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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 10 May 1951, p. 2

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Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 10, 1951 [PEOPLE an EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN Mrs. Ray Comstock (nee Bdna Hughes) and son John, left By plane on Friday for Ni A zona, where Mr. tioned as a border patrol in- srs ren Westwood Friendly Circle will mest Wednesday, May 16 at West- wood School at 8 p.m. The May meeting of the Uni versity Women's Club will be held Wednesday May 16 in the music room of the high school. This will be the annual meeting With election of officers. 2 2% The May meeting of the St. Jude's Women's Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. Sydney Fear- man, Lakeshore Highway West on Monday evening, May 14th at 8.15 p.m. NE Mrs. Sam Garner gave a tea and shower for her niece, Miss Pat Durant, on Thursday after- noon. EEE The public is invited to attend a combined crafts and flower show being sponsored by Oakville Arts and Crafts at Teen Town on Sunday,.May 13, from 8 to 6 p.m. The active Bronte Horticultural society is arranging the flower show, while Arts and Crafts members plan a varied display designed to demonstrate the ac complishments of this group in adult recreation. Included in the show will be paintings, leather work, baskets, pottedy, and sam- ples of weaving, rugs and dress- making done by members. Fa Mrs. E. J. Hallett attended the graduation of her daughter, Judy, at Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon- treal, on Thursday. Cr PHONE 601 Mrs. C. Li by plane from a v to her daughter, Mrs. Donald Shanks, of Hamilton, Bermuda. o = . returned months' Rayburn three A Margaret Newton of Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Hillmer. FR Mr. A. T. Weldon returned from St. Petersburg, Fla, last week, where he has spent the winter. sor ox vox Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rawcliffe, of Cobourg, have moved into their new home at 111 Riverside Drive. FC Mr, and Mrs. Cameron C. Hill mer entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holman on Satur- day evening. FE Mr. and Mrs. G. M. C. Wright entertained at dinner Sunday evening. FEE Miss Karen Green is entertain- ing at a party on Friday evening. - * Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ware leave today for a ten days' holiday in Farmington, Connecticut. a» ® + Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Hill are spending a few days in Ottawa. + 2 x ovo Mrs. Douglas Worcester, from Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Allan Campbell, who entertained at supper, Sunday evening, in honor of Mrs. Wor cester. ® + 2 0% Mrs. P. T. Mansell of Ottawa, and her granddaughter, Janey Bray, of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kirk. 2x ox o@ ox Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stirling returned on Monday from a vaca- tion in Florida. Fa = The piano pupils of Ellen Kus- jar Scott will be heard in recital on Wednesday evening, May 23, in Lusk hall, Assisting artist will be soprano Jean Read. Net pro- ceeds of the recital will go to the church building fund. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Hill and daughter, Susan, of Crediton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Hill. FRE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley were in Montreal last week. They at- tended the graduation of their daughter, Miss Barbara Tilley, at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Thursday evening. Last Day " MAYTIME and for your IN MAYFAIR " COLOR -- starring ----~- ANNA NEAGLE . . . MICHAEL WILDING " KEFRUVER CRIME PROBE' added pleasure SHELLEY WINTERS FRIDAY -- SATURDAY ---- MAY 11 - 12 "FRENCHIE" In Glorious Technicolor Starring -- JOEL McCREA A COLUMBIA PICTURE COMING MONDAY FOR THREE LAUGH-FILLED DAYS SRN EE coor 8 TECHMICOLOR ose Ply by Nat Por Msc by Harold Aen Lyris b Jt Mare» roced by RAT PERRIN « Died by HENRY LEVIN tt CUMMINGS: yn CAULFIELD vith la Lancet - Melle Cooper eens THE 12 GLAMOROUS PETTY BRIS Miss Barbara Pike, 'Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Milligan. PR Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Tucker and family left for Ottawa to live on Tuesday. «ex owe Mrs, Chas Cox entertained af- ter the golf club team bowling on Thursday evening. «x oe ov ox Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Auld left on Sunday morning to spend a week in Montreal. FEC Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Garfat en- tertained before the supper at the Oakville Club on Saturday. «x wow x Mrs. O. B. Bergquist sailed for Burope on Saturday. reese Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks-Hill entertained on Saturday evening. EE Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Marshall spent the weekend in Ottawa. creer = The annual meeting of the Hal ton County Children's Aid so- clety was held Wednesday eve ning, May 9, in St. Paul's United church, at Milton. FE Mrs. A. C. Manbert arrived home on Saturday after spending the winter in La Jolla, California.| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holman A who have been visiting Col. and Hanover | Mrs. R. O. Bull, leave by air on Mr. C. A. Birge is in Montreal on business. a oxox ow Mr, and Mrs. Cedric Hitchecox have returned from a six weeks' holiday in Florida. a ox x x Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Head and family have returned from a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Asa Single ton, at her country home "Hickory Hill," Warm Springs, Georgia. FE] Andy McDermott, has been elected chairman of the Advisory Committee on Radio Broadcasting and Announcing for Ryerson In- stitue. xx xx Mr. and Mrs: D. Tough enter- tained Monday evening. xx x Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Durham, Toronto, spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Birge. "Ex ox x Mrs. M. A. Mackenzie is spend- ing ten days with her daughter and sondn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Grier, Peterborough. "xox own Mr. and Mrs. Albert and son, Hillside, New Jersey, |Sunday to spend the rest of the spent last weekend with Mr. and [month in Vancouver with Mrs. olman's sister and brother-in- Mrs. J. R. Peckmore. > law, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. E. Ma- Mrs. Rex MacRae is leaving this honey. week to spend the summer at ie Mrs. Arnold Dobrashian recely- ed many friends and re her home on Sunday on the occas: fon of her birthday. Far Sorry to hear that June Scar- row is in the Oakville hospital. FACE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Godfrey and children of Hamilton were week: ond guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Godfrey, Chisholm Street West. FE Mrs. Lola Craigie and Billie and June, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc- Grath and son, spent the week: end with friends in Owen Sound. Fa The W.A. of the Bronte Legion are holding a euchre and cribbage night in the Community Hall on Thursday, May 17. There will be 12 big prizes. The proceeds will go to the Legion Hall building fund. Come out and give the boys a hand. EOE The Afternoon Branch of the Church ofthe Epiphany met on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in the Parish Hall. Pr The Young People's Society of 'Walton Memorial Church had a wiener roast on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newport latives at [visited Mr. Newport's sister Mrs Frank Beecraft last Tuesday. i FR Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stafford and son Frankie visited Mr. Staf- ford's parents in Clarkson last Sunday. EC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beecraft and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Beecraft's parents on Burlington Beach. FE Mrs. B. Lawlor and Mrs. M. Brown attended the Niagara di trict Brownie meeting in Hamil- ton on Saturday. ox ox * Mr. William Landry returned home (from Pictou, N.S. after spending a week at his former Thome. x ax rox Mrs. Lorraine Bryant and children of Penticton, B.C., is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brockway, Lakeshore Highway aa ow ow ox Marie McLeod celebrated her third birthday with a party at her home on Monday, May 7th. Her playmates present included Sharon Stevens, Janet Dunn, Su- san Hill, Jackie Landry, Sheila (Continued on Page 3) Tynoka Lodge, Huntsville. Mr. Fred Davies has returned Sine from a business trip to Ottawa. Patty Hamilton celebrated her Pa : tenth birthday on Saturday with a party. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with the A. M. Reads. + x ew oxo Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and ih family returned from Jamaica| Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ferris en- where they spent a month with |tertained at dinner Friday eve- Mrs. Carter's family. ning. 4 Ea * ® x x ow ox A. L. Cond re-| A meeting of the Brantwood last week from a |Home and School Association was Mr. and Mrs. turned home motor trip in the States. held at the school on Monday BRIE a night. Mr. Arthur Maybee, Ottawa, FARE AL is visiting his parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ey. Wilson of Mrs. Arthur Maybee. Toronto spent Saturday and Sun- ie * day with the G. F. Maccabes. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Read re-| = lr > turned home last week from Ber-| Mr. and Mrs. muda, where they have spent the have moved winter. A. R. Chambers from Clarkson fo 268 Queen Mary Drive. FO x = nox x Mr. J. BE. Hammell arrived Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr, presi- | ome last Tuesday night by air|dent, National Canadian Assoc- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY .... MAY 10 - 11-12 from Nassau, where he spent the |iation of Consumers was guest winter. speaker on the same program with Tom Stothers, representing the Public Relations Department of the Canadian Bank of Com- oxox ow Mr, and Mrs, of Newmarket, James Gairdner, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Can-|merce, at the C.A(C. annual telon. meeting, Wednesday evening, at trey Y.W.CA. the Toronto Central Tuesday evening Willem Coerse, 2H > driving on the Morrison Road,| Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Windeler struck Lynda Taylor, 3%, causing entertained on Saturday evening. bad bruises and scrapes. Lynda. To rar os is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. EB, W. Brockwell Fred Taylor. i * at dinner for Mr. FE and Mrs. H. W. Tucker prior to The ladies section of the Oak-|[the Tuckers' departure for Ot ville Golf Club held its opening |tawa. day luncheon 'followed by golf at the club house on Tuesday. PFaPaPE x sx 2 x 'Wednesday night the worth Jaeger. * x sxe Taylor made the Dre Lions. Club Boys and Girls committee Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Mer-| presented the new Linbrook cub ry are entertaining at dinner to-| pack with its equipment, consis- I : ; x s % ie 2 night in honor of Professor Blls-|ting of the flag, Union Jack oe on JECHIVICOLD, iy shoulder badges and patches. Fred ion on Rl fahul 1 by M-G-M in Technicolor . . . against authentic backgrounds in India... COMING TO THE CENTURY THURSDAY, MAY 17 AST or il BUCCANEERS uss PAUL HENREID wary Mrs. R. G. Wace is entertaining behalf of 'the club. at luncheon on Friday before the Appleby College Cadet Corps Inspection. MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 +a Mrs, George Douglas returned to Youngs' Point on Monday after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Mackenzie. =» Ci Mr. and Mrs. D. Roblin, Toron-|ing their annual At Home in th will be and Mrs. John Oudhoff. 815 pm. Guest speaker nx FP L Miss Sandra Ellinthorpe arrived | Minister of Health for on Monday from Winnipeg t0|Musical numbers will be give spend the summer With her aunt|py pupils of the school, and speci- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H mens of pupils work will be on Sunley. display. Open house for Grades _ |a 2 1 ana KP. will be held on Mrs. W. B. Sturrup is entertain. | Friday afternoon, May 18, from 1.30 ing before the Golf Club bowling |to 2.30 p.m. match, on Thursday afternoon. FE a Gene Reed entertained many Mrs. Ned Hallet was in Mon-| frends at a party at his home on treal last weekend attending the| saturday on his eleventh birthday. graduation of her daughter, as &|Guests were Michael Milligan, Registered Nurse of the Royal|jyjym MacDonald, Harvey Mann, Victoria Hospital, Thursday eve: | Garth Jenner and Peter Sever. . srxzzn The Bronte Home and School and Bronte public school are hold- to, spent the weekend with Mr. school on Thursday, May 17th, at e Hon. Dr. MacKinnon Phillips, Ontario. MEET THE LATHAMS | The: funniest family. in films! "WALBURN - CATLETT Bary CRAY Mary STUART- Barbara BROWN FACELESS MAN OF MYSTERY. / AND | XC | MURDER! ¢ ' When rain fell in 2 the night, madness made him kill! n WILLIAM LUNDIGAN _ DON'T MISS TOTS 'N TEENS WINDOW DISPLAY ATTRACTIVE MODELS IN GAY TARTANS (MAY. 12-2{st.) AND DON'T MISS WHITE OAK CHAPTER L.O.D.E. SHOWPLAC E OF HALTON COUNTY OAKVILLE THEATRE AND DRAW NIGHT MAY 21st. 2 featuring the beautiful film BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE AND THE NEIGHBOR NEXT DOOR (Canada) Valuable Draw Prizes on display in the Century Theatre Lobby from May 1221 DOROTHY PATRICK Produced by HERMAN SCHLOM MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ... . MAY 14-15-16 \rected by RICHARD O: FLEISCHER Oy LUE HATHARD i JOSERR COTTEN mi VALLI WALK SOFTLY; STRANGER 'win SPRING! BYINGTON - PAUL STEWART ADORE SCHARY. Presental nation Pratond vy ROSIN SPARES Din by ROSE S112 Serene by TRAN FENTON WATCH FOR: COMING TO MAY 2 "HIGHLY DANGEROUS" Direct from Odeon Theatre, Toronto. THE GREGORY 1-22-23 PHONE THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Thursd (Cor and Shir Bobbie 1 Herbie a Driv car | your OAKVILLE

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