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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Oct 1950, p. 12

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Ee I DP Page 12 OAKVILLE-TRAFA LGAR JOURNAL IS YOUR NAME Listed In The Last Paragraph of HOLLYWOOD REPORTER or MUSIC ALBUM this week? A Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King St. W.--Toronto PHONE: EL 3374 Gk fens the minister, Rev. Harry Paw- 3 + son, at a service of Holy Com- bewitching Sony Rev. Russell McGillivray of) new Oakville was the preacher at the evening service. In the afternoon Mr. McGillivray baptized his color af o 8 You touch it to your lips, your cheeks, your nals..: u and something wonderful happens! An unprecedented color..: tor Lipstick, 1.75 Nail Lacquer, 1.25 i Cream Rouge, 1.75 th RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 47 Colborne St. E., Oakville |parish hall each tely WE DELIVER 6.30 to 9 p.m. also in the parish hall. Fall Cleaning T! m Let us clean your Fall clothing and also your lightweight sum- mer aparel For Pick-up & Delivery the an 5: he: grandson, Donald, son of Mr. and) Mrs. while completed, hall's re-opening has yet been set. A number 'of new ker at the annual sionary Society service on Sunday morning, October 15. She is Rev. Elda Daniels, University, Seoul, whose home is in Hamilton. have an interesting message ab- out conditions in Kor Day service this Sunday morning. Secretary of Religious Education, and Roy Belford, of the United Church Observer, gave an instruc- tive talk on Sunday School work nesday evening last week. day ion for fast served by a group of ladies talk. The special ice at 11 am. ris, rector of Grace Church, ton, ple's service in which was to have been held on Tuesday, able members to attend the Hal ton Deanery Bronte. CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY of Mr. was baptized Sunday W. A. and Chapter of the Dean- ery of Halton was held Tuesday. at the Communion seryice. The Missionary address by the Rev. Columbia grandfather of the Rev. A. Green, S when rector of Burlington, foun- WN ded St. Jude's Oakville and St. A AN Luke's, Palermo). Mrs. G. H. NY ON Playle of Hamilton, presided. AY , AN ST. LUKE'S NNT The afternoon branch of the W. A. meets to-day (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Dickenson. The choir will provide the music for the special service at Zimmer- school work, in any denomination, before you put it]|are invited to attend an address away for storage. It will pro-}|by Miss Bernice Jordan, field rep- Sect it Untill you need. it again. || resentative. of the Bible Club SE mahEy Y Movement, in Calvary Baptist * Church on Thursday evening, October 12, at 8 o'clock. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY vice this Sunday will be "Are Sin, Phone 1557 Dan: To Every Creature. Oakuville|: [ = CHURCH NEWS = | ANDREW'S T. Father Kirby will A large congregation ent Sunday morning when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered by Rev. C. K. Nicoll. "A Bundle of Blessings" will be the subject of Mr. Nicoll's sermon on Sunday morning. At the even- ing service he will preach on "Ig- norance is Bliss." There will be a Thanksgiving service in the church at 10.30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 9. The subject of Mr. Nicoll's sermon will be "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places Rev. E. G. B. Foote, chaplain of the fleet, will be the preacher at the morning service on Sun- day, October 15. The monthly meeting of the was celebrate Mass at 830 and 10.30 a.m. Sun- day. pres- decide ona new management set- up," he said, Stress was laid by Mayor Jamps Black on the fact that the muni- cipality was committed to no fur- ARENA (Continued from obtain the lowest struction costs." Page 1) possible con. Faith In Future Royal Bank Thomas Whitely bank's action as of the bank's ed a new branch recently. We were impressed by the sound thinking of the commfttee that had planned this method of im- mediate action that enabled their citizens to spread their donations to the memorial centre over a per- fod of time," said Mr. Whitely. "Most impressive was the fact that pledges for the hospital fund had shown an almost negligible Ladies' Aid Society was held in the Ladies' Parlor on Tuesday af- ternoon ST. JOHN'S Sixteen new members were re- ceived into the congregation of St. John's on Sunday morning by D. R. McGillivray. renovation (of Lusk Hall, well advanced, is mot yet and no date for the The chairs have Woman's Mis-| of Ewha Christian Mrs. Daniels will orea. There will be a Thanksgiving Rev. Frank P. Fidler, Associate t a meeting in Lusk Hall Wed- ST. JUDE'S Children's Day and Youth Sum- was observed at St. Jude's 1 Sunday. A corporate commun- boys and young men at o'clock was followed by a break- nder. the direction of Mrs. C. a) Hooreational Diree| matically dissolved when the . Flippance. Recreational Direc| cflcf™ | (REO ToC en the Ted Kennedy gave a short! of children's ser- was followed by un exhibit of children's work in he parish hall. Rey. J. H. Fer- Mil- the young peo- the evening. Guild meets in the Friday immedia- and the Boys' the same day from preached at i The Girls' after school, uild meets The meeting of the senior W.A. pe fi t t was cancelled to en- W.A. meeting at committee memjrers evolved an to make the loan bank's loan has been extended to a body to be known as the Oak- ville- munity Centre Arena Association Ine. This association will be rent-| ed the centre's site in the 1l-acre Trafalgar Park by the town at $1 a year. It has authority to raise the necssary- funds, build, admin- ster and operate the centre and all its facilities, but will be auto ville district not full amount of the the association under its author- then operate profit portion of the debt, explained Mr. Bell. "We do not believe that it will with er than entirely for the benefit of and the town council default rate." Chairman Bell descrbed the bank's action as a splendid ex- ample of private enterprise co- operating with the citizens of a community. "This is democracy in action, with business assuming a leading part in fulfillment of the wishes of a comlnunity," said Dr. Bell. Sample Public Opinion Decision by the committee to seek a bank loan was not reach- ed until after careful study of the Oakville district's desires, first indicated when a majority of the ratepayers voted for issuance of the debentures to provide $100,000. A survey was then undertaken to ascertain the. overall opinion of residents of the Oakville, Trafal Superintendent described the "a reaffirmation faith in Oakville's future, first shown when we open- ther indebtedness by the plan than the issuance of debentures originally approved by the rate- bayers' vote. Yet, he pointed out, the fown retains p of pany that was to play a part in this most unusual combination of industry, finance, and citizenry towards an objective which, bas: ed on his experlence, was one of the "finest citizenship-building facilities any community could possess." BD Thursday, October 5, 195, Quality & Servige Scade's Grocery (Bill Scade) Dundas & Division Sts, Delivery: Phone 505 the community centre. "Our gratitude should be ex- pressed to the bank for its willing- ness to co-operate in making such a plan feasible," said Mayor Black, "because the townsfolk will be assured of the centre at the lowest possible cost of con- struction, All they must do is pay for it under the comparatively long-term arrangement made pos- sible in this way, with pledges oyer a period of years lightening the burden for the average fam- ily. I have every confidence that they will meet the $100,000 can- vass objective because our people put their children's well being in the forefront of their thinking." Dept. Approves Mayor Black stated that the en- J. F. CARTER Jarvis & Ryrie REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE -- MORTGAGES 118 COLBORNE ST. EAST Phone 490 -- Holidays 296-W OPEN EVENINGS , ASSOCIATE tire plan had been presented to the Department of Municipal Af- fairs for consideration and had met all requirements. The depart ment had held that the $100,000 debenture issue would not impair the town's financial 'stability. James A. Peat, Manager of the] local branch of the Royal Bank and treasurer of the committee under Brig. James A. Roberts|| which will conduct the canvass to complete the centre, is making the necessary arrangements for pledges to be paid on a basis suit- able to the wishes of individual donors. Campaign Soon Brig. Roberts said, "At present been ordered. Installation of thef8ar, Bronte district, whether tax-| MY campaign committee is or- new oil heating plant to heat the[ Pavers or not. A separate fact. Banizing for a two-week drive church and the hall has been| finding committee was set up, in-| Which will be conducted in ap- completed, and the plant was in| cluding executives of all local| Proximately a month's time. The operation Sanday. service i and officials 1 pattern 1 by, An evacuated missionary from|Oof the Community Programs| the hospital campaign will be our war-torn Korea will be the spea-| Branch of the Ontario Depart.| blueprint for this drive." ment of Education. Headed by of- ficials of Canadian Facts Ltd, a nationally-known research or- izati a scientific of opinion was taken which re. vealed an almost identical propor-| tion ratio to that revealed by the vote in favor of such an under-| taking. Details of the arrangements for the loan reyeal - a plan which which received "council's sanction rafalgar Memorial Com- Will Pay Way Should the people of the Oak- subscribe the indebtedness, ty as an incorporated body could the enterprise for to discharge the unpaid ever be necssary to operate profit-seeking motives rath- he people of this district. On ulfillment of its capital debt-re- iring responsibliities, the assoc- fon must automatically dissolve will then|4 9) such possible. The Norman O. Hipel, president of the firm of N. 0. Hipel Ltd, of Preston, which specfalizes in the construction of such projects, ac- cepted the contract for the con- struction of the centre last week. It calls for completion of the en- tire project at a fixed price, with no so-called escalator clauses. Local Suppliers "It is the policy of my firm in undertakings to request all local contractors and suppliers to id on sub-contracts," said Mr. Hipel. "Provided that quality, price and performance are equal, We invariably prefer to have the local businessmen working with us. We will follow this policy in this instance. "The association has asked that an ice surface be available for skating on Christmas Day. Sub- ject. to the usual problems 'faced by all contractors, I am confident that their wish in this respect will be met." Mr. Hipel expressed satisfaction and pleasure that it was his com- versity of instruction, buying, selling, job opportuni- ties that will keep their h find the Journal classifieds efficient promotions! Oakvill Everybody Reads Classifieds SWIMMERS consult the classified columns for a di- Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 eads above water. You'll your springboard to more Ee Oakville Ready-Mix C ON C EXE IT XE Phone Oakville 928 ¢ 2 » Virginia Ruth and Mrs. Green, daughter John L. Green morning. The annual meeting of the he Bishop of Niagara preached was delivered Allan Greene of the Coast Mission. ( The en's U.C. Sunday evening. CALVARY BAPTIST All those interested in Sunday The subject .of the 11 a.m. ser- and Death e citations "Preach Real?" from the Gospel These signs follow them that believe. hey shall lay hands on the sick d they shall recover." Mark 16: -18. The Wednesday will include evening meet- testimonies of Cleaners): marks on Christian Science. | aling, and experiences and re- CHAS. F. DOTY & SON PHONE 76 TIME TO INSULATE NOW! ORDER YOUR INSULATION MATERIALS RIGHT NOW AND BE READY WHEN THE COLDER WEATHER SETS IN INSULATION ALWAYS PAYS FOR ITSELF IN A VERY FEW YEARS IN FUEL SAVED AND IT ADDS DOLLARS TO THE RESALE VALUE OF EVERY HOME. PHONE US FOR YOUR NEEDS. AND BUILDING SUDPDLIES DUNDAS STREET NORTH AFTER HOURS: 558-W OR 670 } loo] la fice sale ld studs

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