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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Nov 1948, p. 8

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Page 8 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL [4 - In the \ Hello Homemakers! Every business has its busy season and homemaking is no exception. Many women find early fall a| period in which a hundred and one duties require their atten tion. Canning is in full swing, the children are Off to school again, which means renovating the house that requires freshening up or decorating and through- out the household it is a time for stock-taking. Club meetings and social activities begin to absorb the all too few 'off-duty hours And there you are....at your busiest. It is probably at this time you appreciate most the small but effective housekeeping pointers which make for efficiency and help you get results with min- imum effort. So today we offer | | | | | Christmas carr s fragrances: crisp wintry air, | It's a wonderful gift, in a gay gift-wrapping, with a Kentucky-caught scent, to take the Christmas air! Christmas wrapped Blue Grass Flower Mlat, 1.75, 3.25, 5.50; with atomizer, 2.75 David J. Russell, Phm.B. (BYERS' DRUG CO.) Phone 47 Oakville RL TTT TTS TI rs AOI o id tips worth clipping ders at any time. ed furniture, wipe with c moistened Then, ary clean cloth. [00 ting | surface J mens Princess Becomes Proud Mother World - Chimes of St. Jude's tractive portrait study American Revolution fame for little Windsor will be a second-in-line second-generation heir to the throne. Anglican Church joined tolling set up by the bells of the British Empire, which Mon- day paid tribute to Britain's new prince. The Royal Prince Philip and Princess Blizabeth, pictured here in an at- will have to go back to George IIT oi the joyous son of historical precedent, for this remind- for A TIP your uj TAKE 1. To freshen with at once, cleaning rub briskly with 2. Painted floors and other pamtee surfaces wil wear lunges If VEU Wi them lightly as 00 note oz re ves every Wc cleaner nt is dry. C however, oe wead rem Use pai D vurring, cr vipentine 3. Refrigerato new looking ling by washing only and water. Never use powder or any abr soap and® water treatment en frequently will preve keep the enamel and spark- sith soap i i | surface from becoming spicy scent of pine. hed Add Blue Grass Flower Mist, 4. Dust your furniture with a famed fragrance moistened cham then by Elizabeth Arden. with soft cheesecloth. chamois wrung out tightly so it will be just mois dry cloth and there will he frequent dusting. 5, In gluing together par piece of furniture, remove old glue. Dry thoroughly. the glue in a tin can pan of water. Apply evenly and clamp or tie the broken and allow to dry for hours. 6. Wrought iron lighting tures and stair rails should be given a protective coat of liquid wax. Do not use wax on fireplace fix- FROM 2 p. 2.30 an Linens, Home baking, H Child Christmas Tree and ST. JUDE'S Christmas Fair Saturday, November 20, 1948 Full-length Movie For Children CHRISTMAS TREE Tea and Teacup Reading Everyone Welcome COME AND BUY Your Christmas Presents 3) m. to 6 p.m. d 4.30 andicrafts, Canteen for ren Table Decorations _|at Ottawa, and in the office of the it is inflammable. tains can be removed be- fore waxing hy rubbing with ker- then scouring with steel 7. If lacquered brass finish dulls, remove it with denatured alcohol (poison) and apply fresh coats of water-waile transparent metal lacquer with a paint brush. 8 Hammered aluminum will be bright and shining if washed in mild soapy hot water. If stained use a fine steel wool pad impreg- nated with special soap over a cotton cloth and tifen rinse. Nev- er use strong soap or alkaline scouring powders because they darken and discolor aluminum.» 9. Plastic screens must be tak- en down and washed with garden hose or a brush and soapsuds. Dry thoroughly in a breeze before storing away. AVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT 5.C. 1927, Chapter 140 Municipal Corporation of Town of Oakville hereby gives noticethat this has, under cc. 7 of the said Act, deposited ith the Minister of Public Works, District Registrar of the Land Re- phon C in the Sixteen Mile Creek at Oak- ville at the foot of Navy Street, North, and in front of lots 20 and 21, Registered Plan 347, AND TAKE the expiration of one month sing proposed to be laid NOTICE that afte fiom the date-of the first publi cation of this notice The Muni- icipal Corporation of the Town of Oakville will under Sec. 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of {he said site and plans. Oakville, Ont. this Gth| Dated, lay of November 1948. The Municipal Corporation of The Town of Oakville C. H. Byers, Clerk BY-LAW No. 1069 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE Law to provide for the sub- f a certain question for the opinion of the qualified elect- ors of the Town of Oakville WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oak- ville deems it advisable to sub- mit to the vote of the electors of the Corporation qualified to vote on Money By-Laws, a ques- tion as to whether the said elec- tors are in favor of securing a supply of electrical power or en- THE Hydro-Electric » Commission of Ontario as a Cost Municipality, under the Power Commission Act. Power to be supplied at the present frequencies until power frequency' stan ation is established NOW COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE TOWN OF OAK- VILLE enacts as follows;- -- 1. That "the following question be! submitted to the electors of the Corporaion qualified to vote on money by-laws, that is to say; "Ate you in favour of securing a supply of electrical power or energy from The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, as THEREFORE THE (ITY Ni supplied at the present frequen- cies until power frequency stand- dardization is established'. FINALLY PASSED AND EN- ACTED this 8th day of November 1948. ay C. H. Byers C. V. Hillmer Clerk Mayor 1, Clarence H. Byers, Clerk of the Town of Oakville, do hereby certify that, the foregoing is a correct statement of the question submitted and if the assent of the electors is obtained to it, it will be taken into conside¥ation by the Council afer the expiration of one month from November 11th, 1948. A tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by Sub- section 3 of Section 283, Chapter 222, R.S.0. 1987. C. H. Byers, Clerk BY-LAW No. 1070 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE A By-Law to provide for taking the votes of the qualified electors of thé Town of Oakville on a cer- ain question: WHEREAS by By-Law No. 1069 of the Council of the Corpor- ation passed on the 8th day of November, 1948, provides for sub- mitting for the opinion of the el- cctors of the Corporation, quali- fied to vote on Money By-Laws, the following question, that is to say, "Are you in favour of securing a supply of electrical power or en- ergy from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario as Cost Municipality, under the Power Commission™Act. Power to be supplied at the present fr quencies until power frequen: standardization is established". NO! THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE TOWN OF OAK. VILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The vote on the said question shall be taken at the same hours, at the same places and by the same Deputy-Returning Officers as for the said Municipal Elect- ions. 2. A statement of the said ques- tion and the "notice required by Section 280 of The Municipal Act shall he published in the fol- lowing newspapers on the days hereinafter mentioned, that is to sa. 'The Oakville-Record Star" November 11th, 1948, Novem- 18th, 1948 and November 25th, 1948. "The Oakville-Trafalgar Jour- nal" November 11th, 1948, No- vember 18th, 1948 and Novem- ber 25th, 1948. 3. On the 4th day of December, 1948, at the hour of 11 o'clock in one years, shall be entitled to ap- point a nominee to vote on its bes half on this question.All such ap- pointments must be in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Mun- icipality not later THAN THE 26th, DAY OF NOVEMBER, 948, BEING A DATE NOT LATER than the tenth day be- fore the day appointed for tak- ing the vote. When a Corporation is a lessee, a declaration in ac- cordance with fhe preceding par- agraph, must also be filed. = A list of all voters entitled to vote on. the above question has been prepared and may-be inspect- d at the Clerk's Office after No- vember 15th. between the hours of 9.30' a.m. and 4.30 p.m, excepting Saturdays and Sundays. Notice is further given that that the 29th. day of November, 1948, at hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Clerk's Office at Trafalgar, is the time and place which has been fixed for @ Friday, November 9 One 1eeve, one. deputy U8 three councillors, one gop, ioner for the public pit. Mi] mission of the Township falgar, Tra Trafalgar Township schoo U8 for the year 1949, If a poll be demanded, {i fon to be held Monday, 1948, a Dated November 8, 194g Township of Trafalgar Thursday, November | 1 JRE Traflagar Townsh; yg NOMINATIONS ownship' Hall, Pos; t 12 o'clock i i Tey three trustee: are, leg, mb S.A Feathorsio, Clery Township of mT, afalg; the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final summing- ; up of the votes, on the 8th. day || When your physician reach hard of December, 1948, at 3 o'clock |} for his prescription pad to jo in the afternoon, by the Town-|fdown the ingredients of fy ship Clerk, on behalf of the per-| | particular remedy indicated by sons interested in voting in the|f your symptoms, this ingtinc affirmative or negative on this || tive, every-day gesture reflo. question "|| simply yet eloquently, the jig, I, Sheldon A. Featherstone, || ly efficient manner in jg, lerk of the Township of Tra-|[f the Canadian pharmacist is c falgar, do hereby certify that the question above to 'be voted n contains a correct statement f the question submitted, and if the assent of the electors is ob- tained to it, it will be taken into consideration hy the council af- ter the expiration of one month from the eleventh day of Novem- ber, 1948 A tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the clerk, not la- ter than the tenth day -before the day appointed for taking the vote, the declaration provided for by Sub-section 3, of Section 283, Chapter 266 R.S.0., 1937. S. A. Featherstone, Clerk, Township of Trafalgar | collaborating with the me profession in combatting | and suffering. fidently rely on our preseryy. tion I built upon years of experience and training . . . and painstaking cave . upon a sincere desire to go. quire and retain your friendly patronage. Your Neighborhood Drugyist dical pain I You may cop, service, which is firm | J upon integrity and BRIEN'S PHARMACY Phone 1382 - We Deliver the forenoon, the Mayor shall at- tend at his office in the Council Chamber on Colborne Street in the Town of Oakville and, if re- quested so to do, shall appoint in writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final | summing up of the votes by the Clerk, one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and de- sirous of voting in the affirma- tive on the said question, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and des- iTous of voting in the negative on the said question. 4. The 8th day of December, 1948, at the said Council Chamber at the hour of 12 o'clock noon is hereby appointed as the time and place for summing up by the Clerk of the Corporation of the num- ber of votes given in the affir- mative and the negative on the said question, respectively. FINALLY passed and enacted this 8th day of November, 1948. C. H. Byers C. V. Hillmer Clerk Mayor (seal) TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Construction of and equipping a Hospital in Oakville, to be known as the Oakville-Trafalgar Mem- orial Hospital = Voting on the question in rela- tion to the Township of Trafalgar raising $50,000.00 by sale of de- bentures to erect and equip a Hos- pital in Oakville, = Notice is hereby given that the votes of the Electors ENTITLED TO VOTE ON MON- EY BY-LAWS will be taken at the elections to be held on MONDAY, the 6th day of DEC- EMBER, 1948 on the following question (which is correctly stated), viz: . "Are you in favor of providing the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital Board with $50,000.00 for the purpose of erecting 'and i ping a Hospital in the Town of Oakville, and to the issue of Di bentures to cover cost of same? said Hospital to be known as the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- Municipal pital. EACH ELECTOR IS ENTITLED TO VOTE ON SAID QUESTION IN EACH WARD IN WHICH HE OR SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE ON MONEY BY-LAWS. A tenant who has a lease which extends for a period of at least twenty-one years and who has, by such lease, covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property leased (other than local improvement rates) shall, if he or she makes and FILES WITH THE CLERK OF THE MUNICIPAL- OT LATER WHAN THE 26th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1948, BEING A DATE not later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote, a de- claration under = "The Canada Evidence Act" so stating, be en- titled to have his or her name entered on the. list of Electors to vote on the said question. A CORPORATION assessed on the last revised assessment roll as owner or as lessee, having a lease. a Cost Municipality, under Pow- ion Act er C i Power to be for a period of at least twenty- SPEAKERS: Wednesday, Nov. 24 - 8p.m. A Meeting of the "United Lakeshore Protective Association and the I Linbrook Property Owners Association J will be held at the = LINBROOK, SCHOOL Wed., Nov. 24 at 8 o'clock Mr. A. W. Biggar, Reeve of Trafalgar Twp. Mr. Gordon Leaver, Chairman of Trafalgar Public Utilities Mr. Don MacRae, Chairman Oak.-Traf. CUT THIS NOTICE OUT AND MAKE IT A DATE All Residents of the Area are Welcome Planning Board OR DRESSE RWARE Fashioned with elegance -- the handiwork of skilled craftsmen = International dresserware is a popular favorite with discrimin- NTERYA ONAL ating wom: PRICES FOR 3 PIECE SETS -- BRUSH, MIRROR, COMB) Annette $35.00 Lady Joan 37.50 Rosina Berenice Lo Open An Account JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS LAY - AWAY PLAN TO-DAY! New Toropto -- Oakville : ATngston. Gall 35.00 Maytime 38.50 | 4 38.50 Athlone 50.00 $55.00 Fiesta

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