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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 24 May 1951, p. 8

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ON-AND-OFF-THE ROAD HAULS. LET ME IN ON THE CRET. IT'S THESE GOODYEAR ROAD LUGS THEY'RE SURE TOPS FOR TRACTION ON BACK-ROAD HAULING. AND THEY RUN SMOOTH ON THE YEAH, THIS TRIP LLL See us for GOODFYVEA ROAD LUG Truck Tires m. Whitaker & Sons | 2 GOODVEA Station Rd., Oakville DFVEAR Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS To Oakville Humane Society PHONE 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated A concert recital of the talen- ted pupils of Miss Mildred Leach, AT.C.M, assisted by other ar- tists, will be presented in Tra- falgar Community Hall 7.30 p.m. Saturday, May 26. There will al- so be a lucky draw. Entire pro- ceeds in aid of Crippled Child- ren's Fund. ry ~The Evening Branch of the St. Jude's W. A. will hold a mee ing, Tuesday, May 29, at 8 p.m, at the home of Mrs. H. Hook, 37 Normandy Rd. CARD OF THANKS Bronte Horticultural Society wishes to thank the following for donations to the Society's annual plant sale: Sheridan Nurseries, Clarkson; John Anderson, Lake- shore Highway; Robert Nielsen Nurseries, Town Line; J. Mee, Oakville Nurseries; ~~ Davidson Nurseries, Oakville. FOR SALE OR TRADE BLUE COAL: "The world's fin- est anthracite," from Frank Sul- livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (21) A SLIGHTLY USED TIRE. size 5.25-5.50-18 and rim, $2.50. Phone 328. "1946 FORD deluxe, radio, heat- er, slip covers, immaculate con- dition. Phone 17847. (45¢25) COUNTER full or pal time, 5 day week only, good wag- es. Phone 230. (9025-27) Stenographer required for the val Bank of Canada, Oakville. Apply at local office. 25027) COMPETENT woman from 4 pm. to 8 p.m. five days per week to supervise children, put them to bed and do the dishes. Central location on bus line, phone 3-W. 2625-27) CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework, full or part time. Phone 45IR. (4525) SITUATIONS WANTED CUSTOM plowing and discing. Phone 7647 after 5.30 (26, 27x) SEPTIC nks, drai 8YS- tems, trenching, phone 2074] or 380W22 (35p25) NEW summer cottage in beau- tiful Algonquin Park. Complete- ly furnished, boat, dock, oil heat, 2 bedrooms, large veranda. Good fishing, store nearby, daily de- livery from Huntsville. Available from July 28 to August 18. Cam- eron Hillmer, 89 Shedden, Phone 37. FURNISHED bedroom, break- fast if desired. Phone 1930. (45025) T4FOOT Pacific Coast dingh built 1950, tarpaulin and two life- preservers, Class Papers, Phone 4646 Port Cred (41p26) 1936 DODGE 3-ton stake plat- form and 42" racks. Good running order. No reasonable offer refus- ed. Oakville Motors, phone 2220. ANTIQUE small mahogany sideboard, $65.; European rug, 10x6% Oriental type, $35. Phone TR22, Bronte. (35p26) GURNEY electric range, 4 bur- ner, 2 high speed elements, like new. Large kitchen sink with taps, reasonable. Phone 376W. (47¢26) THREE plece chesterfield suite, good condition, reasonably priced. Phone Bronte 331. (35p25) KITOHEN SBT, table and 4 chairs, Rogers cabinet radio. Ap- ply BA. Station, Bronte, phone Bronte 165 (35p26) BLEOTRIC refrigerator, 8 cu. foot, excellent condition, phone 118-M. SOD, prompt service, reason- able, delivered or laid. Phone 1530W. (45025) LOST AND FOUND LOST: $100 Reward will be paid by the Oakville-Trafalgar Journal for i orma- COTTAGES for rent at Victor ia Harbor. This cottage and two others. Phone H. C. Merry, 328. Roving Rats (Continuing from Page 1) ity Hardware, only to find the premi: were being used as a dwelling when the zoning bylaw was passed. He was unable, there- fore to get a permit from inspector Fred Shaw. "North end residents tell me this business would be an asset to the section" declared reeve Howard Litchfield. "There is a store and a restaurant in that section al- ready," pointed out deputy-reeve Ted Lauder. "I think we should try and find some solution to Mr. Mote's problem." Council instructed councillor Ralph Wakely to undertake to have a permit granted, providing the town solicitor approves. John Tsard, appearing for Gen- eral Stampings Ltd, asked for an amendment in the zoning by- law to permit his client to erect a storage building alongside its Dundas St. plant. "The firm has to expand, and at present has $40,000 worth of raw materfal stored out of doors. A like amount will have to go outside when ma- chinery on order arrives, if a storage building can't be put up. The company had a payroll of $340,000 last year, expects to 150 soon. They have enough property to take care of expan- sion, if they are allowed to use Council agreed to investigate the matter. A bylaw authorizing the recrea- tion commission setup was pass- ed, as was a motion authorizing the application to the estate of the late W. A. Ferrah for $5,000 to be used Improving town parks. Mayor Black stated rules of pro- ceduré - for council -have been TWO double rooms, cooking privileges. Phone 1930. (365p26) WANTED URGENTLY needed by young baseball and hockey player, ua- furnished apartment or house. jump its employee total from 121- to still Gardening He's only four years short of the century mark, but Ww. Wright, of Bronte, can still work in his garden. He can al- so bake ples and cakes, and believe. it or not, he can muster enough energy to do a stint on the woodpile. Mr. Wright cele- brated his 96th birthday a week ago Saturday, with a quiet gathering at his home on Bel- yea Ave. A native of England, this active nonagenarian came to Canada in 1905, settling at Portage La Prairie, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been liv- ing in Bronte for the past six- teen years. They have one son, Bill, of Oakville, and three daughters in British Columbia. Mr. Wright estimates that his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren reach the impressive total of 140 or more. WHITE OAK THEATRE NIGHT BIG SUCCESS Six hundred people packed the Century Theatre Monday evening for the annual theatre night and draw of White Oak Chapter, LO. D.E. It was an evening to set the heart of every good Scot aglow. There was a parade of the kilted pipe band of the Canadian Le- gion, playing stirring Scottish airs. Inside, patrons were shown to their seats by bonny lassies in Highland kilts. Then the fea- ture picture was "Bonnie Prince Charlie," all about a beloved fig- ure of Scottish history, and re- plete with a wealth of gorgeous and will be submitted shortly. CONSIDER THIS Dollars are banked by those who aren't forever depositing their quarters on easy chairs. Highland scenery. The draw was made by Mrs. Ryland New, C.B.E., past nation- al president of the LO.D.E., and Reeve Howard Litchfield. - First prize, a trip to Montreal or Ot- tawa, or §75 cash, was won by Mrs. Lunau; second prize, an electric toaster, went to Mrs. W. G. MacKendrick, and third, a radio, to Mrs. A. S. Auld. A sub- stantial sum was raised for Chapter work. OBITUARIES ROBERT GILLIAM Bronte Baptist Church. Ny, liam is survived by lig fo son, Oran, of Hamilton, gpg daughter, Mrs. Jack Grant, gy of Hamilton. He leaves g y| ther, Wilbur, of Bronte, aq | sister, Mrs. Fred Cotter, Hop al ton. The funeral was held Mop, afternoon, service in Bronte py {tist Church being conducteq } the pastor, Robert Snyder. mg ment in Woodland Cop Suffering a sudden heart at-| tery, Hamilton. tack, Robert Gilliam died at his home on Friday morning. He was in his 71st year, The late Mr. Gili} i liam was a life-long resident of , peop) start talking about how they Bronte. For some vears he was| oo Si lg ai id employed by the Oakville Basket| ually, they're, trying to figure of Company, but had latterly been i retired. He was a member of NOT WHAT THEY MEAN This time every holidays. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON A BRAND NEW CAR SEE THIS 1951 VAUXHALL VELOX SEDAN Equipped with Air Condition Heater YEARS OF ECONOMICAL SERVICE $1,875.00 C-- -- e CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES Colborne at George St. S. Phones: 345-55 Corbett at 1378. GOOD upright private. Phone 1921. (45¢26) SPECIAL NOTICES Oakville Public School Board Power Cut-Off, Sunday, May 27 1951 2 pm. to 4 p.m. to all 66 23 cycle hydro users in Trafalgar Township for purpose of changing to 60 cycle. Trafalgar Public Util- ities Comm. R. H. Philip, M2r. Immediat Phone Bud (c26) plano, Neighborly Farewell Neighbors and friends to the number of 1256 of Mr. & Mrs. George Harris, Dundas Highway East, met at the Trafalgar Com- munity Hall on Friday to honor them on the occasion of their re- moval from this district after a residence of 13 years. tion and proof of whereabouts of two male retrievers, one black, one brown, lost or strayed from Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, Sunday morning, August 27, 1950. Your name will be held in confi- dence. See or phone editor. HELP WANTED--MEN CARPENTER wanted for kit- chen cabinets and other improve- ments in private house. $1.00 per hour, Phone 471J2 (451c25) YOUNG man with good driving record, wanted for general duties in local hardware store. Steady employment, or for the summer. Good working conditions. Char- acter references please. FRASER HARDWARE, phone 334. (75c26) $6,500.00 with only $2,000 DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, full basement, hot air heat- ing, one mile from town on large lot. LH CORNWALL REALTOR Phone 930-W ROSS M. GIBSON Phone 883-W Bee This and Many Others 1941 PLYMOUTH Radio and Heater -A BEAUTY 4285. DOWN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN Heater and Defroster 390. DOWN ' OTHER LATE AND OLDER MODELS (J TRADES & TERMS ORKVILLE MOTORS CHEV. AND OLDS. Sales and Service Colborne St. E. at Reynolds PHONE 2220-1-2 buys this pieces of hand-rubbed mahogany veneer. Includes full size double bed, chest, mr. and mrs. dresser, night stand, and mirror. A fine example of top-rank cabin- etry and made to last. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. EASY TERMS Dominion PHONE 957 OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS : magnificently styled bedroom set . . . five Furniture Stores OAKVILLE

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