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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 4 Jan 1951, p. 2

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Thursday, January 4, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL -- = a 0, lmer's. The John HBotterells entertain: TEEN TOWN novels Si i Eh a Night Marauder Bulmer's we attempted to take | It was late Monday night, and EV od on Sunday afternoon. Trew r ioolt of hose present, ending up| a young Oakville | couple had and E ) The Arnold Bantlelds enter By Don Lovegrove ew list, something like this. | just retired. Suddenly, in the K's Mr. 8 Mr tamed] on Rew Pears Dax Hero T bo upon my bed, Louise Heaven, Bill Cudmore,| darkness they felt a heavy obs fry and throbbing | George Furrow, Wiliam Fox 1 : Ne Brantford to spend i Mrs, Allan Weather:| Throat so rrow, Bev. Hit, Hout ject drop upon the bed. I The Mrs, Fox' parents Mr. and Mrs, in head; or Nash, Ken Brown, ls) Fairs wife shrieked in terror. Full of af stone held open house on Satur Sl eyes and lady sro ve" Bud Brockway, Judy | apprehension, the hushand jump- tart Sina h| DERE BO or" after the night] Wickeon, Ken Pollock, Penny | ed up hurriedly and turned on RE Sats BS Som! ohn Bulmer, Shirley | the light. Sure enough, on the tor a | Mes. B.Gons); SE Cet nothing, wot no: papi May, [grant Fares, Christine | bed was a marauder--a large 5 mother of M. F. Auden, ¢itd * my. money, lost my rep. | Wilson Moredith MeKim, Mary | jo "cat. He seized the crea- hor home in London, Ont, om| Les n't get up, feel so bad; Cushnie, Bruce Squires, Peggy ture which had entered by an Monday. $ son, Doug Beggs, Winnie hol > LU vonderful time I| Robinson, Doug Beg ! sg TS i x N Bey a 3 woniem: Duquette, Hughie Nicolle, Anne | open window, and ejected it 8 s. W. am, and a : 18 ho X # LA Ly Norman. Rolph, | Cant remember where I went; Osborne, Wilt Terhert Jo from the door. § © Fh ) ane > Ho , how the time was | Mentgemery, Gord Ribble, ARSE 5 SE RER spent New Ye weekend with Don't fn w how th Tee 1 i allen, RCN. | the C. A. Birges. S| : i . y | ne cruiser the CR ee But wow! What a time it must-| Bill Head, Glenna MORE C.P.T. WINNERS | noted 10 ace Ford, of]. _ heen McDermott, Rex 99 | puna euchro eld in Odd Fellove: 2 | 2 aud M Brace Fond Look at the heck of a shape |Corell, Barry Smith, Jan WIIkn | poo cutie 1 eld in 0dd Fellows' South Carolina, were in town to ok ¢ Ce argent, Helen Fagen spent the holiday season with Mr. I'm in. oe Hutledge, Molm Groat and Hall Friday evening were: Men, and Mrs. W. H. Ford And so the year 1951 has been | yours truly. H. Brewster, Bronte, 1st, J. H. FE officially ushered in and the 1oc-| meen Town opens the New Year |Hartlen, Bronte, 2nd; Ladies, Wil Allan Campbells held oven | al teenagers arc tucked comfort 5 i house on New Year's Eve. ably in their beds. "The mornin ak Sp uid after the night before!" Groan! | mu gard, 2nd., lucky draw, Mrs. H Mars and Works." See you there. Hunt. To bring a full report of all the goings-on would be an impossibil- ceene ity, but we did manage to get a glimpse of four or five parties with its weekly ance TF jc courtesy "Watter's Wi Mr. and Mrs. Ernie were in Winnipeg for the a TU TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 6.45 p.m. shortwave radio "hams" from many SC ered Ontario points and their wives were gu of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Busk at | up merry wa a gala New Year's Eve party at|cygmore's Bronte man Ss Riverside Lodge usher in the New Year. Next came on Sunday, Lal Se e 1 Farrows, then Squires, and fin- Mr. Bruce Orr underwent an (any joined another party retu appendectomy at the Memorial [ine from gay doings at the Pal hospital on Saturday. > FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 5-6th. Para ive party at we started on moving on to Bill ion to Joining a progr Louise Heaven's sts Mary Campbell held e Oo New Year's Day POS ----- 5 ne Tartan was much in| yo rick Graydons held open nized by Rev. Terence Finlay RIDE WITH THE | Ev house on New Year's Eve. and Mr. LS. Virr played the --_-- ah a) wedding music The New Year was ushered in| given in marriage by her fath at the officers' mess at Ortoma forthe bride wore a Satin gown Barracks With & gala party. fashioned with fitted bodice, net : speci > ! yoke bordered with frills of lace by special demand! The Harold Tinkers entertain: |S er satin and long sleeves end ed Sunday evening. ing in points over the hands. Al- > a5 ternating panels of satin and frills Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cond have [op jace featured the sides of the announced the birth of a daugh-| pu skirt, A pearl tiara held her : 79 ter at OakvilleTrafalgar Memor-| gircle veil of net and she carried ial Hospital on Thursday, Dec.|ypite chrysanthemums and red 28. aa sweetheart Miss Eunice Chandler, sister of the bride, as Mr. and Mrs. S. Dalton, Kent|pgiq of honor, wore sky blue net Ave, and their son Jom, are sail:| ger (atfeta, made with fitted MONDAY, TUESDAY JANUARY 8-9 ing on Saturday from St. John |yogice and bertha collar, bouffant ufriders: M-G:M's Spectacular color by TECHNIGOLOR Romance of the Daring Pioneers of the West! we. JOEL McCREA. repeat performance! aboard the Empress of France for |gkirt and matching velvet ribbon LAZING NEW Wj 2 NIGHTS ONLY England, where they expect to Te-| of waist, She wore a matching B eS ARNER ExciTEMENT! FRIDAY & SATURDA main: for geveral Jers poke bonnet and carried a colonial = 3 a Y Tri re bb al Mi Cheryl Wiman, as Charles awley is in akville- | flower girl, was similarly attired JANUARY 12th & 13th TE To oh mith an ohne ons | CURTAIN: 8.15 of virus pneumonia. bonnet and nosegay of flowers. L320; \ The groomsman was Dr. Jack : Es ; BRON I E Powelling cousin of the bride and ; ) the ushers were Mrs. Jerome Mur- % d Mr. Fred Darlington and son|Phy snd Mr. E. Clarke, a 5 day. arents, the bride's mother chose son Kanin--in response to requests. sree navy blue crepe, styled with fitted Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm. Hinton of bodice, small collar, long sleeves i : feather trim and corsage of white frags mn wn rn cee last week's LIFE Magazine, also TIME and NEWS. [| Nev Year's Day with Mr and Mrs: pp = : MICHAEL CURTIZ FERRY uae @y WEEK for complete description. Fr For a wedding trip to Montreal, mae : ; Marilyn Beecraft, Nelson Street |the bride wore a beige suit, fash- Subscription tickets at $1.00 each may be secured at spent a week at the home of her [ioned with peplum on the jacket, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughes |blouse and scarf. Her purse and and daughter Barbara, Oakville, [shoes were brown and her cor- THE OAKVILLE CLUB LIMITED and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ron, |sage was American Beauty roses. ee cove . nox Mrs. George Taylor and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stafford, |Betty Millward, Oakville, spent The Players Group of the Oakville Club repeat this || Bill who recently moved to Tor-| For the reeebiion WAL Sod} cou ME = er y i : 2) 4 5 ide's oT StamiG . streamlined, modern 3-act comedy success by Gar- onto, left for Florida last Tues. ua at the home of the bride's pil ak eas This is the play that ran 1,642 | performances on || Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. A end full skiri, @ matching na OPER BACALL NEAL Broadway. It's just been made into a movie as well-- [| J. Martin, Jones Street spent felt hat with navy and white NALD Russell's Drug Store (Colborne Street East) or from grandparents in Burlington Beach. |sky blue velvet hat with matching WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY JANUARY 10-11 Ticket Chairman 'Joe' Wright (phone 439-M.) Gita feathers and matching gloves, : Clarkson, visited Mr. and Mrs.|On their return the bride and Fred Lang, Triller Street, on Sun- [groom will live in Ottawa. Trillor Street spent the week. |New Year's with Mrs. R. Post. end at the home of Mrs. O. Scar- SAREE IN JAN. 4-5-6 Mr. and Mrs. John Michell, .. Mrs. Frank Turner and Mr. Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbett, |can Turner of Markham spent Chisholm Street, visited Mrs, Cor. | Saturday evening ai the home of bett's: brother in Galt over the|Mr and Mrs, Lome Fish. row, Dunnville. vs in SHERIDAN - ur MATURE DADE 20. weekend. IN AN ALLSTAR cess A successful dance and euchre SCREEN SOCKEROD Md Doreen Russell, Clarkson | Was held by the North Trafalgar @® COMING EVENTS @ visited Miss Connie Lang last|Community Club in Trafalgar weekend. Memorial Hall Wednesday evening THE MEN ® TEA FOR TWO sees Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gilliam and family of Welland, visited Mr. Gilliams parents, Mr. and ; oS AE 8} || os. wo Gilliam, Sovereign St, om Se my iy Gel Fi Tommy ho Ey Right «Cain Coto: Mestad 4 Gye Olio Wingen)| | OVE the weekend. Lien Tom te Sn EI EES J LL ADDED ATTRACTION Mr. Cliff Craigie has returned JOHNNY SHEFFIELD AS BOMBA IN home after a stay in the Oakville hospital with pneumonia. "Bomba and the Hidden City" TRAFALGAR MON., TUES., WED. JAN. 8-9-10 last week. ROBERT RYAN & LARAINE DAY IN A Ey a = . 9 H. Nash's pond was arranged on WwW Thursday evening by the Misses oman On Pier 13 and Mary Post and Barbara 2ND BIG HIT Royle. About thirty-five people i enjoyed the skating, and the soc: DUEL OF HEARTS = ||ial nour hela afterwards at the h f Mr, d 3 i A In a Lawless Land! ||iome of Mr ed Mis Welter Fiery romance and explosive ex- sxsw A ING IS citement, based on the smashing §¢ Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Saturday Evening Post serial. ck 4 have announced the birth of a = daughter at Oakville-Trafalgar om WAYNE «x RAINES | ; Memorial Hospital ~ on December 3 sire i DRY CLEANING . . . Ju Tal tn The Sudle SIA hh ig party by a group of young people IF YOU WANT THE TOPS IN ih WARD BOND » GEORGE "GABBY" HAY at midnight New Year's eve. UDREY LONG - ELISABETH RISOON « DOK DOUGLAS 4 4 : 0 is wr A wesss \ Produced by ROBERT FELLOWS .« Directed by EDWIN L. MARIN » Scroes May by Bicker! Hagan 10d White chrysanthemums and TET formed effective di THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Ee "Those Careful Cleaners" _-- i Church, Ottawa, on Saturday, 1 Forsythe St. at. Dec. 30th, for the marriage of - at-the-lake Phone 1123 Joan Audrey Chandler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Harding Chandler, Ottawa, to Mr. Lorne Leslie Thomas Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bradley, Tra- PHONE OAKVILLE 568 falgar. The ceremony was solem-

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