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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Feb 1951, p. 8

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FOR GOOD Ll FVEAR IRES Wm. WHITAKER Station Rd. OAKVILLE & SONS 3¢ PER WORD FOR E when a box number PHONED TO 1298, BUT PHONED ADVERTISEMEN EED. | NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 15' WORDS OR LESS . . An additional charge of 10¢ will be made tices will be charged at12¢ per agate line for first insertion, 8¢ per each following insertion. JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 12 NOON EACH WEDNESDAY. CLASSIFIEDS MAY BE . 35¢ CASH ACH ADDITIONAL WORD is requested. Legal no- agate line for THE ACCURACY OF TELE- TS CANNOT BE GUARANT: | ETT. APARTM Brand new apt. just being completed, ready for occupancy Feb. 15th, 2 bedrooms, tiled bath, living room, 11 x 22, picture window, kitchen with gas stove and electric refrigerator, Rubbers tile in bath and kitchen. Hardwood floors in other rooms. Up one flight, separate outside entrance, garage. Suitable for el derly couple, two ladies or couple with new baby. Rent $100. per month, 1 year lease. Phone 328. STORE, corner Trafalgar and Chisholm Streets, Bronte. Apply after 7 pm. at store. (35p11) 5-ROOM, heated modern apart, ment, centrally located. Hard- wood floors, new electric refrig- erator and gas stove. Immediate possession. Phone 662. / PARTLY furnished house, cen- | ANNOUNCEMENTS Z| The Ladies Aid Society of Knox P; Church will hold their second Lenten Tea on Thurs- day, February 15th, from three to Church W. Fo five-thirt in the i Mrs. G. Winnett and Mrs. will' convene. BIRTHS WOTHERSPOON: Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wotherspoon, 1 Tru- man Ave, announce the arrival of their son, John David (Jock) on February 2 at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bramwell Oates (nee Evelyn Pelletterio) are hap- py to announce the birth of a daughter, Lynne Marie at the Oakville Hospital on Tuesday, January 30, 1951. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wm. McCraney, 10 Me- Donald Ave, wishes to thank friends and neighbors for their kindness to her while in Oakville Memorial Hospital. Many thanks to the friends and neighbors who sent such beauti- ful floral tributes and kind ex- pressions of sympathy in our re- cent loss of a dearly loved Auntie. Irene Clark, Stella Hooks and families. NO AGENTS PLEASE I want to buy a reason- ably priced house in the north end of town. FOR CASH Four or five rooms. If you have a property please contact BOX 464 THE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14TH is ST. VALENTINE'S DAY And the time to Remember Her with a distinctive gift from The GOLDEN HOUR Bookshop 53 Colborne St. Phone 663 FOR SALE OR TRADE 200 Gallon fuel oil tank for oil burner, $40., phone 1298. PAIR of Chalet skis and harn- ess with ski poles. John Brown- lee. Phone 1059 or 1243W. (85p11) modern, 4- bedroom suite, EXCELLENT piece limed oak consisting of vani with mirror, dresser with mirror, chest of drawers, double bed with excel lent spring and inner-spring mat- Value, trally located, immediate possess- ion. Phone 301R. (45c11) ROOM, board if desired. Phone 580W. (4511) FURNISHED room, for one or two persons, With breakfast, good district. Phone 506M after 6. BATCHELOR apartment, cen ly located, planned for conven- fence. Bed sitting room, kitchen- ette with ample cupboard space, three piece bathroom. Available at once on year lease. For further information, call 328. in) COMFORTABLE for one signed on or before the of March, 1950. after which time the a s of the Es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which the under: have had notice. DATED at Oakville, Ontario, this 27th day of January, 1951 TEODOZIA SAMBORSKI, Administratrix, by her Solicitor, Ross Ryrie, 61 A Colborne Street, Bast, (1c10-12) Oakville, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR | Attention Motor Car Owners In order to facilitate snow re- moval from township roads and streets notice is hereby given to all motor car and truck owners requesting that they refrain from parking on the streets and roads. Should this warning be ignored the Trafalgar police department has authority under the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 167, Section 43, Sub Section 9, to have the car or truck removed to a suitable place and costs recovered from the owner before property is released. S. A. Featherstone, clerk, Trafalgar Post Office. BUILDING PERMITS ..TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Please be advised that hereafter all building permits will be issued from the Township office, at the intersection of the 7th line and No. 5 hi located ighway. Office hour two, with breakfast, full board St|9 am. to 5 pm. mclusive, S. A. Featherstone, clerk, Trafalgar Post Office. signed shall then TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Gravel and Hauling Sealed tenders: will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Monday, Feb. 19, 1951, for 9,000 cubic s of gravel fo be crushed and delivered in bins and delivered on roads. 9,000 cubic yards to be crushed and placed in stock pile at pit. Tenders for This material to be stone, balance finer crushed to s thro- ugh a %" screen. Tenders for hauling the above yardarge of 9,000 cubic yards to be placed on roads, on a per cubic yard mile basis will be received at the same time, average haul 12 miles. Contract to be Started and com- pleted between June 15 and -Sept- ember 1, 1951. Marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. S. A. Featherstone, clerk, Trafalgar Post Office. BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE: No. 1 Pennsylvania Anthracite from Frank Sullivan Bronte, 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (44tf) FOR your Fuller Brush needs, confact Bill Ganton, 9 Wilson St., S., Oakville. Phone orders taken by phoning 1646-J. (tf) EESTI ADULT couple with no oy, ren or pefs would like to rep unfurnished 8. room apa," Phone Mr. Sheppard at 1015 |. tween 9 am. and 6 pm, ROOM and board for yout banker, Phong 1285 Mr. Junio (45010) BOWLING 'BANTER , Marlatt, 'Green and| Ridley yy climbed over the 00 mark gs i and D trimmed Peerléss 7-0 in (y, Men's Major loop 'Tuesday nigy to establish |a season's high 3603 flat. Chevs came to life fo their first clean sweep as they ode smoothly over Air! Coils 7, Beehives, however, continue their losing ways as they droppeg a close 4:3 verdict to! Whitaker High triple for the might yg spilled by Marlatt, who clickeq for 783, while Les Mote's 339 was good for high single. othing short of spectaculu vas Marg Boocock's terrific trip of games, which established new seasons high feminine mark Marg. mangled the maples for ; | 787 total! Oakville Bowling Lanes ten pin ners dropped a close 5-2 decision to Kitchener last Saturday, as tie Inter-City loop completed its first series, (65 2) ew Ee desired. Phone 1663. (45c12) SIRES Time Skates size 3| IROOM cottage, Phone T442W boot, worn twice, Phone 379. fers PAIR of Chalet Skis and harn- ess with ski poles. John Brown- lee. Phone 1059 or 57TW. (35p12) THOROUGHBRED black cock- er spaniel pups, 10 weeks old. For information call 51. (1145) GIRL'S white figure skates, or 3, English blade, very good condition. Phone 505, (45p11) "IS DODGE one ton pickup, 1ow | All persons having claims mileage, heater, excellent condit-|against the Estate of Joseph ion. Box 466. (35p11) | Samborski, late of the Township JAMBESWAY electric brooden, | of Trafalgar, in the County of large size, new condition, used.|Halton, Farmer, Deceased, who fice only. Phone 1043 through |died on or about the 27th day of Saturda; USED hot point electric stove, electric washing machine, ice box $30; treadle Singer Sewing Machine, $15. Phone 1944W TRIDND poweriakeoff _spray- er, practically new; 200 gal. tank. Best offer. Phone 221W Bronte. MEN'S hockey skates, size 10. Girl's fancy skates, size 6, $5. a pair. Phone 180. (35p11) BABYS crib, used. Phone 2067. HELP WANTED--M FORD MECHANICS Class A men only with actual Ford experience, up-to-date shop, best pay with bonus plan, holiday pay, hospitalization and insur- ance. Phone Mr. Binns, Rodney 2361 or Port Credit 3318. 1(.03¢12) HELP WANTED---WOMEN DOMESTIC help, a capable gen- eral for small family, live in. Phone 825] (45¢10) SECRETARY for three hours every Saturday morning. Must be able to take shorthand and type. Some experience with salesman's reports and orders would be help- ful. $1 per hour to suitable appli- cant. Phone 570-r on Saturday for appointment. STENOGRAPHER required, pre- ferably experienced. Apply Box 465 the Journal. ECRETARY - stenographer by Oakville-Trafalgar High School, apply in writing to George C. At- kins, Business Administrator, 171 Reynolds Street North, Oak- ville, Ont. (59¢11) SITUATIONS WANTED EMPLOYERS: I am a man in the middle thirties anxious to work and live in or near Oakville permanently. Have you a position requiring administrative ability; capacity to meet and deal with people, conduct correspondence effectively, understand bookkeep- ing, costing, typewriting, filing and general office procedure? If $35 5: so please reply to Box 463 The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, ship of Trafalgar, of Halton, Farmer, deceased. August, 1950, at the Township of Trafalgar, send particulars of the same to LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH SAMBORSKI, late" of the Town- in the County are hereby notified to LOOK AT THESE "0. K. " USED CAR AND USED TRUCK VALUES 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN ANNUAL 3rd AT REG, v, * Chrome Pedeata) Extension, Table * 6x9 Tt Congoleyy, Rug like exac FEBRUARY CLEARANCE AT DOMINION DOMINION this Hy what $99.95 ALUE IS $127.49 * 4 Comrortap, Chrome Ghajre - 38 pe. pastel gj set Heater, Def., Radio, many other extras $625, Pov see ea 1949 CHEVROLET COACH Fully Equipped $550. DOWN ERY 1941 CHEVROLET COACH Heater - Defroster $265. DOWN 1947 FORD - 3-TON DUMP Reconditioned motor, good hoist, D.P.4axle, 4 yd. box. Ready for Work. $400. "VF 1941 DODGE 1-TON. PANEL Heater, Defroster 1 80. DOWN css 1950 Jone 1/2-TON PANEL Heater - Defroster $620. "ON the posting, furnish MO ANALYSIS, FRANK at 954-4 BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING We set up BUSINESS RECORD SYSTEMS; do all prepare ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATE- MENTS and INCOME TAX RETURN. For prompt and efficient service at moderate cost call NTHLY STATEMENT and CORNIN MANY OTHERS G.M.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE TRADES CONSIDERED 'OAKVILLE MOTORS 5 PC. CHROME PEDESTAL DINETTE Popular style chrome furniture that is both good looking and gives lifetime wear. This suite is fully guaranteed--and comes in a wide range of colours. $69.00 Come in early for best choice February Sale Price of colours OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF FLOOR COVERINGS, INCLUDING GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM AND IN- LAID LINOLEUMS Gi FEBRUARY 0 ON SALE DURING OUR FURNITURE SALE ENJOY NEW FURNI TURE NOW ... ON OUR FRIENDLY EASY CREDIT PLAN! EASY CREDIT TERMS References Available PHONE 2220 AVAILABLE DOMINIO PHONE 957 FURNITURE STORES OAKVILLE | OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 9 P.M.

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