RIAL SON Can you tell the difference? Unlike most birds, the female KINGFISHER is more brightly colored than the male. She has an extra band of rusty- red across the chest. Get to know nature and you'll be going all out for conservation. Nature holds a vast treasure of interesting facts and colorful creatures. It's yours fo protect and yours to enjoy. Nature Unspolled YOURS TO PROTECT -- YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO ONTARIO 2.30 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL RURAL CLERGY The Summer School for Rural Clergy is to be held again this year at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, from July 30th to August 4th. The course will consist of lec- tures by various members of the College Faculty on Soil Consery- ation, Hconomic problems, Field Crops and Livestock, Farm Mach- inery, Poultry, and many other subjects of agricultural interest. The guest Speaker for the week will be Dr. W. M. Landess, of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Dr. Landess is widely known in the United States and Canada for the work he has done in the restor- ation of the poverty-stricken farm areas in the Tennessee Valley. He will give lectures on the gen eral subject of Rural Sociology. DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL HALTON INN PHONE 600 By Jim Harrison INSIDE BRIEFS!!! Columbia's forthcoming race track story, "The Sure Thing," ig no relation to RKO's "The Thing" . Doris Day, back in town after her honeymoon, is re- cording an album of eight tunes from "On Moonlight Bay," her re- cently completed Warner Techni- laby of Broadway." NO. 1 GREAT LOVER During Gregory Pecks stay in Nice while filming location se- quences for Warner Bros.' "Cap- tain Horatio Hornblower," the French press referred to him con- stantly as "The No. 1 Great Loy- er of the Screen." color . . . Lionel Barrymore, 73 The French explained that Peck this past week, will have hisdeserves the title, not because of story, "We Barrymores," in the|his rare fiery romantic roles, but . War- "Cap- because of the finesse he displays in any love scene, no matter how book stores this week . . ner's Technicolor sea saga, tain Horatio Hornblower," is|small. And the French like fi- - smashing all house records dur-[nesse. ing its advance showing, in Lon-| Peck's scenes with Virginia Mayo in the Technicolor sea clas- sic may win him a "great lover" rating with Americans, too. His romantic sequences with Miss don. Mary Orr has written a se- quel to "All About Eve" tagged "More About Eve," which will shortly appear in a national mag. "Where's Charley?" to star Ray|Mayo are reportedly as warm ag Bolger, will be the eighth con-|any Peck has done, including his secutive Technicolor production |10Ve scenes in "Duel In The Sun." Raoul Walsh directed the War- ner adventure drama which Is based on the renowned "Captain for David Butler -- he directed the currently being shown "Lul- Medium-Duty Pickup There's a New and Mighty H EVROLET TRUCK for your job... and it's built to do it for less! h 114-h.p. To cael Suburban From light delivery and pickup to long-distance trucking and heavy hauling, there's a Chevrolet Advance-Design truck that's right for the job your truck must do. Built to do the job better, longer, and more economically. With your Chevrolet truck, you get the right Valve-in-Head engine for the job - 22 thp. Thriftmaster, the extra-powerful 105-h.p. Loadmaster or the . You get stronger rear axles J z Heavy-Duty Long Wheelbase with Trailing Axle Concrete Mixer on Heavy-Duty C.O.E. with Tandem and heavy steel channel-type frames. You get Chevrolet's positive Synchro- Mesh transmissions -- engineered and built to withstand the shock and strain of real work! No matter what the job to be done, Chevrolet has the right truck for you. Come in -- and see the great new 1951 Chevrolet trucks today. (Continuation of equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on availability of material) 3 GREAT ENGINES... For every G.V.W. range there's a Chevrolet truck engine exactly matched to the job -- 92 hp. Thriftmaster, 1 114 h.p. Torquemaster. And all three deliver utmost performance with economy. 05 hp. Loadmaster, A GENERAL MO Illustrated here are a few of many standard and specially equipped Chevrolet trucks. We can provide you with a Chevrolet truck that's right for in any of a wide variety of body types, wheelbases and capacities . . . for every delivery or hauling need! TORS VALUE your job, a truck High-Lift Coal Body on: Heavy-Duty Chassis Hornblower" stories by C. S. For- ester. BEAUTY BLITZED During a love scene between Joan Crawford and Robert Young for "Goodbye, My Fancy" at War. ner Bros, Miss Crawford was in- terrupted by a bumblebee zoom- ing around her head. The bee had smuggled itself in with some of the greenery brought on the set. After numerous unsuccessful attempts of the property man to kill the offending insect, Director Vincent Sherman told Miss Craw- ford, "You'll be all right. Just ignore the bee." The star, busy ducking her head from being "buzzed" again by the bee, shouted: "Ill ignore the bee, if youll tell him to do the same." "HORNBLOWER" LORE While starring in the technl- color sea epic, "Captain Horatio Hornblowery' Gregory Peck learned that captains of the early 19th century had to pay for painting, furnishing and decora- tions of their commands. Rich of- ficers had decorative ships. Poor officers 'had beautiful ships, too, via the simple process of turning pirate when they weren't fighting for their motherland. Guest of the Week If J. B. HARCOURT, 80 Park Ave., will present himself at the box office of the Century theatre any night next week, he and an- other guest will be admitted free as guests of the Journal. Quality Venetian Blinds Custom Made Guaranteed Two Years REPAIR and LAUNDRY SERVICE Venetian Blind Laundry & Mfg. Co. PHONE 859 Who-o00 Gets Results? You Do With Heavy-Duty" with Tank 3518 PHONES 2220-1-2 COLBORNE AND REYNOLDS STREETS BE S T F O R A NY R (4 da