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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Mar 1951, p. 11

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51 EVERYBODY READS CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE EIGHT PERSONAL PLANNERS OVERCOME THER FINANCIAL PROBLEMS What these pioneer Personal Planners like best about it, bank officials say, is the emphasis on human nature first, hookkeeping second. A Personal ual. It takes into consideration his aims for tomor- row and ways of enjoying life.today just as much as the rent and food money. TO CIVILIZATION ETN --Gentral Press Canadian This brush wolf, largest ever shot in Markham township according to the Ontario department of games and fisheries, is displayed by [= CHURCH NEWS =| ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith _ The flowers on the Altar were in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Riggs. They were given by their daughter Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. Park of Bronte delivered a very interesting, illustrated talk on India at the regular meeting of the afternoon branch of the W. A. Thursday. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby 7.30 a.m. Sunday. The Way of the Cross and Benediotions will be celebrated every Friday evening 30 during Lent. A large congregation, including the Juniors and Beginners, filled St. Jude's Church at 11 a.m. for with the minister. C. B. Flemington of the Tor onto Credit Bureau, will be the speaker at the supper meeting of St. John's Men's Club on Thurs- day, March 15. His subject will be "Think on these things." Members of the congregation wishing to have their children bap- tized are asked to make their re- quests as soon as possible, in or der that a date for a baptismal service may be set. A meeting of the' Ever-Faithful Evidence already on fi Bible Class was held yesterday treal"s head office a he te Bey. Fathen| Kirby will Scale: | evening. i ; s that Personal Planning brate Masses at 8.30 and 10.30 CALVARY BAPTIST is proving to be the answer to the money troubles of am, and evening devotions at Rov. A. A sell a good number of Canadians. ev. A. A. Stol Eight. people were baptized by Rey. A. A. Stoll Sunday evening. At the communion service that followed, a total of twelve new of Toronto preached at'the morn- ing service. Interesting films of Japan were Planning budget differs from "standard" 5 ' members were received. Solos on 5 a m "standard budgets, ST. JUDE'S ih 1 or i e specific needs of the individ- Rev. F. C. Jackson tenor, of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Heals the : 2 3 hunters who bagged it only 15 minutes' distance from Willowdale. B 5 Some Personal Planners are saving for a down- Linton Timbers, left, fired the shot. The dog of Garnet Knoll, centre, | the special Mothering Sunday shown by William Rae, a miss- to payment on a house, others for a new car, still others flushed animal. W. L. Simpson was also on hunt. All three reside in | service. The sermon was by Rev.|lonary on furlough, at Friday ach for mgre education, better holidays or even just new . el SL fp To 2 a na Shoot: | rel clothes. Many simply enjoy not feeling hag-ridden by Mother the Church.' The boys' |R. Black, Park Ave. This Fri- | oc the high cost of living. All who give Personal Plan- choir sang with the senior choir. |day's meeting will be at the home | ning a real try find that it speeds their progress, There was a large turnout for [Of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Snyder, I | 3% whatever their goals. Boxerly" | Writing you, In order to reach the | [2° monthly Corporate Commun. | Dundas St. North. ow! he a "Boxerly" | Writing 3 ion for men and boys at § a.m.| Mrs. Orville Browne addressed Stan Otton, the manager \ of the local B of M March 5th, 1951 | Majority of our supporters, to [at the breakfast Le followed, | Monday evening's meeting of the branch, invites anyone interested to drop in for a free The Editor: express the sincere thanks of the | tho gpeaker was Lt-Col. F. Young People's Society. copy of Personal Planning, the bank's breezy new 3 Society for the very helpful in-{(oyens, of Central Command, who| The Women's Sewing group booklet on family financing. "There's no obligation," Dear Sir: terest people have continued to| spoke om the vocation of the ser-|held a sewing meeting Tuesday { Mr. Otton says, "except to yourself.' (Ilc15-19) On behalf of the Oakville and |show in the animal shelter since vices, with emphasis on the army. | evening. District Humane Soclety, I am [Its recent opening. The many do-| * Nompers of the visiting com.| The Jumiors will meet at 6.45 nations of time, effort, material, | mittee made calls throughout the | Friday evening. and money have. been deeply |parish Sunday afternoon, feaving | The pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, appreciated and we only wish Wwe | Easter Communion Cards will preach at both services Sun- Ty. might thank, personally, everyone day. Dr. and Mrs. Doxee of Tor- AS WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WRITING concerned. We are most grateful, also, to the local merchants who, by allowing us to place a box for food contributions in their shops Miss Frances Gray of the Ang- lican Women's Training College, Toronto, was the speaker at a meeting of the Senior Women's onto will play violin duets at the evening service. Auxiliary in the parish hall on WALTON MEMORIAL FOR USED TIRE have been such an aid in our | Tuesday afternoon. REV. W. T. DELVE ge ren, Dy for the animals at| pLt-Col the Rev. J. M. Forth,| Rey. W. T. Delve will conduct = chaplain at Ortona Barracks, | Sunday evening's service at i Incldentally, there are some mice | Central Command, will be the | o'clock. Sunday school will be at J dogs and cats at the' shelter, | Preacher at the 11 am. service (2 pm | S available for adoptions by kind | Sunday. i; A meeting of the Young Peo- ! and responsible persons. All one | CG: Melbourne Evans, organist |ple's Society. will be held In the | -- S TODAY needs to do is pay the boarding | St. Jude's, was back at his du-| church basement Monday evening == and license fees to become the | 1S On Sunday after an attack [at $ o'clock. I -- 3 'owner of what may turn out to|°f influenza. There will be a Sunday school | CONDITIONS INDICATE REPLACEMENT IMMEDIATELY be the best pet of a lifetime, or a Spey mony EE oooh } A he bi ursday ovening. | WOULD BE WISE AS WE ANTICIPATE ADDITIONAL Te Rev. C. K. Nicoll The Woman's Association Is | 3 1 Rev. C. K. I's subject meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock PRICE INCREASE AND PRESENT CONDITIONS OF Again, Gath vou, and please lve iy ly me 3 LCi na SUPPLY ARE UNCERTAIN. LIBERAL TRADE-IN AL- continue to speak for those who |"The Eider Brother." Tn the eve. EPIPHANY LOWANCE. cannot speak. for themselves. ning Be: willl preach onl "What ||" | : Yours think ye of Christ?" Canon D. R. Smith i EE The Sacrament of the Lord's| The Rev. W. R. Craven, rector | : STIRLING DYNES LIMITED VeNorma D. MacKendrick | Supper will be observed at the|of St. Andrew's Church, Hamil = morning service on Sunday, March | ton Beach, will preach Sunday 5 1s. evening, COLBORNE ST. EAST z PHONE 800 KEYNOTE On' Wednesday, March 21st, a| Mrs. Park spoke to the mem- { Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. HERESH" AS A BUNNY F MINUTE CLEANED PERE. YOU AND DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST SPRING WEARING. APPAREL' GET IT TOGETHER NOW AND ' GIVE US A CALL TO PICK IT WE'LL DO A SUPERB CLEAN- ING AND PRESSING JOB FOR TO HAVE YOUR RETURN IT FRESH Holy Week service will be held in the church at 8 p.m. There will be a Good Friday service at 10.30 a.m. March 23rd. The Ladies Aid Society held their regular meeting Tuesday. [| The ladies are holding their fifth Lenten Tea in the church hall this afternoon from 3 to 5.30. ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson A reception of new members will be held at a Communion service on Sunday morning, Ap- ril 1. Those wishing to be receiy- ed are requested to get In touch bers of the Girls' Auxiliary Tues- day on conditions in India. The girls. were much interested in the Indian clothes she showed them. Next Tuesday inexpensive new toys for the children of the northern schools will be collected. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Man" is the subject of the les- son sermon of the Christian Sclence church service this Sun- day, March 11. The Golden Text is "mark the perfect man, and behold the up- : for the end of that man lg peace." (Psalms 37:37) YOUR TELEPHONE is one item that takes a smaller part of your budget than it used to. Its cost } hasn't gone up as much as most other things. And the way it works for you... the errands it runs...the shopping it does...the time, AS A DAISY ... steps and worry it saves! It's always on the 1H job, ready for any emergency. | ed In another way, too, the telephone is bigger ! on value today than ever before. Now you can SA 4 WH" HZ DO IT NOW a he a ary people as you could ten ay : Friendly, helpful telephone service is one of j ta . today's big bargains. PHONE 31 1 IF YOU HAVEN'T YET GOT SERVICE i 4 | You can be sure your neighbourhood will be served, and your place on the list protected. Taking caro of people without service as quickly as possible is one of our biggest and most important tasks. Colborne Street East Opposite th ice (@ppositeithelRost Office) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Il CLEANERS lly 4 : kl ng hed © MANU 1Z719-1% Y " 3 JILLE

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