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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 May 1948, p. 10

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Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 13th, 1948 COUNCIL REVISES PARKING BY-LAW (Continued from Page 1) May 81st to June 5th. The thea- tre also offered to run a special matinee for the school students free of charge to show a special film. Council deferred a deci- sion on this until the board of edu- cation could be consulted. The $7,000 offer of Ying Chong. for the town property the north side of Colborne Street was accepted. Two stores and two apartments will be built, with a cleaning and pressing establish- ment at the on rear. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS FOR SALE No. 1 body HARDWOOD, cut any length. Gordon Bartholomew, Phone *342-W-13. MOSSBERG .22 rifle, repeater, with two. clips; 200 rounds am- ° MEMBERS AND ALL INTERESTED PERSONS CCF .are requested to report to C. C. F. HEADQUARTERS 40 CHURCH ST., OAKVILLE -- at 7 p.m. -- * FRIDAY, MAY 21st Sponsored by Halton C.C.F. Association DUNDAS ST. N. Only Ice Refrigerators Are Air Conditioned Over $300.00 Cheaper than other Refrigerators. On Display at HILLMERS FUEL & ICE CO. PHONE 23 THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA- TION OF WARD 5 Will hold a Euchre and Dance Prizes - --in-- Palese Community Hall --on-- FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28th 1948, at 8:30 Speaker: STAN HALL Lunch Supplied Everybody Welcome - Free Admission HALL FOR HALTON - Bennett's Orchestra unition; $20.00. Apply Box GUERNEY RANGE, combina: tion electric' with coal or wood; almost new. Phore 218-3, p-25 1930 FORD. convertible, model A; good mechanical order; seal beam headlights. Apply Oakville Motors. 35-c-26 FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED TYPIST, to assist in invoicing, experience not absolutely neces: sary. Phone 320. Clark. Apply to R. 320 25-p-26 ROOM to rent, by single man, Apply Box 208, Journal. WANTED TO RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of HAUGHTON OLIFFORD. LAIRD, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of HAUGHTON CLIFFORD LAIRD, Town of Oakville, in the County of Halton, Optometrist, deceased, late of the who died on or about the 28th day of March, 1948, are hereby noti- fied to send to McMillan & Isard, Oakville, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said HAUGHTON CLIFFORD deceased, on or before the A GRAVELY hand tractor, in good condition, with culivator; sacrifice. Phone Clarkson 210-J. 50-p-26 NEW AUTOMATIC oil water heater, DéLuxe model; 30-gallon capacity. $150. Also cool stove, equipped with 6" twin "silent glow" oil burners. Phone 995-1. 2 43-p-26 HELP WANTED PART-TIME gardener for small estate, Must be qualified to get results. Box 207, Journal. ---p-25 FULL or part-time canvasser for house to house calls. Liberal commission to right man or wo- man, Apply Box 208, Journal. p-35 APPRENTICE to learn the printing trade. Apply in writing, stating full particulars. The Oak- ville-Trafalgar Jou FOR RENT OFFICE accommodation, tral location, Colborne St. cen- Phone 25-p-26 BOARD and 'room at 21 For- syth St. 50-p-26-28 ~ CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many neighbors, friends, relatives and business firms during our recent --Ella_an Whitaker and Family. IN MEMORIAM BARKER--In loving memory of a very dear Father, James H. Barker, who passed away- May 25th, 1943. His last parting wish, - We would like to have heard, And breathed in his ear Our last parting words. Only those who have lost Are able to tell The pain in our hearts - In not saying farewell. -- Sadly missed by his son and wife, Gwyneth and Bob. The new Waterloo Garden Trac- in 1% H. ATRD, 20th day of June, 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the 20th day of June, 1948, the assets of the said deceased will be distrib- thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Soli- citors for the Executor shall then Bove notice. D at Oakville, Ontario, this 17th day of May; 1948. McMILLAN & ISARD, Solicitors for the Executor, E 139 Colborne St. E. uted among the parties entitled] ACCOMMODATION wanted by woman with small child; Some ser vices in_ exchange if desired. Box 110, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 35-p-26 'TIRE BLOWS OUT [¢ AR ROLLS \OVER Angus MacDonald Bowies, of; Hamilton, extracted himself from his car that had turned upside down on the Queen Elizabeth highway, and escaped with only a shaking up, LOCAL SONGSTERS WIN HONOURS _ (Continued- from Page 1) cator. There were 18 entries: in this class, the winner getting 86 points, second-84 points. Ronnie got 78 points, which will indicate the keenness of the competition. It was the same in the girls' class. While the Oakville entries did not get first or second, they Qakville, Ont. _ | considering they had never Sung. (school has 'been in first place did! get 76 and 78 points again; the winner's 86, which indicates how close they were, especially in competition before. Davig Cook, of Central school, came second in the over 12 years clasg and sang very well. Linbrook school, with an entry in the rural school choirs with 28 voices, got first in its class. This again is not the first time this Steven Irwin came second in hig class and Carol Merry came thirg, Both are pupils of Linbrook. The Maple Grove school on the gt line came second in the class for two- and three-room schools, while Pineview came third in its class. rural School Bronte public school captured second place with its choir of 30 voice maximum class. As indi cated at the start of this: article, to 'get results means work, pa. tience and attention to detail ana Oakville and district can be just. ly proud of its record, Baseball Exhibiticn Mahers (TORONTO) -- VS. -- < ~~ Oakville at 3 p.m. Saturday May 22nd == "OPENING GAME Halton County : Georgetown -- AT -- OAKVILLE 3 p.m. VICTORIA PARK Monday May Z4th - ADULTS, 35¢c - CHILDREN 15¢ tors are now P, and 3 HP. sizes, with a full line of implements, including a 247, power-driven lawn TOWer. See These Before You Buy E. D. GREEN 8TH LINE .- OAKVILLE International Harvester Dealer PHONE 350 it in just two days. precision-built to standards. DUNDAS ST. NORTH CHRYSLER - You can get real new-engine perform- ance with a Chrysler Method Remanu- factured Engine--and, we can install These engines are Chrysler Parts which do not meet factory specifications are replaced with Genuine Chrysler-engineered parts. DON'T REPAIR . . . REPLACE!! ASK US ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN Hedleigh Home Ltd. PLYMOUTH - NEW Engine Performance IN JUST TWO DAYS 'Replace That ""Worn-Out"* Engine With A. . Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine factory. APPROVED SERVICE : DODGE - Every engine gets a NEW crankshaft. Tivery engine is Dynamometer-tested and fully guaranteed to give new-engine performance. See us today. Let us save you time and money by installing a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrys- ler-built car or truck. ' PHONE 1036 DE SOTO - FARGO PUBLIC MEETING - AT THE - GREGORY THEATRE Thursday, May 97th, at 8.15 p.m. SPEAKERS STANLEY HALL, MP.P. Progressive Conservative Candidate The Hon. Leslie E. Blackwell Attorney General KEEP ONTARIO STRONG VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE "Hall for Halton a EVERYBODY WELCOME Issued by Halton ;Progressive Conservative Association A plai cen ago peri ing loce (

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