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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 1 Mar 1951, p. 2

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Page 13 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL INSURANCE ELECTRICAL T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street Fast Oakville - - - - Phone 582 19 Melinda St. Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, ( Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Qakville"s Active Broker Real Estate and Business Broker Insurance Oakville, Ont, Phone 1233 PROFESSIONAL CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Professional and Technical Services essential to eye care HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 ot DARE SE NE En WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Optometrist * Optician 89A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 am.-5.30 pm. Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. or by appointment OAKVILLE ANIMAL CLINIC A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. G. K. PECK, D.V.M. Ww. INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL SERVICE BROWN ELECTRIC Phone 1059 Oakville CONTRACTORS BILL ANDERSON RADIO APPLIANCES Sales & Service Phone 521-M Dunn St. North Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Commercial Sales & Service Livingston Stoker and Oil Burner Units Service & Installation of all Makes WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N. GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation A. C. PE 94 Maple Ave., Phone 1544 Oakville ORVILLE NEAL Domestic & Commercial ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks 37 STEWART ST. W. (Phone 1005-R after . 5.30) BROCKWAY'S SALES AND SERVICE Your Furnace is as good as your service man ELECTRIC SERVICE MEN Completely Automatic 24-Hour Service FOR QUALITY SERVICE CALL BRONTE 168-M Maurice Dr. Phone 452W If No Answer Call 2177 OFFICE HOURS 1to 3 --7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours: Daily: 9.30-4.00 Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding New Phone 2544 Burlington ROOFING NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols Gord Brown willy. AND WI FOUND BY MAX TRELL a boat," with "Now if we had Knarf, the shadow-boy turned-about name, Hanld, Tide." Hanid agreed could go for a boat-ride. where will we get a boat?" "I don't know," said Knarf. I wish we had one." They walked slowly edge of the pond, the fallen twigs and the tall heaps of dried leaves. There were no boats to be seen anywhere. At this moment Willy Toad came along. "Looking for some- thing?" said willy. "We're looking for a boat," ex- plained Knarf. "What!" cried Willy prise. "Did you lose one?" Knarf and Hanid now told Wil: ly that they were looking for a boat to take a boatride in. They asked him if he knew where they might be able to find one. in sur- Several Minutes "Come to think of it," said Willy after thinking about it for several minutes, "I do know where theres a boat. It's lying on the mud just beyond the two weeping-willows." The two weeping willows were on the other side of the pond hanging down over the water. "It is more like a raft than a boat, though," Willy added as they all started around the pond to the willows. "Does that matter much? Knarf and Hanid thought that a rat would do all right. "We'll take a raftride instead of a boat- ride." The difference between a raft and a boat," Hanid said to Willy "is that a raft is flat and a boat isn't." Finally they reached the spot where the raft was lying. "There it is," said Willy. Knarf and Hanid looked at the raft closely. "It's not a raft at all!" shouted Knarf. "It's Turtle." "Why so it is!" said Willy sounding very surprised. "But he does look like a raft, doesn't he?" "He's asleep," said Hanid. "Turtle, wake up," shouted said the to his sister "we could go for a boat- that it was nec- essary to have a boat before you "But "But along the stepping over The Shadows Wanted A Boat LLY TOAD THEM ONE The turtle was taking a nap out of his shell and gazed around at his three friend: "Good mdrning," length. "It's the afternoon, Turtle!" sald Willy. "We'd like to use you for a raftride on the pond." "Use me for a raft?' asked Turtle, not liking the idea of what Willy said even though he didn't quite understand what he was talking about. Bottom of Pond and Knarf explained to Turtle what a raft was. After they had finished explaining, he sald doubtfully: - "Well, I usually walk along the bottom of the pond. Is that what you want?" "Oh, no! We'll get all wet. You have got to float, Turtle. A raft always floats!" "I don't care to float. can't float!" "Yowve got to!" said Willy. "All right," sald Turtle. "I'll try it. But don't blame me if you get all wet." Knart and Hanid and Willy now. sat themselves securely on Tur- tle's back, and with another warning that he might suddenly forget about floating like a raft and start walking along the bot- tom like a turtle, Turtle started off. sald at Hanid In fact IT They were In the middle of the pond when Turtle, who had been floating beautifully up to this point, suddenly said: "I've got a funny feeling that I'm going to walk on the bottom. Watch out! Here I go!" And he would have gone, too, if Hamid hadn't grab- bed his head and Knarf and wil- ly hadn't grabbed his feet and Oakville 1445 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON | i. 1g (Estimates Given) Turtle, who was taking a short middle of the afternoon nap in slowly stuck his head Saturday: 9.00-12.30 Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7-9 NURSERIES BOARDING KENNELS Closed All Day Wednesday 61 A COLBORNE ST. OAKVILLE TELEPHONE 148 OSTEOPATH Garden Design and Landscape TREES -- SHRUBS -- ROSES ROBT. NIELSEN NURSERIES Contracting EVE] CARLTON GREEN Osteopath 63 Division Street We Grow - Design - Plant Prune - etc. Oakville R.R. 1 Phone 1444-W DEERHAVEN BOARDING KENNELS REG'D. (B. K. Snider) Upper Middle Rd. Heated Kennels All Animals Exercised Special Attention To Dogs In Season BUILDING By Appoi Only. Phone 826 Evenings, Wednesday After- noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS LINBROOK NURSERIES Growers of High Quality Nursery Stock Designers of Fine Gardens -- Contracting -- EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 532 ROSS RYRIE Barrister Solicitor Notary Public 61-A Coihorne St. East Telephone: OAKVILLE NURSERIES BEvergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants 3 Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etc. Phone 224-W p! Ss Office 65: Residence 1487-w. D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N. Telephone Oasville 1304 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East Phon Bus. 15 JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue 220 Bay St., Toronto PHONES: Business: Residence Oak. PL7821 1228 Res. 216 REPAIRS CHAS. WATT Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS TURNBULL' & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE TORONTO - PlLaza 5491 Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 - 903 tail. That made him float in! |=... are brought to you from Friendly Neighbors & Civic & Social Welfare Leaders through WELCOME WAGON FLOOR SERVICE FLOOR & REFINISHING LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE PHONE BRONTE 194 SANDING G BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE| On fhe occasion of: The Birth of a Baby EngagementAnnouncements Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to To all types of commercial W. H. PARKIN and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W Oakville one 1058-W Floor Sanding & Refinishing Ph 1 City PHONE 807 (No cost or obligation) Thursday, March 1, 1951 BY HERBERT CHAPTER 3 The next day, Pokee arrived back home. She returned to her home where she was born and from which she had set forth just a year before to go into the world to make a new home with her new family. Little did we know at that time what was in store for her. Little did we know that she was to return to us in just ome short year. Pokee now had a new name. She was also called Popo, having been named this by her new little mistress who was unable to say Pokee and found it easier and more to her liking to call her little doggie friend Popo. We thought she was just back for a visit. Her fami was going to Vancouver by airplane to join their father who was stationed out there in the air force. Popo couldn't go on the plane with them, so she was to stay with us while they were away. "It will be just a short time," Barbie had said. "We'll be back fu a few months and then she can return to us." But the months turned into years and Popo stayed on and on. "That kid of mine is like the man who came to dinner," Patsy said one day. "She just never did go home." "I don't have to leave to go home," Popo giggled, "because I am home, this was and is my home, and here I am, this is me see?" It was after supper when they brought her back. The car pull ed up in the drive. The door open- ed and out hopped our little red friend. "Well, here I am, back home!" she called to us as she ran to the verandah. "Why ain't the band playing?" "Well stuffed clothes pegs and greasy goats!" choked Patsy. "That's nerve if I ever saw it. She's a fresh piece if there ever was one!" "Pll fix her!" screeched Fud- gee, as she let out a fierce growl GREETINGS & GIFTS and jumped over the edge of the verandah. "She's just a smarty ears!" she continued as she flew at Popo and nearly knocked her off her feet. Before poor little Popo knew what was what, Fud- gee had hold of her by one of her Dbeautifil long ears and was biting her unmercifully, mumbling The Cookee Column Book Three, Entitled: POPO RETURNS C. MERRY each other dearly' but have g. ways agreed to disagree. Thy don't fight often, but they arg and wrangle continually and hays done so every day from that day to this. It Fudgee says yes, then Poke says mo. If Pokee says it's cof out, Fudgee says it's beautifully warm. They never fight with Pat. bother. "Oh cats meat in a silver buck et," Patsy says. "Life's too shor. 1 haven't time to argue with thos silly kids. I have more important things to think of. How on earth will IT ever pay my income tax this year? Tax, tax, carpet tacks, in come tax, biggest 10t of Ted tap I ever heard of." Pokee "was home again. few days she settled down and youd never have known ever been away from Crammon House at all. through the mouthfuls of hair, "smarty, smarty." « "Ouch, ouch!" bellowed the new arrival. "What's gotten into this little, creature?" she said as she turned suddenly to do battle with this little sister that she -had never seen before. "Who on earth is this rude, unmannerly little snip?" "Stop it you two!" Dribi and I called together, as we flew to separate them. "If you two can't act like well behaved dogs," I said, "We'll lock you both up until you learn to get along with each other." "She: thinks she's too smart," Dburbled Fudgee, her brown eyes fairly popping out with rage. "This snip is too big for her paws," Pokee fairly spluttered. "Who on earth is she?" "Fight ye terriers fight," said Patsy from the edge of the ver andah. "Have a good fight and kill. each other. I'll have less fam- ily and less trouble if you do!" The little spat was over. It only lasted a few seconds. It was. the first of many love that were to | CHOICE Gasens per pound' ( PEANUTS ol per pound ASSORTMENTS : per Ib. fron 999 to $14) 1.39] ly i& rts Gentury Theatr Phone 1229-W follow. Pokee and Fudgee WILLY DEE DON'T WORRY, SHAG. Jes SO HIS TOWING "Equipped To Look After You Towing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Road Service Anywhsre= Anytime Telephones 783-4 REBECCA ST. reas: ONT. r : 783-W. HERE COMES BINGO BA = NOW ---GET READY! ne ho THIS DOESN'T IND HIS WEAK aap MAKE NESS, WELL--IF HE 4 WEAKNESS re HEADS ACCOUNTING D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store Phone 1399 Toronto age ogg St., Pert Credit "trten, 3 0 in? Road E., Phone Port Credit Foe C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 36 Colborne St. E. P. 0. Box 402 Ham. 7-5482 : Oakville 1268 MUGGS AND Ser ER l7-.-BUT MY AUNT PARTHENIA HAS!

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