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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Apr 1950, p. 10

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Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL "= CHURCH NEWS = | CHURCH of the EPIPHANY Gary Bernard Bugler, son of Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Bugler, Bronte, was baptized Sunday by his grandfather, the Rev. W. G. Bugler, Detroit. The Sponsors were Mr. Arnold Ames and Miss Katherine Pell. Mrs. Albert E. Oates and her sister Miss Sis- sons, gave the flowers in the by the Presbyterian Church of the Maritimes, became a res- ponsibility of the United Church of Canada at the time of Union, and the information given by Miss Rampersab assured those present that the work has made a great contribution to the well being of those East Indian peo- ple, and is still needed because of {ts strategic position, and as the ROYAL ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! Port Credit Men 3 Injured As Crash Wrecks Two Cars Two persons were injured, and | both vehicles were badly damag- , in a two-car crash on Lake- ore Rd., at Morrison Rd., early Monday evening. George E. Warren, Port Cre dit, suffered a fractured kneecap and a severely Jacerated mouth Thursda¥, April 20, | APPLIED GEOLOGY Many of us are at the lic" age--gold in our tee ver in our hair . . . and our pants. ENGAGED GIRLS N MOTHE Church in memory of their moth- [site of one of the U.S. bases, er. Trinidad has a promise of great The Woman's Auxiliary met in | future, the parish hall Tuesday. A mis-| Mrs, Gordon Watts presided; sionary address, illustrated by |Mrs. Dowler conducted the open- pictures, was given by Mrs. Mc-|mg devotional service taking as Kim. her subject "THe Story of the ST. LUKE'S, Paloruo Resurrection." After the meeting refreshments were served. when the car he was driving was in collision with an auto driven by Hector Shepherd, 147 Spruce | St. Mr. Shepherd was uninjured, | but Norman Gouchier, Port Cre- dit, a passenger in the Warren vehicle, suffered slight concussion | and forehead lacerations. The | injured men were removed to Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hospital following emergency | treatment by Dr. D. H. Dixon. Bramwell Albert Oates and avid Fou oe Miss Evelyn Marie Pleletterio Ee were married by the Rev. Canon| Special services to mark the D. Russell Smith Saturday after-|117th anniversary of Knox noon. Church will be held on Sunday, The laymen of the Deanery of May 7. Preacher at both services Halton held a banquet in the par-| will be Professor David W. Hay, ish hall Monday evening. The|D.D. of Knox College. : speaker was Mr. W. R. Potter,| On Sunday morning the min- Editor of the Farmer's Advocate. ister, Rev, C., K. Nicoll, will The chairman was Mr. D. Pope|preach on the subject {Christ - i RL asurer Mr.|loveth to the end The title of M N corge Atkins, The ladies of the vening : ue t t B S Church provided the banquet and os SE Cr us o e mug they were delighted with the new kitchen, provided by the Ward- ens. KNOX i : --Central Press ite Provincial Officer A. L. Haugh- ~ Trin pose Negra Rose is Showa with = Ward, second = of ton, who investigated estimated e Earl of ey at a recent party in London. s have linked i 5 i re somantically, and in fact, many think he is Ds a qumuge fo the Warten oon Which a Doses, Recently, and 38 auictly as possible, Ward has been 120 the entire front end demol- TDeincess Margaret's most regular escort everywaere. ished, at $750. Ownership permit and licence markers were for- warded to the dept. of highways, | police considering. the car to be | of no further use. Damage to the | Shepherd car was estimated at | Speaker Warns Group ory Calva Ba 1 7] °] con- ST. JUDE'S ee = "As long as there is a spot, tion and bewilderment" for many | ! anywhere in the world, where a|people, he declared. I Too Busy To Get Ready For 'A Party 7} THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! The proposal to t a new |ings-this week in preparation for|.nil is not receiving an ¢ a ! Anglican church on a site in For-| the evangelistic campaign of | {py Et 8 - oe » is a great thing when we as Rev, J. F. Hallids on of its| fathers and sons can talk togeth- hovid pe lL alliday of Toronto, | Gog.given a FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OEUVRES Showers, Parties, Weddings, Special Occasions a meeting to be held in West- which starts Sunday. On Monday | , cj spot in our society, and To a t spo our society, and [always endeavor to pattern our| wood public schol this coming [evening Ernest Tatham of Em- |... i; Oakville and other favor-|way of life upon the teachings of | CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616J2 Welcome Wago NEW YORK + MEMPHIS = LOS ANGEL TORONTO + CALVARY BAPTIST PHONE 807 Sunday -afternoon at 4 o'clock.|maus Bible Scheol, Toronto.|.q spots can never be z Avohitucts! plans of the building conducted a prayer meeting at|iye ame nug. | Jesus, he declared. He stressed will be presented, and everyone |the church, Tuesday evening's | poajer FC thesvalite of (companionship help gtenescd is invited to attend the SE was at the home of E.ly;0 or the well-known Carlton i A EA meeting. S. Kerr, and Wednesday's at the ' 7 = 2 Spotl services in churches| church. This evening's meeting > Br Hi) Church, Terps) speaker was introduced by throughout, the diocese of Niag-|at the home of M. E. Baer, Wil-| panquet of the St. John! Sale + Minshall ara will mark the 75th birthday [son Street, tomorrow's at the|chyren i : of the founding of the diocese, on |home of Rev. A. A. Stoll, Clark-| cyening. Sunday, April 30. On Monday, | 800, and Saturday's at the home May 1, there will be a service of |of L. G. Snyder, Dundas Street. thanksgiving In Christ Church| Ap Sunday school on Sunday Cathedral, Hamilton, prior to the| capt. Halliday will give an il- holding of the annual synod, on|justrated address entitled "Forty Tuesday and Wednesday. Years In the Land of Sand and The boys of the choir have been | Snakes" At 11 am. his subject outfitted with new cassocks, will be "Applying the Brakes to through the efforts of a number | Satan's Chariot," and at 7 p.m. of ladies of the congregation who| "Taste and See. There will al- did the sewing, and other mem-|go be a fireside address entitled bers who made it possible to ob-| "Daniel's Message for Our Day," tain the material at cost. {llustrated by colored slides and| BUDGET ALLOWS A rummage sale will be held by | 3 chart. On Monday at 8 pm. FOREIGN BRIDES St. Jude's Women's Guild in the|Capt. Halliday will speak on TO BRING GIFTS parish hall on Saturday, April|"Fulfilled Prophecies," illustrat- 29. Those wishing to make dona-|ing his address by thirty colored tions are asked to telephone |glides of Moab, Ammon, Babylon B40W. and Palestine. The subject of The Diocesan Mothers' Union | Tuesday evening's address will will hold their annual meeting on |pe "World Confusion," dealing Thursday, April 20 in Hamilton, | with post war trends in the light starting with a Holy Communion | of Bible Prophecy. On Wednes- service In the cathedral at 10.30 | day evening Capt. Halliday will am. talk on "Jonah's whale and our The April meeting of St. Jude's | modern world," and on Thursday Women's Guild was held last| evening his subject will be "Is a evening at the home of Mrs. W.|world wide Revival coming?" H. Harris, Allan Street. Friday evening's talk is entitled ST. JOHN'S "A Gospel that' will work any- where." There will be selections St. John's United Church will| py musical quartets and soloists its 118th ¥ | each evening. Capt. Halliday was on Sunday, May 7. At the morn- |g padre in the late war. ing service Rev. Harold Young, D.D., of Toronto, will preach. The preacher at the evening ser-| past Sunday the subject was vice will be a former minister of | «pDootrine of Atonement" The St. John's, Rev. David Gallagher, | wednesday evening meeting in- Associnto Secretary of Overseas cjyded testimonies of healing Missions of the United Church|yp ough Christian Sclence. On of Canada. A congregational din-| gngay April 23rd, service and ner will be held on Tuesday eve-| gyunday school will be held at 11 ning, May 9, at which Bruce|ggock, the subject being '"Pro- Brown of Toronto, Will give an|papjon After Death." Among the ustrated address on church ar-| uititions will be "The Lord is my chitecture. light and my salvation; whom | A party for the Beginners and [shall I fear? The Lord is the Primary departments of the |strongth of my life; of whom Sunday school will be held on|shall T be afraid?" Psalms 27:1. Friday afternoon, April 28, from - Bo a Annual Hospital Ass'n Meeting To one feature of the new Canadian . * id Be Held Tonight Ee as bring along their weddii ils i / to 6. hn a an a En g 2 \ { Onkville-Trafalgar ~~ Memorial Hospital Association will be held Men's Club /Thursday Speaking of the social work of his church, Mr. Finlay said it was the only place of rest and recrea- tion available to many young people of the district. One morn- ing he found two youngsters sit- ting on the steps waiting for the church to open because they had nowhere else to go. Downtown Toronto was a place of "frustra- ... Let us renew your garment Dy giving them new lustre w our finest cleaning and pressio: JUST PHONE 311 For Pick-up and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Delivery LAKESHORE CLEANERS \ --Central Press Gansdisn The St. John's Woman's Assdc- Brides coming to Canada from lation is holding o spring ten other countries will be pleased by and sale of home baking in Lusk Hall tomorrow afternoon from 3 3 a - Those who attended the Baster meeting of the W.M.S. on Easter Tuesday were delighted with the interesting and instructive ad- dress delivered by Miss Agnes Rampersab, a native of Trinidad who gave a description of that island and its people. She touch- ed on points in its history to ex- plain the presence of the differ- ent racial groups which make up its population of about one mil- lion; telling also of the contri: bution the different groups have made to the national develop ment. She also gave some very interesting information concern= ning the mission work of the United Church of Canada among the Bast Indian portion of the population. That mission, es tablished about eighty years ago in Victoria Hall on Thursday eve- ning. "Everyone interested is in- vited to attend," sald Chairman J. M. Dunwoody. Only members will have a vote, however. "The staff shortage ls still a problem," Alex Tilley, chairman of the operating committee told the board, "particularly with re- obtaining housing accommoda- tion for the nurses Is being studied by the board, and it hoped to have a solution soon. were two prospective ers. One planned to use the building as a convalescent home, the other as a guest house. Subscribers to the hospital association and thelr families will be entitled to a five-dallar credit on their first hospital bill of the year, the board decided C. 8S. Freeman, treasurer, re- ported a balance of $14,706 after ard to nurses." The matter of payment of approved accounts HENRY'S The late Henry Ford Is report- od to have confided once that the R. C. A. Cumberland, chair-| reason he never used man of the committee arrang-|was that he found he ing the sale of the Temporary|out of the other fellow's 3 Hospital building, said there | faster than he could get the oth- purchas- | er fellow out of his.

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