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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Sep 1948, p. 4

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Page 4 The Oakville- Trafalgar Journal "CHAMPION OF THE RIGHT" Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Oakville - Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. Colborne St. B. (Next Post Office) Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Vincent H. Bamey Advertising Manager ont, by S, Casey Wood, Jr. Managing Editor Phone 1298 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL VINNY | Trafalgar By Bessie Cairns HISTORICAL PAGEANTS Now that Tsobel Ross and El- wood Hughes have retired to their respective corners to rest up for the third round of the Olsen and Johnson fight, I have some- thing to say about historical geants. What bunch of ama- A CHANGE IS NECESSARY The request by the Linbrook Ratepayers' associa- tion that township nomination meetings be held in the future at night instead of at noon has been refused by township council. The association made the re- quest because it felt that many voters of the Linbroolk area would like to attend nominations and would not be able to do so because their business activitic took them to Toronto daily. It is impossible to understand why council made such a decision, for it is not only the Linbrook area but also Bronte and district to which an evening nom- ination meeting is important. Today the growth in the southern part of the township has made this sec- tion a vitally important part of the township. There has been a lack of under tanding of this change in the township shown by the majority of the council-- probably because, for a number of years, they have been placidly handling matters for a principally farm- ing community. This does not mean that Trafalgar township council is incapable of handling township affairs--but this decision is further evidence of a lack of ability by the majority of council to adjust them- selves to changing conditions and should be a warning signal to all township residents that this year's nom- nations and the following election are most im- portant. Despite the difficulty placed in their w we hope a strong contingent of southern residents will make the nec S fice so as to attend nominations and place before the electors the names of men who-- in the year to come--will prove themselves capable of handling changing conditions and who will take ac- tion to correct errors such as this which have been made. ARMY WEEK Canada's Citizen Army is appealing for recruits during this week, which has been set aside as "Army Week." As a member of a reserve unit, men receive training in special technical branches such as radio. They are also provided with opportunities for sports and for companionship with a fine group of men. Our regiment, the Lorne Scots, has a military record second to none in the empire, having distinguished 1f in battle on numerous occasions. We would urge all young men of the district to become members of this regiment where they will find that the commanding officer, his si off 5 and men are men for whom you will have respect and affection. The reserve army is Canada's first line of de- fence--and it should be strong and well equipped. The government provides the equipment--and pay--for the members of the regiment. All that is needed is fine men to make it the complete unit it should be. Join your reserve unit today. BOUQUETS If anyone needs proof of the service which the Chamber of Commerce renders to this community, last week provided two conclusive achievements. The Industrial Bxhibition was a large undertak- ing, and one that was handled in-a most successful manner. There was evidence on every side of the planning and work which had gone to make it the success it was, and the committee of the chamber responsible for arrangements are to be complimented on their imagination and for the feature attractions which they brought to the fair. Oakville is to have a postal delivery. Many resi- s will remember that the chamber undertook to p ome time ag They have heen working on it ever since. When one realizes how difficult and slow the task of moving the government can be, the new postal delivery is a feather in the chamber's cap. eee teurs could possibly hope to com- pete with glorious technicolor spectacles such as Henry the V? ... The exhibition historical page- ants, with their huge casts, de- pended mostly on amateurs. Any- one who had ever marched in a parade was, if not commandeered, at least offered a job. The re- sult was usually something about as animated as a still life paint- ing, the musical ride heing the only act with any zip to it, and where that fitted into the history of Canada I fail to see. My eldest brother belonged at one time to the Mississauga Horse Guards and as a result was part of the show, his was in fact a leading part. He was delegated to bring in the King of England on a horse. Lest I be charged with treason, I can honestly say I didn't know which king. How- ever, just before the opening per- formance, his Royal Highness hav- ing imbibed too freely, was forc- ed to make a hurried abdication. Everybody moved up one. Harry mounted the horse and no one in the audience noticed that his re- tinue was a man short. All who had played any part lin the history of Canada from Lief the Lucky to the Fathers of Confederation paraded in dull monotony across the stage. . . . Tach province had a showing, too . . representatives of all parts of the Empire joined in the march past (that might prove a little humiliating today). Finally Sritannia, usually a full-bosomed woman, draped in a Union Jack and carry appeared in the centre stage, and we all joined in Your Symbol of Protection When you run a fever--feel. run down or need a physical check-up--see your family physician. Ile will prescribe for you the medicine to make you well. Let us fill-that prescription at our store, where only quali- fied Pharmacists, using fresh, quality drugs, are employed. LET OUR STORE BE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR DRUG STORE NEEDS Oakville Drug Co. Limited Len Hope, Mgr. Phone 94 OAKVILLE chorus of "Britannia Rules the Waves." That, too, is a contro- versial point at the present time. In the course of years, Wolfe and Montcalm had died heroes' deaths so often that the audience was no longer sympathetic, no one cared any more whether the Indians scalped the Jesuits or vice versa. The program committee found it necessary to delve deeper into history . . . as far back as Julius Caesar. A prize was offer- ed for the woman whose height, weight and 'measurements -- no mention was made of how they arrived at their figures--came closest to those of the Egyptian five feet tall and tipped the scales Letters To The Editor The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, Oakville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Wood: During the years I had the privilege of serving the people o Toronto as mayor, I formed a keen appreciation of the value of the support given by newspapers in furthering any worthy cause vitally associated with the wel fare of the citizens. 7 It is that knowledge that prompts me to address myself to you at this time, as your Hydro chairman, to enlist your support and co-operation in helping, in every way possible, to save power during the fall and winter months. Hydro, as you probably know, is pressing forward on schedule with its $320 million construction program which, progressively over the next two or three years, will increase our power resources by over 1,000,000 horsepower. But, pending completion of that program, and particularly in the coming fall and winter, it is im- portant that every man, woman and child in Ontario play his or her part in saving electricity in order that we may maintain max mum employment and prosper- Queen. She was, I believe, about at a comfortable 138 pounds. Most women who thought they had the allure to fill the roll were rejected as underweight. In the actual pageant the winner was so far away from the audi- ence that she might is well have been the Egyptian princess whose mummified body is! still the fea- ture attraction for the youngsters at the Royal Ontario Museum. The crowd turned thumbs down on the great lovers of history. Montezuma and his Aztec court was another offering. The story of Cortez and the Spanish inva- sion had evidently not been very well taught in Canadian schools. Even after the performance the audience weren't quite sure wheth- er you drank Montezuma or ate him. A hue and cry went up from ity. We must not lose sight of the fact that Ontario is experi- encing the greatest period of in- dustrial and economic expansion in its history. The fact that there is a power shortage is an eloquent indication of that happy condi- tion. True, we are introducing re- strictions in the use of electricity for certain purposes. However, we must attain our greatest sav- ing through the voluntary efforts of all Hydro consumers. That sav- ing can be achieved in many Ways. Tt is important that people form the habit of using power for lights and the operation of many elec trical appliances only when it is required. If the habit of saving power every day, and 24 hours a day, can be formed we will all get through this period without very much inconvenience. 1 am, therefore, enlisting the co-operation of the press in re- iterating the "waste not, want not" maxim as related to the use of power during the fall and win- ter months. Any support you can give Hydro through your news and editorial columns will be sin- cerely appreciated for you will be rendering a great public serv- ice, not only to your Hydro but to all your fellow citizens and to the province of Ontario. Yours sincerely, Robt. H. Saunders, Chairman. the irate public and for a while it seemed as if the next act would be the burning at the stake of the Exhibition entertainment com- | mittee. Not having seen Olsen and Johnson since "Hell's a Poppin'," I am no judge of their show. I think, however, that the Oakville Chamber of Commerce made a very wise decision at their recent exhibition when they let the crowd entertain themselves. There was a lot to be said for the home town show and no bad feelings afterwards. A GOVERNMENT ANNUITY is your safeguard against dependency in your old age. Prepare for your future now -- then you will never need to look back and say re- gretfully, "If Only . A low-cost Canadian Government Annuity guarantees you as much as $1200 a year for life. No Medical Examination is required. Your Annuity cannot be seized under any law. You cannot lose your money even if your payments fall HUMPHREY RMITCHELL Ministar into arrears. @ Anyone, from 5 to 85, is eligible. Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR A. MacNAMARA Doputy Minister G&G gvesrinpnent oh CFovide for OI, Age : Mail this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE Coredion NNUITIES NAME Annultios Branch, Dapartment of Labour, Ottawa. Plaaso sond me COMPLETE ADDRESS (PRINT CLEARLY) In the wide list of activities offered by the Canadian As the armoury is their personal training and camp. Force unit's "open house, parades or demonstrations during Army Weck, 20-26 September. Call at the armoury of the regiment of your choice, NOW! Thursday, Sept. 23, 1945 The Music Album By Irven Fell At the expense of being pop. boiled in the sun, I sat and listen, ed to two different band program, at the main bandstand of the gy People, it seems to me, liste (, the bands, partly to rest (he, weary feet. I Know of no bet way of forgetting physical tiey. ness at the Bx than listening (, one of the many fine bands. Hoy. ever, no matter how excellent to program, it is very difficult forget the Sun, 50 you spend three cents, buy @ newspaper and ug it for.a sun shade. It is quite sight to see all the people sitting there holding a newspaper over their heads. Some of the papers are folded into creations {ng could easily be the envy of q smart millinery designer. It was during the concert of the Waterloo Musical Society hand that there was a demonstig. tion of the "show must go om spirit. About halfway through the program a uniformed official walked on to the band shell ang handed a paper to the conductor, Mr, Charles Theile, who, in a fey seconds, walked to the 'mike' and announced that one of the cars bringing some of his musi. cians to Toronto had met with an accident. "We are' playing with. out five of our musicians. I am happy to say that only one hat (Continued on page §) over It's a cenre of activity--your local armoury, just hum: ming with activity for menwithafewevenings tospase. Reserve Force, you'll find things to turn those odd free evenings into interesting and even exciting ones. You'll enjoy the full programme of social and sports events. You'll be "one of the gang" --with other Reserve Force men who are finding that "'clubhouse"'. All the latest equipment and weapons are now being used for Reserve Force training. The summer camp sessions give you the opportunity to get away and out into the open. To top it all, you will receive full Active Force pay for all time spent in *'SEE FOR YOURSELF" by visiting your local Reserve Service Your ocqf phursd E-- The in co Counts meetin ton, ol at 8D. produc ton co! The Chur teriolo inary College Mr challer Your County Regiment is THE LORNE SCOTS (PEEL, DUFFERIN AND HALTON REGIMENT) For Full Particulars Regarding Enlistment Apply at Any of the Following Centres:-- Brampton Armoury - Tuesday or Thursday Nights Port Credit - Clarke Hall - Thursday Night Oakville Armoury - Tuesday Night Georgetown Armoury - Tuesday Night Milton Armoury - Thursday Night Orangeville Armoury - Thursday Night

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