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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 Jul 1950, p. 7

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> A Fhursday, July 13, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 7 People (Continued from Page 2) Mrs. eek-end at Craig Leith. eres and Mrs. Mr. & Events yesterday Gladys Moran spent last| Oe" Sound: | Mrs. Flynn, Kingston, their daughter and |B: P. Lunay, and Mrs. Hedley | home at Fenelon Falls, sss Cameron Lake, for a week. Ab. Wilcox and his daughters, Mary Jane and Dordi Ann, for a holiday near A. A. Biggar and Miss Clara Bigger were guests of Mrs. 3 at her summer near Everybody Reads Classifieds MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS, who long for new chal- enges, consult the "travel" columns of the classi- fieds. Oakvillians, few of whom ARE mountain 'clim- bers, are nevertheless quite as travel conscious. Whether they are just desirous of hitching a ride to work or if they are looking for an ideal spot to spend a summer vacation, they always read the classifieds FIRST. So to get peak response, insert your adver- tisement in these much read columns of Oakville- Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Banfield, their daughter Arnya and their son Stirling, left today for month's motor trip to the east coast. Mrs. E. Banfield and Miss Margaret Banfield of Toronto are staying at King's Castle, during theif Bbsenes. PE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Sketch entertained on Saturday after- noon sees Mrs. I. 'W. Wilcox spent a few days last week with her sister in Owen Sound. cere Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tremblay, Crescent Rd., announced the ar- rival of a daughter on Monday. Executives, members of the office staff, and plant employees of Langmiur Paint Co. with their families enjoyed their annual picnic to Hidden Valley, near Aldershot, on Saturday. Swim- ming, baseball, miniature golf and horseshoe pitching provided plenty of amusement, and there were good things to eat for ev- eryone. Nearly a hundred attend- ed. ER Mrs. W. H. C. Mussen' and Mrs. Erroll McDougall, Montreal, are arriving this week for a visit with the former's sister, Lady Baillie. esse Mrs. Tom Makin entertained at tea on Monday afternoon. sw Mr. Frank Smith is spending his vacation with his family at Georgian Bay. Pex aw Mr. and Mrs. John Botterell announced the arrival of their son, James Parkhill, on Sunday, at Oakville Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Elton McLean entertained on Saturday for guests from Oakvill, Stoney Creek and Trafalgar. Mrs. G. Howell, Horace How- ell, Mrs. Fred Harris, Miss Sue Harris and Mrs. Harrison attend- ed the Halton Deanery Anglican Laymen's Rally at Lowville on Sunday. » rrr e A. MacMurray the home of his daughter, Elmer McLean, where he der the doctor's care. Faxem is staying at Mrs. is un- Donald Green of Royal Mili- tary College is spending the sum- mer with the R.C.A.F. at Trenton. sess (Canon D. Russell and Mr: Smith, i by Mrs. H. Are you listening? Oakville Drug Co. Ltd. nationally advertised possible prices--every day of every health and beauty sells your favorite aids at the lowest week. And that is why values like these shout of the savings you enjoy every time you shop here. while in satisfaction . . . youll find it worth your Yes- buy all your drug store needs at Oakville Drug Co. Ltd. worthwhile--worth your while in economy--to VACUUM BOTTLES PLASTIC BEACH BAG BOX CAMERA Hawkeye SMILES & CHUCKLES Summer Candy Assortment AEROSOL BOMB BATHING CAPS PLASTIC BEACH BALL SUN GLASSES INSECT REPELLENT INSECT SPRAY 16 oz. FROSTADE & FRESHIES from from 1.49 1.50 6.00 5c ea. A World of Refreshment That's what rich rup and water. ice-cream, Come they all about our frosty super-soda. A wonderful blend of creamy say luscious sy- peppy carbonated and refresh yourself at our cool fountain with this taste-treat that puts a sparkle in your eyes and a spring in your step. Oakville Drug Co. Limited Colborne St. E. Phone 94 Len Hope, Mgr. Dixon, have left by car to visit Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and Mr. B. Dixon in North Hatley, Quebec. segs Mr. and Mrs. Jack flew to Bermuda Sunday. Kennish Bronte Mrs. Fred Rogers is spending a few days with friends and rel- atives in Ottaw seas Mr. and Mrs. Hoey and family are enjoying a trip through the Province of Quebec. ERC Lorraine Heaton leaves week for a month's vacation in California. Mrs. Celia Roberts, Hamilton, was a guest in the village the past week. sss Little Gail Rennie underwent an operation at the Oakville hospital last week, She is now at home and doing nicely. The employees of the Ont. Met- al Specialities are back at work again after a 2 weeks' holiday, and have started the job of cleaning up after the fire, xn The many frienfls of Mrs. G Kershey will be sorry to hear she is a patient in the Oakville hospital. sess Mrs. A. D. Scarrow celebrated her 80th birthday at her home here on Wed. July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartland, Mrs. Wm. Bray and Judy, have returned home after a visit with relatives in Nova Scotia. sess Mrs. Chas. Lawlor, Sheila and Shirley, left Sunday for an ex- tensive visit with friends and relatives in Flat N.S. sess Mr. and Mrs. Grant Williams spent the week-end In Port Dover. There were 24 local Anglicans from here who attended the Hal- ton Deanery Rally in Lowville Park last Sunday. Pr Mrs. F. G. Wiman, Peterbor- ough, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholson, Dunbarton, Ont. spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hopkins. cesses the younger folks celebrated thelr birthdays the past week. Allan Sargant was 7 on Thursday; Several of in the village Lois Shaw 13 and Nancy Hill § The Mayor Reports By James R. Black As the time for the payment of the first installment of taxes approaches it might be interest ing to citizens to have. a com- parison of expenditures which have occasioned the higher tax dollars that appear on their bills. In December 1949 it was stated by myself at the Chamber of Commerce public meeting that no increase in the town expenses could be foreseen, and this posi- tion has been maintained. There are, however, some liabilities that your council cannot control These are school expenditures, both public and high, and the county rate. In each case, your council returned the original fig- ures to these boards for revision, and if possible, reduction, with- out success. The past two years' figures are as follows; County Rate .. Bodrd of Parks General Town Gen. Debentures H. S. Debentures H. S. Expenses P. S. Expenses Local Improvement \Public Relief It will the actual town general maintenance figures are down in 1950, and that we have in fact absorbed approximately 31% mills of the expenditures we cannot control. I should also like to remind taxpayers that prepay- ment certificates for the payment of taxes are available at the office of the Town Clerk, and of- fer a saving now of about 3 per cent on the second and third installments. be seen therefore that operation and on Friday; Bobby Hopkins 12 on Saturday. ssw Mr. A. Hickson, his son Jimmy and David Kendall spent a day fishing at Frenchman's Bay. save The Fireman's be held Friday and Saturday nights of this week. There will be rides, games, and a stage show. Good prizes for bingo. Come out and support the Bronte fire department. Carnival will GARDEN TOUR NETS SUBSTANTIAL SUM The recent garden tour con- ducted by the Women's Auxiliary of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital netted a profit of $2,232 23, Mrs. Bremner C. Green, chair- man of the Auxiliary's publicity committee, informed the Journal. "This was excellent," said Mrs. Green, "We were very pleased with the success of the tour. Re- totalled $2,584, and expen- 1.77. The only expenses were for advertising and supplies for the tea. Encouraged by the splendid patronage accorded the tour, the Auxiliary plans to hold another one next year, and has already fixed the dates as Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 21, d 23. Most of the proceeds from this year's tour are being used to Duis PRICED SELL! @ Their owners traded em in on new 1950 Evinrudes. The better known makes, in the most popular sizes. No "'klunkers"--we deal only in sound, serviceable motors. Expertly reconditioned in our own shop and excellent values at the prices we've tagged 'em. Drop in-- we'll gladly help you choose the right one for your boat. EVINRUDE SALES & SERVICE A. G. HEAVEN 86 Colborne St. Oakville, Ontario furnish the nurses' apartments. The two apartments, located in a Reynolds Street apartment house, are now both completely furnished. One has been occupied by five members of the hospital nursing staff for the past three weeks, and the other is now ready for occupancy. Some of the money is being used to purchase a thermotic drainage pump for the hospital, and if any remains it will be xpned on other hos- pital accessoris SHEER SPARKLE wardrobe cris- ply - fresh for summer sheers and prints! Send your to us reg- ularly. We give fine fab- rics the careful treatment Keep your dresses they deserve. * For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 akville Cleaners $100 Doll $25 Twins Blanket THANKS A MILLI The Lions Club of Oakville to express it's thanks to the people of Oakville, Clarkson, Bronte and District for their splendid support at their 1950 carnival. x and To The Prize Winners CONGRATULATIONS! LeRoy Morden, 15 REYNOLDS ST. N., OAKVILLE Mrs. E. Hodges, 190 REYNOLDS ST. N., OAKVILLE Harold Maxwell, CHURCH ST., OAKVILLE 1950 Ford - Mrs. E. Snowball, 91 SPRUCE ST., OAKVILLE NEXT YEARS DATES - JULY 5-6-7 wishes

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