ple coy mewher Progress) s that y, of why bert ay here, by ered ani 1p of ty toms cul ed up ti tunnels of the un] ich take of depths ents will if answer { make by havi eck-up. THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, October Page 7 Man ui" WANTED TO PAY HIM A VISIT py Max Trell KNAF of the playroom and Hanid, the ren with the turned- stn eH were delighted to about BO tiful full moon. The looked at it, the surer that they could see Looking out' window, Knart see a hel more they they hecame face in it. i = a1 tne man - in - the - moon id to his sister. he moon weren't so far Td like to have a talk with away. " the-moon. the man-in- At that moment they heard -- chuckling behind them. It was their friend Mr. Bunch. if just heard what you were say- "guia Mr. Punch, "about hav- a talk with the man-in-the- When I was about your age, T also wanted to have a talk with him. "And did you have asked excitedly. Mr. Punch nodded, a) mean," cried Hanid, "that Jou climbed up to the moon! How ing, ing § moon. it?" Knarf "I did, in- STAMPS Old -Canadian Preferred Collections and Accumulations BOUGHT Send description to BOX 500 Odkville-Trafalgar Journal Who Lives In The Moon did you do it?" "Oh, no," said Mr. Punch, "I didn't say anything about climb- ing up to the moon. I had a talk with the man-in-the-moon all right. But it happened in quite another way than the way you think." Knarf and Hanid both wanted to know more about this wonder- Punch met a little man with a large yellow cloak. ful meeting between Mr. Punch and the man-in-the-moon. After' lighting his pipe, and settling himself comfortably in his easy chair, Mr. Punch began as fol- lows: © Mr. Punch's Story "It was quite a dark night. The moon wasn't shining at all. And you must know, my dears, that on the nights when the moon doesn't shine, it's almost certain that the man-in-the-moon is taking the evening off and is out walking somewhere." "We never thought of that," Rnarf and Hanid said in surprise. "Hardly anyone knows it," said Mr. Punch, "Well, there I was, walking down a quiet road, not far from where I live, when all at once I met a little man. He had a golden brown face, the color of toasted cheese, and he had a large yellow cloak wrapped all around him. When he saw me, he stop- ped. And, of course, I stopped too. Then he asked me a ques- tion." "What did he want to know?" asked Hanid. Never Heard of Tit "He wanted to know the way to Norwich," said Mr. Punch. "I told him I had never heard of Norwich, and he smiled and said he had never heard of it either, but someone had told him that Norwich was the place to go for cold pease porridge. He said he was very hungry for a bowl of cold pease porridge. 'It has to be ice-cold pease porridge, he said. 'I can't eat it if it's hot. "Of course," Mr. Punch went on, "I knew at once it was the elese would ever think of going to Norwich for cold pease por- ridge. So I invited him to come with me to my house." "Was it to the south?" Knarf. "Oh, yes," said Mr. Punch. "And did you give him cold pease porridge?" asked Hanid. |-- "Yes, indeed," said Mr. Punch. "And did he burn his mouth?" Knarf and Hanid asked eagerly. Mr. Punch smiled. "Not at all. I took the bowl of pease porridge right out of the ice box. It was ice-cold. He enjoyed it very much. He said he was never going to bother looking for Norwich any more. He was just going to look for me. And I see him looking for me, every time I look up at asked the moon." For Health Bowling 2 P.ifl. WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING Frank Russell, Mgr. I CE CECE 30 CE 0 E30 E30 C33 CEI EE 30 CE 33 CEC CEI TES 0E-30 CECE 0 CEA CE EEC TEER --_-- = WILLEE DEE Oakville Bowling Lanes Learn To Bowl Open For MONDAY i # i ; 8 | man-in-the-moon because nobody | HOBBY COLUMN By Wm. D. Christianson, Jr. ALBINO ROBIN SEEN The occurrence of albino ani- mals or birds is not rare but al ways invokes considerable inter- est. Last week a robin' was seen which at first puzzled those no- ticing it. This one was not a com- plete albino hut was so mottled as to remind one of a pinto horse. White splotches occurred all over its head, breast and back, but enough of its natural colour was present to readily identify the bird. In addition, when it flew its tail looked like a bunch of black and white streamers. This unusual visitor was seen twice in the vicinity of Douglas Ave. and Sumner St, and may be seen again near there until the robins have all gone south. Migration time is on and again at this time of year large flocks of birds are gathering to start their southbound journey. Bird lovers who hear strange sounds in the trees these days may catch the sight of quite a few species of warblers and others which are on their way down from their summer breeding grounds far to the north of here. Smallpox Protection Still Necessary The latest generation of Cana- dians knows little or nothing of that once-dreaded disease, small- pox. There have been very few cases in recent years, and it is doubtful if many of the nation's physicians have actually seen an active case of what once was a scourge. The reason for the disappear- ance of smallpox, of course, is SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK St By R J. SCL OLD FISH WAS TRAINED 40 DRINK N NED SSRN GLADESV|LLE, AUSTRALIA o Wio NN MARINES" lone | 1.01 fo ATLANTIC OCEAN ee ? IN 1830+ WILEY Post: on Leaves Kerr St. 7.10 a.m. 7.40 a.m. 8.10 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 10.10 a.m. 11.10 a.m. 12.40 p.m. 1.40 p.m. 2.40 p.m. 3.40 p.m. 4.40 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 6.40 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 8.40 p.m. 9.40 p.m. Bus Schedule STOP AT ALL CORNERS ON ROUTE DOUGLAS To SPRUCE To REYNOLDS OAKVILLE BUS LINES Leaves Dundas St. 9.40 a.m. 10.40 a.m. 12,00 -- 1.10 p.m. 2.10 p.m. 3.10 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.10 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 7.10 p.m. 8.10 p.m. 9.10 p.m. 10.10 p.m. vaccination--a proven ing process discovered and per- fected by England's Dr. Edward Jenner in 1796. However, while smallpox is now an almost forgotten disease, care should be taken that it does not break out again. In a "National Immunization Week" message to the nation, the Health League of Canada states this once dread scourge can again become a menace if vaccination is neglected. Vaccination and re- vaccination procedures should be maintained because there is no natural immunity to smallpox. Anyone who has not been vac- cinated can contract the disease -- vaccination is the only protec- tion. "National Immunization Week' is sponsored annually by the Health League of Canada in co- operation with official depart- ments of health. Popularity depends upon how. we treat our friends . . . and how often. TELEPHONE 711 IS YOUR RADIO READY FOR THE it . . . Be sure you hear every game from the time the "ump" hollers "Play ball" until the last = player swings out. us check your set so that doesn't fail" you the last moment. . . .¥ H. B. LOFQUIST RADIQ and REFRIGERATION Sales and Service Let at COLBORNE WANTED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Good Wages Steady Employment -- Apply at -- HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES Colborne St. - Oakville MUGGS AND SKEETER -- --{ ooreELL! 1 =] -- T = RINeALNE To --By Vic Green Colborne St. at Reynolds HAVE YOUR CAR LUBRICATED FOR THE COLDER WEATHER AHEAD OAKVILLE MOTORS CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE -- PHONE 460 -- For Courteous Service Fill Up At the Sign of the LEE) pod / NOW Oakville OAKVILLE Maxi (Owned and operated by. Devenish Bros,) TWO PHONES -- For Your Convenience | 1060 - 1061 Day and Night Service bi GL 5 - a" :