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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 19 Apr 1951, p. 1

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ers that fhe to swe d brane tk nee La doze © of 1 Vol. 1alf-bloy) Davie -Traalgar Journal Entercq, nd; Class Mail, Ottawa 4, No. 21 5 cents a copy, $2.00 per year In advance Thursday, April 19, 1951 24 Pages 4 DERRY TO DEFER ACTION ASINO MEETING Verdant Greeting For Future Visitors "| COUNCIL FAILS TOMEET CALLED, avs | | T0 PONDER HEARING REQUEST L1cHFELD | Chief John B. Derry's request for a public eaning into No meeting of town council me" sf the conduct of his office was not considered pb "Council at | took place Monday night because Monday night's regular meeting -- because: ay might's | (10, meeting had been arranged mes (hof regular meeting didn't come off. % oo Home fini, somo A ormed the Journal Tuesday. Un 5 Som va Express Regret To Ratepayersi 4 lier the Muntetmalt det, the errs it id: "oy Some 30 ratepayers were assembled thee couneil stated, the mayor Is empowered i 's aim chamber by 8 p.m., when deputy-reeve Ted Lauderiateom. |© call a meeting of council or, i panied by councillors Ross Gibson and Ralph Wakely, fips (lin PRIS japsence, a majority fof AR "That fori them there 3 members may petition the clerk | peared to in: here would be no mieeting. * "We've to call a meeting x nk come down to apologize to you," deputy-reeve sl told} "ifayor Black did mot call a I Gelled on the gathering. 'We had no notice the meeting had been meeting before going into hos- I cancelled, and didn't know it had been called off until Fri- pital," he declared. "In fact, he I cred ffl day. We three, at least, had asssumed that, this being the [said that, as several recent % | ked dowfll regular meeting night, it would take place. The clerk tells | special meetings had brought 'eRGPGSED DEVELOP or i | dle of till me, however, that it was called off ten days ago." town hosiness preity well up to AST COLBORNE BY BaTRANCE date, a meeting wouldn't be neces- SARVILE ont. - § u up, of ALL GRUBHT UB sary this week. . Chief Derry's Se Bi ol | » Squirmg The deputy-reeve sald he did Council Meetin letter hadn't been received when sa | | importa not know' who had cancelled the g that decision was, mide. The . . | meeting, but that clerk C. H. M d. 0) reeve is not acting mayor, unless : what lB Byers had informed him mayor onaay 2 so designated by) council by re-| / i J. R. Black was hospitalized for 2 2 solution, and in. this 'case, such « J a going (ff an operation and that "business ; Sm sales of Le action was not taken. "I explain- en agen vas preity well caught up" due for Oakville Town Council, | 611% Wes mot to deputyreeve DRIVING INTO TOWN from Toronto, the Colborne St. E. entrance would look something like | to recent special meetings: Which are set out in the town |p. qo ang colincillor Gibson | this to motorists, if one of mayor J. R. Black's petprojects is approved by council at some future | ion sufi "Very convenient commented Ln a meting oo Mun when they asked me fo call a| date. The above sketch was prepared by Dincen & Philips, town engineers, who also turned out the I w minel} Fred Price, momithe Audi Re es Zepeny be nor mesting ERAN va] rer i re on improved western approach which appeared in the Journal two weeks ago, | I have ff "In all fairness to the mayor, a --- as He. Ing this past | ,yerlegs to do so 'and that the | pc project was not included in this year's estimates, but it is certain that futur I m | that Offfl his operation had been schedul-| Monday would have been" dep: | only way a mesting Gould be call " 2 eounciis' wi H | instantly re.| uty-reeve - Ted Lauder stated [og give it every consideration. yesterday. "I have drawn the at- tention of the town clerk to sec. 1 i ed for some time," ained pefll ed for some } "Bl turned Mr. Lauder. "Then why couldn't the reeve would: be 'for five members of council: 'to petition the clerk, ain!" salf SE Ba) pee: | with 48 hours notice." i andle the meeting?' persisted of this _ legislation, whicl i 8 GALA DANCE, J i Bee states, in part: the regular SH ee J ' Sol & In The Dark meetings (57 council shall Be |. ee | ide vill he reeve fold mo. he didwt| held on each & Monday at 8 and Wouldnt Ss ey NEW HALLS 2 his orf fool © meeting wat) meessessy|l oElock oy ly deputy" | He stated He had fully Seated | "Bana that five council members| Feeve declared that, to his his position inthe matter to both : i 1 nd ; Il a meeting," | knowledge, this section has [11% BOSON in the, matte i my tree were required to cal : Tr. Lauder an T. Gibson. { he Goputyreeve explained. "Ee| mever been rescinded, although | 5 Sours motiag| Practice has been the first and | "They have stuck their necks | 1 oo » = roquined, amd T was unaware | third Mondays for several sa a , og" | By month's end, April 28, to be Drains. eb an day e. But (fff was J fo ; nn 1 J 5 | o feel bifll the meeting was off until coun-| Years: called a meeting contrary to Sa Bd i No Half Fares for 1951 was fixed at 40.8 milla { re'll bo [ff cillor Wakely, who had just regulations, I'd be the number one 4 | learned of it, told me on Friday, I'm sorry to have to say, as a member of council, that I'm as come fra ally smile fall guy. As far as I'm con- cerned, matters must go through the regulation channels." see their new, well equipped com- munity hall in use, it was announ- ced yesterday by asst. arena man- Kiwanis Finds by township council Monday af- ternoon, an increase of 1.1 milla over last year's rate of 30.7 milla, Blind Campaign re ager Ted Williamson. The occas-| A gag designed to stimulate | The rate is made up as follows: much in e v, "I was asked by councillor lon will be a gala dance sponsor-| Still further interest in the new- | Township needs, $66,158, 10.2 fi vas cancelled as Is the public] Calvassers started vesterday|son-to go over Monday night and |ed by the arena assn, the pro-| ly formed | Kiwanis club went |mills; county needs, $60,874.47, ! Voy fellows st ied ceoms jmekie mieif wounds in Gaile 2, EE on fo on which will go fo help de-| astray last week, but all is |4 mills; high school, $51,552.47. | thing at your last meeting, and | and district in the annual drive meeting was cancelled," he went | fray arena expenses. Well that ends'that way. Notices |8 mills; general school, $13,200, we want to hear what it is all|on behalf of the Canadian Nation. on. "You can't cancel a meeting| The mew hall, complete with| for tonight's meeting at River. [22 mills; school area, $65,516.67, fRabout," declared iHarry ThOrm- |al Institute for the Blind. While that was never called, and as 4 checking facilities and opening| Sidé Lodge were placed In C.N. |11 mills. Total budget require- fon. Arse ty May 1 was the date announced| .mber of council, it wasn't my into the commodious snack bar, | Telegraph envelopes, to which a | ments are $257,371.51, Compared gan for the general canvass, it was de- "I'm disappointed when a serl| cided that better results could bus piece of business lke this|pe obtained if the campaign was §s. sidetracked." 1added H. T.|spread over a longer period, ac- Roden, industries council presi-| cording to Mrs. W. H, Edwards, gent who stressed he was pres-| publicity director , of the cam- Ent as a private cltlzen. "This | paign. The work is in charge of s an arrogant display by some | twenty team captains, and con- place to make any explanations. | provided an ideal spot for dan They had no right whatsoever to |cing. Russ Norfolk and -his ten go and talk to those citizens who |merry men of music will occupy. gathered in the council cham: |the stage from 9 until 12, while| Would stress the importance of [aren rate jumped. 17 mis. The ber." novelty entertainment is being| the second meeting of the in- [county rate was reduced by 17 i THe Teeve stated he felt "the arranged to offer an added filip| fant organization. But the |mllls and the general school rats { whole matter had never been |to this initial frolic. Whole | bunch of notices were |by .1:mill, while the high school pair of one cents stamps were [With $220,582.37 for 195 attached, and mailed out to the | Mill rate for Wi needs members as eyecatchers that [increased 1.2 mills, and the school returned to the local telegraph [rate w y the pembers of council that cannot|veners are Mrs. J. A. M. Bell and | handled properly in the first grap! rate was exactly the same last lace," and should have been dis- ice | [for having Insufficient |year, fe. oven en aT nl, at he ihe police committee Ene Postage! The business was A discount of half of = "This is regular meeting night, | hoping for a generous response," | CUSS ] iin Su] Avis of half of one per > > aightened out by startled Ki- ; nd no member or members| Mrs. Edwards told the Journal. |before being placed before coun: TRUNDLERS TOPPLE Y, © | cent will be made In taxes if pald cil. "Im a member of the police wanis officers in time to provide : fhould be able to call it Off |Last year's drive netted more : on or before August 15, and ir, sings fpors coliams oo emit orton Sl committee, and 1 knew nothing| PLAYOFF MAPLES Benpla etiisation for the mem- | payment fs not made by October | rough mer, mayoriand former MPP aining sightless inoopleli in var[Of It until 1 ead tin the Jour Whiriwifd finish by Haltons, Li 15, a penalty of half of one per nal" he maintained. "A lot of A 3 v who plastered a' hi eting should have been agitation seems to have gome on 1 Holi. mo Tore been before T heard about it, yet the Evapcistii "featured ONE LOCAL BRIDGE EXPERTS Bade, and we want to mow if|told him he should be here to. | chairman of the committee, coun: of the Maft e ser' T. A. Blakelock. ious occupations. cent will be added for every month taxes remain unpaid, AGO i pom Jha let Haltons| TO OPP rt endly Bf ny rath tn thom, If night to explin tne siuaiion silo Gibson, dian't inform me as ng} EE OPPOSE SHEARDOWN in hbors Where isn't any truth in them, |to ratepayers, but he fo any te a who could take omy|ON RADIO BROADCAST G d T Ik { nd ihe chief of police should be a listen to me." 15 read te a -- Sl ly Thon hia algar Travel| Gordon. Nair } apd! Ghasles araen la Leaders feared immediately." Coun. Gibson told the gather- haar es. oon alos Upsets, finished third with | Birge, well known local bridge | gry cn i | u z, e! ore glv- i Someone Shirking - ing an emergency meeting had the whole matter hasn't been |62 points, {Sell off the leaders enthusiasts, will match bids/ with an bv «garden thon i Councillor Ross Gibson Istated||been "called on a fow howrs(i' .- handled, and a lot will |77-76 pace; '*while 'Oakville Dairy | Canada's top exponent of the Lal Bardoniug, sutiorlty, Mis by ie only learned there was to he notice recently, to discuss 2 ome out as far as I'm con-| wound up Tops with 59. Other | game, Percyy Sheardown, and his merva Castle of Rowancroft p meeting on Friday. "It looks town debenture sale. "If we ean °°, teams enterh the elght team partner on the popular = CBC | Gardens, Meadowvals, at n meat. uncemen gle why can't we do the |"?Te% fouid Were Ideals, 58; | broadcast me as if someone is shirking|do that, "Let's Play Bridge!" i - i layoff, y Ing of the landscape gardenin 2 Reeve Litchfield stated he did |P! Tonle Ak 5 pe gardening ers tolielr duty," ho asserted. "I told|same on a matter of this fm ng Er RE Foenaes, 59; Words, 55; Bee ole] oieey om aa group of the University Women's geve Litchfield when asking|ortance?" he queried, He scout-[swill be. "I can only reiterate Li 5 'hook up mext|Byng Whittaker will 'offer tha|Club, held Thursday evening at , 3 by go itn fhe mosting, ed a rumour he sald was cir-| that the mayer oe Shee neon a i ind first five games | play-by-play account of the match | the home of Miss R. Robertson, 0 ot . the | culating to the effect that an|of council will have * |of a ten game aries for top mon-|oyer CIBC. Following the brond-| Watson Ave. Her talk was fol ) majority decision on e he concluded. "I it trophy. | cast, Mr. Sheardown and Neil ater) BR vestod hearing. nil that! the [investigation would cost the ey and' the Trust' Credit trophy. cast, Mr. ll lowed by a question perfod; in flual discussion could naturally |town up to $3,000. "The town The winner will' compete against|Leroy will supervise a duplicate It until the mayor was pres- (Continued on Page 6) , but he: gould not hold it. I General Flectrid and B-A Oil loop |bridge tourney among the large |Y1ICB various phases of garden- winners for the district title and [crowd expected to be on hand for |!ng and landscaping were discus the Bowling Lanes: trophy. the event. sed; STUDENTS PONDER The mixed leagues have swung i HAMBER OF COMMERCE SEEKS OCCUPATIONS, oo i ANT REFUSE GRANT oo enowsing a casoer. wil bg | dsclded. RE RANT NOT XPRESSION OF OPINION sven iven students of OakvilleTra-| The annual five pin tournament falgar High School Tuesday eve- Lo YET REQUESTED, TWP. ASSERTS i P|, personal message ander of Commerce is going to de-|ning at the annual career Zin 2 bumyer entry. : Pl alte walled fio #1 owatonna tiloly on fons! of quo homsnrsT 5 fhe peient Repre.| The Lames ten pinners, very| Renewing! Bek request that tho| the library board, D, nite al furs eves Fos ented io be DD on professions | much In the hunt for the Infer-| Trafalgar township, council make | chairman of the board, rane town, directors) ofthe comell actively = reorganized at| sentatives of vEVSus PRDSIISE| scr ite, meed omly a win In Gall | Sho erento Gukvale satus | oan ofore council, had agreed i eer isar | Stambor jonas font ie etn ty the: advan fin Saturday (ta wilucn (a iavoft brary, In order. that rates 10r | to discuss the matter further with a SIE Sen Be ee irr bbw 1). a Ls 10 continue. to, promote a know. which way seu honestly |WOrk 4s carers for young men Tanieh {Th Taunt appeared hefors | tne. wea iat size of a grant active Brora or \ should | want it. This is not an attempt to [2nd Women. The following are CI NER on ley ah ard would require In order ontinue operation. sell any idea. We are merely at. Scheduled to speak: Dr. James moot | was. docompigled by | mw ice the rate 'for children, ankly admitting that the lo-| tempting to serve. you as. fallow | Mather, director of Halton Health| Preliminary steps towards cop y oie ceompnied by | now 50. conta card, to 10 cont { chamber of commerce "has citizens, in whichever way you | Unt physician; Maj. Brian Mec |forming an Oakville Hockey As yeh a wo padies | Mmm, Rows nada sto undorutood ! been aggressively organized," | wish to be served." Cool, Assistant music supervisor, sociation were taken at a meeting Re i [a oly i etter requesting the grant had i wolves: ahvaetorst whe: sleasd (Con vo vesting that the attached |Ont. Dept. of Education, music| Tuesday evening. Dr. F. M. (Doe) a ra les. ards request ECR AONE by. the board to the letter expressed the belief| auestionsive pe filled ia sea eo |Miss G. Sharp, superintendent of |Deans was named president, Fred a rary jooards request council Tt was explained to her | "either it must be, or should | turned promptly, the diester |DUISes, Western Hospital, nurs-| Turner vice-president, and Pets le napa, ery reason: | that while such a lotter had bean attempt to exist here at all" Juded: "If it i t ived, | ing; Sydney Watson, Ont. College | Taylor secretary. Another meat Li Tr drafted, it had not baegn conan: aot pecelved |e" Art, art; Mr. Finlay, Ryerson |ing will be held within the next Fou grant v5 1brary, | racefved by councl], g "Soennive eamber ds Sith five San anly soneluds fmt vous [ol od oe Tented De a (ie werk When earner of IASI rate 0 cents a card for | "Wo havo been walting for fn. aired eal by ie Capen a tw Of Com: | eConachie, Oakville, Taw; F. J.| activities will be outlingd. The|township subscribers will he res formation from the Jibrary le, or it is not," the letter | merc: Is ni ve, 4 ill include all ftored. The refusal of the grant Is | yiated Reeve Wickson. hued. "A survey made by us| Signing the letter were Ross|Hawes, director of apprentice-[new organization will In Rl aL thn grant is son FORM HOCKEY ASSN, actually y teams In town. A not refused them ant, an 1 chambers of commerce, op-| W. Blaikle, Arthur Bullled, XL. [Shp Ont. Dent. of Labor, manual | hockey ts "The grant has never béem re-| the brary mosrd semen ne ([I\ Be in Ontario communities Clogs, Jack Cornwall, Don T. Mac. | ei0ing; Miss Jesslo Lambden, fused" replied Councilor Cum | with 'a reuse, matSiepmiiao ilar size fo Oakville, ShoW-| pac, 1, §. Mannell, H. G. MCKIL | soneriers, Grony, Soll: Macdonald PEEK-A-B0O berland, "because ft has never |p 5 sony early that they are having . . ; been asked for." manager Bank of| 4 oman gets a new slant on| Reeve Wicksbn, success because of publie|loP: J. N. Milne, H. R. Ostrom, |S. B. Otton, 5t and business and muni. |Stanley' B. Otton, H. T. Roden | Montreal, prort. The Oakville Cham-'and Fred C. Turner. Oakville, banking, ac-|romance when she looks at ft [ladies counting and bookkeeping. over a sinkful of dirty dishes.

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