reache 1 to jot of the ated by instinc. reflects, ie high to ac. friendly uggist liver Soard Of a i is the THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page Nine ; i ao i) BOSTON'S PETE BABANDO takes off info space after a hard body check from Rangers' Bill Moe, who packs a devas- tating wallop in either hip. This action shot provides a fore- taste of what local fans may expect when Bert Peer and Baz Megaffin get their defensive cohorts bearing down on enemy attackers in the near future. KENT GARDENS APARTMENTS Co-operative Apartments Ltd. WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN APARTMENT SUITE You pay a reasonable down payment, then a reasonable monthly rent which includes all carrying charges, taxes, fuel, caretaking, management and mortgage payments. When the mortgage is retired your monthly rent will fall to about $20.00 per month. You become a stock holder in the operating com- pany with a say in its affairs. One bed roomed apartments can be bought with as little as $1,800.00 down, $39.60 per month as rent. We will be pleased to give you more information if you are interested. Don't be a renter, be an owner, and have some- thing to show for your money. Jarvis & Ryrie OAKVILLE PHONE 490 lL. Case Riou Forget | Now time to prepare oe | Your Car = for i WINTER DRIVING OAKVILLE MOTORS CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE -- PHONE 460 -- fiCotborne St. at Reynolds Oakville Legion Puck Scouts Assemble Fast, Tricky Squad For Peer Rollicking Bert Peer, colorful playing coach of the Oakville Legion intermediate O.H.A. en- try, already has a squad of some 20 speedy puckchasers eagerly awainting the season's first prac- tice session, a compliation put to- gether this week by Publicist Jerry Kress reveals. Rounded up. largely through the perserving efforts of Manager Jimmy Steed, this promising list of candidates includes three goalies, eight de- fence players, and nine forwards. Peer himself can still turn in an outstanding chore either at a defence post or as a winger, as his play with Hamilton Tigers these past two winters has shown. Club officials also expect to lure three or four top flight perform- ers from Toronto mercantile ranks, so that present indication point to the chunky coach hav- ing ample material from which to build a winning combination. Given top billing among the trio of twine-tenders, "Ace" Lever picked up valuable exper- ience with Milton and Glace Bay, where his smoothly cool snuffing of enemy attacks made him a prime favourite with fans. Howie Dobson and Rolly Davies, cap- able local candidates, will also be on hand to give Lever a battle for the job. Five carry-overs from last year's squad will be battling for blue-line posts will be Giggs Watson, Benny Languay, Jack Davison, Buck Thomas and Dew- ey Dowdle, while Dill McNally and Spunk Walsh are up from the junior club. McNally had a try- out with Chicago Black Hawks earlier in the season, and Hawk officials have him tagged for fu- ture reference. A newcomer who will be hard to keep off the reg- ular squad will be Bob Mansfield, who handed out body checks in Kirkland Lake last season. Up front, a battle royal should develop for sniping positions. Mac McCleary, erstwhile star of Grimsby Peach Kings and a Ham- ilton Wildcat gridder, and George Kennedy, last year's centre ice star of the local Army team, will be vieing with several speedy home-brews. Bud Cameron, Keith Speck, Tommy Woodall, Jack Brown and bruising Ernie Duz all | = showed their wares with last year's crew. Hank Galbraith an- other Black Hawk prospect, and Ray Patterson will be making strdng bids as junior grads. Jim Steed, who commences his third year at the managerial reins announces that Dr. Dickson will Jim Bank of Montreal (Continued from Page 1) five decades. The 50 years Just. completed here by the B of M's office have witnessed many civic improvements, among them the paving of numerous streets, the laying of cement sidewalks on all of them, and the formation of the Oakville. Water and Light Com- mission. A loyal supporter of pro- gress in the community, the bank has aided many sound proejcts, both public and private, on to suc- cess. Since opening, the branch has had but four different managers. Stanley B. Otton, the present manager, took charge at the be- ginning of October, following the retirement on pension of W. Bol- ton Read, popular manager for almost 12 years and a leading participant in local affairs. Mr. Oliver, who opened the of- fice in 1898, remained until 1907. That year he was succeeded hy. H. L. Read, who served as man- ager for 30 years. Since retiring on pension in 1937, Mr. Read has continued to reside here. He still recalls, with amusement, an in- cident that occurred when he first came to the branch. One of the first greetings he received, from one of the bank's more out- spoken customers, was "You'll never do here". But 41 years have passed, and Mr. Read is still mak- ing his home in Oakville. Mr. Otton was in charge of the B of M's Gore Bay Branch for two and a half years before receiving: his present appointment. Ford forty-Miner" Stirling - Dynes again be the club phy is particularly about the chances of his current char- ges, and a winning outfit would be a just reward for the amiable enthusiast who has contributed so much to local hockey. Secretary Bill Shears points to the fact that prizes to he given in the legion club hockey draw are on display in Ollie Johnson's display window, and that he is ready and eager to ac- commodate all those who wish to purchase the aforesaid draw tickets. PEOPLE and EVENTS (Continued from Page 2) Mr. Dane Mackendrick is home after several months in the Mar- itimes. cre n Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cornwall attended the Cradle Club Dance in Toronto. cxsaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKen- drick entertained at a dinner party on Sunday. ewok x All members of the Linbrook Social Group are urged to at- tend a meeting at the home of Mrs. F. W. Taylor on Thursday November 25. A special collect- ion will be made in aid of the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital, wwe, Most Reverend G. S. Kingston, D.D, Primate of all Canada will be guest speaker - at St. Jude's Church on Friday, November 26th. at 8 p.m. Seats will be re- served for ticket holders until 7.45 pm, wk owE x On the festival of St. Andrew, November 80, the women of St. Jude's Church are holding a special corporate communion at 10 p.m, = TEE Mrs, Wm, Tyre of Galt is vis- iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Martin, PR Mra. Ernest J. Salter, and Miss Joanne Salter returned by plane last Tuesday from a two months trip to Nassau, Bahamas. There is always. an extremely narrow margin between keeping: your chin up and sticking your Minor Ball Squads End Long Season Clouting a tidy 13-4 victory over Sports Assn, Whitaker and Son claimed the town bantam tit- le last weekend as baseball chirp- ed a far from reluctant swan song. Pilgrim, who tossed two- hit ball, was much too good for his opposition, who had lost only one game throughout the regular schedule. A sparkling record of 5 and 'a simple loss proved more than sufficient to give Bud Cor- bett's squad the minor peewee championship in a round, robin playoff. Halton Hardware fin- ished In the second slot, with Ro- wins November 3%" Service For 1" Service 11" Service 11," Service 2" Service For Larger Servic Gallons Per Month "1st 3M Gals. or less 3M to 10 M Gals. ANNOUNCEMENT WATER RATES EFFECTIVE SERVICE CHARGE or MINIMUM MONTHLY BILL 1st 1948 $1.50 2.25 3.00 8.50 7.00 Apply at Office CONSUMPTION CHARGE ~~ Rate per M. Gallons Min. bill for each size service 0.30¢c 10M to 50M Gals. 0.25¢ 0.20c 50M to 250M Gals. All over 250M Gals. the 18th of the month in which A prompt payment discount equal to ten percent of the total current bill will be allowed if paid Oakville Water & Light Commission 0.15¢ in full on or before the same is due. Some Voting Information . . . WHY WILL ELECTRICAL POWER | Based on a typical electri PURCHASED AT COST BE BETTER? (First of a series of informative Consider the case of the average DOMESTIC CONSUMER ed home of two adults and two children, we contrast two-month bill under Oakville's present method of power purchase and as the same establishment would be charged when Oakville becomes a member of * advertisements) present a the Hydro Lo and power is purchased at cost. LECTRICAL APPLIANCES INCLUDED IN THIS HOME Hot water a Toaster, Washing Machine, Iron, Vacuum Cleaner, Modern Lights, Misc. Applies neck out. knew Accidents just will happen. That, perhaps, is why there are so many different kinds of salads. Stove, NOTICE TO 66%; CYCLE POWER USERS OF Trafalgar Public Utilities Power Cut Off TUESDAY NOV. 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. To Undertake Necessary Repair Work TWO MONTH ACCOUNT [ Existing Oakville Rate Rate as Member Hydro Family Total K. W. Hours consumed 15 Cost Municipality. 1st 120 K.W. Hours @ 3c . $ 3. Total KW. Hours Consumed 1330 Balance K.W. Hours, 1210 @ 1.5¢ 1855 1st. 120 K.W. Hours @ 2.8¢c $ 3.36 Balance K.-W. Hours, 1210 @ 1.2¢ 14.52 Total 1330 K.W. Hours $21.75 Less 107% discount for .... .. ...... Total 1330 K.W. Hours ...... $17.88 prompt payment 2.18 Less 107 discount for prompt payment ............ 1.79 $19.57 $16.09 Saving to Domestic Consumer If Power Puchased as a Member of Hydro Family $3.48 Every Two Months OR $20.88 Each Year "YES" For Hydro Published in the Public Interest OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 23 rd Vote