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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Nov 1948, p. 10

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Page Ten THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Classified 25-p- ~ EXPERIENCED stenographer, |of Record Bar, some five day week, statutory hol \] Please Report Promptly WANTED | days ana vacations, ideal work- Record Bar, phone 711 LOST OR FOUND DUMP and GENERAL TRUCK-|ing conditions. Apply Box 227,| ANIMALS ing; firewood, posts, sand and Oakville Journal Sie to gravel, Gordon Bartholomew, | EXPHRIEN! typist, 5 day, wl ; Brer Middle Road, Phone|week, statutory holidays and Cakville Humane Society | Ty 5° 50tf | vacation, ideal working condi-| pag PHO "TOR MOVING and trucking, | tions. Apply Box 228° Oakville- Lost and Injured Animals |p none 831, days; 1186-W, nights. [Journal 31le51 50p50-5 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for Huranely Treated ANNOUNCEMENT ~ EXCLUSIVE FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS fo ; also waitress for part-time work Wednesday and Saturday night. Apply Modern Cafe. = | week or ten days as soon as pos- sible. Phone 563-W. (25p52) ion in Phone A. F. Berrill wishes to an- -- | nounce the appointment of - Thursday, Novembey 18, 1g Ww. FEMALE HELP Excellent working conditions. 48 hours weekly, all daytime work The Oakville Basket Co. Ltd. Oakville, Ontario YOUNG LADY to take charge typing ex- perience required. Apply Lofquist (85¢52) A. F. Berrill Estate and Business roker 161 Colborne Street 1233 MEETING be held of the Oakville & District Branch | private home or JOHN G. FIELD 9 Tuesday, | elderly ladies. Oakville district, - Bl ey ha ea excellent meals, diet service on re: a ni" as manager of the Oakville Hall, a 0 p.m (55¢52) | quest. The Shoreleigh, Dua enetian INAS || office. = Bho 378 0 el Ee Your listings and busi- FOR SALE OFFICE, 14" x 18) heated, hot || Manufactured to your own || coco oneal are solicited = and cold water, opposite Water | specifications of = steel and : ALL SIZES rd coal inland Light Office Avail o2 || atuminum construction, Phones stock; also Virginia lump soit|week's time. Phone 509, (70p52-2) 3 ? Residence 1227R coal. Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte, | --mpRNISHED APARTMENT, || Let us fulfill your requiremants Office 1233 Lhe Se _ CHOU | peated and electrically _equip- TRE TRTREATES AY loam and rockery stone. |ped. References required, Busi- A. F. Berrill Phone Clarkson J. 50p50-52|ness people preferred, Apply fol D. SMITH oN WASHING MACHINE, EASY, Box 231, The Journal (35p52) [| Phone 1135-1 ki Real Estate and Business recently overhauled, an outstand-| ------ me sme JAMERON ing Value at $50. Phone 510J "WANTED TO RENT ¢-0 Mrs. Wm. Lawrence ol on 4 (25p52) | © YOUNG COUPLE urgently re 1 Colborne Street 31 DODGE SEDAN, heater and apart- Phone 1233 k quire housekeeping room, radio; new battery and ignition; | ment or house in Oakville. Phone = = body and upholstering good con- Ww (25p52. dition, $400.00. Apply 33 Park al , Ave, phone 788- (39p52) HOME FREEZER, Massey- -------- Harris, 10 cublic feet, quick freeze EYOR'S assistant, or . compartment, phone 961 _(35¢52) oy) ey ~ BARRYMORE RUG, Mulberry, ; =) 5, phone 744. (35p52) REMINGTON portable typ writer; '33 Chev. panel truck '% ton; 500 feet 1" x 4" spruce rougt lumber; one used hot-point range, first class condition; phone 841, Dave Richarison (47pb2) ©1937 Ford Coach, good condit- ion, make an offer, no reason- able offer rejected, see it at 56 Forsythe St. (35¢52) J CHILD'S WOODEN CRIB, maple finish, 30" by 50", sliding sides, in goad condition. Phone 73 (36e52) CM. tricycle; 5.00, phone 1298 bicycle in good con- dition. Phone 514-J, after 7. 25p50 ARD ROOM AND BOARD, also fur- nished rooms. 32 Rebecca St. 50p50-52 ROOM & BOARD, for young man, abstainer, apply to Journal Office, phone 1298 AR black leather, zippered leaf notebook. Return Randall St, Reward. (25p52) - REMEM Dunn's Drug Store Still Offers the Photo Finishing Service in Oakvi All work brought in by 1:00 pm. will the next day by PHOTO FINISHING by the UNIQUE ART TORONTO Dunn's Drug Store PHONE 650 BER - Speediest lle = be ready 1:00 p.m. STUDIO DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The Manufacturers Life Mr. Wright who is a resident of Oakville is well inity. - known in the town and v: Mr. Wright will be very pleased to advise in 1 Insurance requirements. pect to your Life G. MERRITT C. WRIGHT Insurance Cou pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Merritt C. Wright as District Representative. 192 GLOUCESTER STREET, Oakville Telephone 1183J i on Gleaming Gold backgrounds . nating friends and dear ones -- AND ENVELOPES npany is KEENAN'S Phone 1103-W. RUST CRAFT CARDS OF CHARACTER SOLD ONLY BY THE BOX AT THIS LOW PRICE OF LESS THAN 10c A CARD SMOKE and CARD SHOP Largest Selection of Christmas Cards Between Toronto and Hamilton Geeam O Goeop CHRISTMAS CARDS Het Sridiod of RUST COAFT Brilliant Christmas designs beautifully reproduced . . The kind of Cards you'll be proud to send to your most discrimi- Suitable for aithar imprinting or signing 12 GLORIOUS GLEAM 0' GOLD CARDS 00 a BOX Oakville TELEPHONE OPERATORS --In-- OAKVILLE Full Pay While Learning Regular Wage Increases No Previous Experience Necessary VACATION WITH PAY 5-DAY WEEK Age 16 to 25 Years Two Years' High School Education Required APPLY IN PERSON = to-- CHIEF OPERATOR The BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada OAKVILLE Notice of Power Interruption TO THE 66 2(3 CYCLE CUSTOMERS OF THE Oakville Water & Licht Commission Tuesday, November 23rd, 1948 NECESSARY TIME: 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. TO EFFECT NECESSAkY ALTERATIONS AND OAKVILLE WATER & LIGHT COMMISSION REPAIRS Sgd. R. Barlow, Manager Struck By Passenger Train Tuesday Night, Bruce County Indian Youth Instantly Kill Sruck by a westbound passen- area to work, and wag gor train while walking along | yesterday for a new. i leg the railway tracks near Kerr St.|quaintances were unab, ; crossing Tuesday night, John | plain his presence on tn," Y| Kahbije, 28, was instantly Kill-| Coroner Dr. W. i Wi ed. Investigation of police diss | stated he would conge closed Kahbije, an Indian, came (Crown authorities as to , "i here from the Bruce penninsula [ity of an inquest. Posy) WANTED An aggressive young lady for permanent sales help, Applicant must be neat in appearance, capable. > willing worker, with sales experience. Salary to p, commensurate with ability in filling these qualificg. tions. Apply HH Trust Credit Jewellers 64 Colborne St. E. Oakville 72 COMPLETE STORE DOMINION FURNITURE STORES ~ while our selection is complete * MODERN OR PERIOD * WALNUT OR MAHOGANY For a Christmas Gift, you'll find what you want in our store Dinnerware . . . In sets of 32 pieces 9.95 , | 10.95 , at 29.50 up In sets of 96 LE 39.95 - at # In sets of 38 pieces at In sets of G6 pieces / Kneehole and Spinet Desks . Beautiful, walnut, mahogany and birch veneers, and solid walnut and birch hardwoods. An important piece of furniture for an important corner. Priced from 26,50 A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD | 8 YOUR SELECTION UNTIL REQUIRED WITHOUT CHARGE DOMINION Furniture Stores" Phone 957 Open Saturday Evenings Qakill COMPLETE OF FURNITURE A} HOUSE FURNISHINGS fw ne #§ and . May i. The tinct Rap Ea tw vietir deat

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