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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Jan 1951, p. 2

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Page 23 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL [PEOPLE and EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN The Edgar Ogilvies leave next week for Florida, where they will visit Jack € hley . Mr. and Mrs. J ited Mr. and Mrs Maple. H. Sunley vis- . J. Spence in esse Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Birge leave on Friday from Dorval for a month in the Barbados. ee Mr. and Mrs are motoring week. Home this Hedleigh to Detroit . see Mr. C. R. Slipp is on a business trip to New York creas A. G. White of New York is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. B. @arfat and Mr. Garfat. saree Miss Kate Reid left for New York on Sunday to further her study in dramaties Mr. K. Slater and Miss Susan Slater attended the wedding of Miss Allison Townsend in Lake: field on Saturday. este n Mr. and Mrs. Denis Slattery were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Merry last Thurs: day. Mr. Merry, who has been confined to bed with a sinus con- dition, is up and around again. sre of Branch 114, were installed meeting held: at on Friday eve- Mr New officers Canadian Legion, at the regular the Legion hall ning. sees The President and Directors of the Oakville Club entertained at tea Sunday. . . Mrs. Thomas Makin and son Richard will leave for a vacation in Florida at the end of this month. sso e Mr. G. R. McConyry entertain- ed at a surprise birthday party for his wife Tuesday evening. . ® ss = Havergal Old Girls' Associa- tion will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Brooks-Hill, 53 Second Street, Monday, January 15. . +e Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cantelon on the birth on a business trip to England. FE tertained on Saturday night. as 2 3% 3% returned Mrs. W. B. Shipley has return- ed home from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clare Shipley of Sarnia, who are the proud parents of a son, William Franklin. «sss Mr. and Mrs. B. Douglas Eddy (nee Barbara Jebb) have announ- ced the birth of a daughter at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hos- pital on Wednesday, January 3. * Pa PHONE 601 2% Mr. and Mrs. of London, visited A. MacKenzie en route to Lake field to attend the wedding of Miss Allison Townsend. ee cKenzie, with Mrs. M. Hugh Ma William C. Milligan, R.O., is at- tending the mid-winter congress of the Ontario Optometrical As- sociation at the King Edward Ho- tel, Toronto. Mr. James L. Cooke is reported to be making satisfactory progress toward recovery following an em- ergency operation performed while in Florida. + Mrs. J. O. Fraser entertained at a coffee party last Friday. BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 Mr. Cy' Ribble suffered a badly fractured leg on Sunday when he slipped on the icy pavement and fell heavily while crossing Col- borne St. in Oakville. He is in the Memorial hospital. . The W.A. of Walton Memorial church holds its regular meeting this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Sunday School rooms. Newly elected president Mrs. H.' Hunt will be in charge of the meeting. Fa On Sunday Jacqueline Hayes: Richards celebrated her seventh birthday, assisted by brother Lawrence and sister Maple, Ann Wakely, Susan Hill, Janet Dunn, Margaret Scarrow, Mary and Maureen Milligan. Guests were entertained with television and a tea-party at Jacaueline's lake: side home. Margaret Ann Ireland, brilliant young Canadian concert pianist, will be the guest soloist at the second recital of the H. and S. concert series to be held in the high school auditorium tomor- row (Friday) night. Also featured will be the Toronto Men Teach- er's Choir, under the direction of Eldon Brethour. crew Col. A. P. Miller, DS.O, MC. who lately returned home after completing a large power project for Consolidated Paper Co. in Northern Quebec, has now left for Northern Ontario, to take charge of the construction of a multimillion dollar defence pro- ject for the Dominion Govern- ment. The project will take some two years to complete, but Col. Miller hopes to be able to get back to Oakville and his family at least once a month, during the first phases of the construction. esses Rev. J. from Lennox he attended Convention. . Bell has returned lle, Quebec, where the Headmasters' Sub-Lieut. J. B. Chisholm left on Friday to take the Officer's training course at Camp Borden. Fa The Bronte Branch of the Can- adian Leglon held its annual election of officers on January 4. Officers for 1951 are President George McLeod; 1st. Vice-presi- dent Robert Mason; 2nd. Vice- president, James Godfrey; Treas: urer Gordon Collins; Secretary. Vernon Busby; Padre Andrew Dalby. Miss Barbara Tilley of Mon- treal, arrives on Friday to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley. ces me Tisdall is on a bus- to Chicago for a few Mr. John iness trip days. sree Col. Louis Keene left last week "isisis's Mr. and Mrs. N. Shoofey and daughter Barbara visited Mrs. Shoofey's mother, Mrs. M. Ellis, Sovereign St. last Sunday. crea The Bronte Community Club held its regular euchre on Monday evening. Winner of the draw for a quilt was Audrey Parkins. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill en- Miss R. James and Miss M. lett, of Appleby College, have from Detroit where of a son at the Oakville-Trafal- gar Memorial Hospital. + oe ox J. B. Stothers in Niagara Mr. spent last Falls. and Mrs. weekend » . Pidgeon returns to today after spending vacation with his David Pid- + = Morgan Lakefield the Christmas parents, Mr. and Mrs geon scence Mr. and Mrs. C. F. MacKenzie are leaving this week to spend a "month in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Durant (nee Nanette Pullen) announce the birth of their son at Bitchin ham, Sussex, England, on Jan. oe Among those who will assist at the opening of Toronto's new hos- pital for Sick Children will be Mrs. Tom C. Chisholm, Mrs. Bill Parker, Mrs. Mel Blson, Mrs. Syd- ney Fearman and Mrs. Harry Le- froy. * roe Caine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caine, returned home just before Christmas from Thistledown, where she had been undergoing special treatment. Mrs. Caine reports Pamela's condition to be much improved. Fi Pamela of ice on Mr. Jack Dunn narrow: ly escaped serious injury Sunday when his car skidded on a patch of ice on Queen Elizabeth Way, near Prt Credit. Mr. Dunn was badly shaken up and suffered shock as the car crashed through three guard rail posts, and was taken to Oakville Trafalgar Mem- orial hospital for xray examin- xray ation. The car was badly damag- ed. PC a = Town council Monday night in- structed Clerk C. H. Byers to write a letter to the family Mr. Fred Snowball, expres: they spent the holiday season. HE EES of [C. Jackson and Rey. and Mrs. R. ing | H. Howson ret at losing Oakville's oldest liam Street, C. Carpenter won the regular Thursday, January 11, 1951 --_-- weekly draw, and euchre prizes were won by: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. J. Pickard, 2nd. Miss Patterson, Oakville, Men's, 1st, Mrs. Morris, ond, Mr. Brown. Travelling priz- es, Mrs, M. Pickard and Mr. Van Horne, After the prizes had been distributed refreshments were served. essen Mr, william McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinton went to Kitchener last weekend to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hinton's mo- ther. 5 on o= Many of the Bronte youngsters have been enjoying skating on the marsh for the past week. es xr We are sorry to hear that lit- tle Mary Busby is ill. sx . Lowe has re- in Harold "Barney" turned home after a long stay the Hamilton Sanatorium. vn Miss Lorraine Heaton was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs. Scarrow in Dunnville. pF Mr. and Mrs. Beecraft, Burling: ton Beach, visited their son and daughter-in-law and grandchild- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beecraft and family, Nelson Street, on Sunday. sess held a party last Saturday Bert son Lowe Larry, Mrs. for her night. cases Mr. Jack Sloan was a weekend uest at the home of Mrs. O. Scarrow in Dunnville. Herbie McLeod has returned home from hospital where he had his tonsils out. . » Bob Allan and Jack Sargant have returned to Royal Military College in Kingston after spend- ing their Christmas vacations at their homes in Bronte. ~ cxxen Mrs. Stafford, Clarkson, visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken = Stafford, Triller Street, last Wednesday -evening. PRP Miss Nora Vollick has resumed classes at Loretto College in Hamilton after spending her Christmas vacation at her home in Bronte. +s =. Russell was a at the home of Triller St. Miss Doreen weekend guest Mr. and Mrs. F. Lang, + x = = Mrs. Evelyn Lawlor was con- fined to her home last week with an attack of quiney. Mr. and Mrs. W. Joyce and family holidayed with Mrs. Joyce's family in Kitchener amily ni Kitchener, THURS., FRI, SAT. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Armstrong entertained on Saturday evening to celebrate Mr. Armstrong's birthday. sso Mrs. 3. 0. G. Cann, of Mon- treal, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tidy, of Toronto, spent the holi- day season with Mrs. S. R. Saun- ders. Mr, D. G. Dayis, Mr. Wm, Mur: ray and Mr. Charles Kirk leaye for New York this weekend on a business trip. asses Mr. and Mrs. T. Merritt, of Ap- pleby College, have ammounced the birth of their son at the Oal: villeTrafalgar Hospital Monday morning. ADDED ATTRACTION Cl * x Laurie Cross celebrated first birthday on Saturday. ress * her Barbara Wilkes celebrated her 6th birthday on Saturday. ve Paddy Gibson underwent an appendicitis operation at the Memorial hospital last week. © ow Wayne Long is in the Memor- Marjorle Kent « Jer DEC. 11-12-13 The first motion picture ever made about the newest sport craze--Roller Banked Track Racing . . . / TYLER A THOR PRODUCTION Ralaaed by 20m Century-Fox HITS BONE tERACKP ot JACKPOT of laughs! wn Penny SINGLETON - Arthur LAKE - Larry SIMMS rome Cowan » and Dalsy Dirocted by EDWARD BERNDS Produced by TED RICKHOND. RE ial hospital and all his friends in the Linbrook district extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. 2 se Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crack have announced the birth of a son, Ro- bert Timothy, at Oakville-Tra- falgar Memorial Hospital; on Friday, Jan. 5. ww x MON, TUES., WED. COMPANION FEATURE po EERE congregation attended the At Home held by Rev. and Mrs. FE. at the rectory, Wil- Thursday afternoon and evening. LAUNDRY IN THE FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE OPENING OF THE NEW OAKVILLE LAUNDRY SERVICES 16 DUNN STREET NORTH Screenplay @ JAN. 15-16-17 "FRIGHTENED CITY" WITH EVELYN KEYES CHICAGO HAD HIS NAWE ON 7) \ I by ARTHUR T. HORMAN 2nd LEE LOEB * Directed by WILLIAM CASTLE Produced by RALPH DIETRICH + A UniversaHinternational Picture: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT VERY NEAR FUTURE THE HOME OF FAM OAKVILLE ILY ENTERTAINMENT herd, Douglas Begs, & grandso Walter, Cooper, Donald Begg any Manley McDuffie. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hughes, Oakville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang, Triller Street, last Saturday evening. --- MRS.s DAISY BEGG weeks' illness, Following a two widow of the Mrs. Daisy Begg, late Daniel Adam Begg, died on Thursday at her home on For syth Street. Mrs. Begg was in her 75th year, and had spent almost her entire .life in Oakville, She was born in the neighborhood of Erindale, a daughter of the late Daniel Rjesy and Melissa Ribble, and came to Oakville with ber parents in childhood. She was a member of Knox Church. Mrs, Begg is survived by a son, Alex ander, and a daughter, Mrs. Rob- ert Bdwards, both of Oakville. The funeral, "conducted by Rev. C. K. Nicoll, was held on Satur: day afternoon from the funeral chapel of S. S. Russell and Son to St. Jude's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Charles Sand, Charles Shep- BEFORE YOU BUY A 1951 CAR SEE THE. DODGE AND DESOTO WH. WHITAKER ANDSONS Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King St. W.--Toronto PHONE: EL 3374 STATION. ROAD LAST TIMES TO-NIGHT ... . "Stella" WITH ANN SHERIDAN VIGTOR MATURE FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 12-13 lusty s! 5 Apache and "She ibbon'" BEN JOHNSON ~ JOANNE DRY _ HARRY CAREY, Jr - WARD BOND Directed by 0A Ei Write by Frank Nugent and Patrik Ford + Produced by Argosy Pctres Corporation Distributed by RKO Radio Pictores TWO DAYS ONLY MONDAY, TUESDAY STANLEY KRAMER'S he Men MARLON BRANDO- TERESA WRIGHT The Men on Everett Stang = Tit Yoo . Ln Tomes furcy Tree = Lod SL Joho ru Ai tin - STANTEY KRAMER: FE ZANEMANN- CAR FORENAH GEORGE CSS DAT THAN wir 006000000006 00000600000 a J IF IT'S KISSING YOU'RE MISSING IF IT'S PETTING YOURE NOT GETTING YOUNG OR OLD ... HOT OR COLD TAKE YOUR SUGAR TO. . . "TEA FOR TWO" - STARRING f GORDON MACRAE DORIS DA STARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 AT THE CENTURY PHONE OAKVILLE THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON C

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