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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 14 Jun 1951, p. 8

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i i i! Page 8 "THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 14, 1951 ITS UNWISE 2 PUT THIS OLD TUBE IN YOUR NEW TIRE--THE RUBBER IS STRET! eo AND THIN. ITSHOULD BEX. NEVER GAVEME TROUBLE BEFORE DEAD AND POROUS.ITMIGHT IT WILLFROM NOW ON: RUBBERS YOURTIRE IN SHORT ORDER. BETTER HAVE RUIN J{ * ANEW.ONE, THEN. YEAH--A GOODYEAR THEY RE BEST. SPECIALLY MOLDED TO COMBAT STRETCHING ANDTHINNING, AND BUTT WELDED FOR BETTER BALANCE See us for GOOD, INNER TUBES Wm. Whitaker & Sons = Station Rd., Oakville LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY FOR SALE OR TRADE BLUE COAL! he world's est anthracite," from Frank Sul- livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (21tf) AUTOMATIC gas range Beach, four burner, pilot light, oven con- trol, $55.00. Streetsyille SOM. (70p27-29) WALNUT sideboard, $100.00, maple studio couch and chair, $75.00, large walnut chest, $25.00 Phone 943. (45¢29) 1930 DODGE sedan, good run- ning condition, new slip cov: Phone 1171W aiter 6 p.m. (45029) FROST KING ice refrigerator, all steel, full length door, $20.00. Phone 462-7. (029) ELECTRIC refrigerator, 8 cu. ft, excellent condition. Phone 118M. (3530) ow refrigerator (75 cu. ft), pre price. Phone 5827. (c29) a brown gabdrdine suit, (35p29) Ferguson tractor, condition, Wm. Whit- Station Rd., phone TA size 14-16. Phone 1331. 1946 FORD excellent aker & Sons, Il used Easy wash- ing machine, $35.00, used Coff- man washing machine, $55.00, 1941 International 1 ton panel truck, $350.00 or best offer. Tele- phone Bronte 17 (56¢29) 19 DODGE special deluxe se- dan, heater and defroster, in ex- cellent condition. No reasonable offer refused. Can be seen at Re- gent Station, Colborne & Navy Sts. (35¢29) DINNER set, 24 pieces, dark blue Normandy pattern, $15. Telephone 1282J. 35p30) 1945 General Electric refriger- ator, good condition. Price $235.00 Phone day 1493. (3529) BLECTRIC _ washing machine in working condition, $25.00. Tele- phone 5341. (35p29) 36 CHEV. % ton panel truck, good condition, best offer, 114 Colborne Street, after 5. (35p29) 1 CLARE Jewel 4 burner gas stove, automatic oven and broil- er. Phone 1640. (45¢29) T Antique canopy bed, 7 cu. It. 1950 Westinghouse refrigerator, 1 gas stove, 3 piece steel con- structed sunroom suite, 1 pr. bunk beds complete with good mattresses and springs, 2 enamel top kitchen tables and chairs. 1 wicker arm chair, 1 small antique walnut dining table, 4 early Am- erican chairs, 1 pressure cooker (large size), phone 1591-R, after 6. (1.40 p30) Velo with hp, 220 2) oy motor oil rin, 3 phase, 2 volts, = shaft, good condition, $75. Bronte 1487 after 6 p.m. (30) OR RE Sid COTTAGES for rent at Victor ia Harbor. This cottage and two others. Phone H. C. Merry, 328. ROOM for Tent with breakfast and lunch. Phone 111IW. (29-31) T RO Cottage, good trams: portation and reasonable price, Appleby Line and 'New Street, write Mr. P. Galfund, Freeman, 2. Ontario, RR. 0 RENT WANTE TRAILER, any type suitable for living quarters. Telephone 2067. WITH OPTION fo buy, 4 or b room house, furnished or unfurn- ished, need not be modern, with- in 5 mile radius of Oakville. Herb Rogers, 124M. (71c29) LOST AND FOUND LOST: Man's wristwateh, Longines statnless steel case, keepsake, reward, phone 1700, FOR." . CHAS. F. DOTY AND SON Dundas Street North -- Phone 76 GRAZING pasture, 14 enclosed acres with creek. Phone 471J2 (45¢29) handsome retriever dog. Very gentle and good with children, make excellent farm dog. Phone 1139J. MOWING, ploughing and dis- cing, postholes dug. Phone 764J. (35¢29) HELP WANTED--WOMEN Housekeeper for adult family, no cooking, live-in. Phone 47132. SCHOOL girl or adult wanted as mother's aid for summer, to help with children and some housework. Phone 52871. (47c29) AY ek, stenographer re- quired immediately by Oakville firm, $140.00 per month with a $10.00 per month increase after 3 months if satisfactory. Apply Box 498 Journal. (7829) SMART _ girl for snack bar, steady employment, _good work- ing conditions, experienced pre- ferred but not necessary. Stain- ton's, Kerr St. phone 1422 (5029) LP WANTE HOME GARDINER, 2 days a week. Phone 1067 evenings. (90c29-30) CARPENTER wanted for kit chen cabinets and other improve- ments in private house, $1.00 per hour. Phone 471J2. (45¢29) ~Txperfenced service station at- tendant. Group insurance and hospitalization benefits in effect. Hitchecox Motor. Sales, Oakville. "MEN for general factory Work, carpentry experience useful but not necessary. Good working con- ditions, 5-day ing salary. Apply Stor-Aid of Canada Ltd., phone 478. HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY pickers. Apply John Lawrence, Morrison Road. Phone 1289-J. 75¢29-30 PART-time assistant to do gen- eral office 'work--afternoons only. Apply by letter to Appleby College. (45¢30) MAN OR WOMAN to wash dishes, 85 daily, 5 days per week, good wages. Apply Towne Coffee Shop. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE To all 60 cycle customers. There will be an interruption of Pozen on Sunday, June 17, from .m. to 4 a.m. Daylight Saving Time in order to effect repairs. R. Barlow, manager, Oakville Public Utilities Commission. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Trafalgar has constructed as a Local Im- provement water mains and storm sewers as follows: On Suffolk Drive, Rebecca St, Burton Rd, Patricia Drive, Cum- nock Cres, Morden Rd, Ennis- clare Drive, Town Line, Cedar- grove Road, Moorecroft Road, Fourth Line and King's Highway No. 2, Birbank Drive, Chayber- lain Lane, Eighth Line South, Kent Service Road, Truman Ave., Kent Ave., Churchill Ave. 2. Total frontage of 45,103 feet at a total cost of $119,180.48. 3. The special assessment fis to be paid in fifteen annual in- stallments. 4. A Court of Revision will be held on the 22nd day of June, 1951, at 7.30 p.m. at the Town- ship office, Trafalgar, for the purpose of hearing complaints WIA sjuedmos Jeylo AuT pu uowssesse pasodod om, surede persons interested may desire to make, and which are by law cog- nizable by the Court. Dated at Trafalgar, 1951. June 6th, S. A, Featherstone, Clerk, Treasurer SALE HARDWOOD BLOCKS HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD EDGINGS Oakville Wood Spedalties TD. Sie PHONE 31 WEDDINGS SHONIKER--REYNOLDS The rectory of St. Andrew's Church was the scene of a quiet wedding Saturday, when Marion Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Reynolds, De- came the bride of George John Shoniker, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shoniker, Norwood. The ceremony was conducted by Father James Kirby. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white eyelet or- gandy over taffeta, fashioned with a fitted bodice, Peter Pan Collar and full skirt. She wore a Dutch cap of matching lace and carried a nosegay of pink roses and sweet peas. Miss Beverley Reynolds, maid of honor, wore white organdy over blue taffeta, and the bridesmald, Miss Mar- garet Shoniker, was gowned in yellow marquisette over taffeta. Both wore small white hats and carried daisies and sweet peas. Groomsman was Gerald Fattori, and John Shoniker was usher. OBITUARIES MRS. H. W. LITCHFIELD One of Oakville's oldest resi- idents, Mrs. W. Litchfield, died Monday at her home on Sumner Ave. following a long perfod of failing health. Before her marriage she was Amnie Armstrong, and was the last of a large and well-known Oakville family. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arm- strong. She was born in the state of Illinois, and at the age of four came with her family to Oakville a covered wagon drawn by donkeys. The late Mrs. Litchfield enjoy- ed the distinction of being the first bride to be married in St. Jude's Church after its opening in. 1884. She was a lifelong mem: Der of St. John's United Church, formerly Oakville Methodist Church, and of the Woman's As- sociation, Her husband died in 1920, and she is survived by one son, Mervin, and a daughter, Mrs. Bruce Smith, both of Oakville. The funeral was held yesterday from the funeral chapel of S. S. Russell and Son to St. Jude's Cemetery, services being conduct- ed by Rev. Harry Pawson. Pall- bearers were T. T. Harris, A. Saunders, Willlam Litchfield, B. Wass, F. McCallum, and Clare Williams, LEGION AWARDS EIGHT SCHOLASTIC TROPHIES Eight handsome silver trophies are being awarded by the Oak- ville branch of the Canadian Legion to the most proficient pu- pills in Oakville public and sep- arate schools. One of these tro- phies will go to a boy and girl in each of the four schools, Cen- tral, Westwood, Brantwood and St. Mary's. Winners will be chos- en on the basis of academic, mu- sical, athletic and all-round achievement. The trophies, which will be competed for each year, will be presented at the end of the present school term. They are now on display in the win- dow of the Bank of Toronto's temporary premises. NIGHT CLASSES Possibility of holding night classes in Oakville, starting in the fall, will be investigated by the high school principal, D. J. Wilson, and members of the pro- perty committee. This action will be taken in response to a re- quest received from the Oakville Recreation Commission by the High School Area board at Tues- day evening's meeting. Mrs. I. Brown wrote the board regarding a back injury sustained by her daughter, Lynn, in a high jump at the school's athletic meet. The injury, she sald, was much more serious than at first appeared, and the girl was in hos- pital and might have to remain there sometime. Group insurance coverage was only $200. Trustee Caulder and Secretary George Atkins were instructed to inves- tigate the case. PARK CURFEW (Continuing from Page 1) the board agreed The fee will be $300, which §150 is to be paid by Aug: will the care of the infield, for the power supply and upkeep of floodlights. The board to rent the park to other organizations when it is mot required' for baseball. the Association rernts the park park, and this. ust 1. The Association responsible for reserves the right MATHEWS HOME (Continuing from Page 1) office fairly bubbling over yy to enthusiasm ana satisfaction, op of | fers of labor and material literally been pouring in, he gig "The house is as good as exulted Mr. Scade. The following many from been pledged: Roofing, donated * by P. Nicholls a 1f | Co. courtesy of John Alaiye Kent Ave.; sheet metal work, p be ult contributor, irm outside fir Jan Po to another ball club, the rental|B. Cowan, Burlington; fiogrip, do fee will be shared with the parks |1abor donated by Aldershot pig fo board. Services, Burlington; tile yor, int George Gray appeared on be-|N. Moro. = Tile Co, Hamiltop; f half of the Baseball Association basement floor, labor and mater i to ask for the use of Wallace |lals donated by Halton pa B 'Park for the minor leagues. "If| CO. Lid, 8th Line; ning I we don't get a certain time to materials and labor, Carey 1 an practice, we might as well mot| Burlington; brickilay cle have young ball teams," he poin- |G: McNally, Tk Ww doa window frames, To "The Peewees have no place | Bronte; heating, roughing fp to play at all," Gray's request. I have to have space if it don't get it, the more whole thing." minor leagues, Mr. would solve pointed out. CAN YOU QUALIFY 1. Between the age of 25 and 35 2. Pleasing personality and neat apperance 3. Must be willing to work hard and enjoy meeting and talking to people 4. An automobile an asset. For such a man we can offer one of the finest opportunities available jin the selling field to- day. Forward full particulars out- lining past experiences and also describe briefly your reasons for believing that you can sell. Address your letter to Box 1000, the Journal. Supervisor Bud Corbett stated in backing up Mr. "Our whole pro- gram is just going to be wasted. playing is to go on. If we we'll have to stop There were about 200 boys under 14 in the Corbett said. Ball diamonds in Trafalgar Park the problem, duct work and' registers, units { be supplied at cost, F. E. Ell. beck & Co. Ltd, Burlingto plumbing labor, Lewis Banner man Ltd, Toronto; painting Percy Best, Oakville; nai S Fraser Hardware, Oakville; hi surance on house, A. F. Berri] Ltd.; back filling, James day, Oakvill J. Cooke Ltd. Burlington. The new house will be of cem- ent block construction, one stor. he Mr. Megaffin later in the meet. |eY In height, and will contain g the ing suggested that the Baseball | living-room, kitchen, two bed an Association request the town |ZT00mS, and a bathroom. Anyon la council to provide them . with |¥ishing to make donations of D more playing space. The boara|Dbor of materials is requested fo tio agreed to put the grounds at|c2ll Mr. Scade at 505. du Trafalgar Park in shape for play- co ing. fo A letter was received from the | Were old and likely to fall ch Wilson Tree Service of Hamilton [tle pruning of several oth we embodying the findings of a sur | TWO Of the maples in Lakesie & vey in local parks. The letter |Park should be removed, and s J the removal of 7|eral others pruned. The work in Te of the white pines in George's | George's Square would cost $3 z ha Square on the grounds that they and the Lakeside Park work 3150 or evenings. FILTER QUEEN THE BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER Demonstrators for this new, powerful cleaner are now working in Oakville & District and are available days FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TELEPHONE OAKVILLE 311 FREE aay DELIVERY Oakville, Ont. HERE'S A 3-PIECE SUITE IN SIMULATED TOASTED MA- HOGANY OR IN REGULAR WALNUT FINISH, CONSISTING OF FULL PANEL DOUBLE BED, ROOMY 4-DRAWER CHIF- FONIER, - AND THE INCREASINGLY POPULAR DOUBLE DRESSER. THIS IS AN ULTRA MODERN SUITE AT A PRICE THAT YOU CAN PAY. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AVAILABLE ON A NUMBER OF THESE SUITES. DOMINIO FURNITURE STORES Phone 957 3 PIECES $129.50 OPEN SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M.

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