Thursday, June 7, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 7 Reeve J. M. Wickson, Miss Clara and Mr. W. H. Biggar, accom-| fo which was held in Lake ; ruce, Har-| Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Post and| TRAFALGAR panied by Mrs. Wicks, attended | College, Beamsville, Sabie Lage dia ai Ee Bi ee fe Re | 0 Tear po Sonventlon of Ontario) May.| The guest speaker was a mative | puplls were heard In vocal solos--|lguests recently of Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Barl Albertson, Mr. and ! fpoginning last Sunday, June a Gl which convened | Japanese missionary. Gitta Dinka, Ruth Squires and|Blmer McLean were guests re-|Mrs. Lorne Fish, Mr. and Mrs. 1 ico at Wesley Church Tevert-[bniWindsortiast week Linda West, Miss Leach was as-| cently of Mr. and Mrs. K. Mun-|R. D. Fleming anf Mr. and Mrs. ing hour, followed * Trae Bl 0 he mo ool session. The| Mr. and E. E Peather-| A spring recital by plano pupils en amp ahh eh 3 Se on Trafalgar | stone left last week on a motor| Of Miss Mildred Leach, A.T.C.M., ll a Rev. J. W. Stewart attended Teachers and pupils lof (Grades | ge are now: Sheridan, 9 am, | trip to relatives in Reginaand the oo Grad, was given on Satur- onto] andl Brampton. | Bronte pups the 'sessions of the Hamilton Con:| 4 [5/6 8 from Munn's, ie & Sle, 10.10, Munn's, 11.15 a.m. Shy brother, Mr. Wilmer id a nD Team ils took part and Scottish and Ir-| ference. of the United. Chusel|/Covne's, Sixteen, Hornby and | | ex srr atherstone, Calgary district. EE Miia ish dances and an acrobatic num-| which were held at McMaster | Palermo Public Schools gathered | Bo: (he Sundays of June 10th| "aor ano, has the happy faculty of | DF Were Eiven by pupils from | University, Hamilton. Mr. Stanley 20 Traraiges, Community ial fon 17th, the services at Knox| Gary and Glenn Cullingham, | 2% has the pogiis. fer" fa the other studios." Mrs. Muriel| Turner aitended the Conference Friday, June 1, and were taken fcr, Sixteen will be held at|piano pupils of Mrs. p. w.|SBUME fer pun Gerhart, Clarkson, soprano sol-|on Wednesday. by bus into Toronto where visits 0 EE Zhe sacrament of the| Thompson and Miss Susan Cut. Practice, mm he oldest, to love to| ist "rendered two numbers and RE were made to the Royal Ontario | BB, . Supver will be. observed | tell, took part in a junior pupil| brictice: The youngest performer | pid "Sin Oakville, amused Mes Willard tints and Riverdale Zoo and | 10 recital held on Thursday at the was Myrna Wilson, four years of age, who played a number after with his comedy and tap dancing. Ryan, visited at the home of her sister, Museum Park. The trip was arranged by se eisie home of Mrs. Thompso = Mrs. Gerhart was presented with] wis is SLT the teachers with the approval of | en P01, 0k receiving five lessons, Lynda Mowers i hee tt | Miss 19a Pickering, and! niece, [if 2 township trustee board. The ] i, annual picnic of unn's, s Fledger and M. owers following her last mum-| pyrigs Irene Lawrence, on Satur-|. 3 pr din soutay rowers ser al Margaret Jomesiwers [oT ent accommo junior students also enjoyed the yesicy be I youthful Mik XI v : ; : on Frida , an| ; ; fii. 10m, at the a De riday evening whom there were forty acquitted a Te | Missi SyIVin | and Vim BBWETIE rn a eoiat earn tionah of Federation Lols Biggar, whose marriage ls a| patie cor Sell) Both fn ex-| OTIC 6b ville, Miss Leach | [OTOnto-Were gests at he home| tno third year of the Ontario Vets , #t Lowyille, Nelson finwr: | Fie Basser Whote marmiags Gia ecution and © stage deportment, | ona or "punil. Hddie. Monarenti | OF. thelr uncle and aunt, Mr. and| erinary College, | Mrs Bavarley ow ie leh showed careful training on| Gis yo TOO Anthem, they | JIS: A. Walsom, over the week-| Calverley came first in a class of | B A. McMurray, Oakville, Le the weekend at the ited over Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown at- the part of their teacher. Eddie Monarchik, an accordian pupil, played two numbers. Plano duets and were assisted by D. Pennell, with John Dinka and Harvey Lyon at Mrs. W. E. Den and Mrs. Pennell. All prizes were donated by Miss end and the King's Birthday hol- iday on Monday. EE toria Day. Their daughters, Mrs. Edward Fish, Mrs. Frank Andrew 87. Her husband, Anthony, and Ralph Fish, who are in the same year, are also on the honor list. - was one of the vocal entrants in fhe of his daughter, Mrs. Elmer | tended the afternoon meeting of | wore d the piano. No admission was | ls the Disciples of Christ of Ontar- en] oll fi charged but tickets sold for a Mp sani Mey Sidon @ Dum 3 glean. n younger, intermediate and older lucky draw realized $30, which Queen Elizabeth Way, formerly Miss Myrna Evans, Sixth Line, o E was donated ol the Crippled of Sa iinet YE home has been awarded the music Fr bh | Children's Fund. Winners of the [9D the ELL o = 51 a I-| scholarship of the Halton Music | draw were Mrs. E. J. James, | Yersary of their marriage on Festival Association. Miss Evans | the recent festival at Milton. and Mrs. Raymond McMaster and --_-- daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harvey Dunn, assisted with the reception. Among those who called from Trafalgar were Mrs. A. A. Biggar, Leach, who also awarded 'each pupil with a gift, which were pre- sented on her behalf by Mr. Vie- tor Wilson, in the absence of Mr. H. Hendershot. Mr. E. J. James assisted with the presentation. A large basket of vari-coloured snapdragons, a gift of friends to Miss Leach, hydrangea plants and pots of ferns decorated the front of the stage. Miss Leach Here's How | Sian) Here's § | cital by her pupils in Trafalgar LH Hall next autumn. Besides the ti pupils already mentioned, Who ou one also played piano solos, the fol- lowing pupils took part: Ann Ad- -in-1 ¥ Aswaro Gladstone Murray, general manager of C.B.C., adressed Oak- ville Rotary Club Monday eve- ning. BATHING SUITS! cron 2 ro 1s ams, Janet Lyon, Gay Anderson, BE URE You SEE THESE Ross Lyon, Robert Donaldson By COLE of CALIFORNIA & CATALINA (Gold Medal), Donald Pennell, S COTTON -- AND -- LASTEX Robert Butler, Sylyla Williams, Janet Hendershot, Rodney Fledger, shot, Barbara Hall, John Squires, 'Terry Hender- Irene Okamu- 1.98 "© 12.95 / ra, Joyce Wilkins, Joan Williams, Leigh Anderson, Lois Wilson, Lorraine Hill, Dor- een Wilson, Ernie Butler, Kris- tle Peukert, Lorne Cutts. CARS FIRST We can give you an outstanding car at an exceptional price. one owner "GOODWILL" cuarantees cars "30 OLDSMOBILE '6' SEDAN HYDRAMATIC | Fully Equipped -- Excellent Condition. ii fi A couple of reminders! 48 CHEV FLEETLINE | i PHONE bod "50 FORD COACH FOR 105 Colborne St. Phone 1303 Air Condition Heater A Real Buy -- $1,500.00 "47 PONTIRC COACH Heater, Excellent Condition 49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN - Heater, Radio, Excellent Condition "A GOOD FAMILY CAR" | GOOD VALUE USED CARS "39 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN | "38 BUICK SEDAN "38 CHEVROLET COUPE "39 CHEVROLET SEDAN | "40 RENAULT SEDAN | "38 DESOTO SEDAN ; TRUCKS I 1949 DODGE 3-TON CAB AND CHASSIS 1 Heavy Duty -- D.P. Axle, etc. ! 1938 DODGE 2-TON STAKE | 1947 STUDEBAKER 2-TON CAB AND CHASSIS SALES ARE OPEN il EVERY EVENING Il UNTIL 9.30 P.M. Il CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE, TRADES ACCEPTED Hitchcox Motor Sales COLBORNE AT GEORGE ST. 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