5689 | orop of grapes providing a golly TARE SALE PRICE' wl F vimouth, just | portion of them are early blue | AUCTION SALES | Sha TOR SALE 034 Pramouts, jst portion of them are ery blue) (I TAANLICEIA $54.50 $34.50 vw { 1} $150.00. 18 Truman Ave. 35p39 | outlets. Please arrange to see me ; : fo \ H FOR SALE Blackstone Spin- Dersonally. Harvey Hall, Queen a ae Sie has recei- (i H ner washing machine. Phone 467. [1lizabet] ay, three miles east R 4539 | of Oakville stop-light. 1.13p39 RS. LAUGHTON, STuDia = fills 2 R. R. 1 Hornby, ont, Phone Mil- CEDAR LOUNGE th i on 87 r { to sell by public auction on the CHEST Fully spring: jis ah WwW premises at Cor. Sumner 'and SPECIAL filled 'and equip- Ce | : 3 5 & Douglas Ave. - Oakville, on ped with bedding it I Ra SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, Ts, Genuine walnut | wardrobe. Choice Al } { A Q at 1. o'clock sharp D.S.T. hand-rubbed fin- of d bl - iv te STATE - INSURANCE the following: 1 3-plece solid wal ei i nut bedroom suite, spring and | ? MORTGAGES Mattress, 1 3-plece walnut vencer ines SALE PRICE m | bedroom suite, spring and mat- SALE PRICE m | * tress, 1 %-size bed. (steel) spring $49.95 $59.50 f bd and mattress, 1 day bed and mat 2 ii 1 W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND ||| tress. 1 walnut vencer radio cab: te ta 3 net, mahogany music cabinet, er 1 | 63 Colborne St. E., Oakville Phone 41 ||[1 wooden table, 1 cupboard, 1 BABY CRIB SIMMON'S 1: ; 3 chesterfield, 1 armchair, 1 walnut i Evenings and Holidays Phone 1371-M rocking chair, 5 oak dining room AND a il ; chairs, 1 cook stove, McClary, and A ILLOW | ' oven, 1 Moffat electric stove, 1 WAITRESS os it i THE BELL TEL on what-not, 1 Junior DeLa- Honey walnut | gearance spec il 1 EP val cream separator, 1 small lawn finish with dro) 88: J 2 HONE CO. OF CANADA mower, a number of chairs. side. P| ial at half-price. Idd is hiring girls to be trained as Lot 2--R. R. Manbert - 112 Wil- | rE liam Street SALE PRICE SALE PRICE | 1 double bed, 1 double spring- J TELEPHONE OPERATORS mattress, 1 large size ice box, 2 $33.50 $3.99 PR. | 8 i small metal wardrobes, 1 small } - settee, 1 small wooden table, 1 mantel grandfather clock. ro hh T : CASH | George C. Gibson, Auctioneer. | i i 1. Single girls ages 16-25 years preferred. b | [HE al ; : The Kelly Kirby Kind % | . Two years high schoo ly Kirby Kindergarten | : y gl | education. Piano Method ; a by | ox : 5 A simple and attractive appro- a] h ii Apply in person immediately to ach to the study of music for CREDIT N 4 CHIBF OPERATOR oe Be oe : specially qu: ie elly | THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA iby. Fisteartin Pras FURNITURE STORES SATURDAY . i 34 Dundas Street North a AVAILABLE [ EVENINGS ¢ i : OAKVILLE, ONTARIO For Particulars Apply E 957 [| | Miss Susan Cuttell Phone 1139-] ORL : LO | ki 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS b | y Dp { $ { e S