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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 4 Jan 1951, p. 3

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oe' vs' es, az- | IR Cael a ob es =f Thursday, January 4, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page f C URC NE adoro ono. supremo. and infinite | gregation of St. Johns United = H H i Hod. Ghureh will be held in the Sunday WS = CALVARY BAPTIST school auditorium at 8 o'clock on LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTSWEAR Rev. A. A. Stoll Monday evening, January 22. : ST. LUKE'S ing the Christian Selence Society, | A large congregation attended| Rev. Harry Pawson, the min- QUALITY VALUE SERVICE Canon D. R. Smith Oakville, on Sunday, Jan. 7th, [the New Year's eve service a |ister, will conduct a Communion A meeting of the congregation| The Golden Text Is "Now unto | Calvary Baptist Church Sunday |servics and reception of new mem t) to consider the installation of a|the King eternal, immortal, in.|°VeniDg, Two films 'were shown, bers at the morning service on BURROS SPECIALTY SHOPPE now heating system was held in | Visible, the only wise God, he [2nd brief addresses were given Sunday, January 14. He parte pall on Tuesday sven |Hohour~and glory 'for over and (DY Students from the! Bmmaus| A now thresmamial organ for 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 ne ever.' (1 Timothy 1:17). Bible School, Toronto, and the |the church has been ordered ¥he choir Will present the Story| Selections from the Bible in.|LOndon Bible Institute. Monin | from a leading firm of organ man | Sem of the Nativity as a pageant at|clude the following from - Isaiah | Barnard sang. uinelivars, [iu wil (ibe) installed = Ole United church, Appleby, Sun:|44:6, "Thus saith the ISrd the| The first of a series of child: | next summer, hy. ab 3pm King of Israel, and his redeemer, |Te'S meetings will be held this KNOX uring the past year the at.|the Lord of hosts; I am the first, coming Friday evening at 7 Rev. C. K. Nicoll and T am the last there is no God ndance at services in both chur- ches increased by ten percent and beside me o'clock in the church. It will be conducted by Gordon Attrel of Oakwood Baptist Church, Toron- Correlative citations fr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE [christian Science text. oot | 10 'God" is the subject of the les: | "Science and Health with Key to| Tomorrow evening's cottage gon sermon which will be read |the Scriptures," by Mary Baker |Drayer meeting will be at the in all Churches of Christ, Scien-|Rddy, Include the following from |home of Clayton Rayburn, Lake- tist, throughout the world includ- | page 497, We acknowledge and | Shore Rd. West. Rev. A. A. Stoll will preach at both services Sunday, and St. W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R Clair Harmonettes of Toronto will provide the music. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson Christmas carols of various per- fods were rendered by the com: bined senior and junior choirs of St. Jude's Church at the annual carol festival Sunday evening, when the church was filled to capacity. Weeks of painstaking re- hearsal under the direction of G. Melbourne Evans, choirmaster, preceded the festival, and the choirs attained a high degree of in their performance. As an organ prelude Mr. Evans IS YOUR MOTOR SPUNKY? COLD WEATHER VERY OFTEN IS THE CAUSE OF THROWING YOUR CAR OUT OF ITS NORMAL PER- FORMANCE . . .. LET US CHECK IT OVER-AND GIVE IT AN EXPERT TUNE-UP. DROP IN AT EDDIE'S GARAGE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION 69 Colborne W. Phone 1106 ATT SogY rendered "Two Old French Noels," by Cesar Franck. Carols included "All my heart this night rejoic- eg;" "On This Day, Earth Shall Ring;" "Wo, Jesus, is Me" "I 'Wonder as 1 Wander;" Appala- chian Carol; "Past Three O'Clock," London Waits carol; "The Angels Sing Around the Stall;" "The Gar- den of Jesus; "Across The Snow;" "The Holly and the Ivy;" and "Good Christian Men Rejoice." The hymn "While Shepherds Watched," was rendered as a recessional carol. Several organ "Holiness unto the Lord" will be the subject of Rev. C. K. Nic- oll's sermon Sunday morning. In the evening he will preach on the theme "Is there any word from the Lord?" EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith The annual meeting of the af- ternoon Branch of the Women's Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, January 9th in the parish hall. The flowers on the altar were in memory of Mr. John Wilson and were given by Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Wilson. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby On Saturday, the Feast of the Epiphany, Father Kirby will cel: ebrate Masses at 6 and 9 a.m Masses on Sunday will be at 8.30 and 10.30 a.m. with evening de- votions at 7.30 pm. WATCH REPAIR &&&--< Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrie Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located in Mc- Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto A. MARCHAND were played by Mr. Evans, includ- ing Bach's "Let All Together Praise our God," to which the choir sang. St. Jude's Mothers' Union held M. ET FT. EMUL. SIG.3: T.L.D.P.C. they're part of the prescription your No, theyre not hicroglyphics : doctor gave you the other day. To you, that abbreviated Latin legend meant nbthing, but to your pharmacist it said, "Mix the ingredients of this prescription in the form of an emulsion, and label the bottle 'One teaspoonful three times a day after meals." Your physician often uses Latin in writing prescriptions, and for two reasons. First, Latin is the universal language of medical science, and a prescription written in any part of the world, by a physician of any nationality, can be filed by any pharmacist. Second, Latin is a "dead" language, and, therefore, the exact meanings of words are not subject to variation from year to year as are words in the modern languages: Many drugs that have similar names, have very different actions Take, for example, mercurous chloride and mercuric chloride . . . one is calomel, a laxative; the other is bichloride of mercury, 2 violent poison: Then there are phenobarbital and pentobarbital, sodium salicylate and sodium silicate, acetanilid and acetone, aconite and aconitine, and a multitude of other drug names equally confusing to you. They are not confusing to your pharmacist, however. His familiarity with medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical terms is but a part of his skill as a pharmacist : : + a skill developed through years of college train- ing and fence i ding prescriptions and rendering other necessary public health services.-- Reprinted from a copyrighted advertisement published by Parke, Davis & Company. THE RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 47 (Formerly Byers') OAKVILLE their annual Christmas party for children on Thursday afternoon last week. Rey. F. C. Jackson was chairman, The program con- sisted of selections of carols by the boys' choir, a recitation by Joanne Forbes, piano solo by Carol Holliday and vocal solos by Miss Norma Warburton. Gifts were then distributed to the children and refreshments ser- ved. The Mothers' Union will hold their regular meeting tomorrow in the parish hall, The annual vestry, or congre- gational meeting of St. Jude's will be held in the parish hall on Monday evening, January 22 at 8 o'clock, when reports on the year's activities will be presented, and churchwardens and members of the Church Council elected. A large audience Composed Of both chil®ren and adults filled the parish hall for the annual Christmas entertainment of St. Jude's Sunday school ~Wednes- day evening of last week. Carols were sung by the boys' choir, and the various groups presented items of entertainment. Among the most amusing was a puppet show by the Catechism group. The highlight of the evening was the distribution of oranges and can: dles to the children by Santa Claus. The rector and Mrs. Jackson, and the curate, Rev. R. H. How- son and Mrs. Howson, are at home at the rectory, 90 William Street, from 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon, and from 7.30 this eve ning. The monthly Corporate Com- munion and breakfast for men and boys is being held at 8 a.m. this coming Sunday. First meeting of the Junior Bible Class will be held in the parish hall at 11 am. Sunday. The Evening branch of the Wo- men's Auxiliary will meet in the parish hall Tuesday evening, Jan. 9 at 8 pm. ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson The annual meeting of the con- For Tempting STEAK CHICKEN CHOP DINNERS RIVE OUT TO THE Pig & Whistle Inn Bronte-by-the-Lake x -- nt 0d ON BEHALF OF LINEN HALL | WISH THE PEOPLE OF OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR And at the same time thank you for all your Express- ions of Good Wishes for our success and also for your patronage AS OUR THANKS, WATCH FOR OUR WINDOW DISPLAY AND OUR NEXT WEEK'S ADVTS. FOR OUR SPECIAL JANUARY OFFERINGS TO YOU. THANKS, JIM WALKER Come in and SEE our MORNING SLIPPERS DUNDAS STREET NORTH BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS EXPERT WORKMANSHIP HEDLEIGH HOME LIMITED "The Home of Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo - Sales and Service" ESTIMATES GIVEN TELEPHONE 1063; NIGHTS 1939) eee ete eee ES They'll MATERIAL. WHY NOT A CAREFUL DRY CLEANING BY LAKESHORE CLEANERS WILL RE- STORE THE ORIGINAL SOFT RICH COLOR... BRING BACK THE OR- IGINAL LIFE AND SHEEN TO THE YOUR OLD LOOKING GARMENTS YOU'LL BE DELIGHTFULLY SUR- PRISED AT THE RESULTS. JUST GIVE US A CALL AND WE'LL PICK UP YOUR ORDER AND DE- LIVER IT TO YOUR DOOR. Look Like New, . « Feel Like New! SEND US | NOON. DELUXE DAY. SPECIAL CLEANING SERVICE 24-HOUR SPECIAL. IN BY NOON TO-DAY, BACK NEXT AFTER- QUIRE ABOUT OUR SERVICE: IN AT 9 A.M. BACK AT 4 P.M. SAME PHONE 311 LAKESHORE CLEANERS COLBORNE ST. EAST

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