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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Apr 1950, p. 6

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 6, 1950 Thu Stone Downs Snowball fon of teen age, were christen REE e CE CECE EEE TET. : : d. Rev. J. W. Stewart adminis- R Displaying a sound all round|§ a D TIME DANCE game that help up strongly un- -- fheisacrament lof the Lord's L Juni Auspices der his opponentisi most teuacionmfl Tr i BRONTE-TRAFALGAR CANADIAN LEGION, pitecks, Wel) Stone Jiledzed Bobi wonaid i Branch 486 Sem ae aE Jet y | raquet duel Saturday to carry , Sheridan, is singing each PIG and WHISTLE INN oft top) honors 1a the men's sig. Lr [eckiatiKnos Breshy: ; EASTER MONDAY - APRIL 10 Se ention of Uios DAN. Si an iv eh, Toropt, sbia ser- > ay ies of Easter week meetings. $2.00 PER COUPLE DANCING 9-1 An enthusiastic gallery remain-| nro Lome Fish, Miss Mi F E t | Vi: ; 3 i . Lon sh, Miss 3 Music by George Crump and His Country Club Orch. Cn - way through | yppertson and Mr. S 5 ee . or Las er: a tight, stroking match that a y # : / attended the funeral of their cou- fi i erent] Prine: rt ott id Your opportunity to get a § a '] Of - 2 2 . i Cre the a OY CAB last week at St. Andrews Pres- handsome set of dishes-- |} urday cant Dark Bh oil ht byterian Church, Streetsville. drop in and see these at- [8 Junior re a wo Hiliott was formerly Miss tractive patterns . . . meeti; A TREAT FOR 0 nIE van pals th i te Ve ma of ea dont through to the final point of the| La en AN IDEAL EASTER GIFT -- deciding gas ; og, 1! a a went tol amy and Mrs. Stanley Turner, FOR THE HOME! ful m Ty and children, Brenda and David, hand 1 visited on Sunday at the home of turn' back the challenge of Kelly | nn : A Ror on a ho pe en Be 66 PIECE DINNER SET men's doubles final, thus giving 2 > Reg. $56.95 Stone two titles. Mrs. Leslie 5 $35.95 " MacDonald was another double As winner, defeating Mrs. MacCarr- CHURCHILL'S 32 PIECE BREAKFAST SET tained hh in the singles tilting and MEMOIRS Reg. $15.95 $10 95 of Br en joining forces with Mrs. of Carpe : Nancy Windeler to take the WoL. ern H Ips treat at Easter-- that measure of Mrs. E. W. Whitting- 32 PIECE BREAKFAST SET BR aring new hat--and the ton and Miss Nora Crossley i Concerning when: S. 7. Spring-fresh goodness of the doubles event. Mrs. Witting. 5 ] Hog, S1E.80 $10.95 ain Laura Setord Candies, too. don and Miss Nora Crosley \in The pikes Rte Ri Ty A tempting dish on the table the doubles. event. Mrs. Whitting-|| THE GRAND ALLIANCE, 32 PIECE PLAID re for the family to enjoy-- ton and Alf Roberts eri activ X v a thoughtful gift to a friend-- SE et ne uy Tol. EIT ot iimston Charen Very attractive red, blue & green pattern most I Laura Secords add happy fon award on : $10 95 no a . ills Memoirs of World War II, = Churct = ; ; : wife, | TOWNSHIP COUNCIL will be released on April 24th. 38 PIECE MORN GLO etic, INES § (Continued from Page 1) A call to us now will ensure pastel shades, open stock, blue, yellow, green, pink Mrs, F 44) tion of a pumping plant and || py ; Clirrox CANDIES storage tanks Total cuttin eacnl]\= Eo dstvery of, yous con $9.95 The case was estimated at $105,400. || on the publication date. J afternc BYER'S DRUG COMPANY [liter sionics Share wouta se [ =e ; Ca EE a he Boats shar would ey | ser GEEEech Citar open Stock GF 25 To Si " on" 4 LL epi | conduc Colborne St. E. lL $68,250, and the rural section's || available for this title at = = con (D. J. Russell) Phone 47 share $37,000. Mr. Power pointed vrelton ot hk ek ome ei ret Th SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA CUP & SAUCERS ih industrial ds, as 200 gal- e Reg. sire eg. $2.25 lons a minute could be pumped. 2. $2.25 $1 95 Chief SAVE YOUR through the six-inch water main. GOLDEN HOUR Niele 3 To establish a price of 30 cents 3 Wa 1 per thousand gallons it would be Bookshop Wall int r necessary to have an annual con- rn (4) es sumption of 40 million gallons. 53 Colborne St. hho 1d The second scheme could be un- Phine 05 TY bv. dertaken if property-owners in Da J the section between Oakville and Colborne St E- WE DELIVER Phone 958 Ronson Bronte refused to approve the ECE ER CE CECE CE CEI CERES i original one. Mr. Power and Mr. 2 Ta McConachie will go before the ~ - Ssh Municipal Board, and outline the 0 Mrs. > \ two proposals, and seek the x Your best bet for taking good care of WINTER board's advice. ae clothes over the SUMMER season is to send them to Dr. J. M. Mather, director of oS. S ns ag for a thorough cleaning = and SAFE, DE- Halton County Health Unit, ad- 4 illo. C DABLE Storage. dressed council regarding the Wo fciate Then in the FALL when you want them again, they'll proven ofipetier (sewage foil fere J be delivered freshly cleaned and pressed, ready to mas Ee i. Will wear--and all at moderate cost. evi At present the Rousss i) jerson a the survey use septic tanks and CALL TODAY & BE SURE a storm sewer. Dr. Mather read a letter written by Dr. Berry, 4 HI : head of the sanitation division of i: In Oakville alli» Phone 1123 the Ontario Department of Health,, to Oakville's town clerk In Bronte . . . . Phone 210 asking that the town come to (Roy Johnson's) some arrangement with the sur- 1 vey in the matter of sewage dis- "8 This Glan IY . 2% osal. is we "The effluent from the storm 7% Whelmir sewer is the same as raw sew- Z I. 9 age," Dr. Mather pointed out. "I | ms. don't think there's any solution . eu so 3 for that place other than mun- a is, th A\ 7 ] C Cl 7' jcipal sewerage, of whatever 5 ating type it may be." {The A) Construction of a sewage all t Forsythe St. at the Lake Phone 1123 treatment plant on the river keth bank of the Sixth Line was dis- Dhesday missed as impractical because of se the precipitous nature of the c bank. On the recommendation of ex W : Councillor R. C. A. Cumberland Lethere: a the clerk was instructed to write jarrow = the town of Oakville endorsing { Trund pW Dr. Berry's suggestion. He was|: jone afte \ also instructed to notify an ap- jist Da plicant for a building permit in ing the Kent Gardens survey advis- jRRarance ing him that the council's mo- Brine | tion prohibiting building there is Spe: could not be rescinded until the fp Rial I sewage situation was cleared up. gt w Seek Shelter Ruling ari] Councillor Cumberland inform- | high ed council that the clerk had re- | prize ceived an application from the io on eof mus ot rd Oakville and District Humane es I e very es! enc io our pro: essional practice is strict, Society to have the building by- | ly w unvarying precision. For precision is our profession || |1aw amended to permit the so- fod __a profession for which our long years of academic || [ciety to erect a shelter north of i training and our many more years of practical ex- i _-- Oy ar 5 co fi = z e CNR. tracks. He sugges! | perience, have fitted us. And ever and always, through that the clerk write the muni- can the years, we have lived up to the highest standards cipal board and obtain a ruling. ge of Pharmacy . . . ever and always our professional -- SSgeby © pride has driven us to attain perfection--that per- TRAFALGAR | fection which is expressed in medicine compounded (Continued from Page 2) = tly to the letter of your doctor's ord McGregor were flowers from the exactly to the r of your doctor's orcers. Streetsville Presbyterial Church and a box of goodies from the . | E Trafalgar Community Club. Mes- C m d | * sages were received from friends o e in. LIE) see an " G in Toronto, Detroit, Niagara d . h ir 2 - z ; I Falls, Blora, Oakville, Trafalgar rive 1 em fo a | | (6 a Vi ] 1] 0 imite as well as Streetsville. Gen 1 Ey 3 ® al At the service at Munn's 1g [fi Phone 94 Colborne St. E. ||| church on Sunday evening, nes t Nik Len Hope, Mgr. twelve new. members were receiv- ® {jae "||| ed into the church. Marian Wal- a | 4 Nsom, & and Leonard St. Phone 800 Oakville L

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