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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 19 Apr 1951, p. 12

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Er THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 19, 1951. = CHURCH ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson A Women's Guild in connection NEWS ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Kirby this Father will celebrate STORY OF THE GENSUS summer.) (This is the fourth and last in a series of articles dealing the Canadian census, wi to be taken how we compare to-day in human resources, the greatest asset of a nation, and how agriculture, the greatest of our primary industries, compares with the beginnings of ith the proposed new Anglienn|Musses at 8.30 andl 10.30 a.m} on|| CONCLUSION a half century of development. rch on the west side was or |Sunday. Evening devotions will| It may be fairly sald that the | yt ill reveal many changes as d at a meeting in St [be at 7.30 pm. Census of 1951 will be the most | ompared with the Census of Sish Delt a3 Wednasly important in the history of Can (1941 In the interval we ex evening I week. Officers were ST. LUKE'S ada. It will be taken at the half-| . ionced the great cataclysm of lected. as follow President, Canon D. R. Smith Way mark of the century and will [World War TI, which worked Mrs. W. V. Herbert; Ist. Vice| Lynne Marfe Oates, daughter|Provide a measurement of the) great changes in the pattern of President, Anderson; [or Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Oates, |Progress which has been made oy; economy. There have been 2nd. VicePr P.| Bronte. was baptized Sunday, [during that period. It will show |important shifts in population as Lyne | s. Fred |The godparents were Nellie between provinces, and the in- Price; Secretary, Mrs, B. Forster. | Oates, June Oates and David Pel-| dustrialization of Canada was con- St. Jude's Women's Guild will | jetterio. Christ Jesus; who gave himself|gjgoraply accelerated. The oc hold Its spring rummage sale in| Richard Joseph and Ronald|?® ransom for all, to be testified in/icupations of the pesplel have un- the parish hall this 3 ave twit some of My mnqjiiue umes 1 Timothy. 25.) dergone considerable chafiges. ternoon at 2 o'clock. Articles | Mrs, S. Reid were also baptized . | Umban centres have grown at the early possible on Friday. Those | etterio, Joseph Pelletterio, Emma iy 3 | population continued to become Wishing articles collected are| paniottarie and Jobin Pellstterie.| Music at Sunday eveniigs Ser |sijer on hel average. §(Theke and asked to telephone 128 or 1838. |The choir from Appleby College Vice Was provided: by Stan Mant|many more changes from 1941 Capt R A ylor of the|sang the service including two and his musical messengers Of |) he revealed in the 1951 Cen- Ty dv Sg Whithy. Following the service | sug, at the 945 and 11 am. services| "Raggedy Man a humorous LT The 1951 Census will also be describing the work of | play was given by the young| iit Solis ee the for.) especially important because of Members of the boys' ehoir, under the direction of G. Mel- bourne Evans, organist and choirmaster, are rehearsing for a concert to be held Friday evening people of Campbellville, at Palermo, Friday, under the auspices of the Evening Branch of the W.A. St. David's Chureh, tized: CALVARY BAPTIST June Scarrow, Earl Richardson, Tripp. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oates, Vic- lowing Bronte children were bap- Ken and Bennie and Jim the introduction of drastic chang- es in technique. New procedures will be used which may set a new pattern for other countries. Ow- ing to the importance of census data and their usefulness for a May 11, in the parish hall. Pro . A. A. Stoll i . ide vari it is es- Reads willl zo. towards the cher LAE : toria St, last evening. re Lea fl Rea Tad, to na fh oepenses| Job 22ial: |dcquaintinow {vil The [Yonhs Peoples Society is) 0 aren 4. Als ey Son in|self with God and be ab peace. | holding an election of officers ad RE e cho vs nt : o sts of tak- Muskoka, August 20 to Thereby good shall come untoj this evening. Members of hoth the boys' and the Sunday school will be at 10.30 ing make it imperative to find new or ie : Sfucie by Pat Smith's) groud|an asder Seance at Buwes||meansi of shortening the collec. adults' choirs 11 compete in th 1 SE, > i ¥ Hamnton Kiwanis Music Festival, | from Guelph featured Sunday Baptist Church; south of Milton, a A ostiY li | svening's. service. Rev. Mr. Stoll] will be at 3 pm, when the Tor- Several departures from previous Ne to (prouciicd at Doll services, wardaires of Toronto will sing.|methods will be used to attain Church Friday evening, Apeh 37. Art McKays nspirationalliThere will be a prayer meeting]iisi objective. A Group provided Monday evening's (at 6.30 p.m. and Gospel service ST. JOHN'S program of the Young People's(at 7 with Pastor Bob Snyder in Socet charge. Rev. Harry Pawson Slides , will be shown at the EPIPHANY. Nine children were baptized by Junior Y.P:S. meeting fomorrow Canon D. R. Smith WATCH Rev. Harry Payson at a baptis-| evening. i "The! Evening Branch! of: the mal service Sunday morning. | The cottage prayer meeting to-| yw A met at the home of Mrs. REPAIR Water from the River Jordan was [morrow evening will be at the Sargent, Monday. used. Roms of Perey Sims, S52 Herald | several members of both bran- N Ladies of the Halton Presby-|Av ches of the W.A. attended the . AS terial W.M.S. are urged to at- WALTON MEMORIAL annual meeting of this organiza- = tend the annual meeting of Ham- ilton Conference Branch, Woman's Missionary Society to be held in St. John's Church Tuesday and 'Wednesday, April 24 and 25. Ses- sions begin at 9.30 am. Tuesday. There will be an open meeting evening, to which the is cordially invited. The will be Mrs. Hugh D. speaker Taylor, executive secretary of the 5 overseas committee of the Dom- inion Board of Missions. The meeting starts at 7.30 Sons of members of St. John's Men's Club were guests of their fathers at a father and son ban- The pastor, will be in charge of Sunday eve- ning service at 7 school will be at 2 pm. The Y. PS 8 o'clock. subject of the lesson sermon Of the church service of the Christ- | ian Science, Society, Oakville, on | ¢ Sunday, April 22nd., 1951. The Golden Text is one God, and one mediator be-|4 REV. W. T. DELVE Rev. W. T. Delve, The p.m. Sunday will meet Monday evening at held Saturd: tion Tuesday in Cathedral Hamilton. Rev. E. Rigby was the speaker at the Laymen's Banquet, Norval, Monday evening. . A successful rummage sale was vy by the W.A. Christ's Church Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrie Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located: in Mc- Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto Nelson Crushed Stone \ Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone for Roads and Driveways INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE Oakville 694 or Burlington 4904 Defender or offender? Both! Although the skunk never uses his offensive weapon except in defence of himself or his young. This handsome, friendly little animal is a fine fur-bearer. The skunk loves garbage heaps, and once in a while he visits a poultry house for one of his favourite delicacies--an egg. But usually he's inoffensive --yours to protect! A oh ae "=~ CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMIT! WATERLOO, ONTARIO A. MARCHAND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE octrine of Atonement" is the Q is | 4 "There WV VY quet Thursday evening. Harry |tween God and men, the mand "Red" Foster, famous broadcas- Q ter was the > the youngsters Ss thralled with Loam - Stone - Gravel ||¢ assisted by a movie, film 0 D4 ) KNOX SLADE S S Rev. C. K. Nicoll S$ W.M.S. held a spring HA LAGE S thanKoffering meeting at the home AUR 24 of Mrs. J. M. Wallace, Seventh Line, Tuesday afternoon ROCKERY STONE BY TON S- On Sunday morning, Rey. Mr. Stone Walls and p< Nicoll will repeat, by request, 3 5 his sermon "Putting a god to Rockeries Built D ¢ bed." His evening subject will be BOX 15 CLARKSON ~ "Rirst things first D4 CLOSED--FOR EFFICIENCY Your pharmacist is not a superman. Like you, he requires a certain amount of sleep and recreation so that he may function efficiently for his community. That is why, late at night, or on a Sunday, you may find the lights of your pharmacy out, the door Jocked. There are sound reasons why every pharmacy cannot remain open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether your pharmacist works alone or is assisted by other pharmacists, his professional duties require exacting care and mental alertness--conditions he cannot fulfill if he works lengthy hours, day after day. Like every other individual, your pharmacist requires rest and relaxation after his strenuous duties. Yet in cases of real emer- gency--when his science and skills are needed to preserve or save life--you will find him eager to serve with every weapon in his professional arsenal. -- Reprinted from a copyrighted advertisement published by Parke, Davis & Company. THE RUSSELL DRUG 0. (Formerly Byers' PROMPT DELIVERY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Bo -em aoeR | NIN 2 A ALAAARARAARAA 2 2 oo oo AAA AAAANLAAIN EN APAAAARAAAAAANN VNTR YY < A ALARAAANNA SONNY Yes! Spruce Up! GET THE HABIT OF SENDING YOUR GARMENTS TO US REGULARLY .... LIKE HUN- DREDS OF OTHERS IN OAK- VILLE.... \ LAKESHORE CLEANERS COLBORNE ST. E. 'SPRUCE UP [T'S SPRING' TELEPHONE 311

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