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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Apr 1951, p. 8

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fage 8 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Ea Thursday, April 5, 145, WHAT HAPPENED? (3 owour NY" HAVE GONE OUT O IF HED HAD GOODYEAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES, HIS CAR WOULDN'T F CONTROL TO SAVE YES-LIFEGUARDS DO THE JOB! You "CAN'T GET BETTER PROTECTION YOUR LIFE! See us for GOODFYEAR Lifeguard Safety Tubes Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville THIS TKNER CRAWDE] AIR WHEN TiR R Hoos! Lows LIFEGUARD €ROSS Skcrion fi | NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 15 WORDS OR LESS. .... 35¢ CASH 3¢ PER WORD FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. An additional charge of 10¢ will be made when a box number is requested. Legal no- tices will be charged at 12¢ per agate line for first insertion, 8¢ per agate line for each following insertion. JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS) WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 12 NOON EACH WEDNESDAY. CLASSIFIEDS MAY BE PHONED TO 1298, BUT THE ACCURACY OF TELE- PHONED ADVERTISEMENTS CANNOT BE GUARANT- EED. . Please Report Promptly HELP WANTE MEN LOST OR FOUND PPRENTICE printer, apply J. HELP wanted, male and fe male, Oakville Wood Specialties Ltd, Oakville Phone 31. Receptionist for doctor's office, day week, all holidays, sten- ography and bookkeeping know- ledge necessary. Apply Box 477 Journal. (8519-21) MIDDLE aged woman to live in and act as cook and assist a practical nurse with invalid lady. Must be strong enough to help move patient. Apply Box 479 FOR SALE OR TRADE BRITISH Empire Stamp collect- fon catalogued at over $2,500.00, sacrificed for $1,500.00 or nearest offer. Includes complete mint set of mow unobtainable Silver Wed- ding issue, also complete mint sets of U.P.U.s and Silver Jubi- lee--complete sets mint and used 514 print blocks. Phone 612M. ¢ (2.92¢17-19) 14 FT. V-Bottom plywood boat; 10 h.p. Johnson outboard motor, ANIVALS I wey brat Re both $225; Hobby power tools, ° =D) 3 © | drill press, saw, jigsaw, lathe, Oakville Humane Society RESPONSIBLE middle aged man | sander, planer, edger, no motor, fo take charge transport loading | $30; Maytag washer $70. Phone ; Rrone es jo [dock beginning 7 pm. nightly, | 1136w. (T7c19) ost and Injured Animal knowledge of freight handling 8 a $160.00 McClary &burner, apt. Sumsnsty Treated Drea en nd. iso's BX | size stove, excellent condition; J 2 2, 0a * | bought during war, but only used BIRTHS 4 ik PORT ones Prete three years. Phone 1741. (44p19) = as R, | married men over 25 years, 8 yrs. : re (formerly Eileen Vaughan, |eXperience. Knowledge Toronto I Sh Bronte) are happy to announce [20d Lakeshore area essential. 757 ¥ (90-19-20) irth of a son on Monday, |APPlY Wilson's Express, Lake. | 2b : the birth of a s [Bore Ra, B. Oakiie DINETTE _ suite, limed Blm, in April 2, 1951, at the Oakville-Tra- » BE, : perfect condition, consisting. of "MAN with knowledge to act a8 shipping and receiving clerk in small manufacturing plant. Apply Schlegel Co. Canada Ltd, Queen Elizabeth East and 8th Line. s MEN with some carpentry ex: perience to work in woodwork shop. Apply at Stor-Aid of Canada Ltd, 51 Forsyth South. falgar Memorial Hospital 0 North Trafalgar Community Club euchre and dance, April 6 at 8.30 at the Trafalgar Memorial Hall. Music by Walt Always Orches- tra. Come and have some fun. The General Electric are putting table, 4 chairs and Welsh dresser, Price $125. Phone 1346R inner spring mattress, $35. Phone 9. I LARGE space heater used 1 month, $80.00, I Super Forsythe St. S., Phone 2159. (45¢19) BED, single, maple, springs and Fairbanks Morse large Faucet space heater, $75. Structure Door Co., 36 on a Cooking School in Clarke ~ Hall, Port Credit, Wednesday, | LN, LLANE 1] a.) April 11 at 2 o'clock, and Thu WAITRESS from 9 am. to 2 day, April 12 at 8 o'clock, to go to |P-m. Apply personally, Mel's the St. Paul's Anglican Church |Snack Bar, Cross at Dundas. Building Fund, in Lorne Park. | RELIABLE baby sitter for 3 There are to be very attractive hours 3 nights a week at Kent Gardens apartments. Phone 2001J. Stenographer, bookkeeping ex: perience desirable but not essen- tial. Apply evening, phone 703W. Experienced cook-general and ho useman-chauffer-gardener to live in, good wages and pleasant surroundings. Box 478. CLEANING woman wanted Tor 2 days a week. Phone 8257. door prizes, also a grand prize of a washing machine and mi master. Tickets are 50c for eith- er class. The Spring tea of the Women's Associaion, St. John's United Church will be held in Lusk Hall, Friday, April 13 at 3 o'clock. Westwood Friendly Circle will hold a euchre in aid of the arena Income Tax Worries? Income Tax Returns of all types made up. Reasonable Rates G. D. McKAY Public Accountant Former Assessor, Income Tax Division, Department of Na- tional Revenue 210 Queen Mary Dr. Tel. 1620 fund at Westwood school on Ap- PIANO, apartment size, upright, factory rebuilt, painted, $175. Tele- phone 149, b, 35 FORD coupe, £004 paint job, tires, etc, South Wind heater. Phone 232. 39 CHEV. business: coupe, recent overhaul, good paint. Phone 831J. NO. 1 PENNSYLVANIA | Anth- racite from Frank Sullivan, Bronte, 80W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. 'WOOD: Hardwood blocks, hard- wood and softwood edgings. Oak- ville Wood Specialties Ltd., Oak- ville, Phone 31. 7 RED LEATHER lunch seats and stools, counter, used, cheap. Apply Foster's Restaurant. (pld) ONE room apt with kitchen and bath-room. Newly decorated, 2 blocks from main street, suitable for one person, or man and wife, but not large enough for Plone 328. WANTED--TO RENT apartment, plone HOUSE 896-R. (7018-20) ACCOMMODATION desired by young couple with baby in ex- change for part time gardening and handyman services. Good ref: erences. Box 479. SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced comptometer op- erator can also type and do short hand, available May 1. Apply Box 473 Journal. (1.00¢17-19) MIDDLE aged woman desires position as cook-housekeeper. to man and wife or single person. Phone 328 from 12 to 1 noon time, Bookkeeper-accountant seeks a position, male, with payrool ex- perience. Best references. Box 476 more. or WARDROBE, walnut or oak prefered, in good condition. Phone 1831W. (35p19) BABY tender. Phone 1569W. 0ST AND FOUN LOST: $100 REWARD will be paid by the Oakville-Trafalgar Journal for confidential informa- tion and proof of whereabouts of two male retrievers, one black, one brown, lost or strayed from Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, Sunday morning, August 27, 1950. Your name will be held in confi dence. See or phone editor. SALES help for local concern. Part and. full time work avail- able. Apply in person, Chainway Stores. -(45¢19) ril 18 at 8 p.m. Admission and refreshments 35 cents. Come and bring a friend. Home_made candy will be on sale. ( 35p19-20) NO QUESTIONABOUT IT... - - - Oakville Motors has fine Used Cars. We make sure that every car has been put in good condition before it goes on display. If you want to get the most for the least stop by this week. 1948 OLDSMOBILE 6 SEDAN Hydromatic Drive - Radio - Heater - Sun Visor 5 Other Extras 1947 OLDSMOBILE 98 SERIES Torpedo Coach --- Fully Equipped 1949 CHEVROLET COACH Only 19,000 Miles 1950 HILLMAN MINX Air Condition Heater OTHER TO CHOOSE FROM TRADE --- TERMS AVAILABLE Cll: ores ee ® We mE oakville molors CHEVROLET £ OLOSMOBILE SALES V/ICEe Ask Town Act (Continued from Page 1) matter "narrowed down to a small point'in that the builder had no intention of remaining in the lum- ber business and had offered to move the lumber and refuse about which the residents had com- plained. "There is more than the usual amount of lumber there, now, and that's the only difference," he stated, "All buildings were there when the bylaw was passed except a small shed, This injunction sug: gestion 'is very premature, being made before residents see what Mr. Forster is prepared to do, and the complaint Is actually a minor one." "Bither he is or is not in breach of the bylaws. That ig not incon- sequential," retorted Mr. McCal- um. 'Councillor Ross Gibson told cqun- cil the town solicitor had informed him Mr. Forster had definitely vio- lated the building bylaws by not applying for a building permit. Deputy-reeve Ted Lauder reported there had been no permit taken out from the fire inspector under the bylaw dealing with lumber storage. "If these facts are found to be true, will action be taken?" mayor J. R. Black asked coun. Ross Gib- son, chairman of the police and public welfare committee. "Very definitely," replied coun. Gibson. "Then no injunction papers will be signed until we have the full consent of the town solicitor," the mayor informed Mr. McCallum. A letter protesting continued use of Brant St. lots for business pur- Doses by contractor James Holliday was read to council by clerk C. H. Byers. The letter, signed by Ina Bailie and Tina Breckenridge, stated council had given Mr. Holli. day until March 31 to remove his equipment from the Droperties 1, question, and asked that action 1. taken to have the order carrieq Commented coun: Lachlan yi, Arthur: "When the parties fnyq ved are in litigation over (he py, ter already, I don't see that vw, take action" | \ "It's odd that the municipgy, should put bylaws on its books and then 'become completely py athetic when Individuals copper their bets by putting in priya, actions," indignantly stated yi); er Breckenridge, husband of oq of the signers of the letter. "nop the individual thumb his nose g council and does council sit ang take it? He was assured by the mayor the matter would be turned oye to the town solicitor. Seto In last week's issue it Was stated that flowers on the altar Were in memory of Mrs, Rober Mason's mother and brother, The flowers were in memory of Mr. Mason's mother and brother, eh CHAS. NAYLOR GENERAL CONTRACTING at. © nepg Repairs - Alterations PHONE 294 HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSONS By Appointment Only ED. - SLATER Phone 176 AS $8.50 A FT. UP Reasonable restrictions. BURTONWOOD DEVELOPMENT Ya Mile West of Oakville, Lakeshore Hy. CHOICE SANDY LOTS, WELL DRAINED, 60 FT. FRONTAGE, WATER, HYDRO AND IMPROVED STREETS NOW INSTALLED. PRICED AS LOW Builders Terms more lots. . See your Builder or Phone 528w4 Oakville. on 1 or FREE LAYAWAY AND DELIVERY PHONE 957 FURNITURE STORES OAKVILLE HERE'S A 3-PIECE SUITE IN' SIMULATED TOASTED MAHOGANY OR IN REGULAR WALNUT FINISH, CON- SITING OF FULL PANEL DOUBLE BED, ROOMY 4 DRAWER CHIFFONIER, AND THE INCREASINGLY POPULAR DOUBLE DRESSER. THIS IS AN ULTRA MODERN SUITE AT A PRICE THAT YOU CAN PAY. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AVAILABLE ON A NUMBER OF THESE SUITES. 3 PIECES $1295 DOMINION OPEN SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M. Ce ---------------- TI Thursd DURI Ey" Rose, d hands the Princ letter to beds on early tw To E She ACRO the sy you th reader You f

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