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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Sep 1948, p. 10

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Page 10 ] THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL assified PERSONAL Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS ~ DRESSMAKING, alterations, t etc; good work at reasonable 0 tates. Phone Mrs. Brooks, Bronte Cakville Humane Society |76-J. p-43-44 PHONE 515 x haa Lost and Injured Animals Hunanely Treated ANNOUN a ye WALSH FOR OAKVILLE CEMENT 'Phe Man With the Choice" ---------- | (, Jolborne & Randall Sts. Gorden Rule Chapter 120, Order | °F HL on of the Eastern Star, are holding a bazaar on September 30th, in the Masonic Hall. There will be a fancy work booth, home-made cooking and various other articles for sale; also afternoon tea served ¢ from 2.30 pm. till 5 pm. en: LOTS Notice to building-contrac- tors and others intending to build in the town of Oakville: EXHAUST FAN, new auto:| Wes are now prepared fo matic louvres for window or wall | offer for sale in a highly Talon on or capacity, serviced area in 3 vestritted 1uSt-proo inish; suitable for ried s from i large kitchen or other application. Snr, lot: $ $1800, Phone 1111-W. $30 per foot. : 94.p-42.44| Some of these lots are situ- ne Ln To Toney, | ated running down to the excellent flavour; this year's crop. "Mi hn C. D. Chisholm, 306-M. 62 Dundas banks of i Mile rE 2 North. 26-p-44 | all lots offer a perfec ome- ~ BABY PRAM, navy, good |Site for discerning people. condition: $15.00. Phone T41-W.| These lots can be seen at -- CPRIGHT TTANO, LE any time from 9 am. to 8 P] T NO, nice condi- al for cndlaren |D-T- BhY ager 7 ok ns music, Phone 457-W_after | Saturday, when is office 7 pam. 27.p-44 | closes at 6 p.m. 1935 PONTIAC dele sedan; We still have two of the Pore bain one-and-one-half CLARE JEWEL gas range; storey bungalows - aly for A ve: new cons [delivery by: Decemperidst. dition. Also washing machine. Apply over Bowling Alley, be- . Li . tween 5 and 7 p.m. oui |Exclusive Listings ~ BROWN AND white checked sports coat, size 32 to 34; good ark Er NOTICE A Thanksgiving euchre will be held in St. Mary's School Hall, under the auspices of the Junior C.W.L, on Wednesday, October Turkey and Admission 35C. 55-lc-44-45 6th, at 8.30 pm chicken prizes. "FOR SALE EEE EUR 79 HELP WANTED MALE Ze CARPENTERS AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION vertiable oh LABORERS Li rer Grand Central Station Saturday . aw - Full Pay While Learning | trop those from out-of-town Highest Wages - Steady Work - ne-Year Jol, Regular Wage Increases | op entrance to Oakvilles Th _ Apply -- : No Previous Experience qustrial Fair. Phyl Grammell and W. C. BRENNAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Necessary stationed at the ? 3 VACATION WITH PAY a claim Oakville-Trafalgar High School 5-DAY WEEK the title of "The Informants." Oakville - Ontario Age 16 to 25 Years Two Years' High School Education Required APPLY IN PERSON But then again, when i it comes to GME giving infor- mation to people. inter- ested in Oakville in- dustries -- that is'nt any trouble -- in fact it is more of an honour to proudly show. the way to the 36 on display in the --to-- CHIEF OPERATOR The BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada BRONTE BECOME A BUSINESS OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE TO DEAL WITH THE PUBLIC High School Matriculants --or-- fine exhibits University Graduates arena. 18 to 25 years of age The crowd at Club "20" sur- FIVE-DAY WEEK passed that of the preceding Sat- INTERESTING WORK | urday, which, we feel, is partly GOOD PAY due to the announcement made SCHEDULED INCREASES | very obligingly over the PA sys- Apply in Person tem at the fair. \ t Have you ever had the urge to assume the role of maestro, stand up on the podium, baton in hand, and just see what kind of rhythm EARTH FOR SALE | ANY QUANTITY Apply Superintendent on Job W. C. BRENNAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Oakville-Trafalgar High School Oakville = Ontario GIRLS WANTED 16 - 30 Years of Age LIGHT FACTORY WORK o the EMPLOYMENT CENTRE The BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada - you could make an orchestra pro K ONDITIO 76 ADELAIDE ST. W. duce? Well, hold onto your hat GOOD WORKNG CONDITIONS Toronto and start practising that baton's CAFETERIA SERVICES Or to the Manager beat because you're going. to get al r your chance to prove yourself-an- ; i OAKVILLE other Dorsey or James "sans I' -- Monday to Friday -- PARENTS PLANNING FOR | instrument" Herbie is relin- FUTURE EXPENSES quishing his sfand--and you "lead GOOD PAY the band." Victoria Hall got its fall clean- ing started on Sunday when Mary When family allowances were | McCartney, Jack Wilson, Betty introduced in Canada, they were|and Murray Dynes, Ray Smith, designed to raise the standard of | 4) and Roy LaSalles shouldered living in Canada according to the : : en brooms and made a clean sweep nts hove wed melof the cl mally Bb the results money in many ways--for food, |of four hours' work were any: Clothing end education. In some| thing but completely satisfying. goss Puienty ov depositing the | unyone know where we can get cheques in a separate savings ac- eques in a separate savings act|, ;mited quantities of Dreft, Bank of Montreal Co-operates In Savings Plan Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd LAMP DIVISION QUEEN ELIZABETH HIGHWAY - OAKVILLE tion. $8.00, Phone 824-M.| §7,000--Living room, dining 2h S5e-14 room, 3 bedrooms, mm Tantle radio, practically new: Low down payment. 1-3 hp, electric H.D. motor. 87 In good area. See Kerr St, Oakville. 35-p-44 us at once if you HOUSE, six rooms, well built; desire value. available immediately. Terms. a Phone 586. 25-p-44 | $12,500--Spacious living BENCH SAW with tilt table; spinning wheel and carding ma- chine, like new. Will demonstrate in town if advised. F. BE. Cote, R.R. 2, Oakville, Queen Elizabeth and Third Line. 49-p-44 ONE DOZEN Sterling s dessert knives and forks, $ 2 cut-glass decanters, each $15; room, dining room, 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. West side of town, south of highway, on large lot. Hot air. Air- conditioned and hu- Simmons double bed, mattress, midified. Spring, $25; cut-glass bowl, $25; a, maids' uniforms, $10; stuffed chair 0; bedroom table, $4; G. ALBERT WALSH Real Estate Broker Phone 1307 ,'$3; cocktail and wine glasses. Telephone 995-W. 79-p-44 --PBICYOLE, C.CM., brand new; an outstanding bargain. Phone 73. 35-c-4: above Bargains and many UPHOLSTERING or drape ma- 2 hers. Priced Right. terial in warm brown shade. Phone 1042-J 50-p-44-46 "BLACK WOOL winter coat, chamois lined, velvet trim, size 12; like new. Phone 1042-J. 25-p-44 FOR RENT TO RENT for five months, from November 15th, new, modern house, fully furnished. Three bed- rooms, automatic air-conditioned heating, oil fired. Automatic hot water heater; lovely views over ------ FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS for day work; also waitress for part-time work Wed- nesday and Saturday night. Ap- ply Modern Caf 0-p-43-44 YOUNG WOMAN for regular occasional assistance in the lib- rary; guaranteed weekly mini- mum. Please make application to the librarian. lake. Rent $150 per month. = SE Adults only.. Apply Jarvis & TELEPHONE Ryrie, phone 490. T5-1c-44 OPERATORS FURNISHED room; also board and room, at 21 Forsyth Street. 25-p-44 ih OAKVILLE Full Pay While Learning Regular Wage Increases No Previous Experience ROOM AND BOARD. 35: 1111-W. 44 Necessary £ = = ACAT H WANTED TO RENT Y caTion wn LE FLAT, APARTMENT or other suitable quarters, furnished or un- furnished, wanted by young wi- dow. Phone 1178-J. 50-p-44-46 TWO OR three bedroom house or apartment, unfurnished, in or near Oakville; wife and 2 boys aged 6 years and 6 months. Will lease up to two years if desirable. Occupancy soon as possible. Ref erences on request. Lt.-Col. De Mounteer, Cdn, Army Staff Col- lege, Kingston, Ont. 97-c-44 ord Forty-Niner" STIRLING - DYNES Age 16 to 25 Years Two Years' High School Education Required APPLY IN PERSON --to-- CHIEF OPERATOR h The BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada OAKVILLE count for the children. A sants who deposit their fam-1Duteh Cleanser, and above all, a ily allowance cheques at the B of | sure cure for dishpan hands? M tell me the plan has two main advantages," said Mr. Reade, local manager of the Bank of Montreal. "As their children grow up, SO their bank accounts grow too-- ready money when the time comes to go about choosing a Vvo- § Ride To School or Work In Safety Don't Take A Chance On Poor Tires Power Savings Drive (Continued from Page 1) the amount of power required to cation." illuminate a bulb. "In a few min- "Another advantage is that the utes, a stove element uses children take a keen interest in| much juice as a bulb, will use all First Quality Watching their savings accounts| evening BICYCLE TIRES .............. $1.75 grow. One youngster worked out |": =! ; A 5 bis account with his dad and found | Wives can save plenty if theyll (28" x 175") he'd have over $6 tion account by the time he reach- ed 16. So he decided to save ; a Something of his own each month L200, 75 seen, PROURES MP. Se sas ga unless mevings) ate recorded, he warned again, daily dded| Gowns may be expected in good BICYCLE TUBES . $1.45 Use Eye Shields When Riding - Keep Dust and Wind Out of Your Eyes -- 10c -- 000. "That type of planning," a Reade, "makes' for Also a Complete Line of . .. BICYCLE ENAMEL ---- BURK'S AUTO SUPPLY a. ST. N. OAKVILY -- PHONE 1129-M -- Sere EE REE CHORE i They affect phase of community life--particu- larly the pay envelope." In the township, R. H. Phillip, manager of Trafalgar Public Utilities Commission, announced the daily allotment has been: cut from 7,900 to 7,300 kilowatt hours. "Normally we run over the 10,000 mark each day, so this represents a slash of about 27 per cent," he stated. 8: p= HAN Girl Guides By Mis. Irven Fell The 2nd Oakville Guide com- pany will start fall meetings on Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock in the Scout hut. The old mem- bers of the 2nd company will no- IS MOTHER "Oh Ma - The Dent Maker" Or - Maybe It's "Oh Pa!" McKinley, who was a Guide in England before coming to Canada We are very fortunate in she will have the co-operation of all the Guides. Oakville is still badly in need of Guides, and we hope that when we ask some of the girls in town to help out, they won't all with one accord start to make ex- cuses. The work with the Guides is remarkably interesting and it is a splendid chance for the older girls to help the younger ones. I believe the 1st and 3rd com- panies, also the Brownie packs got away to a good start last week. Next week there is to be a "flying up" ceremony at Teen Town. That is, the older Brownies But in either case Bring that Fender WANTED MAN FOR POLICE DUTIES Preference to Veterans GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION APPLICATON FORMS AVAILABLE AT POLICE STATION Qakville Police Department To us for quality repair move up into the Guide compan- jes. If there are any former Guides who have uniforms which they are not going to use again, would they please phone me at 328, These uniforms are an ex- pense to buy and there is no use leaving them in the cupboard for the moths to live on. Hedleigh Home Limite! The Home of Chrysler - Plymouth Service When a man has a birthday he takes a day off--a woman, on the other hand, is more inclined to take a year off. DUNDAS STREET N. oAKY Phone 1063 - Evenings 887-J an tak hours ¢ consum hours. abliche tion, b fveen hointed fer was hesult Hydro to em) basis | owable fphatica Inds hair Hydro Fee al f the ulted ounci ther

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