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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Nov 1948, p. 10

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Page Ten THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL lassified Please Report Promptly 1,0ST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Cakville Humane Society PHO Lost and Injured Animals Huinanely Treated ANNOUNCEMENT THE LADIES AID Society of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold their annual -Christmas Baz. aar on Thursday November 25th, from three to five-thirty o'clock in the Church Hall 50:-lc-5-52 ~ JOHN FIELD wishes to an- nounce that he is no longer as- sociated with the Real state firm of G. Albert Walsh, Oak- ill 50-p-b1 WANTED WANTE! its Coy The Lorne Scots (Peel Duf- ferin and Halton Regt) Oakville. Vacancies for nco's and orderly room clerk. Information available at the Armoury Thomas St. every. Tues. night 8-10 p.m. DUMP and GENERAL TRUCK: B ecrul ing; firewood, posts, sand and gravel. Gordon Bartholomev, Lower Middle Road. Phone 342-W-13. 50tf FOR MOVING and trucking, phone 831, days; 1186-W, nights. 50p50. ~ ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and board. Phone 1111-W. 50-p-49-50-51, ROOM AND BOARD, also 1 fu nished rooms. 32 Rebecca St. 50p50-52 FOR SALE PERSONAL ALL SIZES of hard coal in| TRANSPORTATION AVAIL- stock; also Virginia lump soft coal, Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte, Ont. Phone 80-W. c50tf CLAY loam and rockery stone. Phone Clarkson 227-J. 50p50-52 DINING ROOM RUG 7 ft. by 10 ft. Reasonable price. Tel. 1282J 25-p151 MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT dark brown, large size, almost new, $12. Also black cocker span- fel pup, 4 months old, thorough- bred $10. Phone 1192] 40-p-51(= RANGETTE, Al Apply Frank Russell, condition. Oakville 85-¢-5: Bowling Lanes ~ WESTINGHOUSE electric range, side oven, four burner, new, oven control, $75.00, phone 138TW 5-p-51 NO. 1 GRADE potatoes, bag- ed and delivered, Gordon Bar- tholomew, phone 342-W-13 50-p-51 ~BROADBREASTED turkeys, Mrs. Joe Bentley, phone 430W-1 25-p-51 ABLE arrive Toronto 7.30; leave 380, Phone 503 35-p-51 "REFINED LADY desires po- sition managing residence = for gentleman or two adults. Would consider companion to lady. Ca- pable worker, pleasant person- ality, Free to travel. Phone 1151W or Box 230 Oakville-Trafalgar Journal 53-p-5: Toronto 5. gold color- of a ntigud ed necklace in the form snake. Head in torquoise red stones, valued as a sake only, finder please to E. M, O'Reilly, P. O. Box 741, or phone 12 67-p-51 | TOWN OF OAKVILLE CHILD HEALTH CENTRE Moving to "Teen Town" from the Armouries. No clinic on Nov- ember 11, 1948. Opening at "Teen BY-LAW No. 1069 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOV OF OAKVILLE A By-Law to provide for the sub- jon of a certain question for vhe opinion of the qualified elect- ors of the Town of Oakville WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oak- ville deems it advisable to sub- mit to the vote of the electors the Corporation qualified to o vote tion as to whether the said elec- tors are in favor of securing a supply of electrical power or en- ergy from THE Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario as a Cost Municipality, Power Commission Act. Power to be supplied at the present frequencies until power frequency standardization is established NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE TOWN OF OAK- VILLE enacts as follows; 1. That the following question be submitted to the electors of the Corporaion qualified to vote on money by-laws, that is to say; "Are you in favour of securing a supply of electrical power or energy from' The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, as a Cost Municipality, under Pow- er Commission Act. Power to be supplied at the present frequen- cies until power frequency stand- dardization is established". FINALLY PASSED AND EN- ACTED this 8th day of November 1948. = C, H. Byers C. V. Hillmer Clerk Mayor I, Clarence H. Byers, Clerk of the Town of Oakville, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question submitted and if the.assent of the electors is obtained to it, it will be taken into consideration by the Council afer the expiration of one month from November 11th, 1948. A tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by Sub- section 3 of Section 283, Chapter 222, R.S.0. 1937. C. H. Byers, Clerk Town" Thursday, 18th. Time 2.00 to 2.30 p.m. clean 4125 51 FORD COACH, Port Credit 25. 1937 throughout, 1941 HUDSON, 4 door sedan. Very clean throughout. Phone Friday, 12th, after 7 p.m. 464W 35¢51 EXCHANGE HOW TO SEND FUNDS AWAY SAFELY & INEXPENSIVELY If you're looking for ease, econ- omy and speed in forwarding mon- ey, you'll find satisfaction at the Bank of Montreal. B of M money orders will give you maximum security and con- 3-ROOM apartment in Toronto in exchange for similar accom- modations, 3 or 4 rooms, in Oak- ville, Box 224, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal. WANTED TO RENT TWO SUPER-careful adults plus one infant wish self-contain- ed domicile. How about letting us care for your home while you spend six months in' the south? Apply Box 220 Oakville-Journal. 35p51 FOR RENT venience at cost. They cover amounts up to a hundred dollars going to points in Can- ada or the United States. For larger amounts, Mr. Short, local branch accountant, will gladly arrange drafts for you. These can he made practically any place you wish. Mr. Short can also help when you want money transferred quickly. Hell see that it's rush- ed through the B of M's special telegraphic and cable transfer system. Try these B of M services next time" you're sending off funds. EXCLUSIVE accommodation in private home for convalescent or elderly ladies. Oakville district, excellent meals, diet service on re- quest. The Shoreleigh, Bronte, Phone 174 80p51-1 FEMALE HE women for lig] vy work. 'Atlantic Manufacturing Co. Forsythe St. Oakville. 25-tf WAITRESS for day work; also waitress for part-time work Wednesday and Saturday night. Apply Modern Cafe. 25-p-49 FULL or part time clerk soda fountain, Apply Oakville Drug. 35051 EXPERIENCED stenographer, five day week, statutory holi- days and vacations, ideal. work- ing conditions. Apply Box 227, Oakville Journal 3151 ED typist, 5 day week, statutory holidays and vacation, ideal working condi- tions, Apply Box 228," Oakville: rnal 3 HELP WANTED payable at | Say; BY-LAW No. 1070 f 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE A By-Law to provide for taking the votes of the qualified electors of the Town of Oakville on a cer- tain questi WHEREAS hy By-Law | No. 1069 of the Council of the Corpor- ation passed on the 8th day of November, 1948, provides for sub- mitting for the opinion of the el- ectors of the Corporation, quali- fied to vote on Money By-Laws, the following question, that is to "Are you in favour of securing a supply of electrical power or en from the Hydro-Electric » Commission of Ontario as Cost Municipality, under the Power Commission Act. Power to be supplied at the present fre- quencies until power frequency standardization is established". THEREFORE THE e courteous treatment youll receive and the efficient way your business will be handled will more than please you, le51 NAVIGABLE PROTECTION R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140 The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Oakville hereby gives noticethat this has, under Sec. 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Re- gistry District of the County of Halton, at Milton, a description of the site and plans of the Sewer Sy- hon Crossing proposed to be laid in the Sixteen Mile Creek at Oak- ville at the foot of Navy Street, North, and in front of lots 20 and 21, Registered Plan 347. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publi- cation of this notice The Muni- icipal Corporation of the Town of Oakville will under Sec. 7 of the safd Act apply to the Minister of Public Works' at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, WATERS ACT = IXPERIENCED woodworkers| . Dated, Oakville, Ont. this Gth. and spray gun operators; also day of November 1948. young men willing to learn. At- The Municipal Corporation of Jantic Manufacturing Co., For- The Town of Oakville syth St. Oakville. C. H. Byers, 35.tF Clerk SERVICE STATION attend- ant, experienced, apply Oakville Motors. 25le51 WALSH FOR OAKVILLE Corner Colborne & Reynolds Sts. PHONE 1307 THIS IS TO announce that Mr. J. G. Field is no longer em- ployed by this office. Any. clients Who have recently purchased or 801d properties through the Oak- ville office are advised that it be would appreciated. if they would contact Mr. A. W. Crees, elther personally or by phone at 1807. Traflagar Township NOMINATIONS Township Hall, Postville 2 o'clock noon on Friday, November 26, 1918 One reeve, one deputy' three councillors, mission of the Township of Tra- falgar, three trustees for the Trafalgar Township school area, for the year 1949. If a poll be demanded, the elect- fon to be held Monday, December ge ated November 8, 1948, Township of Trafalgar S. A. Featherstone, Cler] Township of Trafalgar COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA- on Money By-Laws, a ques-|g; under the |, TION OF THE TOWN OF OAK- VILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The vote on the said question shall be taken at the same hours, at the same places and by the same Deputy-Returning Officers as for the Said Municipal Elect- ons. 2. A statement of the said ques- tion and the notice required by. Section 280 of The Municipel Act shall be published in the fol- lowing newspapers on the days hereinafter mentioned, that is to ay: YThe Oakville-Record _ Star" November 11th, 1948, Novem- 18th, 1948 and November 25th, 1948, "fhe Oakville-Trafalgar _Jour- al" November 11th, 1948, No- vember 1948 and Novem- ber 25th, 1948. 3. On the 4th day of December, 1948, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the Mayor shall at- tend at his office in the Council Chamber on Colborne Street in the Town of Oakville and, if re- quested so to do, shall appoint in writing signed by him Awo persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, one person to attend at each "polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and de- sirous of voting in the affirma- tive on the said question, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and des- irous of voting in the negative on the said question. 4. The 8th day of December, 1948, at the said Council Chamber at the hour of 12 o'clock noon is hereby appointed as the time and place for summing up by the Clerk of the Corporation of the num- ber of votes given in the affir- mative and the negative on the said question, respectively. - FINALLY passed and enacted this 8th day of November, 1948. C. H. Byers C. V. Hillmer Clerk Mayor : (seal) TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Construction of and equipping a Hospital in Oakville, to be known as the Oakville-Trafalgar Mem- orial Hospital Voting on the question in rela- tion to the Township of Trafalgar raising $50,000,00 by sale of de- bentures to erect and equip a Hos- pital in Oakville. Notice is hereby given that the votes of the Electors ENTITLED TO VOTE ON MON- EY BY-LAWS will be taken at the elections to be held on MONDAY, the 6th day of DEC- EMBER, 1948 on the following question (which is correctly stated), viz: "Are you in favor of providing the Oakyville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital Board with $50,000.00 for the purpose of erecting and equip- ping a Hospital in the Town of Oakville, and to the issue of De- bentures to cover cost of same?" said Hospital to be known as the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital. EACH ELECTOR IS ENTITLED Municipal VOTE ON MONEY BY.LAWS. A tenant who has a lease which extends for a period of at least twenty-one years and who has, by: such lease, covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property leased (other than local improvement rates) shall, if he or she makes and FILES WITH THE CLERK OF THE MUNICIPAL ITY NOT LATER THAN THE 26th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1948, BEING A DATE not later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote, a de claration under "The Canada Bvidence Act" so stating, be en- titled to have his or her name entered on the list of Hlectors to vote on the said question. A CORPORATION assessed on the last revised assessment roll as owner or as lessee, having a lease for a period of at least _twenty- one years, shall be entitled to ap- point a nominee to vote on its be- half on this question All such ap- pointments must be in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Mun- icipality not later THAN THE 26th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1948, BEING A DATE NOT LATER than the tenth day be- fore the day appointed for tak- ing the vote. When a Corporation is a lessee, a declaration in ac- cordance with the preceding par- agraph, must also be filed. 'A list of all voters entitled to vote on the above question has been prepared and may be inspect- ed at the Clerk's Office after No- iT, falgar, Thursday, Nov, |; vember 15th. betwe 9:30 am. and 4.30 Saturdays and Sunday; ice is further that the 29th. day of 1948, at hour of 3 otice up of the votes, on the of December, 1048, at in the afternoon, by the 3 ship Clerk, on behalf of ty, sons interested in voting 1 affirmative or negative o. question. ny A. Feather 'ownshi hereby conti. the question above to by on contains a correct of the question submitt clerk of the T from the eleventh day ber, 1948. A tenant who desires must deliver to the clerk ter than the tenth day hyp the day appointed for takine vote, the declaration provide ( by Sub-section 3, of S x Chapter 266 R.S.0., 193 S.A. Featherston, ¢ Cl Township of Trataig | en the hy, i pm, excep Biven olumé 3 ole] ty thi Stony Tra certify th] Statemey ed, ang if to vot ing thy Section y 137 ) BUT BY 'Melancholy Days Have Come QUOTH THE POET THAT WAS ONLY BECAUSE HE FORGOT TO HAVE HIS CAR Winterized Hedleigh HOME Limited The Home of Chrysler-Plymouth Service | DUNDAS STREET NORTH--OAKVILLE Phone 1063 -- Evenings 887-J dents ir ded pri hroken and a ftooth I cl dents finsuran Trust asked | would of Ja time ag hap. "1 replied "The of insu oned Appli 'Trafalg to Milt led by nittee ivan, 1 Ford p matter. warded area he om------ £53 5 a SEE QUR WINDOW from $79.00 to $329.00 DISPLAY ing value in bedroom furniture. You will also see man y other lovely su MATCHED If you are interested in a suite that gives you the best in workmanship and the choicest selection of woods, plus styling that will equal anything you have seen at twice the price, come in and |nspect this outstand- GENUINE WALNUT VENEER IN A BEAUTIFUL MODERN BED ROOM SUITE PRICED AT $179.00 DRESSER EXTRA ites on our second floor to please you Cae Ro OE CE aE S00 33 CE CE CCE E008 SOE RoE a aE aCe 0 30000 be ann WE EN'OY TOMPAR!SON ANH WGCULD LIKE YOU TO VISIT OUR THREE ' COM- PLETE FLOORS OF . FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS NEEDED YOU MAY ARRANGE BUDGET TERMS TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. WE WILL ALSO STORE YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL Sch of the power a Mechanic's Dundas St. N. WANTED -- Apply -- W. WILTON HEDLEIGH HOME LTD. The Home of Chrysler - Plymouth Service PHONE 1063--EVENINGS 887-J Apprentice pl, akville 118 COLBORNE & & bis & & & 2 & & & ¥ 8 : : | OPEN SATUR DAY D 0 \l N | 0 N FURNITURE STORES EVENINGS PHONE 957 OAKVILLE mana; lic uti off wi towns

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