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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Apr 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE an Ann Suthon of Palermo, a pup- il at Oakville-Trafalgar High| School, took part in the solo, duet | and trio contests in the annual festival of sacred praise at Olde Davenport United Church, Tor- onto, during Easter week, and al- so sang in a girls' ensemble of ten voices, She is a member of the high school choir, with which she sang in the recent Kiwanis festival. sess Mr. and Mrs. William Hill have returned from an extensive motor tour that took them to British Columbia, down the Pa- cific coast to California, and back through the United States to Florida. Their daughter, Miss Lorraine Hill, who had been stay- ing with the former Barbara Root on Vancouver Island, re- turned with them. sare Mr. J. E. Hammell has return- ed from the Bahamas, where he has spent the winter months, seman Mrs, BE. Pirie is visiting with the Arthur Slacers in Florira. reuse Mr, and Mrs. Irven Fell and Mr. and Mrs, H, C. Merry return- ed Saturday night from a motor trip to Williamsburg, Va. vee Mr, and Mrs. Richard George and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hardy have returned from a visit to Wilmington, North Carolina. Some sixty former students of Appleby College assembled at the college Saturday. evening for the annual dinner of Appleby Old Boys! Association, Duncan Gor- don, retiring president, was in the chair, and the principal speaker was E. V. Brown, head- master of the lower school, Rid- ley College, St. Catharines, and a former pupil and master of Appleby. W. E. Davis of Oak- ville was elected president of the Association. Among the guests was H. C. Walker, Toronto, chair- man of the college hoard of gov- ernors; Fra A highlight of the Easter hol- iday week for hundreds of town youngsters was the Friday mat- ince sponsored by Ross Stores. The kids howled as Henry Ald- rich sought to solve his many school boy problems on the Gre- gory theatre screen, then howled some more as three Disney car- toons followed. unas Budreos and the Major David The George Ray Colletts and Low attended the Lorne-Scot Regimental' Ball in Brampton Armories on Friday night. sews Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Windeler attended the Mining Convention banquet on Monday night. APRA My. Terry Bayly returned from a business trip to the Manatoulin on Saturday. Mr. Burke has return- ed from a business trip to Brit- ish Guina. BE. T. C 0 EVENTS [| Balmy weather winter attic storage for the season's initial assault on green and fairway. A wll quota of en- thusiasts thronged Golf Club course, while down Lorne Park way, other local shotsmiths found a long lineup at the first tee, ssn The annual election of officers of the Optimist Club of Oakville will take place at the reguar dinner meeting to be held n Riv- erside Lodge on Tuesday evening, April 25. Annual reports of the retiring executive will also be presented at this meeting. ssn Carole and Bill Birge enter- tained at a dance at their home Wednesday evening last week. sesso J. P. R. Wadsworth has been appointed superintendent of the Alberta branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with head- quarters at Calgary. sso The men of St. Jude's Church will hold a garden party on the church grounds Saturday after- noon and evening, June 17. sees Mrs, Robert Wallace (nee El- ma Hagerman) and son David, visited old friends. here over the past weéek-end. sass Mrs. R. Kindersley, a Captain of the C.N.LB. entertained the assistants for the local drive for The Blind, which starts April 25th, at tea yesterday. Smith and Mr: are among the who are at- LODE. Mrs, Malcolm A. H. Downey L.O.D.B. members tending the Provincial convention in Hamilton, sens The J. T. Ashleys have moved into their new house-on the Mor- rison Road. and Mrs. Tim Watson entertained on Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bull's wedding anniversary. Mr. Mr, Gordon Ferris left this week on a business trip to Van- couver and other western cities sees Jamie Armour came down Monday with red measles, PIPE The George Budreos entertain- ed at supper on Sunday night. sean Winners from C.JP.T. Monster : 1st, Mr. R. Grief; ; Giles; 3rd, Mrs, D Stewart; 4th, Mrs. P. Smith, Winners of the draw: 1st, H. R. Tompkins, Oakville; 2nd., Mrs, E. Slack, Beamsville; 8rd, Mrs, M Marriott, Oakville. PRP The Ladies Ald Society of Knox Church will hold a spring tea at the home of Mrs, W, O Gibson, 82 King St, on Thurs- dny, April 27, from three to five thirty. Sunday saw scores of golf bags pulled out of the Oakyille THE OLD HOME TOWN muse By STANLEY PEDOLER MEETS A 8rog i; ne, AND SWINGS acne i CIF 1 CALL OFF THE DoG= LL HAVE TO UNTANGLE ha - ITS EASIER TO ST NATURE TAKE ITS COLRSE ,, 2) Mr, and Mrs. Willard Skoog and small daughter Linda, of Delhi, are visiting Mr. Skoog's parents. swe en Mr. Roy Price, of Lindsay, and his mother, visited old friends here Sunday. BRONTE Funeral services for David Austin Kaiser, 23-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Kaiser who was drowned Sunday when he fell of a small dock near his East St. home, were held Tuesday af- ternoon from the Southalt fu- neral home, at Burlington. Inter- ment was in Greenwood Cem- ctery. Surviving, in addition to his parents, were four brothers, Philip, Donald, Paul and Ken- neth; a sister, Carol; his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kai er, Sr; and his maternal grand- mother, Mrs. Harry Stainer of Burlington. sis Miss Lorraine Heaton, Mrs. A. Elliott, and Mrs, Frank Watt spent the week-end in Buffalo, N.Y. www ean and John Gilliam have home in Wel- the school Mrs. W. carol returned to their land after spending holidays with Mr. and Gilliam. PE Mr. and Mrs. K. Hornibrook, Hamilton, and Mrs. D. Jackson, Dunnville, visited with relatives in the village during the past week. ema Don't forget the home baking and rummage sale in the United Church basement this coming | Saturday at 2 p.m. "een Miss Maxwell McKim, nurse- in-training at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, spent last week at her home here, Brownie Brenda Busby won the egg given by the L.A. for selling the most eggs in their Easter | project. The egg was given by {Brenda fo a neighbour, Mrs, | Truman Aitcheson who has been |i for sometime. Mrs, Jack Osborne spent a day last week in Toronto at the An- nual Home and School conven- tion. sess A garage on the Lakeshore Highway west, owned by Mr. J. Berryman, Toronto, was com- pletely destroyed by fire last Thursday, April 13, Another grass fire at the home of Mr. K. Russell 3 line gave the local fire dept. a run last Sunday morning. rene Joan Trethewey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. Trethewey fell while roller skating and suffer- ed a broken arm. Joan at the time was visiting at the home of her Grandmother, Mrs. L. M. Bray. She is now a patient at her home and is doing nicely. Winners at the weekly euchre held by the Community Club were as follows, Mrs, K. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartland, Jackie MacDonald. The draw was won by Mr. D. Fitzsimmons. seman Mrs. Thos. Millward, Billy and Bobby, were visitors for a few days the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Brown, Sarnia, Ont. EP Mrs. Hugh Rayburn and daughter Patsy spent the Easter holidays at the home of Her par- ents in Chalk River, Ont. TRAFALGAR Miss Ann Klausen, Dundas Highway, and a pupil of S. S. No. 12, Maple Grove, underwent a tonsilectomy on Thursday duf- ing the holidays. esas A meeting of the church boards of Trafalgar charge was held at Wesley Church on Tues- day evening, April 11th. Trafalgar Memorial Hall was a busy place on Wednesday and Friday nights of last week, On Wednesday, the North Trafalgar Community Club held their mon- thly euchre and dance. Mrs, Elmer McLean and Mr. Howard Cullingham were awarded the LAST TIMES TODAY! Ida Lupino Howard Duff in "Woman in Hiding" = NTUR COMING MAY 1ST! "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" In Technicolor FRIDAY, SATURDAY Sai APRIL 21-22 Sim APRIL 24-25-26 prizes for the highest scores in euchre. On Friday night, the Drumquin Women's Institute sponsored an _euchre with Mrs. W. Durie and Mr. Harvey Dunn winning the prizes. The quilt for which the Institute ladies have been selling tickets was won DY . Oliver in the draw. During the Easter holiday week the Women's Association of Wesley and Munn's Churches each held a social evening in the Sun- day School halls. At Wesley, Mrs. H. Cullingham and Laverne Near won the crok- inole prizes. At Munn's, Mrs. Ewart Hall and Mrs. Ross Fair- barn were the successful contes- tants. The socials were held on Monday and Thursday evenings respectively. saree On Friday evening, the Sheri- Thursday, April 20, 195) VALUABLE DISCARD Spring housecleaning is a t for discarding things which put you in touch with a pos buyer--or if there is' somet: you need, you will probably it under the For Sale col Everything from rakes and to furniture and clothing vertised in these low cost ad tisements that entér over town and district homes week to tell the occupants y 1a or visit the office at 7 Dunn North, we will be glad to assis you with the wording of your » advertisements cose for the most local read. ble. Try one next week ang] dan ponsored one of their regular social evenings, Miss Velma Bentley and Mr. Chas. Lambert winning the priz- es. sass Mr. and Mrs. David Clark (Loreen MacMurray) of Toronto, were week-end guests at the home of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer McLean. They at- tended the W.I. euchre and dance on Friday evening. cases Miss Lois Biggar returned on Sunday night from. a ten day's trip to Bermuda. She went by plane to Bermuda, returning as far as New York by boat. After a three days' stay in New York, she travelled by train to Toronto. The cold spring weather must be general as Miss Biggar says (Continued on Page 7) see the results. A Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King St. W.--Toronto PHONE: EL 3374 Let us return the IN OAKVILLE IN BRONTE Forsythe St. at the Lake Bring in those SUITS and DRESSES m Fresh and New PHONE 1123 PHONE 210 Bor Leadership I RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Phone 1123 THUR., FRI, SAT. Roaring adventure leaps across fe the screen! eH IE} = ®) kt or PEGGY ANN McCALLISTER- GARNER | Preston FOSTER q EXTRA! COLORED LAUREL & SHOW STARTS Sa , 6. CROUCHED TO KILL! ------ -- pS TECHN COrLQ » HARDY IN "BE BIG" CARTOON, LATEST WORLD NEWS SHOW STARTS, Tnurs., Fri.,, 7 p.m. Last show 9 p.iv 45. Last show 9.05 p.m. MON., TUES., WED. P) ries Lica Films Release plete show 8.20 p.m. APRIL 24-25- 2 Eogle Lica Fil=s presets "TRAPPED" A Boyan For Frogwd cod Lovo "BRIDGES BARBARA PATTON JOHN HOYT ! EXTRA COLORED CARTOON SHOW STARTS Mon., Tues., Wed., 7 p.m. Last ¢? AHR ED ft be =, YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE. PHONE 635" CRECORY

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