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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Mar 1951, p. 2

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Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, March 22, 195; MRS. DOUG AHERN : The Lieu Governor and it rs. Ray wson were among the ¥ who attended the the stage of the Roy- al Alexandra Theatre Thursday con given by Mr. Gordon in honor of M. Gratien (Fridolin) and Mme, Gel: Members of the cast of Ti: Cog were also present Mrs. Lorne MacDougall, of Kingston, arrived on Tuesday to spend some time with her mother Mrs A. Mackenzie, WOooD Edging: 50¢ per sack delivered For fireplace & furnace HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE CO. "| PeOME amo EVENTS PHONE 601 Mr. and Mrs. J have returned from a Daytona Beach, Florida Mr. and M J. S. Bray and daughter Janie of York Mills, ar- rive today to spend Baster with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baillie left on Monday for a trip to England and the continent Charlie Hillmer left on Fri- for New York on a two week vacation. He w be joined for. Easter by Mrs. Hillmer and Mrs. George House. Mr da Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Dixon re- turned from a vacation in Florida last. week. fare Captain and Mrs| Berne Milli gan and Michael, of Camp Borden, Phone 23 are spending Easter with Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Milligan. LAST DAY! LANA TURNER "A LIFE OF ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Mr. CR. SRR Es, RAY MILLAND HER OWN" FRIDAY, SATURDAY MARCH 23-24 vib JAMES GLEASOR = CLARK NG - "=< SAMUEL G, ENGEL Darryl E. Zanuek Campbell ins MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26-27-28 You'll meet them all "THE MUDLARK" with CONSTANCE SMITH - Andrew Ray, Beatrice. lay Currie Anthony Steel-Raymond Directed by JEAN NEGULESCO - Produced by NUNNALLY JOHNSON Screen play by Nunnally Johnson - Based on the rovel by Theodore Bomet THE ROYAL COMMAND PERFORMANCE PICTURE presents IRENE DUNNE - ALEC GUINNESS in Lovel: Marjorie Fekling NOTE: FOR THIS PICTURE ONLY THREE PER- FORMANCES NIGHTLY AT 6 P.M., 8 P.M., 10 P.M. Mrs. E. D, Fraser and daugh- ors Peggy and Heather, from Trenton have been staying with Mrs. Fraser's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Hillmer. oes 0 Mrs. Margaret Whitaker and daughter Amy are spending a few weeks in Bermuda. cree Mrs. S. R.. Saunders arrived home from Montreal on Monday. hawk xn i Mr. and Mrs. R. J. New and Susan left on Tuesday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ry- land H. New. Mr. and Mrs. New have taken a house for the win- ter months at Miami Beach, Flor- ida. essex Sally and Wendy Lunau are in the skating carnival at Dixie on Thursday and Friday evening. CCE Mr. James A. Roberts spent sometime last week in Montreal and Ottawa, sox oa so Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Nairn entertained before the Oakville Club supper on Saturday night. Hf injury. CR Mr. C. R. Slipp leaves for Eng- Horr e er Mr. Harry "Red" Foster return- ed from Florida last week. ERA Mr. Belford McCleary went to Sunnybrook Hospital last week to undergo treatment for a spime 5s se Dr. and Mrs. F. expected back week-end. M. Deans are from Florida this CRE Misses Lee Davis, Carol Birge and Judy Wainwright are home from Havergal for the Easter va- cation. DRE sand Mrs. A. D. Armour are expected home this weekend from a holiday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. sss Members of the cast of Born Yesterday, making their first ap- pearance in drama festival com- petition, were particularly pleas- ed at receiving a telegram, wish- ing them good luck, from the cast of their local competitor, Danger- ous Corner, prior to their Satur- day matinee performance. . Harry MacKendrick won an award for best of breed with his irs. H. R. Ostrom spent last week in Ottawa. ses Mrs. W. Allan Campbell enter: talned at tea Wednesday after noon for Mrs. W. S. Campbell, of Picton, Mr. Campbell's mother. . x Mr. and Mrs. Roy [Irwin are entertaining Saturday evening be- fore the Oakville Club dance. cee Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bayly en- tertained on Sunday. ss ss Farn- in Ot Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ham, Willlam Street are tawa. this week, sv woe Cameron Grout of Montreal is flying to Oakville to spend Easter with his cousin Tim Kennish. sere Misses Gindy Bell, Vaughan a and Heather Kennish are from Bishop Strachan Ll for fhe Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Paiam White- side, Riverside Drive, entertain- ed before the club supper Satur- day night. rere Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Cranfield are spending the Easter weekend in Peterborough. , Fa Mr. and Mrs, 'E. W. Kennedy and family of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Read. sent ren Mr. K. W. Ziemann was an usher at the Sampson-Sharpe wedding at Walmer Road Bap- tist Church in Toronto, on Satur- day. sass Miss Margaret James entertain- ed her piano pupils and their friends at a musical appreciation and recital party on Saturday af- ternoon. sees Mrs. Cameron C. Hillmer enter- A very enjoyable St. Patrick's Day party was held at the Wal ton Memorial Church on Satur- day evening. «es 20 There will be a euchre and dance held in the Church of the Epiphany Parish Hall on Friday, March 30, 1951. TRAFALGAR In a historical article about Cooksville which appeared in a recent issue of the Toronto Tele- gram, the following excerpt about hone of our well-known Sheridan young men, Howard Lawrence, as owner and manager of the 'vil- lage's youngest factory, Industrial Ceramics Ltd., appears: "You might say ICL's owner was, in his own way, a Sioneer, Though only 37, Howard 0. ray. rence, University of Toronto ele. trical engineering graduate, hg a thriving little business that be started from scratch. "We star. ed with the shell of a burned oy Butisay in 1046, says Mr. Lay. ren We had three employees, not including myself, but we hag , good location, right along (Continued on Page 7) the EASTER - OPEN BOWLING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 P.M. TO 12 P.M. THAT BABY OF YOURS. . wouldn't you like an EASTER OUTFIT of COAT and BONNET $7.50 LINEN HALL has just received a New Shipment. CHIEFS HAS JUST ARRIVED. DROP THEM AT COLBORNE ST. - > A NEW SHIPMENT OF IMPORTED LINEN HANDKER- IN AND SEE E. AT NAVY. PHONE 1941 tained at luncheon last week for Mrs. J. C. Liddle. esses Mr. and Mrs. C. F. MacKenzie, Mr. Donald MacKenzie and Mrs. Tom Makin have returned from an extended vacation in Florida. BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 130J Bobbie Millward celebrated his sixth birthday with a party at his home on Sovereign Street on Sat- urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. miniature Schnauzer, Cosburns Sanmans Kandy, in the first dog show held in conjunction with' the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show in Toronto last week. Fred Gill, Gloucester Rd. attend- ed the funeral of his cousin, Karl Homuth, M.P., in Preston yester- day. «noe Miss Barbara Kindersley a stu- dent at Bishop Strachan school, is joining her mother, Mrs. R. E. G. Kindersley in Florida for the Baster vacation. Mr. J. K. Kennish is In New York on business. Fa Mrs. Alfred Bunting and Mrs. Rogers Davis are on their way home from a southern holiday. ter from - Stu Andrew's College: are, John 'Auld, Donald Gibsen Sterling Banfield i go CMs Re ly armived home al Wounerday from Barbados. H «xe Timmy Kennish arrived Wed- nesday from Trinity College School, Port Hope, to spend Eas- ter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kennish. EE Mr. Donald Brown spent the weekend at his cottage, Victoria. Harbour, Georgian Bay. EE The Appleby Old Boys' dinner will be held -at the College on Thursday, March 22nd at 6.30 p.m. principal speaker. FE Mrs. 'BE. B. Jonah is spending sometime in Ottawa with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Calder and Mr, Calder. sume Baster supper and dance, day, March 24th. supply the music. worn OakvillefTrafalgar The Junior PHONE THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNTY AKVI LLE Among fie To Tol for Ha. B A. Gordon Nairn is to be the, The Oakville Club is having an Satur- Russ Norfolk (formerly with Bert Niosi and his orchestra) and his orchestra will Chamber of Commerce held its annual Ladies' night at the Crof- Among the small guests present were Marilyn Beecraft, Linda Bowen, Bonnie Gaye Wright, Wendy Ross, Wendy Lee John- son and Bobbie Poole. x ox = Mr. Jerry Godfrey and Mrs. Fitzgerald of Detroit and Mrs. Ada Whitehurst of Toronto were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Godfrey, Chisholm Street West. ; sees The Bronte Branch of the Can- adian Legion held a very success: ful St. Patrick's dance at the Pig and Whistle Inn on Thursday eve- ning. "ves Mrs. Lowe, Jones Street held a surprise ; part: Heaton on' the "birthtay, last. 4 ra did i {Mrs ""Beecraft of Shbintten oh 'week-end guests it 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank eecraft, Nelson: Street, . \ ENDS TODAY BORDERLINE (adult) with Fred McMurray THURS., MARCH 22 THE TENTH AVENUE GANG IN MILITARY ACADEMY TWO DAYS ONLY Ken Lawrence, Doug Ellis and Den 'Martin spent the weekend in Buffalo. tear Dawna Scarrow, Dunnville, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Stafford on Triller Street. semen The Bronte Community Club held their regular weekly euchre ih the Community Hall on Mon- day evening. Winners were: La- dies 1st, Mrs. Grief, 2nd, Mrs. C. Carpenter. Men, 1st, Mr. Art Soles, 2nd, Mr. Dave Fitzsim- mons. Winner of the draw for a chicken was Mrs. C. Carpenter. ATR. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY OF OAKVILLE Dundas and Randall Sts. Sunday service and Sunday School at 11 am. Wednesday Evening Service 8 pm., 2nd and 4th Wed: mesdays. Public Reading Room open Tues- days 3 to 4:30 p.m. You are cor- isl invited to attend our ser- and to make use 'of the Reading Room. FRI., SAT., MAR. 23-24 i gh K; Racketoers ai the gj MON., TUES., WED. 0 ADO Pi Thebi HEY KIDS! SPECIAL EASTER BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST MAR. 26-27-28 CARTOON SHOW. 136 Colborne St. E. BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE Phone 423 PHONE OAKVILLE ton Villa, Tooksville, on Friday. . THURSDAY, MARCH 29 AT 2 P.M. LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTSWEAR QUALITY VALUE SERVICE THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT "Tht

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