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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Nov 1950, p. 8

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Thursday. November 9, 1950 Wm. WHITAKER & SONS = Station Rd. OAKVILLE Brigade ; No. 2 Fire are holding a Buchre and Dance Trafalga: at the new-Trafalgar day, Nov. 10. Prize: . Admission The Christm; n church Hall on Fri- ar at Knox will be held jay, November 23rd, in the church hall, from three to five-thirty. There will be fancy- work, white elephant, home bak: ing, candy and a fish-pond for the children. The Unive Women's of Oakville invited to the Oakville Business essional Women's Club's tea to be held Sunday, _ 12, from 2 to 4 p.m, at the @s Hall, Colborne St. BAZAAR Jat Bethel United church, Drumquin, on Saturday, Nov. 25, 1950, 2.30 p.m. _ 30c50 The Business and Professional Women's Club are holding, a Sil- ver Tea on Sunday, Nov. 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Odd Fellow's Hall, Colborne Street. Enfertain- ment. Everyone cordially invited: GOOD Jersey coy, must be TB tected to freshen around April Phone 1901W evenings. SPECIAL NOTICES TENDERS WANTED Cluo attend Prof- TENDER wanted for septic tank installation, for 2-bedroom 'house. F. G Town Line. (p50) Phone Clarkson 31r2 | WANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR LARGE LOWER DUPLEX for Junior Executive, wife and infant. For one to two years 'from about January 1, 1951. Reliable tenant connected with Oakville manufacturing plant. Phone: Mr. Blechman, 478, up to 5 p.m. week-days. On November 1, 1950, at Oak: ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospit- al, to Helen Felicity (nee Fox), wife of Patrick Redgrace, a son. excellent 893M. ~$12500 HOUSE rooms, in and bench, 00. Phone 3550) HEINTZMAN pian condition, Oal e, oil heat, extra washroom basement, very modern Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Caulder Jr are happy fo announce the birth n at the Oakville-Trafalgar al Hospital, Oct. 30, 1950. "Mr. and Mrs. John Garside wish to announce that a sister was horn to Pamela Anne at Oakville afalgar Memorial Hospital on Nov. 7. 1950. HOLSEY--Born to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Holsey (nee Gwyn- neth Hurst) of 133 Burnett St. on Wednesday, November 1, at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hos- pital, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. FOR SALE OR TRADE LADY'S bicycle, good condition, reasonable. Phone 1222J. (25p50) reasonable. TAQUS 7esfd. oo 1948 Chevrolet sedan delivery, good condition throughout. Phone between 6 and p.m., 1263W. SCOTCH collie pups, females, £10: males, $15. Phone Bronte 21r2. (35¢60) 2 CHESTERFIELDS, chairs to match, reasonable. Phone Bronte 17J. (85¢50) GIRL'S bicycle, 2 girl's - formal dresses. Size 12, one blue, one pink. Worn only once. Phone 426W. (29p50) MINTO stove with oven, in Al condition. $15. A. Thomas, 9 Kerr St. S. (25p50) KNOW anyone who Is looking for a four-bedroom house, set on spacious grounds which are beau- tifully landscaped, and who wants their annual taxes be very Tow? If you do, then tell them to phone 379 to make an appoint ment to view this house. It's an old house, ig excellent shape and will make a perfect family home. Tell them to call, or if you're out to move, you call. That number is 379. Almost forgot about the price. Well if it's a less than $15,0000 home you're looking for, please forget this one. But if not. then fhat phone number again-- 's 379. FEMALE pedigreed collie, sa- ble and white, 3 years old also pup, male, 4 months old. Enquire telephone 162W. (29p50) thr age, ranged to suit. Possession De (0) HELP WANTED--WOMEN 19 to 23 single, excellent employee benefits good starting salary. Apply sonnel oil, CLE! Junior i Montreal, for hardware store. preferred, but if you are the right man, we can teach you. Steady employment, good wages and working conditions. First class references necessary. Apply in person. FRASER HARDWARE, Phone 334. FOR RENT also rooms and board if desired. Apply shore Rd., Clarkson. HOUSE, 6 rooms, also cottage, 5 furnished. '32 Rebecca St. e double iot, nice gar: trees and shrubs, terms ar- 1 wner, phone 893M. (55¢50) EXPERIENCED TYPIST week, per- British American including day dept. Clarksof K, male or female, W Matriculation standing or Apply Bank of ts equivalent. HELP WANTED--MEN STORE HELP: Man wanted Experienced WINTERIZED cabins for rent, to Kallen Gardens, Lake- (50p48-50). furnished or un- Tooms, partly ment, bedroom, nursery, kitchenette and three churches, theatres. 1151W or 328. year round work as truck helper or night watchman. Box 439. ROOM and board. Phone 11ITW (50p560-52) Tocated CENTRALLY, living comprising jece bathroom. Close to shopping centre and $70. per month. Phone SITUATIONS WANTED LABOURER wants steady all References. (50p49-51) kinds. speciality. No job too small. Hal- EXPERT electrical work of all i Industrial contracts a ton Electric, -pnone 167J Bronte. (6649-51) GAS range, McClary," 4 burner and oven, $10.00; gas range, Mof- fatt, 4 burner and oven and grill, $15.00; ice box $10.00; hot water 1000 watts, tank and in- sulation, $35.00. All in AI condit- jon. Phone 296W. WATCH REPAIR Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrie Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located in Mc- 'Dermott's. A. MARCHAND LARGE NORGE _ spaceheater, largest size COLEMAN space: heater, 200 gallon oil tank, copper tubing for connecting, stove pipes. This is a complete system for heating with equipment that was used only one year. May be seen at the office of this news- paper, 7 Dunn St. North, phone 1298. UNDERWOOD _typewriteF, less than year old, Gestetner duplica. tor, three year guarantee still to run, reasonable. Phone 657-J. C. F. CRAWLEY stoker, In good working condition. Phone Reg. M. Smith and Sons. (p50-52) man, tenant. Best of references. Phone 165-M evenings. tf) room and board in quiet T2TW. W. E. DAVIS 71 Colborne St., Oakville W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R R. C. A. CUMBERLAND Phone 41 | SEE OUR WINDOWS BEFORE. YOUBUY CHRISTMAS TOYS | We've gone all-out in selecting the finest assortment | of toys and games available anywhere . . . that's why we invite you to drop in now and let us lay-away the ones you'll want for Christmas. SLATER'S MUSICAL INSTROMENT HEAD-, QUARTERS IN OAKVILLE Colborne St. West DAY work by experienced wo- would also baby sit' day or evenings. Oakville 4973. WANTED--TO RENT FOUR or five room house or apartment in Oakville by reliable BUSINESS gentleman requires from Nov. 4 onward, garage if possible. Apply Box 438, Journal. (70c48-51) BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE: No. 1 Pennsylvania Anthracite from Frank Sullivan,| Bronte, 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (44tf) ONCE MORE we have that fine Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own gal. container and we will fill it for only 80c, grade 20 only. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. 53c49 FOR your Fuller Brush needs, contact Bill Ganton, 9 Wilson St. S, Oakville. Phone orders taken at 13557. (85ctf) SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE shelter, lieutenant-governor, afternoon. At a meeting of the So- clety's board of directors, held on Monday, it was decided to proceed with' the building as rapidly as pos- ner-stone. The laying of the stone as the dedication ceremony, and it ernor will be able to officiate. The possible. RAIN HALTS CEREMONY AT NEW SHELTER Heavy rain made necessary the postponement of the laying of the corner-stone of the new Oakville and {District Humane Society's which was to have been performed by Hon. Ray Lawson, on Saturday sible, le avinpga saaypeetievist sible, leaving a space for the cor- will be performed at the same time is hoped that the lieutenant-gov- new building will be known as the Mary Martin Memorial, in honor of the Jate Mrs. Martin, whose be- quest of $10,000 made the shelter Alan LeMay has been engaged as shelter keeper, starting November 15. Mr. LeMay has had extensive experience with domestic animals, and the directors of the Society feel fortunate in having secured his services. The resignation of Mrs. Ken- neth Marlatt, president, was ac- cepted. Her successor will be ap- pointed at the next annual meet- i and meanwhile her duties ing, will be carried out by the vice presidents. - Miss Agnes Forster resigned as secretary. i MORE ABOUT ARENA DRIVE (Continuing from Page 1) Honeywell's Dixieland band under cover, however, and this meant that George Murray, recently vot- ed Canada's top male vocalist, didn't have any accompaniment. George came through, though, and his melodious chorus of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" set num- bed hands to clapping in short order. It was a good show in spite of the weather, and it would have been an outstanding revue if the skies had cleared. Public Approval Although canvassers got away to a late start Monday night, due to a meeting at which they were brought up to date on campaign plans and data, they reported ear- ly calls were very i MORE ABOUT INCORPORATION (Continuing from Page 1) sing the highway. At present, he declared, the citizens of Bronte were getting very few benefits ii return for the money they paid in tay OFFERS FIGURES The proposed budget presented by Mr. Millward was made up as Follow General government, $2,350; protection to persons and property, $1700; public works, $4,975; health and sanitation (garbage collection), §1,000; cha- rity and welfare, $800; debt cha es, $200; county rates, §2,50 schools, $5,000; reserve for un- collected taxes, $650, making a total expenditure of $19,175. To- tal receipts were estimated at $5,640, with $13,535 to be raised by taxation. The proposed mill rate was 41.5 mills. ACCEPT BUDGET (The budget was accepted by the meeting. and a vote of ap- preciation given the members of the fact-finding committee. There 0 was a question period, but few questions were asked. A. Jen- nings, chairman of the Bronte village 'commission told the meet: ing that it was the commission's intention to circulate a petition BRONTE WATER (Continued from Page 1) would cost the domestic consum- er $4.86 a month, and commercial and Industrial users would pay on a meter basis. Dr. Berry, who favored the sys tem recommended by the engin- eers, told the audience that sam- ples of water taken from wells in the district showed that a large number of them were contamin- ated. This was a dangerous con- dition, the speaker warned, men- tioning one case where water which was polluted for only ten minutes caused 25 cases of ty- phoid. Other diseases, also, could result from polluted water, he pointed out. Dr. Berry also stress- ed the advantages of a water sys- tem from the standpoint of in- dustrial development. "I hope the people of Bronte Will see fit to undertake a system," he declar- ed. "We are certain of the need of it." Later, in answer to a ques- tion, Dr. Berry stated that if the minister of public health felt: that a water system was an absolute necessity he could issue a man- datory order for one under the Public Health Act. He felt, how- calling for incorporation, among the ratepayers. He asked that the meeting dpprove this petition, i order to strengthen its appeal, 4 motion in support ofthe petitio, was moved by O. R. Livingston and seconded by Reginald Rob- erton. A standing vote was taker and the motion was carried by a substantial majority, ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF "Linen Hall" Mr. R. C. Wickware and Jas. H. Walker will be open- ing a store "Linen Hall" at 23A Col- borne Street, Oakville, on the 16th of November 1950. Mr. Wickware -has been the largest importer of Lin- for the past 40 years, and has a wealth in buying this type of mer- ville and district. Mr. Walker business chandising - experience, is well known locally. Blankets, Towel of the finest quality. inspect their stock. Watch windows November 16th. ever, that the ratepayers should vote on the matter. known as the en Handkerchiefs in Canada of experience chandise, which will be pas- sed on to the people of Oak- brings to the 30 years of mer- and They will specialize in Lin- en Handkerchiefs, Bed Lin- ens, Fancy Linens, Woollen Sets, etc. They will welcome you to for their display on opening day, "They were very ic ov- er their receptions," declared Jim Peat, campaign treasurer and manager of the Royal Bank of Canada branch, who will be in his office each night to check re- turns for the duration of the drive. "There are a lot of people to cover, some of whom will give cash and others will pledge am- oupts to be paid over a convenient period. The early cash donations will be indicative of the trend of the drive, but the amounts pledg- PRINT THE BEST OF BRANDS MODERN COLOURS LATEST PATTERNS WALLPAPER PHONE 334 ed as the canvass progresses will be an important part of the total." "FRASER HARDWARE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE OF NOMINATION Trafalgar Township nominations will be held at the Township hall, Trafalgar at 7 o'clock in the 'eve ning, Daylight Saving Time on Monday, November 20th, 1950. : 1'Reeve, 1 Deputy Reeve, 3 Councillors, 1 Commissioner for the Pablic Utilities Commission of the Township of Trafalgar and trustees for the Trafalgar Township School Area. For the year 1951. If a poll be demanded, election will be held Monday, December 4th,, 1950. Polls will be opened from 9 a.m. to 7 pm. Standard time. S. A. Featherstone, Clerk Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King St. W.--Toronto PHONE: EL 3374 HOLIDAY CLOSING THE LOCAL BREWERS' RETAIL STORE WILL BE CLOSED FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1950 THE HOLIDAY CLOSING ALSO APPLIES TO C.0.D. DELIVERIES BREWERS' WAREHOUSING C0. LTD. hursda; EA One of hat is 80 om the Oakvill hme time nization Eien with limbers gio wing. yeryd dit corent h told | Ol presel [of ront lookin munity h the s

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