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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Mar 1951, p. 8

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Thursday, March 22, 195; AUTO T NOT A TR AUTO TI | KNOW. | FIGURED ES WOULD BE O.K.FOR THIS NO SI RUCK. LIGHT Ti YOU NEED TRUCK TIRES SPECIALLY BUILT FOR TRUCK WORK. | USE GOODYEAR HI-MILERRIBS YOU'LL FIND. WILL CUT YOUR TIRE COSTS iN THE LONG RUN, AND DELIVER PLENTY OF MILEAGE TOO, THEY'RE BUILT TO STAND THE GAFF ON SMALL TRUCKS. GUESS I'D BETTER GET 'EM TOO. HI-MILER RIBS See us for GOODFVEAR Hi-Miler Rib Truck Tires = Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville IN MEMORIAM memory of Dick In of Emily lovin S. Somenvil ement of their nna Elmarie to George f Mr. and Vineland. place on 1951 at the Mothers! Do 'your children have birthday parties coming up in the near future? May we suggest you bring them all to the Gre gory Theafre Saturday matinees. or reserved seats, call Oakville 68 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Pair of horn-rimmed glasses downtown. Phone 1656. USED English saddle, also bridle, must be in good condition, phone 471-J-2. §12500 PER MONTH, upper duplex recently remodeled, 5 rooms and bath, (heated), March possession, central location. Call Giles at 712 or Mrs. Palmer at 1461-W. (1.30¢17) APARTMENT, new, just com- pleted, ready for occupancy with 2 bedrooms, tiled bathroom, large living room, kitchen with gas stove, electric refrigerator, tiled floor, hardwood floors throughout, garage. Rent $100 per month. 1 year lease. Phone 749. COMFORTABLE room and board for young gentleman to share. Phone 1663. (45¢17) APARTMENT, bed sitting room, kitchen and three piece bath, has been recently redecorated. This apt. was made for one person but two can share if if they are used to close quarters. One year lease. Phone 328. WANTED--TO RENT ROOM and board for a number of University students, aprox. from April 15 to Sept. 30. Submit particulars to Personel Dept. B.A. 0il, Clarkson Refinery. GARAGE In west end near Wil son St. Phone 885. (45¢19) Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS To Oakville Humane Society PHONE 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated | SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced comptometer op- erator can also type and do short- hand, available May 1. Apply Box 473 Journal (1.00¢17-19) HOUSECLBANING by exper fenced woman worker living in Port Credit. Phone 4858 Port Credit. (45¢19) HELP WANTED--MEN MEN for landscaping and nur- sery work part or full time. Apply The Linbrook Nurseries, 8th Line, Phone 1377. (41p17) TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Attractive position available with promising future for right per- son, male or female, as assistant clerk fn Trafalgar Municipal Of- fice. Spacious and cheerful office in new building located on No. 5 highway, 2 miles north of Oak: ville. Bus service, hours 9 to 5, Monday to Friday inclusive. Book- keeping and typing necessary with municipal experience pre- ferrable, although mot essential. Reply stating experience, age, re- ferences and salary expected to address below on or before noon April 2, 1951. S. A. Featherstone, Trafalgar P.0., Halton County. HELP WANTED--WOMEN WOMAN for part time house: vork any day suitable. Phone 885. NEED four women for packing plastic articles. Also sewing ma- chine operators. Those with ex- perience will start with regular rate of pay. Those with ability to learn sewing will start with learn- ers rate of pay. Five day week. Hours 8 am. to 5 p.m. Bxcellent working conditions. © Good pay. Chance for advancement. Apply in person at STOR-AID OF CANADA LIMITED, 51 Forsythe St. S. Oakville. PERSON fo do baking of pies in their own home for the new Towne Coffee Shop. Recipes and i will be furnished. Ap- Edging: 50¢ per sack delivered For fireplace & furnace * HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE CO. Phone 23 ply Box 474 Journal, in order that interview may be arranged. GENERAL cook, days, preferably female; short order cook, dish yasher and general kitchen help, waitresses and soda fountain help, experienced, full and part time, for new Towne, Coffee Shop. Ap- ply Box 473, Journal in order that interview may be arranged. MONDAY, "DRAW TO BE WHITE OAK CHAPTER, 1.0.D.E. ANNUAL HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS © DRAW TICKETS 25¢ AT CENTURY. THEATRE APRIL 2 MADE MAY 21st FOR SALE OR TRADE CHESTERFIELD, made over within last year, but needs cover- ing. Large size, suitable for your recreation room. May be seen at Apt, 7 Randall St, $40. BED, spring and mattress, sol- id maple blond, also Marconi floor radio, all like mew. Phone 114W. (74p16-17) NO. 1 PENNSYLVANIA Anthra- cite from Frank Sullivan, Bronte. Phone 80-W. Your Blue Coal Deal- r, 17) '36 PLYMOUTH good condition, motor over- hauled, heater. 168M Bronte. (35p18) JEWEL cookstove, oil burning grates for- coal included, excellent condition, white enamel, steel top, $35.00, 35 Maple Ave. (35p17) MODERNIZED refrigerator, 4- burner tabletop gas stove, sacri- fice, phone 75J. (35p19) BRITISH Empire Stamp collect ion catalogued at over $2,500.00, sacrificed for $1,500.00 or nearest offer. Includes complete mint set of now unobtainable Silver Wed- ding issue, also complete mint sets of U.PUs and Silver Jubi- lee--complete sets mint and used of Victory and Coronation issues. Many complete sets in mint im- print blocks. Phone 612M. (2.92¢17-19) 34 DODGE deluxe sedan in good running condition, $200.00. Phone Milton 7983, Charles Ler- iche. (36p17) OAK dining room table, round, $5. Phone 1225R. (35p19) Manufacturer's discontinued lines and oddments at greatly re- duced prices including garden hose, plastic material for drapes and shower curtains, rubber mat- ting for hard wear in shops and offices, and out of doors. Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 pm to 430 pm Barringham Rubber and Plasties Ltd, Oak- ville. 3 BURNER table top Beach gas tove. Phone 551M. (4517) coach, recently Phone DELBERT DOWNS wishes to announce he has "installed a SEED TREATER Let us clean and treat your seed with "PANOGEN" the modern liquid seed disin- fectant CALL HORNBY FEED MILL Milton 162 ring 1-1 SEED FOR SALE Commercial No. 1 Beaver Seed Oats, control certificate No. 40-5028, germination 100%, grown from registered seed, first prize In 1950 fleld crop competition, price $1.50 per bushel, bags extra. W. E. FORD & SON Milton R.R. 4, Phone 98-31 THURSDAY, MARCH 22: 10-11: Learn to skate, pre-se 4-6: Public school hockey, 7.30: Industrial hockey dou FRIDAY, MARCH 23: 11-12: Can. Gen. Electric ho 2-3: Rink Rats hockey 4-6: Public school skating 8.30: Lake Shores vs. SATURDAY, MARCH 24: B-9: Skating, children up to 9-11: Skating, adults SUNDAY, MARCH 25: 4.5: MONDAY, MARCH 26: TUESDAY, MARCH 27: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28: 1.30-3.30: Skating party 8.30-10.30: Public skating YOUR ARENA PROGRAM chool children ble-header 10-11: Juvenile hockey practice ckey league 1-2: Oakville Figure Skating Club Industrial League All Stars, Mrs. Matthews Fund Benefit Game 8-12.30: Minor League hockey 2-4: Oakville Figure Skating Club 4.30-5.30: Oakville Public Utilities hockey 6-7: Calvary Baptist Church hockey 14, 15 cents 2-4: Oakville Figure Skating, Club Free skating, children up to 14 2-4: Public skating, adults and children 2-4: Public skating, adults and children 8-11: Oakville Figure Skating Club BLACK walnut antique tock: er. Phone 762R. (35p17) WOOD, hardwood blocks, hard: wood and softwood edgings. Oak- ville Wood Specialties Limited, Phone 31. TWO choice bulding lots, Lake: shore Highway, one-quarter mile west of town. Phone 901. (45¢19) DRY hard apple and pine root, excellent combination for fire place, $4 single cord, $15 per cord. Mixed wood, $3 single cord, $13 er cord. Cut any length, deliver- ed, phone 37573. (83¢17) "BURNBR__ Findlay gas stove, splendid condition. Phone Rev. R. H. Howson, 385J, or call 60 Robin- son St. (35p17) 39 CHEV. business coupe me: chanically sound, reasonably pric- ed. Apply 38 Stewart W. (35pl7) MIXED WOOD, single cord $3.50; full cord = $13.00; dry ap- ple wood, single cord $4.00; full cord $15.00. Cut any length. De- ivered. Phone 375J3 (59¢19) LEGAL NOTICES TRAFALGAR INVESTMENTS CO. LIMITED BY-LAW NO. 5 BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted that the location of the ead office of the Company be and the same is hereby changed from the Town of Oakville, in the County of Halton and Province of Ontario, to the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Prov- ince of Ontario. ENACTED this 29th day of December, 1950. room, modern Kitchen, rooms and tiled bath, attache HAVE YOU INTERESTED. DOW DISPLAY, and/or Phone 490 HOMES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW brick and frame, 19 foot livingroom, modern kitchen, attached garage storms, screens; in healthy location, a good buy, $10,500 3 BEDROOM 11, STOREY brick, powder room; vided cellar, unfinished recreation room, $16,500 A HOME FOR SALE? IT MAY OUR CLIENTS IS WAITING DO YOU NEED A HOME? PERHAPS WE CAN HELP YOU. JARVIS AND RYRIE REAL ESTATE AGENTS with entrance to kitchen, 22 foot livingroom, dining upstairs 3 good bed- d garage, forced air heating, di- WE ARE BE THE HOME ONE OF FOR. CHECK OUR WIN- COME IN AND SEE US. Evenings: 296w or 417 WITNESS the of the Company. "D. A. McIntosh," President C.S. corporate seal "Stanley B. Edwards,' Secretary CERTIFIED & true copy of By- law No. 5 of the bylaws of Tra- falgar Investments Co. Limited duly enacted by unanimous res- olution of the directors at a meet- ing held on the 29th day of Dec- ember, 1950, and confirmed by unanimous vote of the sharehold- ers present or represented by proxy at a meeting duly called for considering the same held 'on the 20th day of December, 1950. "Grace L. Maybury," Secretary css. (1c16-17) WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF "0K" USED GARS TRUCKS WHICH CARRY OUR 0.K. 30-DAY WARRANTY THESE HAVE BEEN FULLY RECONDITIONED _ ASSURING YOU OF SAFTEY AND COMFORT UNDER ALL DRIVING CONDITIONS COME IN And let our qualified staff show you around TODAY OAKVILLE MOTORS (Opposite Century Theatre) CHEV. AND OLDS. Sales & Service PHONE 2220-1-2 NCEE EASTER - OPEN BOWLING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 P.M. TO 12 P.M. EASY CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE DO FOR YOU! MINIO PHONE 957 EE 0 E30 Ch Ca CEO E30 CECE Sa Ea SE 0 Ee SE aE 3058 FURNITURE STORES Had One Of "THOSE" NIGHTS RECENTLY SEE THE PERFECT ANSWER "IN OUR WINDOWS THIS WEEK THEOLD... THE NEW "THE THING" OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 9 P.M. OAKVILLE

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