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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Mar 1951, p. 12

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Page 12 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL INSURANCE ELECTRICAL T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL Real Estate and Insurance ELLER 189 Colborne Street East RI 9% SERVICH Oakville - - - - Phone 532 | ELECTRICAL 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 a Evenings - Oakville 712 ord Brown GENERAL INSURANCE "BILL ANDERSON H. S. THORNTON RADIO - APPLIANCES Phone 874 Sales & Service Phone 521-M Lakeghore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Oakville's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business Broker Insurance Oakville, Ont, Phone 1233 PROFESSIONAL CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Professional and Technical Services essential to eye care HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 Dunn St. North - Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Commercial Sales & Service Livingston Stoker and Oil Burner Units Service & Installation of all Makes WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N. GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation . C. PE 94 Maple Ave, Phone 1544 Oakville WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Optometrist * Optician 69A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-530 p.m. Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. or by appointment OAKVILLE ANIMAL CLINIC W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. ORVILLE NEAL Domestic & Commercial ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks 37 STEWART ST. W. Phone 1005-R BROCKWAY'S SALES AND SERVICE Your Furnace is as good as your service man ELECTRIC SERVICE MEN Completely Automatic 24-Hour Service FOR QUALITY SERVICE CALL BRONTE 168-M G. K. PECK, D.V.M. Maurice Dr. Phone 452W ROOFING If No Answer Call 2177 OFFICE HOURS 1t03 -- 7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding New Phone 2544 Burlington NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols The Cook BY HERBER CHAPTER 5 It was morning, not early morn- ing, but you wouldn't kow really what time it was because it was so dark out. It was raining very hard, but it was a lovely soft spring rain and it smelled fresh and made you think of daffodils and violets and all the nice things you do think of when you smell a spring rain. It was Sunday. Not any special Sunday, just a Sunday in spring, but a very rainy one. Things were quiet and peaceful. It was one of those lovely hushes when it seems as though all the world has stop- ped its activity just to sit and lis- ten to the rain. We had our breakfast and were debating as to whether or not we'd go to Erin- dale and attend the little Church on the Hill. I was looking out the window, watching Patsy, Po and Fudgee sitting quietly out on the verandah. Fudgee had heard Drib- bi say, "It's raining cats and dogs out," so she was patiently waiting and watching: for a lovely white pussy with a black tail--one of her ambitions in life was to have a white pussy with a fluffy black tail. Her favorite ambition was to have a long fluffy tail of her own. "I think I'll sit on the verandah for a while," I said as I picked up my book and started for the back door. Dribbi said she thought it was a good idea and that as soon as she fed Jackadoo, the budgee, she'd come out also. "Well girls, have you been out for a nice walk in the rain?" I asked as I sat myself down in a nice comfortable deck chair. "No, we ain't." Patsy bellowed at me. "I tried to stir up some en- thusiasm, but these two fraidy cats wouldn't move an inch. Oh bow- legged pigs knuckles, what on earth is the younger generation coming to? Where do they think they'll arrive and who will meet them if they do?" she burbled on, as the rain drops from the edge of the verandah roof fell down on her head and streaked slowly over her face. ee Column Book Three, Entitled: POPO RETURNS T C. MERRY "That's what sniffed Pokee. "You didn't at all," Fudgee said. "I did!" I said," "You didn't!" "I did!" "You didn't." "Dia!" "Didn't!" "Quiet you two, before I get up and push you both off into that large puddle. And if I do, you can stay off and find some other place to sft." "Oh Joe, you really wouldn't do that, really you couldn't be so mean," moaned Pokee. "Oh yes I could". I told her. "Just you go on with your bick- ering and see how fast you land in that puddle." "But I musn't get wet. The vet told Barbie I was to be kept dry." she said mournfully. "I'm sure he meant I wasn't to be pushed into a puddle of water. It seems to me I remember him saying "be sure not to push this lovely little dog into any puddles, lady, because it won't do her condition no good!" "It won't do her condition ANY good." Fudgee again corrected. "That's what I said--" "You didn't." Thursday, March 15 195 Punch Once Saw A Dragon HE BLEW OUT SMOKE AND SNEEZED FIRE BY MAX TRELL «Mr. Punch" said Hanid, the shadow-girl with the turned-about name, "are dragons real? Or are they just imaginary animals?" Mr. Punch, who at this mom- ent was standing in front of a mirror shaving himself with a long wooden razor, suddenly let out a yell. "Ouch!" he cried. "Oh, dear! Did you cut your self?" Hanid asked in alarm. A Towel Mr. Punch jumped around with- out answering and tried to find a towel. It was hanging on the hook right in front of him but he could not seem to see it. Hanid had to get it for him "Soap in my eye!" he said after he had wiped it out. "AD, that's better now. What was that you were saying about dra- gons?" "Are they real or are they just malke believe?" "That all depends," replied Mr. Punch, putting some more Soap on his face but being careful mot to get any in his eyes. "That all depends on what?" "It depends on whether you've ever seen a dragon or not. If you have never seen ome, you just go around telling everybody that they're Imaginary, but if youve been lucky enough to see one, then of course you know they're real. I've seen one," he added. "You have!" exclaimed Hanid. "I met him one day while I was walking around a mountain. He was living under the mountain. It was the only place big enough for him to live under. I said hello to him. But he didn't say hello to me," said Mr. Punch, shaking his head sadly. "Oh no!" "What did he do?" Knarf want- ed to know. "He blew a puff of black smoke in my face," answered Mr. Punch. "He also sneezed out some fire. Naturally I ran away from that dragon as fast as I could go." "Oh, I'm glad you did!" said Hanid. "He must have been an awful creature. You might have got all burned up!" "I almost did anyway," said «I did" "I suppose it is lovely in the Oakville 1445 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON rain" Fudgee said. "That is, if one cares to stroll about and get all wet." "It's not lovely in the rain--it's horrid!" Pokee contradicted. "I hate getting my feet wet. I never have nothing to dry them on." "You never have anything to dry them on," corrected Fudgee. BOARDING KENNELS id Se 9.30-4.00 (Estimates Given) Saturday: 9.00-12.30 Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7-9 NURSERIES Closed All Day Wednesday ROBT. NIELSEN §1 A COLEORNE 37. NURSERIES OA Gard Landsca) TELEPHONE 146 en, Destin aod ed OSTEOPATH TR 3: BOSES CARLTON GREEN We Grow - Design = Plant Osteopath Prune - ef visi Oakville R.R. 1 . 68 Division Lgl Phone 1444-W i il LINBROOK NURSERIES Evenings, Wednesday After Growers of noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS High Quality Nursery Stock Designers of Fine Gardens -- Contracting -- EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 532 ROSS RYRIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 61-A Coihorne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N. Telephone Oasville 1304 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.GC. 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue 220 Bay St. Toronto PHONES: Business: PL7821 Residence Oak. 1228 ACCOUNTING D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store Pho! y ne 9 Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St. one 704 Pert Credit Office, 2 Lakeshore Road T, Phone Port Credit 4981 C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 36 Colborne St. E. P. 0. Box 402 Ham. 7-8482 : Oakville 1268 OAKVILLE NURSERIES Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etc. Phone 224-W REPAIRS To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W Oakville TOWING "Equipped To Look After Your Towing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Road Service Anywhere--Anytime Telephones 783-J : 783-W 71 REBECCA ST. DEERHAVEN BOARDING KENNELS REG'D. (B. K. ) Snider. Upper Middle Rd. Heated Kennels All Animals Exercised Special Attention To Dogs In Season BUILDING CHAS. WATT - Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE - 903 TORONTO - PLaza 5491 FLOOR SERVICE W. H. PARKIN Floor Sanding & Refinishing Phone 1058-W "Didn't. "Did" I lunged at the pair of them, missed Pokee and caught Fudgee, off she went and landed in the puddle. Pokee ran for the door, screanting, "Drib, Drib, let me in quick. He's gone mad and he's trying to drown us." Dribbi arrived at the door, res- cued Pokee and ran to help poor Fudgee. The wet, bedraggled creature had crept up the steps. "What on earth are you doing to these poor dogs?" Dribbi scold- ed. "You know you shouldn't get Pokee so excited. Remember her secret!" "Oh yes," I said. "I'd forgotten. Popo has a secret." Dribhi took Fudgee into the house to dry her. All was peaceful again. The rain drops still drip- ped down Patsy's face. She did- 0't mind. X Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrle Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located In Mc- Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto A. MARCHAND Mr. Punch. "The faster I ran, the hotter I felt. I wondered why. I was miles away from the moun- tain. Finally I looked around. And there was the dragon right be- Al ection puncil' fuest fo fitional fiitional ard, A Punch was busy shaving hind me! Naturally I tried to ny) even faster. But try as I wou | couldn't run any faster. So wig did I do? I looked to the rigy; and 1 looked to the left. On th right was a big pile of sticks. gf 1 crawled under them. The ney instant 1 jumped out again. Ma; hould | foun cil' "Why?" Knarf and Hanid gol manded excitedly. fone hi D mate Pile of Wood Bat the "Because that dragon breatheqflflt the on the pile of wood and it bur] into flame like a bonfire, Then jf ran to the left. And there wag gf thoriz fercent pond. I jumped right in. I knew heii! NAVY couldn't set the water on fir] Ad But the next second I jumped ouffirne pr again." de add "Why?" What did he do? Whatfiéntly happened?' Knarf and Hanidffjiblic scl cried. ; fo and "He breathed 'on the water filom. O said Mr. Punch, "and it started tofpal fea! boil. It isn't comfortable in bol fifor buil ing water. It felt like being in affts Wh pot on the stove. Well, finally I did what I should have done in the first place. I just stood still." "And didn't he hurt you?" ask] ed Hanid. "He just cuddled up next to mg like a kitten. All the smoke anf fire died away. He just felf a li: tle warm, like a radiator. I lj down next to him and we bolt fell asleep. He was better than 4 blanket. But when I woke up thy next morning he was gone. Per haps he went back to his mou tain. T don't know. But he w certainly a real dragon, mo ma ter what anybody says!" lidings. ¢ and red T ents in ihded the Es bein, iE curve: 0 infrin fated a Il eysore (Cont PROPEI Professg ertaine nbers boerty fesday "The WRITE: FOR 'Alfol' Aluminum Insulation od PRE-FIT WOOD WINDOWS D. W. GARSIDE CO. P.O. Box 367 Oakville, or Phone 1465-M, 1538-J was. | Hulm Aug Aluminum Windows CE [UL hey're ville T he six y's ag pen ligh ject. T Nelson Crushed Stone laying: ers los product The eg 8 to Oakville 694 or Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone for Roads and Driveways INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE heipal Journ g so surplu Phat to the Berry : ded to he met B c5gs. fits turs Burlington 4904] SECRUT WEAPON? OAKVILLE, ONT. WIGGY WILL HAVE IT, HERE y 7 7 R THE NEXT ONE! WILLY DEE - By Vic Greeny re DID YOU'UNS SRY THAT | VES! TRY TO HOLD ) [EN THAT'S ALL IT 7 77] Br the WIGGY HAS FOUND MAH N OUT TILL THE END \TAKES, DON'T FRET. VED BY TH' BELL!) HE of the Lb} OF THIS ROUND, AND BOY--- bE oc MUGGS AND SKEETER TRASH IN i 2, 4 i WELL, AT LAST T\E GOT I A BARREL TO PUT OUR | lier HEY, SKEETER! LOOK! A BRAND- ! NEW BARREL]

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