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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 27 Apr 1950, p. 9

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Thursday, April 27, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 9 Directory The Cookee Column Mr. Punch Was All U IT WAS SOMEONE'S BIRTH- pset Punch "Mr, thinks it's INSURANCE ELECTRICAL DAY, HE WAS SURE-- birthday today," said eh Re T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL eo "Today Said Mr. Punch tof Mr Punch was getting mora Real Estate and Insurance COMMERCIAL BOO! Teddy the Stuffed Bear, Mary-|and more upset. "I know it's 139 Colborne Street East DOMESTIC 3 oe ihe ragdoll, and General somebody's birthday today. Im e - - - - Phone 532 ELECTRICAL SERVICE Patsy's Kid Tin the tin soldier; "today is|sure of it. Iwe got it marked on 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC somebody's birthday. I'm sure of |my calendar: BIRTHDAY TO. Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 CONTRACTORS Fudgee it. But whose birthday it is I|DAY. And whoovers birthday it 3 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown can't seem to remember." is I've. got to get him--or hor : Phone 1059 Oskville By HERBERT C. MERRY _ Teddy said he was protty sure|a prosen GENERAL INSURANCE | 57 ---- it wasn't his birthday. By this time Mr. Punch's wire, BILL ANDERSON Fa "What date is your birthday?" |Judy, who we 3 H. S. THORNTON RADIO - CHAPTER 14 we'd found Fudgee but she could : rn Whe was in thelr lttle ill APPLIANCES & ] Could Mr. Punch asked Teddy house on th IS A le Knew was ar- ville Phone 874 Sales & Service PUP LOST--REWARD Rot fool me. I knew it was near-| 'ne at S 33 = R oh the | other wide (of the are A ova I Taffee had given up. Sho [ly feeding time for her and fog], Th SOUR of Septober I think, [playroom cooking dinner, cane Lakes Dunn St. North - Oakville |12°®d in all the places she could | Patsy--she knew it too. Ten ) out In her white apron, and sat -- A. F. BERRILL thing of for the missing little 'm sure I don't know col are Jeneral Tin interrupted in|down on a stool next to General ---- "Oakville's Active B ror L. F. CLEMENT sister. Now she was tired of the|Some one had to come and eal | oe fo say that thera | Tin to take a ttle rest lk c oe A cer' HOME ELECTRIC game and having decided she that little puppy," Ture said as| yoy oe date. "The mast "What's al thi talk about sta e =n usiness| AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE [coulin't win her smelly old fish | opened the back door ea oe hays ie 31, By she zald ; roker ALER back she'd given up and saunter- | little Fudgee one was my favour.| Franres : 2 S50 on Sontoner my dear" sald Mn 5 nsurance Commercial Sales & Serviced Off to visit her Pal Aunt Ath-|ite and she was Pate favour | Septobers sat aor month of| Punch, "is your birthday today Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 Livingston Stroy of hx a ITE ht a Scptoder" sald Mary-Jane. "You| "No sald Judy. i i nust mean September" " FER TL and Oil Burner Units ing something about deserving "F 'don't. (Nik sie was stolen? TIS ews September," she sald i Dear me, sghed Mr. Punch; Service & Installation of all [at least half of her lovely beau. |T as I unloaded the bags of| wor Qotober™ said M fear dear me CARSTEN GLAHN Makes Uful old fishy-wishy for the groceries onto the counter by |g Rene he om, Baal, rary ured Semcthing ieiaalinlay WORK GUARANTEED | Work she'd done the sink, "F think she aw Heli |e 1 yours: Mor ony J (O0AY Rrart and Hand now noticed ID cian PHONE 1441 "I found six of them for you|Wandered AWAY to sone cottage) yours, Mary Jane that Judy was winking to them 1 63 Colborne St. E. & Shook Her Head They w: a Ph eo 16 THOMAS ST. N. and surely if you have one brain [and has either been taken in or| 5 hey Went over to her because one Between 30%, © WeR Nhe Mary-Jane shook her head and [she seemed to want to tell them WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.0,| _ GENERAL ELECTRIC [could fin sme litle wey to Tattoo go 1t can ey Was on July 4. | something. When they reached, -- Optometrist * Optician Oil Burners : missing puppy," she said. "Why [almost exploded : Se a Se toda. she sald her side she turned and whisper A 694 Colborne St. Oakville, On Commercial Refrigeration her legs are so short she couldn't | mouse trap by eac 1} an Ton Ee mn, oe Punch ed something to them. Then an p , ales nstallation : mma) must be your birthday, sir" |of them smiled § (Over the Bank of Commerce Possibly get very far. But, be|We'll catch her for nd even | «ey " 2 erieat Wel) I} Professional eye examination & oe A. C. PENN that as it may, T am washing my [if we don't we Sate 8 Tat ot a on : sald General Tin Well sald Judy the next } prescription services, Maple Ave., Phone 1544 | paws of the whole episode. You|mice and that would be gooc MY birthday is on Christmas| moment In a loud voice to Mur. i 507 Oakvill good in en : E ERLEPHONS 1507 akville are in charge of the hunt from [any case.' ai you're so wre ith E Closed A ay 3 this point on' Giggling Soe I mixed up Cr PL somebody's birthday today, I i ! NURSERIES BP Giggling to her P the puppies' supper ) Ws |) HOURS: Daily 930 am-5 pm. self she disappeared around the and soaked the Kibble for Py think you ought to get some sort |) Thursday evening --7.00-8.00 p.m. ROBT. NIELSEN corner of the Pioneer Cottage and Taffee. T told Taffeo to go & of Premnt for him or for her | or by appointment NURSERIES I didn't know any other place [See if she could rouse Patsy. I t away. Then, when you fin= W. A. CAMPBELL Garden Design ad Landscape | to look. The only thing I could do | thought possible she might. be [gh Temember whose birthday I LA. g now was put up a sign at o | Stole boca tines 3 #, you will have it to give ™ | ELS -- a sign at the|sic L usually when she : EV | = :M, Sh T= SHRUBS -- ROSES | orner of the. road where all| heard me dip into the Kibble While Judy was saying this, Accredited Veterinarian EVERGREEN! Knart Hours by Appointment We Grow - Design - Plant | COU48ers would see it, and an-|tin she was right on hand to pick haart and Hania were quistly : other one in the Post Office up [up any bits that were spilled £ lo Teddy and Mary-Jane Home Office 29 Herald Ave. ete, fg : AR or enoral Oakville RR. 1 town where all the town's people| Taffee was back like a flash oral Tin, and whispering an Phone 1444-W would see it. Lost one tiny little | Her were nearly bulging something to all of them. It muat E = TTI; ce buppy, a dark brownish colour, [out of her head. She was so ex. Have hee fomething amuaing Phone 1344 ¥ he + 3 i LINBROOK NURSERIES [Who might answer to the name [cited she could hardly speak Robin all of them instantly ? | row of Fudgee but likely wouldn't| "Youll never believe ft yo amiled and sald to Mr, Puneh : OSTEOPATH ? Growers of Ae i aT pear |eiteve {tnyoy loudly: "Yes, got the p ' 5 High Quality Nursery Stock er lo any name at all. She really never will unless you come g & he present E CARLTON GREEN Designers of Fine Gardens |\andersd away from Owlscroft [and look for yourselt," she splute Wh rh Set 2 vgn awayl Osteopath pi] ing -- Cottage in pursuit of her Aunt|tered. "Come and sce Patsy los. blrthdiy In 162" Punch So finally Mr. Punch got a pres Jsteop: Contracting d ay Tod, | 63 Division Street EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J | Taffee and hasn't heen seen since! come quickly und look at her septs sent: A beautiful pencil box with By Appointment Only. Ae u T= -- ------------ (2nd a reward will be paid to the|right now. I couldn't believe my So {t can't be my birthday [twelve pencils, an eraser, six y: | Phone 826 OAKVILLE NURSERIES [Person who returns her to her|own eyes so I have to come for today ia Christmas Day. [clips and ten red rubber bands i Evenings, Wednesday After-|Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding | family! youl" dod. This will do for a he or she, he B Plants I went to the desk and made| I rushed to the bedroom and sald Mr. Punch sald. "But which he? Which shat 4 00ND. UT = ii Sant. -- ', N i noon, Saturday and Sunday. Landscaping -- Fruits the two signs on pieces of card- [there was Patsy all curled up in| That's what I thought," sald [Oh dear, it X only knew -- L BARRISTERS Lakeshore Highway W. board that had once been break-|her basket just like she wis oral Pin, sounding quite| And at this instant everybody | Phonte Bronte 56W fast food boxes. I used a red|when I looked at her before I|K10OMY again In the room shouted: "It's your i ANGUS McMILLAN crayon for the capital letters and| Went up town. She didn't move, | JUSt thon Knarf and Hanid, the birthday, Mr. Punch! Happy ! Barrister -- Solicitor FLOOR SERVICE put the name Fudge in large (but as I got down close to in-|Shadows, came into the play- [birthday to you!" Mv. Punch was z blue letters. Next I got the ham- | spect, something else vo, [TOOM. "Congratulations!" Mp. [certainly surprised. He loved his Notary Public go am- | spect, I did move, ! 107 Colbo Street East BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE | mer and some tacks - cod mola little ball unrolled itself from [Punch sald, hoping that one or | birthday present, and he LOVED i rlortaus Oakville 532 FLOOR SANDING then ready to go up town. I|among Patsy's feathers ana|the other of them would wmile|the birthday cake that Judy, : REFINISHING Would stop on the way and put|stuck it's little head out. A little| And say: "Thank you Mr. Punch | without letting anyone know, had ar | ROSS RYRIE LINOLEUM TIOORS LAID. [ono sign onthe: Mg fim! tesa jred toni tidhet a ittie dark [fOr remembering' But neither of [just finlshed baking, But he k on a LINO MANO RUBBER THLE [orn i eattege cal Paton any two bendy little | them didi. All they did waa to [couldn't imagine how he could dy | Sr Public PHONE BRONTE 154 see it. eyes blinked up me. A tiny |!00k astonished have forgotten his own birthday. | 61-A Coiborne St. East W. H. PARKIN L called to Patsy to see if she little voice sald "Peok-n-boo!" It | mm---- -- | x be wanted to go for the ride but she|was Fudgee, Patsy kid Fudge Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w McConachie & Jones D. A. McConachie Richard Jones Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 169 COLBORNE ST. Telephone Oakville 1304 Floor Sanding & Refinishing Phone 1058-W ROOFING NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing supplied & sold JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 38 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) BUILDING 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216 JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue Telephone 1237-R ACCOUNTING C. L. OLIVER and CO. Accounting and Auditing, Business Systems Installed CHAS. WATT Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE - 903 didn't stir.I looked into the bed- room and saw her curled up in her basket. She must have been sleeping soundly had not been lost, but only mis laid. Patsy you miserable old nut," I sald, "We've been looking ull because she | Jarvis & Ryrie she didn't even raise her head [over the place for this pup and J. F. CARTER, ASSOCIATE and look at me. Nor did she of-[here you have her In your bed fer any conversation. safe and sound all the time, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES "Well I said to myself, she "Well crooked orickets and 1 a gq T must really be sleepy to miss a [pickled peo-wees' wald Fatsy 8 COLHORNE ST. EAS trip up town in the car, "surely a mother Is allowed to Phone 490 -- Holidays 296-W An hour later I was back |have a nap with one of her child RAITT TYR Fe a again, I'd put up the signs and [ren without everyone on the OPEN EVENINGH spread the news abroad. I'd left | shore getting Into a sult about - word In Lorn Ball's drug atore|it, lm't she?" She stepped out | me---------- = and In Reed's Grocery store. Taf-|of her basket and followed hy fee was walting on the back |Pudgee she ambled out of the steps for us, She'd decided to be [bedroom to the kitchen. "Come, arsten a n an Athol dog no longer for that|como," she sald "don't sit about day and had come home, She on the bedroom floor, It's supper Optometrist Optician sald came home to see If [time and Fudgee and I are hun 163 Colborne Street Oakville gry." gan z -- TELEPHONE 1378 -- WM. SEALE - v AL | S50 TRUE OFFICE HOURS Custom Tractor Work q 1 Wood Sawing, Pl Worry can be likened to a Dally 0.80 to 6.00 Byvenings ood Sawing, Plowing, | ocking chair 1t will aways gi Hat 5.80 to 12,00 Mon, and Thurs, 7 to # Discing, Ete. | you something to do, but it won't Phone 224-W | Bet you anywhere Or By Appc sintment TORONTO - PLaza 5491 Income Tax Returns 32 Thomas Street P.O. Box 402 fam. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT Chartered Accountant Telephone Oakville 1399 153 Colborne St. REPAIRS GENERAL CONTRACTORS For Cement Work Drains and Wells Waterproofing Phone Port Credit 4700 JAMES DURHAM Painting Contractor Spray and Brush Work ESTIMATE SUPPLIED Phone 1436) Ogkville all types of cial d domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. elephone 521M or 1423W Oakville LAZING, REPAIR WORK All kinds of Carpentry A. S. Wright PHONE 1309J Evenings D. G. PENMAN 5. Carpets and Upholstered uiture Cleaned In Your Own Home. le Equipment -- Satisfact- lon Guaranteed B Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 SURVEYING H. D. SEWELL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Oakville - Phone 1297-J WILLY DEE STAND RIGHT HEAH, CLOSE YOUR | GUESS THAT WAG EYES AND THROW IT CVER YouR CROALDES YOR Coots LUE, A BAD LUCK aed THE Tar ea iy Vie Green MUGGS AND SKEETERY I -

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